Prologue: Catastrophe
On the dead-planet Cybertron, Autobots and Decepticons continued their war and battles against each other fiercely and determinedly for both victory and survival since it went shut down. The result of the war was death and destruction, and more of Decepticon's War Weapons in destroying Autobots, yet managed to survive and destroyed them from the laboratory.
"Cybertron... The homeworld we Autobots strive to protect from Decepticons..." Optimus narrated in pained and despaired.
Bumblebee choked and screamed painfully. He was strangled by Megatron himself, with one bare hand. His neck felt like it was slowly crushing. Damaged and wounded Sideswipe and Hot Shot unconsciously laid on the ground while the rest of Autobot Troopers were ripped and teared apart. Its background was the destruction sites of the cities.
The Autobots were battling and fighting with Megatron and his army at the fortress of Tyger Pax. Megatron and his Decepticon Army had attack and strike them down like it was nothing.
Megatron continued strangling Bumblebee's neck tighter and tighter, making him hard to talk...
"I won't ask again, worthless scout..." Megatron snarled in anger, "Where is the Allspark?!"
Bumblebee groaned painfully as he slowly gave an angry glare at Megatron, "Even if I knew... COUGH! I won't talk... Rustbucket..."
Megatron's eyes twitched in anger before snarled, "You worthless Autobot! I'm going to -!"
BOOM! Megatron and Decepticons looked shock and concern. They looked up and saw the bluish beam-like shooting straight to the sky. Bumblebee smirked proudly. Megatron was in deep shock, along with his widened eyes and mouth.
"No... No!" Megatron exclaimed in feared and concern.
"You're... too... late..." Bumblebee said weakly and painfully.
Megatron growled before he roared in anger and wild as he stretched his arms widely. He turned and glared at Bumblebee as he tighten his grasps on his enemy tightly. He snarled, "For denying me from retrieving the Allspark, you must pay the price!"
For the moment, Megatron continued strangling and suffocating Bumblebee's neck tightly. Bumblebee groaned and screamed painfully. STATIC! The chip within his throat was sparkling, electrocuted and static. He continued screamed painfully. BOOM! Bumblebee gave the last breath as his eyes blinked for three times before they went off. He had his head down on his left. Megatron smirked darkly as he threw Bumblebee down right on Sideswipe and Hot Shot hard.
Defeated and disappointed for unable to capture the Allspark, Megatron had his minions in full retreat to Kaon and left three Autobots on the ground to die...
Hours had passed, three Autobots remained on the ground but not a sign of their movement of limbs or heads. Red Alert and his rescue forces had arrived on the scenes. They spotted their fallen and defeated allies on the ground. Red Alert approached to them. He checked on them one-by-one. He took a large sigh of relief.
"Thank Primus... They're alive..." Red Alert turned to his troopers, "Quickly! We need to get them to Ratchet at once! They won't be alive for long!"
"Yes sir," Autobot Trooper saluted in agreement.
Autobots brought three wheeled bed. They carried Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Hot Shot on both sides. They put the injured ones on the beds gently. Red Alert approached to Hot Shot. He grabbed and held his friend's hand gently.
"Hang on, Hot Shot," Red Alert prayed softly, "We're gonna get you back home safely."
"Can no longer sustain us..." Optimus Prime narrated.
"Eons of civil war had caused us greatest causalities," Optimus continued.
"Roadbuster! Leadfoot! Topspin!" Wheeljack cried in pain.
Wheeljack was about to move but pulled by Warpath and two tough Autobot Troopers. Roadbuster, Leadfoot and Topsin continued firing their guns at the charging Combaticons and their army.
Ultra Magnus the blue muscular robot with horned helmet held his gun tightly while helping the wounded Pyro. Rotorstorm and Seaspray came in and carried their wounded ally.
He was placed as the commander of Wreckers, and was leading them in invading Kaon's supply depot called Katalik Store. But it went wrong when Wheeljack headed off and attacked the Decepticon Guards and blown some of the supplies up, without Ultra Magnus's permission and order. This had caused the Decepticons to be alarmed and alerted of their presences when they came to their supplies deport. They were forced to retreat and escape from the battlefield.
Bulkhead, Hound and Crosshair; in their vehicle modes had arrived on the battle scenes, along with their reinforcement.
"Jackie!" Bulkhead exclaimed in fear. He quickly headed towards his former partner.
"Let me go! Our Wreckers need us and we're going in!" Wheeljack exclaimed in anger and upset.
