I actually wrote something? It's probably horribly though. I sat writing on this for multiple days, rewriting and changing it. And then this came out. I shortened down the story, simply so it was finished and I could take a break with no story being written. Anything more? No, review as usual! Welcome to the last chapter!

Update: So, I've noticed that people wonder why I finished this story. Yes, I know that I could've done much more with it but I simply don't have have a lot of motivation right now. I usually update quite fast, but for this story it took me over a week. I tried to update, but I simply couldn't bother and actually rewrote it 3 times. So instead of writing when I'm not doing my best I decided to simply finish this story and then take a break. Also, I just couldn't come up with anything that would make this story special. Now if enough people want to, I'll write another chapter to wrap it up. As said, I don't think this's my best, but you can decide. Do you want me to write another chapter to finish this?

Update 2: So, after talking to one of reviewers (Uranium235, thanks for the help) I decided this story is done. I know that I screwed up. But instead of trying to fix it, I'll instead contniue on a sequel for this. Hopefully, I'll do better then. I'm really sorry for everyone who enjoyed the story, simply because I tried to write something when I should simply've taken a break. Instead you'll see a new story next week probably which won't end like this, and after that I'll return and write a sequel for this. And I promise that I'll make sure that it won't end badly. I hope you understand, so until next time!

" " - Speech

' ' - Thoughts

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.

Having arrived at school, walking there with an awkward silence after both had given each other a light pick on the lips, Ash saw everyone in the distance. Quickly letting go of each other's hand, they walked in the direction where everyone was. Gary, Brock and Misty's eyes widened as they saw Dawn. Paul, who had been joined by Drew stared in shock and May was unable to comprehend it. The guys couldn't get their eyes of her while the girls wondered where she had gotten that dress. Half of them had never met Dawn, while Brock, Misty and Gary knew her.

"Let me introduce you to everyone, You know Brock, Misty and Gary. Then we've Paul, Drew and my girlfriend May." Ash said, looking at each one. Paul had an expression on his face that Ash didn't enjoy, so Paul quickly changed it as he saw his fist.

"And who's she?" May asked, having noticed that Dawn was younger than the rest of them.

"This's my sister Dawn." Ash introduced her, earning big eyes from Paul, Drew and May.

"Sister?" Paul questioned, looking at both of them and not seeing how they could be siblings.

"We're not blood related, but we've lived together for 14 years." Ash said, earning surprised looks. "I think it's time, and I got to get ready."

"We better find some good places." Brock stated, being the wisest and calmest of them. Walking away, only Ash, Dawn and May were left.

"Good luck Ash." May said, pulling him closer before kissing him and walking away. Now only Ash and Dawn were left, standing there in silence.

"I know you can do it." Dawn said, before hugging Ash tightly. She would admit her feelings during the ball, maybe when they danced.

"Thanks Dawn. Your support means the world for me." Ash responded, hugging Dawn back. He watched as she left him, before he headed to his destination. Walking to arena, he started looking for the waiting room.

Still sitting on Ash's head, Mew tried to get some attention. Tickling Ash's cheek, Mew managed to get a few giggles out of him before he pulled her down and held her in his arms.

"Hey, do you want something?" Ash asked, trying to look serious. Mew tried to wiggle herself out of Ash's arms but didn't manage. Then Mew looked at Ash, trying to fake some tears. "Oh no, I won't take you with me to the battle."

"Mew?" she asked innocently, not wanting Ash to leave her.

"Alright, you can come with me." Ash sighed, placing Mew on his head. Entering the arena, Ash headed into the waiting room where Pikachu already was.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu exclaimed, happy to see his trainer.

"Hey buddy! You ready for the battle today?" Ash asked his friend, petting him on the head. Getting a fast nod, Pikachu jumped on Ash's shoulder.

"And now, let me present our challenger! Welcome, Ash Ketchum!" an announcer roared, making the entire school cheer for him. Walking out, the roars from the crowd only intensified until he finally reached his spot on the battlefield. "You all know him! Please welcome, our very own Champion, Lance!"

"It's good to see you Ash." Lance greeted, managing to get his words heard over the roar of the crowd. "I hope you're ready for a beating!"
"Ready for a beating? You mean if I'm ready to beat you!" Ash countered, having a big smile on his face until Lance's eyes went higher and watched his head.

"Mew!" Mew exclaimed giggling, happy over the attention she was getting.

"Well, I'm impressed Ash. Prof. Oak told me everything." Lance explained smiling.


"It's alright Mew." Ash said, petting Mew a little.

"I think the crowd is waiting for us to start."

"Sure do, let's go!"

"This's a battle between Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and the Champion of Kanto, Lance! Send out your Pokemon!" the referee shouted.

"Show him how it's done Dragonite!" Lance said, throwing his pokeball in the air, revealing his strongest Pokemon.

"I know you can do this, so let's go!" Ash said to his best friend, who eagerly jumped down from his shoulder and stood on the battlefield.

"This's a 1 on 1 battle! Pikachu vs Dragonite! Begin!"

