A/N: As mentioned before, from chapter 16 onwards each chapter will be one month of Hayley's pregnancy. They will be a little longer than the previous chapters. I hope you enjoy them as much as I am enjoying writing this story.
So we have come to an end of this fan fiction. No twist in this one. Just plain and simple ending as you all might have guessed by now. I loved writing it and I loved the fact that you guys read it and commented on it.
Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate all the comments and the time you give to my fan fiction. I will write one more before season 2 starts. Keep your eyes open if you are interested in that. It will be titled "sacrifice"
Hope you enjoy it.
Hayley was going upstairs when the bell rang. She smiled and went to open the door. She looked at Elijah, her smiled widened. It faltered at bit seeing Mikael there too but she fixed it back and said "what a pleasant surprise? Klaus didn't tell me you guy were coming".
She moved aside to let them come in.
Elijah said seriously "he does not know".
Hayley looked at him and then Mikael and said angrily "Elijah, I didn't tell you so that you can worry everyone else".
Klaus was pacing in his room thinking about the case when he remembered something. He walked out of the room and started going down saying "Hayley, you remember Amanda's deposition …" and then he stopped when he saw his father standing in the foyer.
He looked at Elijah angrily and continued coming down. He said "hello father" who nodded at him and said "this is a nice house you got".
Klaus looked at him and said "thank you".
Then he added "Elijah told you?"
Mikael looked at his son for a minute and then said "yes, where is he?"
Klaus said "I don't…"
Mikael cut him off and said in an angry tone "you have not been able to locate him?"
Klaus looked at Elijah and said "no, but it might not be him. It might not be about me".
Mikael looked at his son and the girl carrying his granddaughter next to him and said "It is about you. It is to hurt me and my family and who better to hurt than you at this time".
He then said before anyone could respond "I want to check in the bayou".
Elijah looked at his father and said "it is late tonight, how about we go tomorrow".
Mikael nodded. Klaus showed them their rooms and then went to his room with Hayley who was pacing there wondering what will happen next.
As he entered the room, she said "what is going to happen? Your father came for you and he looks in a really revengeful mood. I don't want him to kill Cary".
Klaus rubbed his hand at the back of his neck and said "don't worry. I wouldn't either. The most he will be able to do is kick him out of pack which in itself will be a big punishment for him".
Hayley realized that he looked tense so she walked to him and touched his cheek and said softly "he came here for you. He must really love you".
Klaus looked at her, smiled and said "yes I know".
They both laid in their bed staring at the ceiling till very late into the night, each lost in their thoughts about what will happen next day and then Hayley turned towards him and wrapped an arm around his torso and closed her eyes. Klaus held her arm and closed his eyes too.
Next morning he gently detangled himself from her and whispered "keep on sleeping. It is still early. I have to go. Will be back by the evening".
She nodded in her sleep and said "be careful".
Klaus changed his clothes quickly and went to the study to prepare the plea agreement. He was lost in his work when he heard his father's voice "when did you get up?"
Klaus looked at him and said "I had this plea agreement to make so I thought I should finish it before we go on that killing spree" making him and Mikael surprise.
"Your sense of humor is improving I see that. Is it her influence?" Mikael said walking into the study and sat opposite him.
Klaus looked at his father's attitude with curiosity and then said "may be".
"I like her" Mikael said.
Klaus picked up the papers and was about to put them in the bag when Mikael motioned him to give them to him. He gave them to him and said "good because she is part of the family now".
Mikael gave him a fleeting look but Klaus was not looking at him. He was collecting the rest of the documents. Mikael could see tiredness on his face but there was something else on it too – contentment, he assumed and smiled and then started reading the plea agreement.
He said after a while "this is good. They should take it".
Klaus said with a sigh "I hope so. I don't want to drag them in court" and then he got up and asked him "coffee?"
Mikael nodded so Klaus left the study and went to kitchen to make coffee where he was joined by Elijah and Kol a couple of minute later.
After having their coffee and breakfast they went to bayou. It was still early so people were sleeping. They walked passed their huts and went deeper sensing and smelling him but couldn't find any signs of him. Jackson joined them later and helped them look for Cary but they couldn't find him.
At last after a couple of hours they decided to return.
Klaus went upstairs to change his clothes which had gotten dirty after the bayou trip. He had to go to a meeting in the office.