Bulkhead turned to Ultra Magnus as he asked, "Commander! With your permission, sir, we need to get our Wreckers out now."
Ultra Magnus looked to the front and found Roadbuster, Leadfoot, Topspin and five Autobot Troopers were battling and attacking Decepticon Troopers. He looked worry and concern. He hissed in anger as he gave, "Permission granted. Wreckers! We need to -!"
"No, you don't, commander," Roadbuster cried in anger as he launched his missiles at them to pieces. He continued, "Commander, the Autobots need to get back to base! That's the priority! Don't worry about us! We'll buy you more time to deal these Cons!"
"But, Road-!" Wheeljack protested.
"Wheeljack! That is not the request! That is the order! Get the hell out of here!"
"No! I'm not leaving -!"
BOOM! The gate's blown into pieces. Wreckers were in deep shock and surprise of the attack. Roadbuster had the gate blown up.
Wheeljack snarled in anger, "Road! You son of rustbuckets!"
"Son of rustbucket yourself, Jackie," Raodbuster cried, "if you had listen to Ultra Magnus for the first place than just randomly fooling around, we would have won. You blew it this time, Jackie! Don't blow the retreat! Get the Autobots out now! Wrecking those punks!"
Roadbuster, Leadfoot and Topspin roared and cried in anger as they charged and battled against most of Decepticon Troopers to the ground hard and quick.
"Roadbuster!" Wheeljack shouted.
Ultra Magnus hissed in anger and upset, "Autobots, fall back! That's an order!"
With Ultra Magnus's given order, both Wreckers and Autobot Troopers were on retreating and escaping. Wheeljack left with shock and pain in leaving his friends behind. He turned and headed off with Bulkhead and Warpath. The Autobots withdrew back to Iacon.
At the Iacon Medic Center, most of Wreckers and Autobot Troopers were treating and healing from their wounds and injuries. Most of them were killed and died in wounds, and Pyro was among them. At the officer, Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack were arguing at each other.
"If you had obey my command, those three Wreckers would have been alive!" Ultra Magnus snapped angrily.
Wheeljack snarled, "Look who's talking! You wanna know why there was no command on this team? Because they're holding us back!"
"That was one of the reason why Optimus put me in charge of this team. It's to make sure that you, loose canons, don't get too loose! It is our duty to obey and follow the orders! A simple order and you disobeyed it!"
"Well, sorry to'offend' you, commander. We did fine before you came, like when Bulk and I got surrounded by those Cons when there was no Energon! We survived because of my grenade throwing. I took care of those Sandokans! When Bulkhead left the team, I'm the one who took down the Cons down during Darkmouth Pass! If it weren't for me -!"
"Roadbuster, Leadfoot and Topspin wouldn't have been trapped at that depot in the first place. I admire your courage, soldier. But there is no excuse of you for disobeying the direct order from me!"
Wheeljack snarled in anger. He was about to argue back but decided to ignore it. He looked and glared at Ultra Magnus, "You know what? I quit. I'm done and finished here. This is enough. I'm not staying in this group as long as you're here."
"Be my guess, soldier," Ultra Magnus said firmly, "leave..."
Wheeljack turned and was about to exit the entrance.
Bulkhead held on Wheeljack's shoulder and spoke: "Jackie, wait!"
"Don't 'Jackie' me, Bulk," Wheeljack snapped and brushed Bulkhead's hand off. He turned and glared at his own best friend, "If you hadn't left for that weak Prime in the first place, our Wrecker buddies would have been alive."
"They would, if you had taken the order from Ultra Magnus," Bulkhead said.
"Don't said that name in front of me! I don't want to hear it. I'm done. I'm leaving. Bye, Bulk."
Wheeljack turned and exited the door. Bulkhead was left with shock and pain. Crosshair and Warpath approached Bulkhead as they gave him a comfort. Everything Bulkhead had was no longer the same he had before...
"Our planet's very core has shut down, halting its production of life-giving Energon."Optimus Prime continued.
At the medic center, Ratchet, Red Alert and Jolt were doing their best in treating and saving some lives when they had been sent from the war. They were injured and wounded badly. Some had died from the battlefield while most managed to live on while unable to battle. Others were ready to fight.
Ratchet, Red Alert and Jolt were able to save Sideswipe, Hot Shot and even Bumblebee. Sideswipe had his body parts replaced with silver parts. Hot Shot had his paint job changed to orange and blue mixed. Bumblebee was saved as well.
