Hi guys:)

This is my first fanfic ever! I am a HUGE Kyman fan and I thought I'd give writing a try. I had a story which I think just works playing around in my head and I had to write it!

Please don't hesitate to review and let me know if I did good!

Just letting you know, this story is from Kyle's POV.

Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate it!

Disclaimer: I don't own South Park or any of it's characters. I wish I fucking did though!

Chapter 1: Another day. Another memory.

I had the same dream again last night.

You remember, right? The one where we sit on his mum's car looking at the stars and everything's just so fucking perfect. It's when I wake up in the morning that I realise just how depressed I am. I need to snap out of it, I'm 16 years old! I'm supposed to be living life to the full and doing things like going to parties, getting drunk and getting laid. That kinda sounds alien to me though...

"Kyle, dude are you okay?"

I look beside me at a concerned Stan, my best friend. My super best friend. I smile the best fake smile I can, that's my new talent, I'd say, fake smiling. "Yeah Stan, I'm okay." I almost whisper. I don't think he was very convinced, he just nods at me and I turn to look out the bus window. Watching Colorado zoom by.

Wait, are you new?

When did you last see me? Elementary school?

Allow me to fill you in... alot has changed since then. I haven't changed as much as others however. Like many others, I have permanently ditched wearing my hat. I love that ushanka, don't get me wrong, it's my favourite colour. People always told me it went with my eyes. I guess I just wanted to keep up with all the fashion and shit, the hat was okay, but not particularly attractive. I didn't get rid of it, I just put it away... somewhere. I also had my fro tamed... that's right, I had a hair cut. It's now much neater and actually looks decent. Believe it or not, I don't really think I've grown much. I'm about 5"7, which isn't too bad. There are some taller and shorter people.

Stan, aka my super best friend, is still that. He's also ditched the hat and grown taller. He's a couple more inches taller than me, and has a lot more muscle.

Fuck that, I barely have any muscle myself.

Stan gets a lot of lady attention. He's really popular I guess you could say. However, his heart belongs to Wendy, who he's been dating for over a year, maybe two years, Moses knows. I've been asked out by a couple of girls... but always turned them down. I have a good reason for that, of course.

Kenny was late to class again. He stumbled into the classroom and took his seat which was directly behind me. He stunk of marijuana. Great. Me and Stan have told him time and time again about drugs, but he really doesn't give a shit about what we tell him. Stan, who sits to the left of me, turns around and snickers at him before turning back around to make himself look like he was paying attention to Mr. Garrison.

Kenny? Oh yeah, he's changed a lot. His orange parka is no more! He has a face, if you were wondering.

An attractive face. He gets attention, more than Stan does. However, Kenny uses it differently. What I'm trying to say... well... how can I put it delicately?

Kenny McCormick is a man-whore.

He uses his good looks to get girls into bed with him. He has lovely, long-ish blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

I wish I looked like him.

Nobody likes Friday. You can tell. Every single student in this room looks half asleep and that they'd really like to be somewhere else. Obviously desperate for the weekend to come.

I pause as I glance at the seat to my right. It's empty. Before you start to wonder, that's perfectly normal, it's always empty. It just makes me sad. That seat belongs to Eric Cartman. A stupid, racist, cruel, bigoted, fowl-mouthed asshole.

Who I just happen to be in love with.

Yes, im gay. Big fucking woop.

I've known I was gay since I was thirteen.

I sigh and turn my attention back to the lesson, trying to shake away memories that flood into my brain.

"...and so this can cause your brain to make your body react. For example: a doctor could say you were ill, and because they're a doctor you trust them, meaning that even if you weren't ill, you could end up feeling ill anyway. Our brains are fucked up things children..."

I groan under my breath, this is the part where Mr Garrison goes on and on about his own personal opinion about what he's 'teaching' us. I just can't seem to resist turning my gaze to Eric's empty seat...

"Shut your goddamn jew mouth, Kahl!" Cartman yelled, right in my face. I'd never admit it but he's pretty scary. Also a lot bigger than I am.

"Don't belittle my people, fatass!" I screamed.

"I'm not fat anymore you dumb kike!" He roared. Okay, that's true. He's all muscle now, puberty did him good.

He's also very tall, nearly six foot maybe. I know right? He's probably one of the tallest guys in school, and in the town. Not to mention he's a lot heavier than me, and about a million times stronger. He could knock me out in a second, but hey, I guess I'm just brave enough to take that risk. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who takes that risk... He also no longer wears his hat, revealing his light brown hair. His hair is pretty much the same style as from elementary, maybe a little shorter.