He was changing his clothes when he got a phone call. He picked it up and said "yes Jackson, have you found anything?"
Jackson said "Klaus we found Cary's body deep in the bayou after you guys left".
Klaus stopped in his track and said "what? Where?"
Jackson said "It was well hidden and near the swamps a couple of miles down from where you returned. There are bite marks on his neck. Must be a vampire".
Klaus said "okay thank you"
After putting his cell down he sprinted down and then left the house ignoring Elijah's call to him. he stopped the car outside compound and went inside and yelled "Finn come outside".
Finn walked out and said with a smirk "don't yell. We are vampire, we have very good hearing. Your yelling is not helping".
Klaus asked him angrily "you killed him?"
Finn said calmly "do you really want to know? Seeing that you are lawyer and all".
Klaus stared at him for a second and then left furiously knowing well that he cannot be knowingly involved in a murder.
He reached his office where Elijah was waiting for him in his office with their father. He stopped when he saw them. Elijah asked him "where were you?"
Klaus said "Cary's body has been found. Jackson called".
Mikael stood and asked "what? Who killed him?"
Klaus looked at him and said "I don't know".
Mikael stared at him and then said "you don't know or you don't want to know because it can put your cases in jeopardy".
Klaus said after a while "both".
He thought he saw a hint of smile on his face but it vanished so he wonder was he imagining it?
Elijah said in a relieved voice after a couple of minutes "okay then, we are done here. Father what are your plans now".
Mikael stood up and walked to the window and gazed outside without saying anything while Klaus and Elijah exchanged looks. He then turned and said "I want to meet Finn Slater and his brother".
Klaus stood up slowly and said "father I don't think…"
Mikael cut him off and said "I didn't ask youk opinion Niklaus. I said I want to meet him. Arrange a meeting with them" and then he left the office without saying anything.
Klaus sighed and picked up the phone said to his secretary "Donna tell the driver to take my father home".
And then he put the cell down.
Klaus called kaleb after a couple of minutes and said "My father wants to meet you and Finn at my place tonight".
Kaleb looked at Finn who was in lip lock with Eve and said "are you sure it is a good idea? Letting two egoistic maniac under one roof?"
Klaus laughed and said "my father is not an egoistic maniac but your brother I am not sure. You control him and I will see what I can do about my father. See you at 8 pm. Annex".
He looked at Elijah after putting the cell down "it is a bad idea".
Elijah said lost in thoughts "yes" and then he said "I am going to meet Sophie. Will be back in a couple of hours".
Klaus smiled at his brother's back and then picked up the phone as it rang and said "I will be right there".
The meeting went longer than he was expecting and by the time he reached home, it was already 7:30 pm. As he entered his room, he saw Kol lying on the bed talking to Hayley. They looked at him as he entered and was heading to the walking closet when Kol asked her "is that what you do with her?"
When he looked at her questioningly Kol said mischievously "alone all day. I don't think you deserve her. Hayley I will not treat you like that".
Klaus said "shut up Kol" and went to change his clothes while Hayley and Kol laughed. He came out of bathroom in casual jeans and shirt and then kissed Hayley hurriedly and said to Kol "we are meeting Slaters in annex. Interested?"
Kol jumped up and said "interested? Let's go".
Hayley looked at Klaus who nodded and said "it is okay" and then he left with Kol headed to the Annex.
Mikael and Elijah were already there discussion about their cases when they entered.
They sat there silently when they heard a knock on the glass door. Klaus got up to open it and greeted Finn and Kaleb. Kaleb said to him "seriously! you are never going to invite us to the big house" he pointed to the main house.
"Over my dead body" Klaus said with a smirk.
Finn entered the room and eyed Kol and Elijah and the man and said "that can be arranged".
Kol took a step forward when Elijah held his arm and stopped him. Finn smiled and said "over protective family. You are lucky Mr. Mikaelsons".
Klaus led them to the table where everyone was sitting. HE said to Finn and Kaleb "my father Mikael, leader of Wood pack. My brother Kol and you know Elijah".
As they seated down Mikael said "I want to deal with this issue between Wood pack and Originals. Why is their animosity increasing recently".
Finn looked at him and said insolently "because after 1000 years I am getting bored" making Mikael's face get red.
Kaleb leaned forward and said "Finn careful".