"Bumblebee, can you hear me?" Ratchet asked. Bumblebee turned and nodded to him. Ratchet smiled, "Can you speak?"
Bumblebee beeped, "Speak? Why-!" He gasped in shock, "No! My voice! What happen?! What happen to my voice?!"
Ratchet took a deep breath, "It is as I feared." Everyone looked at Ratchet as he explained, "Because of Megatron's crushing Bumblebee's voice chip, I cannot repair the damage. It is beyond my repairs..."
Everyone gasped in shock.
Widened in shock and pain, Bumblebee beeped frantically, "Ratchet! You've gotta fix me! You've gotta! You can do it! Please, I know you can! There has to be some voice chip for me to use!"
"I can't! I'm sorry! There were none! Voice chip is biology, not technology. It is impossible to find in these war days. Almost all of them destroyed. I'm sorry. I really am," Ratchet said in pain.
Bumblebee looked in pain and shock. He clenched his fists tightly before he screamed in pain, "Nooooooooooooooo!"
Ratchet looked away from suffering and pained Bumblebee. He burst in tears as he felt pain and despair. Red Alert and Jolt approached to Ratchet as they tried to comfort and calm him down from his pain. Sideswipe and Hot Shot calmed and comfort Bumblebee down as well.
Bumblebee may had survive the attacks, but he lost his voice...
"Most of us had abandoned our home, in hopes of finding new life among the stars."Optimus narrated.
Arcee, Tailgate and their Delta Team were on the mission in invading Kaon's western side of city. Arcee headed off in both scouting and recon. Tailgate was on top of the building and keeping an eye out from his enemy and sniped them down one-by-one while guided his team across the routes of the city. At one point... They but Arcee and Tailgate killed during their infiltration mission.
At the tortured chamber, Arcee was trapped, with her hands tracked and caught by tractor beams while her legs were tied up by the webs. Airachnid approached to Arcee from her back. She smiled darkly.
"You're going to be here for a while," Airachnid said darkly as she gave Arcee a small scratch on left side of cheek.
Airachnid continued torturing Arcee through the use of electrocuted staff, energy whipping beam and knife on her. For few tries, Arcee remained standing still and refused to speak as an hour had passed.
Airachnid smiled darkly, "You know. For an Autobot, your resilient was quite impressive." She glanced at hard and determined Arcee while continued, "In fact, I'm guessing, no matter what I do to you, you will never crack. Am I right?"
Arcee turned and glared at Airachnid.
"That's what I thought," Airachnid said darkly.
With the door opened, two Vehicons came in and they brought the wounded Tailgate in to the chamber. Seeing her partner captured, Arcee gave the frightened and concerned look at her partner. They brought and tied him up to the top.
Arcee turned and glared at Airachnid as she demanded, "What have you done to him?!"
"Not much... yet," Airachnid answered darkly, "Just tell me what I want to know. Or well... Your spark-bot. I think you can imagine what happens to Tailgate, next."
Arcee quickly answered, "I don't know the attack coordinates!"
Angered by Arcee's answer, Airachnid gave her a snarling look and glaring. She turned and approached to Tailgate.
Arcee quickly responded, "I swear upon the Allspark, it's the truth!"
Uninterested to listen, Airachnid answered, "We shall see."
Approaching to Tailgate's wounded body, Airachnid had one of legs armed and aimed at him. She smirked darkly.
Arcee quickly protested, "No! Please!"
Airachnid snarled in anger. Arcee's eyes widened in fear and scared as she watched Airachnid made her move. SLASH! She struck her leg's spear on Tailgate's chest hard.
"TAILGATE!" Arcee screamed in pain and fear.
With her leg pulled out, Tailgate was killed. Airachnid turned and glared at Arcee. Airachnid approached to Arcee as she prepared herself to kill her enemy for failing to deliver the attack coordination.
BOOM! Airachnid turned and found the door was burst open! Airachnid screamed in anger as she had her body transformed into spider-like before headed off. Bumblebee slide down and fired his blasters at two Vehicons. Cliffjumper charged in as well. Spotted Arcee held up, he and Bumblebee quickly brought her down. They carried her out at once.
Frightened, scared, guilt and pained over the loss of Tailgate, Arcee spoke grimly, "I couldn't save him. I couldn't save my partner!"
Heard of Arcee's pain and sorrow over Tailgate, Bumblebee and Cliffjumper looked and felt pity and sorry for her loss. They really wished that they could have save him in time...