"Show him what your Thunderbolt looks like!" Ash started, wanting to see how strong Lance's Dragonite really was. Sending out one, Pikachu still didn't use all of his power, it hit Dragonite who hadn't been ordered to dodge. Then Dragonite rushed forward, having an Ice Punch ready. Dodging it, Pikachu quickly shattered the ice with an Iron Tail before giving it another go and hitting Dragonite. Getting annoyed by Pikachu, Dragonite used Dragon Breath without an order from its trainer. Simply sidestepping, Pikachu gave him another Thunderbolt in which Dragonite grunted in reply. Then everything went fast, starting with a Quick Attack, Pikachu slammed into Dragonite. Which surprised everyone, Dragonite actually moved backwards at the impact. Using a Double Team, Pikachu then started to tap into all of his power. Being ordered to use Thunder, and standing behind Dragonite, it was blue instead of yellow. And his Thunderbolt before, that was nothing. Dragonite screamed in pain, he had never felt this much pain from anything else than Ice and Dragon-type moves. He was supposed to be resistant against Electric-types, but it didn't really matter. Then Pikachu rushed forward, charging up Electro Ball and threw it at Dragonite. Only focusing on the one attack, Dragonite didn't notice that Pikachu continued to get closer with an Iron Tail ready. Using Ice Punch to block Electro Ball, the Iron Tail still hit and earned Pikachu a grunt from Dragonite.

"You can do better than this!" Lance shouted, continuing to give Dragonite orders and being more and more impressed by Pikachu.

"Finish this Pikachu! Volt Tackle!" Ash ordered, wanting to see the full extent of Pikachu's powers.

"Counter with Giga Impact!" Lance countered, watching as Pikachu ran faster and faster while the lightning around him turned blue. Dragonite charged towards Pikachu, surrounded by a purple aura. The impact was ear deafening, and the explosion wasn't much better.

"Pikachu and Dragonite are unable to battle! This match is a draw!" the referee announced. Walking over to where Pikachu was lying, Ash picked him up and placed him on his shoulder before he walked over to Lance who had returned Dragonite.

"Amazing Ash. You surely deserve the right to challenge me to a full 6 on 6 battle without facing the Elite Four. Your skill will eventually far surpass mine." Lance stated as he was shaking hands with Ash.

"Thanks Lance, your Dragonite is really strong though. Most of my Pokemon wouldn't be able to beat him." Ash responded with a smile. Something tickled him, so he just started petting the pink creature on his head which earned him a soft coo.

"Better hurry up and enjoy yourself during the ball. I'm sure your girlfriend is waiting for you."

As he left the arena, the first he spotted was Dawn. Running to him, he took her in a tight embrace before he let her go. Then came May, giving him a kiss with all the passion she could muster. But something felt wrong to Ash while doing it, he was thinking about Dawn the entire time.

"Amazing Ash!" Brock said, being the first to really congratulate him.

"Thanks Brock." Ash responded, before being congratulated by everyone else.

"Shall we meet the others?" Ash asked, not waiting for a response from the others, being guided by his stomach.

"Is it just me, or did Ash look hungry?" Misty questioned, having known Ash for a long time.

"He's always hungry, even though he has learnt to live with it." Dawn added, following Ash with her eyes. Misty saw that look, and she knew there was something going on with Dawn.

Having finished eating, and managed to send home Mew with Pikachu, Ash looked around the crowd. Then he spotted her, and the only thing he could think was how beautiful she looked. Mentally slapping himself for the thought, Ash turned his look to May. He couldn't describe in words how she looked, but it didn't matter. He had been spotted by them.

"There you're! We've been looking for you!" May exclaimed, faking anger.

"You've? But shouldn't you know I'm driven by stomach?" Ash countered, earning a slap from his girlfriend.

"You're a big dummy!" Dawn added, earning a weird look from Ash.

"Big dummy? I'm going to show who's a big dummy here!" Ash said grinning, slowly walking towards Dawn.

After another hour, the floor was cleared so the dance could start. Many guys just stood there, until they got dragged onto the floor. But no one could say they didn't enjoy it. Not spotting May, who Ash had planned to ask out, he instead spotted Dawn who was walking over to him.

"Would you like to dance with me?" Dawn asked quietly, blushing as she did it.

"You know I won't say no Dawnie." Ash responded, taking her hands while leading her on the dance floor.

'Now's the time to tell him.' Dawn thought, noticing that the music was slow. Dancing for a few minutes, Dawn looked up into Ash's eyes.

"So, did you enjoy the ball so far?" Ash asked, knowing he did the right thing by asking her to come. But he didn't know the outcome would be different then he had expected.

"It was great!" Dawn stated, all happy, before she started to blush.

"Is something wrong Dawn?"

"Well, yes. You know Ash, I've been feeling weird since a few days know. And I finally know why. I love you Ash." Dawn said, looking at Ash's face for a reaction. And it was an expression of surprise she could see, at least not shock .

"Dawn, I love you too." Ash responded, having thought for a few minutes, before leaning in to kiss Dawn. It felt like fireworks exploding, and Ash's eyes widened as he felt Dawn's tongue try to enter his mouth. Not complaining, Ash let Dawn's tongue in. But then he saw something, time stopped nearly. Having closed his eyes after the first surprise, this time he looked around a little before they widened in horror this time. May was standing not far away, staring at him and Dawn. Misty had put her arms around the horrified girl, slowly dragging her away.

"Did I do the right thing?" Dawn asked, not having thought about May at all.

"I don't regret anything, but May might have a hard time recovering."

"I love you Ash." Dawn said, trying to not think to much about what had happened.

"I love you too Dawnie." Ash responded, thinking of what he should tell May, before he locked lips with Dawn again. That was something he wouldn't bother with right now, especially when there were other persons who would be much angrier at him. But all of that was something he would think of tomorrow, or another day.

So, how bad was it? Did you manage to get through it? I hope so. But don't worry, you'll see better writing from me once I start again. If I'm in a good mood, you might see something as early as Sunday from me. Else sometimes during next week, you'll see a new story about. What'll it be about? I got some ideas right now, but haven't decided yet. So, review if you want and I'll see you all next time!