Finn smiled at their reactions and said "because I got an opportunity in the name of Katherine Pierce and I very well couldn't let it go. Previously it was one wolf a year so no one noticed but this year there were a lot so things got out of hand".
Mikael said "I want you to stop doing that. You cannot get your brother back but you are hurting families here. Families with kids, wives, brothers and sisters".
Finn stared at him for a while and then asked "are you concerned about them or your own family?"
Mikael snapped "both and if you even think about touching my family…"
Finn started to laugh and said "your family will be last I promise".
Mikael stood up angrily. Klaus cleared his throat and said "You are willing to kill my child to take revenge of your brother who died 1000 years ago by some ancestor of a family in our pack?"
Elijah and Kaleb exchanged a look and hid their smiles as they both realized what he was trying to do.
Finn stared at him and then started to laugh and say "you are clever Mr. Mikaelsons. Now I know why you are in this business".
Klaus smiled and said "and I am good at that".
Finn stood up and walked towards the window. He could see the main house and then his vampire vision could see the house and then he saw her standing near the window looking toward the annex. Their eyes met and she moved away. He turned towards them and said "okay you got yourself a deal. It is not like I have a time limit to take my revenge. I can always start after your demise. But for now your pack is safe as long as we have peace between our two families".
Mikael stood up angrily but Elijah said "Father. I think it is a good deal".
Mikael turned to him and snapped at him "I know but that does not mean that I have to like it" and then left the annex angrily.
Finn smiled and said "your father is an angry man".
Klaus walked to him and said "yes he is and you have got yourself a deal".
He then extended his hand towards him who after a moment took it and said "I see what my brother likes in you Klaus". Klaus acknowledged his use of his first name with a nod. Finn ten he let his hand go and left the annex with Kaleb following him.
As they left Elijah laughed and said to Klaus "that was a good move Niklaus. Using his affection for Hayley".
Kol said in surprise "what?"
Klaus turned towards him and said casually "Finn fancies Hayley".
Before he could stop himself Kol asked "and she?"
Klaus smiled and said "you tell me?" and then he left the annex and went towards the main house.
When he entered his room, she smiled and said "that was a good move".
Klaus smiled and hugged her and said "lawyer here".
Hayley smiled and said "hmm sneaky and conceited. I like it" and then she kissed him and pushed him on the bed and pulled at his shirt whereas his hands expertly took off her clothes. Their mouth found each other's body and after tormenting each other for a while when she begged him to finish the torment he laughed and gently took her.
Next morning Hayley was coming downstairs when she saw Mikael and Klaus standing in the foyer. She took a couple of steps back and sat down on the first step and listened.
Mikael turned to Klaus and said "you know you can always come home. Your mother misses you".
Klaus looked at his father and said with a smile "yes I know".
Mikael then said "I miss you too".
Klaus smiled and said "I know that. I miss you all too. I promise I will visit after the baby is born. Hayley cannot travel right now and I don't want to leave her alone".
Mikael stared at him for a second and then opened his mouth to say something but couldn't. Klaus looked at his father with thoughtful eyes and said "I know" and then he hugged him and said "I know".
Mikael separated himself from him when they heard Kol saying "father let's leave. We are getting late".
He then looked at them and asked "am I interrupting something".
Klaus said "No. we are done".
She got up and walked downstairs and said to Mikael "can't you guys stay for one more day?"
Mikael said with a smile "I have to go for this business thing but I can send Rebekah back for company, Hayley". He then hugged her and followed Kol and Elijah outside.
Later that day Hayley walked into the Rousseau's and went to the back room where Sophie was busy making the soup. She smiled at him and sat opposite her on a bar stool.
Sophie looked at her and said "you are really growing. Just a couple of weeks left right?" as she put the vegetables in the steaming water.
Hayley smiled touching her stomach and said "that is why I am here"
When Sophie looked at her, she said "the curse will be broken when this baby is born right?"
Sophie said "yes, we have to say that spell when you go into labor. I have to say the spell from the time your labor starts to the baby being born. The birth of the baby combined with the spell will break the curse".
She looked at Hayley who kept staring at her and then after a sigh she said "yes I remember that one too. Are you sure you want to do it?"
Hayley nodded.
She asked her "have you told Klaus?"
Hayley said "no but I will" and then asked her "how are things with Elijah? You miss him?"