"I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. We do not know how many brothers had escaped Megatron's blockade." Optimus Prime narrated.
During the Battle at Technahar, Ironhide led the group of Autobots including Prowl, Jetfire and the whitish robot with black horned helmet and blue visor: Jazz in battling and firing their blasters and guns at the Decepticons from the fortress. Elita One as one of Decepticon Troopers attacked and fired at them before opening the gate in allowing her team entered and attacked the fortress.
Optimus Prime fought and battled against Skyquake, who acted as one of Autobot Titan and planned to assassinate him since Optimus had proven himself a worthy adversary to Megatron and his Decepticons.
Skyquake gave the uppercut on Optimus Prime, who quickly moved back. Skyquake continued swung his punches while Optimus continued dodged the attacks for five times. Skyquake thrust his punch on Optimus's face. He quickly went down and swiped his leg before punching on Skyquake's face hard for five times. Skyquake grabbed his fist tightly before punched him up. Skyquake got up and punched right at Optimus Prime for three times. Optimus blocked the final attack from Skyquake and punched him back for four times. Skyquake and Optimus held their hands tightly on each other. They held each other's fists tightly for the moment. Optimus gave his head slammed on Skyquake before grabbed and thrown him to the very edge.
Skyquake took his Gatling Gun and fired at Optimus. Optimus transformed into his truck mode. He charged and rammed right on Skyquake off the edge. Optimus Prime transformed to his robot mode and witnessed the flying Skquake's jet form.
Optimus Prime looked up and glanced at the stars. He gave the concerned and worried looks.
He narrated,"I can only be certain of this. Just one transport remain..."
Few days later...
Omega Supreme, who was wounded and injured had entered into his comatose mode for both repairs and the vessel Ark for Autobots to leave Cybertron. Most of Autobot Engineers were checking on the ship's system carefully and cautiously. Ironhide and Protectobots (Prowl, Red Alert, Hot Shot, Streetwisethe black and white robot with five winged-blade on his back and Groove the muscular blue robot) were in-charge of checking up and protecting the Ark.
Ironhide looked at his digital file pad before contacting his old friend, "Ironhide to Optimus. The last Energon reserved has been transferred to the Ark. Engine's Online. All system go."
On top of the tower's platform, Prowl nodded his head in confirmation while looking around of is surroundings, "No sign of Decepticons yet. We must remain vigilant of their attacks."
At the bridge of Autobot Headquarter, Optimus Prime looked at his holographic computer which consisted of the Ark and its system. He was not alone. Jetfire check on the security system. Elita One checked on the Autobot Officers one-by-one, making sure that everyone was on counted for before they launched into the space.
Optimus Prime responded to both Ironhide and Prowl, "Good work, Ironhide and Prowl." He turned his comlink to another Autobot for report, "Perceptor, how goes the city's shut down procedure?"
"Nearly finish, Optimus," Perceptor replied, "my team will have all system powered off the archive by the time we launch."
Optimus turned to Alpha Trion as he questioned, "Alpha Trion, how is everything? Has all of relics and weapons been sealed?"
"All is almost ready, Optimus. The Decepticons will not get the hands on them, by the time we had them launched to different world," Alpha Trion answered.
"Good... I'll send the boarding call-out to all Autobots momentarily," Optimus said. He turned and glanced at the Ark. He continued, "But first -!"
BOOM! The missiles and blasts hit the Ark. Optimus, Elita One and Jetfire yelped in shock and feared in seeing the attacks. BEEP! Jetfire turned to his security computer in checking out on it.
Jetfire reported, "Optimus! Decepticons have broke through Sector 9 - 12!"
Elita One gasped, "That was Grimlock and his Lightning Strike Coalition's posts!"
"More Decepticons are approaching from North and West! We are under attack!" Jetfire exclaimed in concern. He turned to Optimus Prime, "What are your order, sir?"
Optimus Prime looked down while hummed in thinking. The Decepticons had broke through their defense line and willingly to destroy them. He refused to let that happen. He looked up and spoke, "Autobots... Prepare for the battle. The Ark must be defended at all cost! It is our only transport to flee this world in hopes to find new world to settle."
Jetfire and Elita One nodded their heads in agreement. The Autobots were in grave danger. They all must endured it or they will lose hope...
To be continued...
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Author's Notes:
1. Bumblebee's history was inspired by his own flashback from 'Operation Bumblebee' of Transformers Prime and 'Transformers Movie: The Beginning'.