I'm jealous of him, maybe because I've not really changed that much. Cartman's actually really attractive...


Bad brain, bad! I think angrily. I have no idea where that came from... oh right, we're arguing. "That's a really offensive word Cartman!" I shout. I was referring to his use of the word 'kike'. I'm not actually that offended when he says it.. I'm too used to it now..

"Guys, seriously, do you have to do this now?" Kenny complains from a few metres away. He's stood with Stan and all four of us are on the basketball court. We were playing but as usual, Cartman ruins it. I can't even remember why we started arguing.. is that bad?

"YES!" Me and Cartman both turn and yell at Kenny. Then I immediately look back at him and notice he's done the same. Those big brown eyes glaring daggers at me. Wait, since when did we get this close? Our noses are almost touching... although to even make that possible I have to look up at him... quite high up when I'm this close.

"I.. am so sick of you and all the shitty things you say." I growl, no longer shouting. I practically spit out each word.

"At least I didn't kill Jesus." He spat back. I was about to explode, I swear. He says the most ridiculous things.

"Um.. you guys, wanna go back to mine and order pizza and play video games?" Stan suddenly suggests. I slowly break my glare from Cartman. What? Was he trying to stop the arguing? I was a little confused. Stan hasn't used this method before. Or any method for that matter. I turn and look back at Cartman who, like me, is also confused and no longer bitching. Thank god. His big, beautiful brown eyes no longer have that glint in them they do when I argue with him. Wait... beautiful?

Damnit, what the hell is wrong with me?!

I mumble a quick 'sure', calming down and walking in the direction of Stan's house. Stan is quickly beside me, with Kenny and Cartman not too far behind.

When we get to Stan's house, he goes and orders for all of us while Kenny sets up the Xbox. I watch silently and feel Cartman's eyes on me. Urgh.

Just fuck off, will you? I think to myself. However, a small part of me wants him to talk to me.. or shout at me.. or stand close to me. I think I'm sick, seriously. I keep thinking weird things.

I wake up. I look around. I check my watch. 3:47. Damn. I notice Stan and Kenny on the sofa snuggled against one another, it makes me chuckle a little under my breath. I consider taking a picture on my phone or something. Just for the hell of if... but the consequences would be terrible. Knowing Kenny, the revenge he'd get on me would be ten times worse. The risk just isn't worth it. Maybe I'll tease them a little in the morning...

Wait, something isn't right here. Where's Cartman? He could be up to something! I don't know what, but you can't take risks or trust him. He always does something unexpected. You could go round to his house one day and notice he's stolen thousands of election votes.

That's not an exaggerated example, that's actually happened before.

Right now he could be stealing things from Stan!

Not my best friend's things, you bastard. I think angrily. I know it isn't really that likely, but I mean, you can never trust Cartman. Ever. I stand up and quietly walk around the couch, heading upstairs. Once upstairs and in the hallway, I peek into Stan's room. Nobody. Huh. It's completely silent, maybe he left? Why would he do that?

Bang. A sharp pain is inflicted to my head and a fall to the floor, moaning in agony.

"I barely touched you, Jew."

I look up to see Cartman standing over me, light shining from the, now open, bathroom door. That sonofabitch whacked me with a door!

"Fuck you, fatass. How dare you hit me with a door!" I whisper harshly, not wanting to wake Stan and Kenny. Even though they're downstairs, I'm just being nice. He just raises an eyebrow at me, like I was drunk or something. Which isn't possible, I don't drink. Ever. Stan and Kenny (especially Kenny) have tried to make me umpteen times.

"How the hell was I supposed to know you were there, you stupid jew?" He spat back. Oh, he's right. I will admit although he deserves it most of the time, I can be a jerk to Cartman. Then again, he isn't exactly nice to me is he?

"Whatever..." I mumble. He then holds out a hand, offering to help me up. Wait, why would he do that? "What are you doing?" I ask coldly.

"Helping you, what does it look like Kahl?" He says, annoyed. I study his face for a second before hesitantly locking my hand with his. He has warm hands. They're soft, too. Wow, this feels nice. I feel a little embarrassed though. His hand is probably two times bigger than my own, maybe three times, I don't fucking know.

