Here's my new SI-fanfic, this is a take on the typical 'girl falls into show' trope, but rather than an extreme fan with dreams of grandeur we get a practical, if slightly odd character who does not need to be careful of what she wished for because she did not wish for any of this.

Starts out canon may diverge depending on how tied in to the plot my character gets, eventual (and I mean a long time in coming HisokaxOC)


"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."

~J.F. Kennedy~

"What is your favorite character of HunterxHunter?"

Seems like a simple enough question, no? Not; "do you have a character you wish to meet?" Or even "have you ever wanted to live in a world not your own?" Nope, no hints towards wishes or hopes just a simple question on your opinion. 'What is your favorite character?'

I am not an idiot. I may be naive and slightly odd but I am by no means dumb. When an old fortune-teller in a dark alley stops you 'for a talk' I know better than to stop, and if I were to stop I know better than to say/do/act as if I want anything from her. Sure this may be largely in part due to the various things I have seen happen in t.v. shows but I still think it is a good creed to follow.

Some may call me paranoid, others eccentric, but I like to say I am simply prepared. Sure the chances of some shadow figure or another trying to trick me into some evil-contract are slim but if it were to happen I know exactly how I'd respond; "thank you for your time but I am perfectly happy with my current situation and might I add that I am adept at picking up life-lessons from stories, I needn't live through the trials if perchance someone felt I needed to learn something."

Verbose, perhaps, but it got the point across. I'd made this plan sometime in the middle of my Sophomore year of High School during one of my teacher's lectures in Algebra 2 and now, nearly four years later, I can't help but berate my younger self for not creating a contingency plan for when the "scary fortune-teller" seemed to just want your honest opinion about a manga-series she can clearly see you're holding in your hands.

"Hmm...? Did you not hear me, child? I just want to know who your favorite character is."

"Uh..." to tell the truth or to tell a lie, truth or lie, hmm...I often side-stepped this question when at conventions. Admitting to liking one of the most clinically insane characters in the series was not good for constructive conversations about said series.

Especially not when your justification for liking said character was in fact his psychotic and murderous nature. Or more his unpredictability which manifested as such.

Truth or lie...

Well I suppose if she truly is intent on teaching me a lesson I best be honest, lest it become a lesson in honesty. Besides, she is probably just making small talk, trying to reel in a customer, I doubt she's ever even read the first volume...then again my instincts were screaming at me to get away from this lady, and I was never one to ignore my instincts.

Perhaps I should steal a page from the gang's book and answer with silence.


Or perhaps not, that feels slightly too rude to settle well with me, maybe an answer and a good-bye instead? No need to stick around and see where this conversation leads.

"Hisoka, my favorite character is Hisoka."

"Oh? The Magician?" I stiffened at the knowing-tilt her voice had taken on. "Well that's interesting."

"...yes, now I don't mean to be rude or, or, judgmental or anything but I really need to go and if-perchance-their is a lesson you want me to learn, I should tell you I would take your words at face-value and to heart...just saying."

"Lesson? Oh no dear, worry not I can see no lesson in your future, rather I see-

-I don't mean to be rude, but I don't really want to know my I really must be going."

"Hmm, very well, however, let me just warn you; a strong opinion with no backing may as well be a wish." And with a cackle the old lady walked away leaving her fortune-teller stand alone.

Now I know I should have turned tail and run right then, but I was in a state of confusion seeing as all of my imagined scenarios had me leaving the witch/sorceress/enchantress and not the other way around.

Thus I was still there when her crystal ball began to glow, surrounded by a blue light, and some kid ran by bumping me into the table where, luck-would-have-it, I fell straight on top of the glowing orb.

And as is the way with these things, was immediately sucked into it.

My last thought before I succumbed to the darkness was; no-one is ever allowed to call me paranoid again.

Have you ever traveled to a foreign country? Spent more than a day in a far away port? And while there did you try to learn about this new culture or did you stay locked away in your safe room without any intention of 'mingling'?

Well if you've never gotten out of your own little bubble then I can not hope for you to understand how it felt to be forcibly ripped from mine.

In the past nineteen years of my life I had experienced culture-shock many a times, in fact I can not think of a day when I did not feel at least one degree 'off' from those around me, but such things are to be expected when you are raised in a country and culture that differs from the one into which you were born.

Yes, I have grown quite used to culture shock, but that does not mean I enjoy it.

"Comment ca va, mademoiselle?"

So I am sure you can understand my current situation.

"Mademoiselle, ca va?"

