Summary: Alibaba Saluja, everyone had always been admired for his personality. Someone who persevere to do the right things and try to do things for the benefit of others. A person who had experienced hardship in life and stumbled several times but he had people he trust and love that helps him to come out stronger and wiser. What does it take to make him fall. Pairing undecided.

This story may will not fully follow the manga and many character may become OOC especially, Alibaba. You have been warned XD.

Hi All,

I've been a member of this site for a year now as a lurker and reader. But this time, I want to write something. This is my first one so, it might have a lot of grammatical errors or problems. So please point it out to me and bear with me :D.

Edited: 8/10/2014 for some grammatical errors.

Disclaimer: I don't own Magi and its characters.

Chapter 1: Fall to Depravity

It was a peculiar event, an event no man could have foretold to happen, no not in their wildest dreams that something like this might happen. For in this meeting hall, not only was the leader of seven seas alliance was present but also maybe his greatest nemesis, the first imperial prince of the Kou empire was also present. If that doesn't make your jaw drop or run away as everyone knew that this two just can't stand each other and might start the war at any moment, in the room there stood not just the two leaders but also a few metal vessel users and their household. To top it off, both sides have soldiers at their back ready to attack the other side on their leaders notice. At the center or maybe the only thing that was stopping both sides from killing each others were three magis. The child looking magi at the center was telling a story while he showed images related to it that engrossed everyone, well except for one.

The man's name was Alibaba Saluja, the former third prince of Balbadd. He was looking at the images but wasn't actually paying attention at what the magi was saying. If you looked closely at his eyes, they actually looked like they were looking at a place faraway. Yes, Alibaba's mind wasn't at the discussion, no he had other things he was trying to sort in his mind but was failing miserably.

'Sinbad and Kouen, both of them will use others and step on them just to accomplish their goals. Was everyone nothing but tools to them?' He thought as he mentally shook his head.

'No, I can't think like that... Sinbad... he helped me and Aladdin. He offered us a place to call home if we wanted, he saved us countless times and he was good to his people... Yes, I can trust him... Kouen on the other hand, I have only met him for a short while, he was arrogant and a tyrant but he never hurt his own people and loves his siblings... He also told me those words about hate... Yes, maybe there is also some good in his heart.' He tried to reassure himself.

'Yes, they have good traits but everyone has good traits even the most despicable man. Or they could just be showing you their good side to gain your favor. After all, you are a metal vessel user of one of the strongest Djinn and on top of that you are Aladdin's best friend. Tell me, if you aren't his friend, will they even spare a glance on you? Do not forget, everything you have now, you got since you befriended that magi. If it weren't for him, you would've been nothing but a cart driver today. Look around you and tell me what you see.' a voice said.

Alibaba shook his head and looked around as he tried to find who said those things but what he saw made him took a step back. Toto saw this and placed a hand in his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" she asked in concern.

Alibaba could only look away with a nod. Toto looked at Alibaba suspiciously but shook the suspicion away.

"He would tell us when he can talk about it." Olba said beside her as she only nod.

Morgiana looked at Alibaba with concern but as Olba said, he would tell them when he was ready. She also remembered Masrur's advice.

'This isn't the time to press him with questions, I must let him sort himself and trust his judgment.' she thought.

Inside Alibaba was in panic, he couldn't understand, a moment ago everything was normal but now all he could see was their faces and those faces don't look nice at all. He saw Sinbad and Kouen looking at him as if he was nothing but a tool that they could use and then throw away when broken. A hand touched his shoulder and he looked back for comfort but what he saw almost made him cry, Olba, Toto and Morgiana were looking at him as if they found him in the middle of the street and they were concerned that he might have been mugged but that wasn't the problem, it was because they were looking at him as if he was someone they didn't know, a stranger. He could only nod as he looked away trying to erase the memory but as he looked away, he saw the others looking at him as if he was no one, as if he was nothing but a man in the slums that didn't belong here. He looked at the ground to avoid their faces.

'What's happening, am I hallucinating? This can't be true... Sinbad, Masrur, Master... Toto, Olba, Morgiana... Mu... why... why do you look at me like that? No, there must be something wrong here. They are my friends... I know it must be like when Aladdin, Hakuryu and Morgiana pulled that prank on me... Yes that's...' his thoughts were interrupted by the voice in his head.

'You can fool yourself for all you want, but what you saw was what they actually feel about you if you didn't meet that magi. That is the pitiful reality you must carry for all your life.'

'Who are you? Why are you doing this?' Alibaba asked in thought.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the ground and looked directly at him.

'I am you. The Alibaba who actually hates this world for all the things that have happen to him.' his copycat said.

'No, this can't be true. I don't hate the world. Yes, I won't succumb to hate because I have Aladdin.' He thought as he raised he head to look at Aladdin only for his spirit to break.

Aladdin looked at him with disdain and said.

"You are nothing without me. I could have made any friends I want and made them to who you are. But without me, you are nothing but a cart driver in the slums. You should be grateful that I even became your friend. I should have made Sinbad my candidate instead of an idiot like you."

As this was happening, the people around Alibaba didn't notice his predicament as they were engrossed to the story Aladdin told and showed. A few moments later, the story was finished and no hostility happened. After a few discussion, in which Koumei explained why Alibaba can't go back to Sindria, everyone was expecting Alibaba to say something but he didn't, he was just looking at the floor with his back slightly hunched.

Sinbad thought that he was too ashamed to say anything as he felt he had betrayed his friends. He also remembered what Alibaba said about them fighting for real so he said something to ease Alibaba's mind.

"Alibaba, I understand that you need to do it for your home but whatever happens, you are still my friend."

Alibaba on the other hand, just continued to look at the floor for he didn't hear a single word Sinbad said and instead heard something else.

"What a drag, and here I thought I could have a soldier but the Kou just have to give him an offer hard to resist. Wonder if Aladdin will go with him?"

Aladdin walked towards him and said with a smile.

"Hey Alibaba, I want to join you in Balbadd. But I need to finish some things first in Magnoshutat and Sindria. Your household said they would follow you there plus that annoying girl named Kougyoku is there so you should be okay while I'm gone."

And as with Sinbad, he heard different from what Aladdin said.

"Hey Alibaba, I want to join Sinbad. We'll finish all our goals so take your trash of a household with you and rot in Balbadd with that rotten girl Kougyoku who was a child of a harlot just like you. See if you can do anything when I'm gone."

Alibaba nodded as he turned his back on Aladdin and started to walk out of the meeting hall. Aladdin tried to follow him in concern but Morgiana stopped him and said.

"Please let him be for a while, I'm sure he will open up in a few days."

"I guess you're right. This is Alibaba after all. Take care of him." Aladdin answered with a smile.

"We will." Morgiana, Toto and Olba answered.

As soon as Alibaba got his metal vessel back, he proceeded to his cabin in the ship and locked himself there.

"No... this can't be true... yes, I must only be shocked and tired from the sudden events that have happened. All I need is some sleep and everything will be fine." He whispered but his hollow voice and dull eyes said otherwise.

However his sleep didn't help as he was bombarded with nightmares of his past. His tears stained the sheets of his bed as he kept on trashing around. Unknown to him, someone was watching in glee at his predicament and said.

"A little more and you will fall to depravity."

Author's Notes: So how is it? Should I continue, do I have a bad grammar? Please leave a review for me to know on how to improve and know what you feel about this story. Thanks for reading :D