We should do this more often, fatass. I thought, and then regretted it instantly and began to scold myself again.

I expected to be yanked forward and kicked in the face or something.. but I was gently helped to my feet instead. Huh. It takes me a few seconds to hesitantly let go of his hand and I immediately miss the touch..

"Um.. thanks.." I mutter, unsure what to say. Also a little awkward for all my strange thoughts..

Sometimes I really need to punch myself. Or get punched.

"What was that?" He asks, leaning forward a bit like he was trying to hear me better.

"I said thanks..." I reply slowly. A smirk seems to have emerged on his face. He's getting a kick out of me thanking him?

He sighs in.. bliss? "One more time, Kahl." He says smoothly. Okay, I can feel my anger returning now, what's he playing at?

"Shut up, fatass, don't test me." I growl at him. He moves back a little and looks slightly shocked, almost, and narrows his eyes slightly. He then proceeds to fold his arms over his chest in what I can guess is annoyance.

"Stupid kike." He spits.






"Jesus killer."





I pause, the last insult he says getting to me. Yes, I was gay. I didn't think he knew that. I wonder if he's gay, I mean, I've never seen him do anything with a girl or heard of him like... having sex with one. Maybe he's a virgin? Him and me both. Not like Stan and Kenny, always bragging about this girl and that girl. But what do I know anyway? Maybe Cartman's straight and always getting laid. Me and him are kind of opposites anyway... I'm weak, he isn't, im pale, he isn't, I'm a nice person, he isn't, nobody in this town is afraid of me, everyone in this town is afraid of him. Well, except for me, Stan and Kenny.. and his mother. Then again, Stan and Kenny always back off when he gets mad..

"How did you..." I begin, trailing off.

"I've known you liked cock since Elementary, Kahl." He puts emphasis on the way he pronounces my name, just to piss me off.

I exhale loudly. "My name... is not... 'Kahl'." Okay, now I'm starting to get really angry. Cartman steps towards me so our faces are inches apart.

"I can call you whatever I want, you're mine jew." He whispers to me, his expression dead serious. I'm a little surprised, he's got balls. You don't really go around telling people they belong to you, do you?

"You don't own me, Cartman..." I whisper back, also dead serious. But it looks like I'm the only one now, as a huge grin appears on his face. "...you really are a horrible person..." I add. His grin disappears and he moves his face away from mine, giving me more space.

"I've done nice things before." He says softly, his eyes never leaving my own. I scoff.

"I doubt that, what's the nicest thing you ever done?" I ask, testing him. He looks at the floor. It's almost as if he's contemplating something, probably just trying to make something up. Pathetic. Honestly, if I was him I wouldn't even try. I myself can't name one nice thing Cartman's done for anyone...


Nope. I got nothing.

This continues for several moments and I decide to end it so I can finish this conversation and go back to sleep. I'm very angry and tired at this point. "Exactly Cartman, there's nothing. You don't do anything nice to anyone, you never have and you never will. You're a stupid, selfish bastard. All you care about is yourself and everything you do is for your own damn benefit. You don't even care about your crack whore of a mother and-"

I'm interrupted as I'm slammed into a wall and pinned by Cartman. It hurts. Damn. It really fucking hurts. I'm holding back a whimper. He looks really angry. Double damn. My feet aren't even touching the floor and his eyes are level with mine. He has to lift me to be level with me. Just a little embarrassing.

I'm silent, and scared. His fists holding onto my shirt and his weight pinning me to the wall with ease. It's actually kind of arousing.. damn brain.. with all these thoughts you'd think i was attracted to Cart-

Shit. No. Kill me.

He continues to hold me there and I just gape at him. That glint in his eye is there. It's really noticeable now, to me anyway. I'm just literally lost in his eyes. Okay, that sounds gay.

It takes what feels like eternity for him to do something. He softens his expression, looking less angry and more neutral. He lets go of my shirt with one if his hands, still able to hold me firmly in place with just the other one. His now free hand moves upward and holds onto my chin, really gently, which is surprising. This is keeping it so I'm looking him in the eyes.

"I saved you and your family from the smug storm in San Francisco."

He blinks a few times and then drops me and storms off back downstairs, leaving me with a million thoughts and two million questions.

The next day Kenny and Cartman leave Stan's house early. I called my mum asking if I could stay a while longer, since it's been a while since me and Stan had some quality best friend time. We've not been doing much, I helped him clean up from last night and we're currently playing a racing game on his Xbox. I can't concentrate though, all I can think about is last night...

