Hey guys, this is just an idea I had floating around me head. Let me know what you think, and if I should continue on :)
Chapter 1- How To Get Noticed
Rose hated being compared to other members of her family, even from a young age. She just wanted to be her own person, but instead she had been stuck dealing with people's assumptions of who she was based on who her family was. Her mother and father expected her to be studious, like Hermione, and though Rose did love reading she could think of other things that she would rather do too, like playing quidditch with her cousins. Her Uncle George and Uncle Charlie would comment, when they thought she couldn't hear of course, that she would probably be a killjoy, who followed the rules to a stick, just like her mother, even though Rose pulled just as many pranks as James and Fred Jr, the difference being she never got caught. Even Uncle Harry, who was supposed to be opposed to judging a book by its cover, would make comments to his wife, Ginny, about Rose when she wasn't around.
"Poor girl," she once heard him say, "she might be smart but she'll never quite reach Hermione's brains, man, Hermione was scary smart though." The only person who didn't seem to compare her to anyone was Uncle Bill, and a few of her cousins. Lily had been closest to Rose growing up, second only to Albus and her brother Hugo. Rose just wanted the judgement to stop. For the first eleven years her life, she was judged by her family, on how they thought she should be, so when she got her Hogwarts letter, Rose decided that she would do everything she could to be different from the rest of her cousins, and the generation before them, to be her own person. So, when Ron told her on the platform not to be nice to Scorpius Malfoy, Rose had a brilliant idea. She would befriend Scorpius, and be sorted into Slytherin with him. She would be the first Weasley in Slytherin, and the first to overcome the prejudice towards the Malfoys and bridge the gap. But then, of course, just like in everything else, her cousin had to beat her to it. By the time Rose found Scorpius on the train, he was already sitting in a compartment and laughing with Albus, so instead Rose found another compartment with Lorcan Scamander. Lorcan and his twin brother Lysander had practically grown up with her, with their parents being invited over for every family event, including the weekly family dinner at the burrow. When she sat down, she said hello to Lorcan and pulled out the textbooks for this year, rereading them even though she knew them by heart. When they reached the school, Rose sat down in a boat by herself, watching as Albus jumped into one with Scorpius Malfoy, Lysander Scamander, and an Italian boy. She sighed and looked down, realizing that perhaps she was just like her mother, and she would be alone for her first few months at Hogwarts. She watched as everyone joined their friends in boats, Lorcan joining Alice Longbottom, Arianna Finnegan, and Luke Wood, and realized that she actually might make the boat ride alone as everyone else seemed to be in a boat already. Her heart sank until she watched one last straggler running along, who jumped into the boat with her. Rose smiled gently and extended her hand towards the dark-haired girl.
"Rose Weasley," she said, shaking the other girls hand,
"Theresa Zabini." The girls made small talk as the boat crossed the river and stuck together throughout the journey to the great hall. Rose watched as people were called up to the front.
"Brianna Applebee" The hat sat on the girls head for a few seconds before calling out, "Hufflepuff." The names seemed to fly by.
"Arianna Finnegan, Gryffindor"
"Alice Longbottom, Gryffindor" Rose looked up to see her Uncle Neville's face light up in a smile. Rose knew her Uncle Neville best of all her uncles, she spent a lot of time with him, and was happy to see him smile.
"Scorpius Malfoy," the whole hall went deadly quiet as Scorpius approached the stool. He placed it on his head, and it stayed there for 2 minutes and 34 seconds according to Rose's count, before calling out "Slytherin" A few more name passed, and the chatter began to pick up quietly, until it died down for
"Albus Potter" the hat remained on Al's head longer than anyone else so far, reaching 4 minutes and 46 seconds before calling out "Gryffindor." Rose watched the relief spread across her families' faces as Al made his way over to Gryffindor, looking somewhat disappointed.
"Lorcan Scamander, Hufflepuff"
"Lysander Scamander, Ravenclaw" A few names passed, and suddenly it was Rose's turn. She walked to the front and placed the hat on her had.
"Ah- another Weasley, I know just what to... wait a minute, there is something different about you. Ah yes, you are Miss Granger's daughter" Rose felt anger surge through her that even the hat was comparing her to her mother. She heard it chuckle in her head, and felt her face heat up remembering he could hear her. "You're going to be a tough one, just like she was, but for different reasons. You have a lot of your father in you too, he always wanted to prove that he was different than his brothers too, better even. You would fit most anywhere. You are obviously very brave, family trait it appears. I sense great things in your future, and being in Gryffindor with your family to support you could be very helpful."
"Anything but Gryffindor" Rose thought towards the hat, "Hmm, well Ravenclaw would be the choice everyone expected if you weren't in Gryffindor. There is no doing you are extremely intelligent, more so than your mother if I dare say so, despite what others may think," Rose felt heart soar hearing that the hat thought she outshined her mother in something, "You would match in with Hufflepuff, you are exceedingly loyal, and despite the front you put up and how much they irritate you at times, you love your family deeply, and would do just about anything for them. But despite all of that, you also possess Slytherin qualities. It's quite obvious you have a thirst to prove yourself, and you are obviously very cunning. You would make a fabulous addition to the family joke shop. I quite enjoyed the one where you turned your brother skin orange and his hair purple for a week, very powerful magic for an 8-year-old." Rose giggled, "I was inspired by the oompa-loompas" Rose the hats chuckle before he continued, "The only question left is where to put you," Rose's internal clock kicked in then and she realized that she had been sat on the stool for 9 minutes and 23 seconds. The hat continued its inner debate, and said "Well, if you want to stand out, I guess it better be" and here he switched to an out loud voice "Slytherin." The whole hall was deathly silent, and Rose proudly lifted her chin, removed the hat from her head, setting it back on the stool as she made her way over to the Slytherin table, taking a seat beside Scorpius. She looked up to the three other house tables and could see her cousins staring at her with open jaws, minus James and Fred Jr who were sending her glares. She felt a sharb stab of pain from this, put brushed it off and returned her focus to the sorting ceremony.
"Luke Wood, Gryffindor"
"Alex Zabini" Rose watched as the Italian boy who sat in the boat with Albus ascended towards the hat realizing he must be Theresa's brother, Zabini was not a common last name. "Gryffindor" the hat called out after a few seconds. She watched the shock spread across the boys face, and he slowly removed, walking to the Gryffindor table, and plopping down beside Al.
"Theresa Zabini, Slytherin" Theresa smiled, and sat down beside Rose.
"What a night" she said, smiling kindly at Rose, and Scorpius, both nodding in return. Rose turned her attention to Scorpius and stuck out her had,
"I'm Rose by the way" Scorpius looked her and began to laugh, "What?" Rose inquired, beginning to feel self-conscious.
"As if anyone doesn't know who you are, you're a Weasley," Rose glared at him and repled,
"No, I'm Rose, not Rose Weasley, just Rose. And you are Scorpius, just Scorpius, not a Malfoy."
"Oh?" he responded, raising an eyebrow, "So what you are saying is, you don't hate me because your family hates my family,"
"Nope," Rose replied, popping the 'p', "And you don't hate me because your family hates mine either. We are just Rose and Scorpius, and we can make our own opinions about each other." Scropius grinned and finally shook her outstretched hand,
"I'd like that Rose, I'd like that a lot." After that, Scorpius, Theresa, Rose and Jacob Nott spent the rest of the evening laughing, and getting to know each other at the welcome feast, all ignoring each other's surnames, and for that moment, Rose finally felt like she belonged somewhere because she was her, not because her mother was Hermione Granger and her father was Ronald Weasley, but because she was Rose. But like most times in Rose's life, her happiness was to be short lived.