It's bad enough I've been dropped into what I can only assume is the HunterxHunter verse (if the odd clothing style and weird written characters are anything to go by) but I've been dropped onto an island that seems to have adapted French as their native language!

"At least," I thought, "at least it's French and not Japanese, I took a few years of French...and a large portion of the story takes place in York New they must speak English there. So if I can just get directions to York New...and magically get money...and acquire some documents to prove I exist...and this is actually quite hopeless isn't it?" I admitted to myself.


"Ca va bien," I replied, dejected, I wasn't really 'alright' at all, "mais...Pouvez-vous me dire, comment appelez-vous cette ville?" I might as well find out where I am.

"Eh? Vous ne savez pas?" At my deadpan expression the woman continued, "Elle s'appelle Sirap, la capitale de l'Ecanref."

So I'm in Paris, or the weirdo parallel HxH version of Paris...I wonder how far I am from parallel England then...

"Excusez-moi, mais Pouvez-vous me dire où le pays de langue Anglais est?" I asked, trying to peace together a question from half-forgotten lectures on grammar structure.

Only to be surprised when the woman answered me in English.

"Oh, you speak Anglais? That's great! I hate having to converse in the Old Tongue." I felt like hitting myself, how could I have been so stupid 'Parlez-vous Anglais?' 'Can you speak English?' How could I forget to ask such a basic question?

" do speak Anglais, right?" The woman, no girl, she couldn't have been more than sixteen, continued unsure. "I just assumed because you have an accent and-no offense-your francaise was...pas bon..."

"Yes, I speak Angla-English. Yes, I speak English." I continued standing up, the floor was not exactly the cleanest place to be sitting at the moment, "and I would appreciate it if your could point me in the direction of Zaban City?" Wait. Zaban, that's not what I meant to say, York New, YORK NEW! What the heck is wrong with me?

"Ah, you are looking for the exam?" The girl continued a knowing glint in her eye, and you have got to be kidding me. If she means the exam I think she means then that is not cool, creepy fortune-teller lady! Not cool at all.

I have half a mind to turn to this girl...probably a navigator if her reaction is anything to go by, and tell her that 'no I actually have family there waiting for me.' The only thing stopping me being, well common sense.

I am alone in a universe where I don't exist, I can't read the writing, I'm broke, I have no way to prove that I'm educated especially not when I was majoring in Chemistry, no-one would give an undocumented Chemist a job.

In layman's terms...I'm screwed.

Unless I can pass the exam, after all there are people here who don't have any paperwork, right? The phantom troupe was basically filled with them-but in becoming Hunters they managed to exist, which should really be my first order of business.

Besides I know what's going to happen in this exam and while that doesn't guarantee squat it does mean that this is probably my best chance, unless I want to pull a Killua and knock out all of my opponents before the exam even begins...if I ever even get that strong.

Mind made up I turned to the girl with a smile, "I am indeed Navigator-chan, if you would be so kind as to show me the way?"

The girl's face lit with surprise before narrowing in consternation, "well that's hardly fair," she started, "you know who I am but I don't know who you are."

"Je m'appelle Yuki," I answered with a small bow, well if I was going to try and win her over with my knowledge I might as well go all the way. "Watashi wa Abydos Yuki desu," straightening my back so I could look her in the eye I continued, "but please, just call me Yuki."

"Well Yuki," the navigator continued, "this isn't normally how I do things but seeing as you managed to piece who I was together so fast I don't see why you shouldn't pass. Come with me, I'll get you to (Zaban) in a jiffy!"

Smiling I followed after the navigator, all the while making a mental-list of the things I would need if I hoped to even make it past phase one.

"First things first, I need to get some roller-blades."

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! If so, please feel free to review :)


Comment ca va, mademoiselle - How are you, Miss?

Mademoiselle, ca va? - Miss, are you fine?

Ca va bien - I'm fine

mais...Pouvez-vous me dire, comment appelez-vous cette ville? - but...could you tell me the name of this city?

Eh...vous ne savez pas? - don't know?

Elle s'appelle Sirap, la capitale de l'Ecanref. - It's called Sirap (Paris), the capital of Ecanref (France).

Excusez-moi, mais Pouvez-vous me dire où le pays de langue Anglais est? - Excuse me, but could you tell me where an English-speaking country is?

Je m'appelle Yuki- I call myself Yuki (My name is Yuki)

Watashi wa Abydos Yuki desu - I am Abydos Yuki (My name is Abydos Yuki)