It's Cartman who saved me and my family. Cartman. I can't get over it! URGH! Should I be thankful? This is a huge deal. He saved my life.. but he hates me...

If it wasn't for Cartman.. I'd be dead.. I think sadly. I can feel tears forming in my eyes. My vision blurs. I'm going to cry... what's wrong with me lately?!

He saved my life.

He saved my family's life.

Cartman? A hero?

He saved me.

He hates me.

I hate hi-

I like him.

I really do like him.

He saved my life.

I think I'm having some kind of panic attack.

Okay. Freeze. Calm down. My.. worst enemy.. saved my life. He traveled all that distance to save me. Did he miss me? Did he see that storm coming? Stay calm! This isn't that big...

Bullshit, It's huge!

I pause the game me and Stan were currently playing. I see him shifting in my peripheral vision. Damn, now I owe him an explanation...

"Kyle! I was winning!" He complains. I look him in the eyes and he must have noticed how I'm tearing up because he gives me a sad look and places a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong, dude?" He asks softly. I blink a few times and take a deep breath.

"He saved me, Stan." I reach up and wipe my eyes. I'm not crying but I have unshed tears.. and they annoy me.

"Uh.. what ?" He questions slowly.

"Eric... saved me... from the smug storm... in San Francisco..." I admit hesitantly.

He raises both eyebrows up and his mouth is open slightly. Poor Stan. I've dropped a bomb on him.

Fuck that. It's me who's really shocked!

"Eric.. Cartman?" He asks me. I nod, casting my eyes down. "Eric Cartman the asshole we've known all our lives who's selfish, hates Jews, hates you, hates hippies, hates black people, hates you, hates gingers, hates Mexicans, hates you, hates waiting in line, hates poor people, hates you, hates pretty much all minorities.. and did I mention he hates you?" He stares at me with almost desperate eyes. He probably thinks I've gone crazy.

"This is a big deal Stan.. a really big deal.. am I meant to thank him or something? I'm really grateful and everything but I feel like he had some ulterior motives. But just think about it! Why didn't he want to tell me? Surely he could've used it as an excuse to get me in his debt.. and I feel like I am in his debt. I need to do something to get this off my chest..." I look back into Stan's eyes. He looks like he's considering something.

"Go." He finally says. I'm a little confused. Is he mad at me?

"What?" I whisper just loud enough for him to hear.

"I said go. Go to Cartman's house. The fatass did something nice, something really nice. Go and thank him, I mean, you clearly want to get this out of your system. You feel grateful... maybe he doesn't hate you after all..." Stan trails off. I can't help but wonder if that's true...

Cartman isn't someone I'm amazing at talking to. This is going to be interesting, I don't think I've ever thanked him before. I wonder how he'll react...

I've been stood at his door for what I could guess as nearly ten minutes. My watch reads 13:26. I can't stand out here forever, can I?

After taking a deep breath, I reach out and knock on his door, waiting quite impatiently for a response. That response being the door opening. With that said, my wish comes true about five seconds after I knocked, not bad.

"Jew." Cartman greets me, he looks me up and down before giving a confused look. "What's up? You never come to mah house, not by yourself anyway..." He eyes me almost suspiciously. Oh thanks.

"N-No, I know, I just.. I just want to talk to you?" I say nervously, god what's come over me?!

He chuckles a little bit at me and raises an eyebrow. "Are you asking me or telling me?" He asks. Fucks sake Cartman, why must you always mess with me?

"I'm.. um, asking you.." I say slowly. It's his house after all and I'm not a bossy person. Yet, I have a feeling I said the wrong answer...

"That's a shame, the answer is no. Oh dear.." He says with a fake sweet voice. He's messing with me.. being all fake innocent. He starts to close his front door, however, without much thought I put my foot in the way of it shutting fully.

"Wait.. I'm telling you.. you're going to listen to me." I tell him. I try to be stern but I have a feeling it really didn't work.

He smirks at me. "That's much better, Kahl. Authoritah looks good on you. But next time you must be more assertive. Come in." He stands to he side, bringing his front door further open and allowing me room to walk into his house. When I do I turn back to face him as he closes the door, turns around and asks me what I wanted to talk about.

I look around the room quickly, then turn back to him. "Where's your mum?" I ask out of pure curiosity and also because I still have no idea what I'm going to say and how I'm going to say it. I'm surprised he still isn't mad at me...

