Few minutes later, they all heard the truck coming as they the humans opening the big gate to let the truck back in the enclosures. The humans knew that wither will be coming soon and had to get the pregnant male's to a much warmer building before the full blow of winter comes. When the humans got out of the truck and got tranquilizer guns at the ready. Then they saw two pair of wolves that was walking towards the back of the truck and into to the cage. The humans then had to get the other two wolves that was the hardest. They then saw them walking around the woods and shot them both with tranquilizer. The two wolves were put into the cage and they drive off. Sonic on the other hand was scared that scourge was here too and was next to his cage. He then got behind his mate, Shadow.
"W.. Why is here?" Asked Sonic looking at Scourge.
"Don't Know" Shadow said growling alittle.
"Who is he?" Asked Mephiles tilting his head.
"He's scourge.. He almost rape me the last time I met him" Sonic said as his ears when down and alittle mad at him.
"Okay, but who's the other one?" Asked Mephiles pointed at the yellow male with his paw.
"I don't know.. I haven't seen him before" Said Sonic looking at what Mephiles was pointing at.
Then Fleetway started to wake up, sating up and looking around. He look at the other wolves in their cages. Scourge also wake up too and stood up. He then saw Sonic and quickly looked away with ears down. Fleetway saw this, looking up at Shadow and Sonic that was behind the black male.
"Why, hello there" Said Fleetway smiling.
"Hi.." Said Shadow growling alittle.
"What are you doing here scourge and who is that with you?" Asked Sonic almost yalled.
Scourge turn yo face Sonic with ears still down and show his belly to him. Sonic was shock to see Scourge's belly.
"I'm pregnant and this is my mate, fleetway" Said Scourge looking at fleetway with a blush.
Sonic was speechless at Scourge and come out of hiding. He know that Scourge wont hurt him.
"Your a uke too?" Asked Sonic tilting his head.
"I guess so.." Said Scourge looking away again.
"So where are they taking us?" Asked Fleetway looking at the other wolves.
"They're taking us to a much warmer place for only alpha's, so the pup wouldn't die in the cold" Said Silver that was laying down on his side.
"Hmm.. Why?" Asked Fleetway.
"I really don't know" Said Silver.
The truck backup into a building and the humans pulled out each cage one by one. Sat their cage infornt of each of the wolves rooms. They started to open the cage, but have to keep the uke's in by siding a metal wall and let the seme go into the room. Sonic starting to get abit scared of whats was happening.
"What's going on?" Sonic said franking out and whimpering. "Shadow!"
"They only wanted to check us" Said Silver.
"Ok" Said Sonic still alittle worry.
"Don't worry, sonic.. I'll wait here for you" Said Shadow.
Sonic smiled that he can't wait to be with Shadow Again. The two looked at Scourge that was growling like crazy in the cage. They soon were taken away to a different room for their check up. One by one was check for any problems or sickness and had their ultrasound seeing the unborn pups. When that was done, the humans took the uke wolves back to their room with their mate's. Sonic was the last to go into the room.
"So, how did it go?" Asked Shadow that was laying on a bed made out of hey.
"It was different for me, but it's okay now" Said Sonic laying next to Shadow.
"What did they do to you?" Said Shadow.
"Don't remember.. I blacked out when they give me a shot" Said Sonic.
A girl doctor walked up to the two man that was making sure the wolves are okay in their rooms and warm for their unborn pups.
"So I got the results from the uke's" Said the girl doctor.
The two man turn towards her and nod for the okay. On the other hand, all the wolves perk their ears to the human girl to learn to what she had to say. The girl doctor look at her clip board and pointed to the first one on the list.
"So the blue male had 3, the gray male had 2 and the green male had 2" Said the girl doctor.
Shadow nuzzle sonic as he wag his tail happy to had 3 pups, but wish to had atlest one more pup. Sonic turn to his belly and lick it. Shadow stopped, watching sonic and smiled.
"Are you okay?" Asked Shadow.
"Ya, I'm okay" Sonic said as he smile at Shadow. "It's just nice that the humans care that much"
"They sure care, cuz it's a rescue" Said Shadow.
"I also can't wait to see the pups" Said Sonic looking back at his belly.
"Me too.. I wounded if one or two look like you" Said Shadow.
"It would be nice to had one look like you too" Sonic said smiling at Shadow.
Shadow just lick Sonic's belly and nuzzle it as Sonic layed his head down.
Silver was laying on his side as Mephiles lick his mate's ear and then stopped.
"You feeling okay?" Said Mephiles.
"Ya, It's just hard to sleep with a big belly" Said Silver laugh alittle.
"Haha" Mephiles laughing.
Mephiles stopped laughing and nuzzled Silver's neck. Silver just smiled and took a nap.
Scourge was laying down, but felt pain in his belly and got his head up looking at his belly. Fleetway got worried of this and walk to Scourge.
"Is something worry, scourge?" Said Fleetway.
Then Fleetway saw Scourge smiling as he looked at his big belly.
"It's the pups, their kicking" Scourge said as grab Fleetway's paw and place it on his belly for him to feel it.
Fleetway did jump alittle as he felt a kick on his paw and smiled at that.
"They'll will be great fighters" Fleetway said as he nuzzle Scourge.
"Or to be great alpha's one day" scourge said as he nuzzle him back.
"Ya, that too" Said Fleetway smiling.
All the wolves were resting and being napping from the warm room. Ever week the humans check on them for anything bad and given them lots of food. The wolves are all happy to find out how many pups they will have and the life that waits for them all.