"Out." He says simply, shrugging his shoulders. Okay then. Really making an effort with this conversation I see, Eric.


"A-Aren't you, you know, mad at me?" I ask, trying not to sound nervous and unsure but I highly doubt it worked.

He becomes visibly tenser. I notice these things. "Kahl, forget about it, it's fine." He seems to force out. I think he's mad but I don't want to make the situation worse.

I nod my head. "Well... I'm sorry anyway.. I'll just be leaving now.." I announce awkwardly and make my way to the door, stopping once I reach it. I stare at the closed door.

"I saved you and your family from the smug storm in San Francisco."

"Kahl?" I hear him ask from behind me. I exhale loudly and turn back around. Looking at him and taking a step forward.

"No. I'm not going to leave, not yet..." I begin. Trying to hurry myself along before i loose my courage. "...I want to thank you. For saving me in San Francisco. You didn't have to and.. I mean, dude, you saved my life!" I throw my arms in the air as I say that last part. "I can't believe it. All this time... Why wouldn't you tell me?" I question.

His eyes widen for a fraction of a second and he quickly casts them down. I wonder if he's nervous or something, but Cartman doesn't get nervous, does he? He's.. like.. really tough and everything...

He sighs. "Damnit, why'd you always do this to me, Jew?" He says.. sadly? Yeah. It seems sad.

I look him up and down trying to piece this together but I have no idea what he's talking about. "I-I don't understand..."

He looks back at my face. "I know." He says softly. I Didn't think it was even possible for Cartman to speak sadly and look at me the way he's looking at me right now.

I gape at him. Confused as fuck. "Um... okay. I want to know, but you're stubborn as anything so I won't push it but..." I step towards him untill I'm stood right in front of me. Touching distance. I smile at him and he hesitantly returns it. Then, and don't ask me why, I guess I was really grateful, I lean forward and wrap my arms around his body. I hug him tightly and close my eyes, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Thank you." I whisper by his ear. Of course I'm on my toes to do this. Dammit.

It felt like he shuddered, but Eric Cartman wouldn't do that so I discarded of that thought immediately. I don't know how long I held him, but it could've been hours. Seriously. I didn't want to piss him off, so I let go and leaned back, but I wouldn't go back. I looked down and noticed his arms had encircled my waist, preventing me from backing away. I blink twice in confusion and look at his face. He's was staring right back at me, and, damn, we're really close to each other.

"I didn't tell you, because I didn't want you to get suspicious..." He whispers to me. I can feel his breath faintly on my face. I'm not really sure how to act or even think at this moment.

Why aren't I shoving him away?... I wonder to myself. But deep down I know the answer. It's pretty fucking obvious, but I choose to ignore these things.

I do really like him. I'm a mess.

"S-Suspicious? O-Of what?" I whisper back to him. I put my hands on his chest beca-... I don't know I just wanted to fucking touch him.

Problem? Fight me.

Wait. Don't fight me. I'm not very strong.

He looked to the side, away from my face and made his lips into a thin line. "The real reason i saved you. Not the reason I told Butters." He spoke like he was distant. I really didn't understand him sometimes...

"What did you tell Butters?" I asked quietly. He turned to face me again. Staring at me with those massive brown eyes.

I wondered why Butters knew, but they did used to be pretty close. Besides, I didn't want to ask something like that. It would totally ruin this moment. He's giving me answers!

"I told him that I only saved you because I missed taking the piss out of you." He whispers. I feel one of his hands shift a bit on my waist...

"What was the real reason you saved me?" I ask, in a whisper. I don't know why we even started whispering. Nobody's in the house. It's probably just because we're so close...

"I missed you, and I didn't want you to die." He answers me, still whispering. I feel my face heat up and I can't remember the last time I felt this happy. I don't know what's come over me lately but I'm just so happy right now. He cares.

"O-Oh..." I stutter. Unsure what to even say anyway. He smirks at me.

"You're adorable when you blush, Jew." He teases. I only feel my face heat up more and he lets out a light chuckle. I can't believe he just called me adorable! I'm slightly amused. I offer him a small smile and his smirk changes into a similar genuine smile.

So, this is totally normal. Me and Cartman, purposely stood against each other. This is what couples do, only we're not a couple...

I wanted the upper hand. I wanted him to be the one who blushes and who looks vulnerable.

"You t-think I'm adorable?" I question nervously. He did kind of say it, but I wanted him admit it straight up.

"Only when you blush Jew. However... I do think you look pretty cute everyday. Even when you're angry." He says smoothly. He is so flirting with me. Well, he probably was this entire time when you look at it... but I don't notice these things. I like this flirty, seductive Eric Cartman.

I feel a little sad, though. I'm not cute or adorable. At all. In fact, according to him in the past, I'm a stupid, ginger Jew. Unattractive and unloved. Now he's suddenly coming out with this?! He's probably lying...

I feel my emotions drop. Getting your hopes up really isn't a good thing. This stupid bastard was probably trying to trick me in order to start off a new scheme or master plan! He wanted me to be humiliated! He wanted to tell the whole fucking school and my family and friends my sexuality! Stan and Kenny know, so they don't count, but seriously!

"Get off me." I say sternly, instantly loosing my blush and any form of smile or cute emotion. Dead serious.

"W-What?..." He stutters. Ha. He looks so sad now, instantly, but I won't fall for it! He can't fool me!

"Get. Off. Of. Me. Now. Cartman." I speak slowly, insulting his hearing and intelligence. He doesn't let me go, he grips tighter onto my waist. I look down for a second and then back at him. Now he looks angry. Okay, I'm scared. I could get raped here!

"Kahl," He begins, pausing and inhaling. "I know what you're doing. Don't do this you fucking Jew." He snarls. I have no idea what he's talking about. Doing what? Protecting myself from his schemes?!

"I said leave me alone." I spit. I shove his chest but he stays in the same position, holding me. Fuck sake.

He growls audibly and removes his hands from my body. I immediately start to back away across the room, unsure how to act. Thud. My back hits the wall. I stay where I am and turn my head to look at it for a moment and hear him laugh a little. I look back at him to see he still looks a little angry but also a little amused. He walks over to me, but this time gives me a bit of space.

I sigh. I know what he's going to do. I might as well find out now anyway."I expect now you're going to-"

"-tell the whole town you're a fag? No Kahl, I'm not. Are you going to tell the whole town I'm a fag?" He asks me.

He wasn't going to give up. Whatever he was planning he was really determined. "No, because you're not a fag, and that's an offensive word." I say, trying to hold back anger.

"You don't believe me." He states coldly, narrowing his eyes at me.

"That you're gay or that you won't tell everyone about my sexuality? Because I don't believe either. You're a lying, deceitful bastard and I hate you." I say, purposely trying to piss him off and get him to admit he is, in fact, lying. Cartman just smirks at me and invades my personal space by walking towards me. When he stops he's almost pressed up against me and I'm stuck against this damn wall.

"You don't hate me." He whispers to me cockily.

"Yes, I do." I whisper back. Cartman just gives me a wide grin to replace the smirk. He then presses his body against my own. I gasp involuntarily. Shit.

"Tell me you hate me again." He demands, but not angrily. He looks pretty serious now, though.

"I-I... I can't..." I admit, my voice almost shaking. How can he do this to me?!

"I know you can't. How long have you liked me?" He asks, what an egotistical jerk.

"I don't like y-" I'm cut off in mid-sentence. Only when i realise why, I feel like I'm going to faint. Cartman had silenced my lips with his lips. This was kissing. We were kissing. Well... he was kissing me.

His hands held my waist once again and I just felt so content. I leaned into him and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer. I didn't think it was possible to feel this happy. I feel him smile into my mouth as he continues to kiss me and I just can't resist kissing him back. I'm not a very experienced kisser, at all, but i hope he won't catch onto that.

He pulls away from my mouth and rests his forehead against mine. One of his hands is cupping my cheek. "I like you too, Kahl..." he whispers, claiming my mouth once more.

"Kyle Broflovski! How long have you been ignoring me?!" Yelled Mr. Garrison. Shit.

Everyone in the class is staring at me, I turn to look at Stan who gives me a sad, sympathetic look. I sigh and turn back to Mr. Garrison, who is fuming and expecting a reply. He interrupted such pleasant memories...

"Suck my balls." I say confidently. Why, you ask? Because that's just what Eric Cartman would have said.

I'm planning on uploading more chapters to this story!

Thank you guys so much for reading, I really appreciate it.

What did you think of this chapter?

Feel free to leave a review! Constructive criticism is highly welcomed!

Reviewer question: Why do you think Eric Cartman isn't at school?

Lottie x