Sophie laughed and said "of course I miss him. He came yesterday and now he is gone. May be I can go visit him some day".
Hayley smiled and said "yes you can" and then she got up and left.
As she was leaving the Rousseau's she bumped into Finn who smiled at her.
Hayley asked him with irritation "what are you doing here?"
Finn at once said with a smile on his face "me? Drinking but what are you doing here in this condition?"
"None of your business" she said to him angrily and brushed past him and started walking out when he stopped her by calling her "are you happy with him?"
Hayley turned towards him, smiled and said "yes of course".
Finn looked at her for a few seconds and said "Then I will let you go. In this life time you can be his but next life time you will be mine".
Hayley scoffed and said "then you keep on waiting for that life time because I love him and I will always love him" and turned and left him standing there laughing.
When she got home she went to the study and opened the door gently and said "Finn met me today".
He was working on making a plea agreement when she entered the room. He looked up at her and asked her after putting his pen down "what did he want?"
"Why Klaus, you have come a long way. No more jealousy?" Hayley smiled and said to him.
"DO I need to be jealous?" Klaus asked her linking his fingers into each other.
"Well you never had the need to be jealous but you were jealous" Hayley sat down and said.
Klaus said with a smile "I didn't know that I had no need to be jealous but now I know".
And then asked her "so what did he want this time?"
Hayley picked up the paper weight and said "what else? Me".
Klaus laughed and said "that guy is really persistent I must say".
Hayley smiled and said "not after today. I told me once and for all".
Klaus leaned forward and asked her "what?"
Hayley looked at him and said "you are fishing for compliments?"
He said "yes" making her laugh and say "that I love you"
Klaus said "good because I love you too". Hayley smiled and sat there quietly.
Klaus looked at her and then he leaned back and asked her "what is it?"
Hayley took a deep breath and said "I want to talk to you about something important".
Klaus nodded and motioned her to sit down.
A week went by from Mikael's trip. Klaus as usual was busy but he had started to stay home more. He would lock himself in the study and work on his cases from there. Sometimes Hayley would give him company. Sometimes she wouldn't. He would get calls from Rebekah, Kol and Esther to keep her occupied.
One day it was quiet late. She was trying to sleep but couldn't because her growing stomach was making it difficult for her to sleep. She turned towards him and saw that he was lost in his work. He looked at her and said "I am going to ask Rebekah to visit next week".
Hayley asked him rubbing her hand on her stomach "good but any particular reason".
Klaus said "it is full moon next Sunday so I don't want you to be alone. What if you go into labor".
Hayley said "hmm. I still have two weeks to go".
Klaus turned the page and said absentmindedly "I know but still you can never be too careful" and then got lost again in his work. After a couple of minutes he looked at her and saw that she was still up and was looking uncomfortable. He asked her "what is it?"
Hayley said with frustration "I cannot sleep with this stomach".
Klaus smiled not taking his eyes off the papers and said "just a couple of more days".
She sat up and then looked at him for a while and then leaned in and put her arm on his shoulder and whispered "make love to me".
Klaus looked at her with surprise and then after a thought he asked "really! Right now?"
Hayley snapped at him "I want this baby out. As much as I love it, I want it out and making love can jump start labor".
Klaus laughed at her frustration and said "love that is for if you are due past your delivery date".
Hayley thought for a moment and then said "if you don't I will not let you …"
Klaus kept his eyes on the file and said "you cannot use that one. You have already used it".
When she fumed in anger he said "love, your body is not ready for the baby to be delivered to please have patience".
Hayley snapped at him "you don't have to carry all this extra weight all day".
Klaus said with a smile "yes, that is true but you do look lovely" and then he said "I'll be…"
Hayley who was fuming at his comment said "what?"
He said "I know this person".
"Who?" Hayley asked him.
HE said pointed at a picture in the file "this one. He was in my class in law school. But how did he get involved in this mess?".
Hayley asked him trying to adjust her position "If he was in your class then how come you don't remember".
Klaus looked at him with amusement and said "do you remember the size of the classes and remember that I don't have a hybrid memory".
She smiled this time and said "so who is he?"
"I have a picture of my graduation in a box in the walking closet. Let me get it" he said and was getting up when she said "I will go. I have to change too".
Klaus looked at her and said "you have already changed".
"I am hot" she snapped.
He said in surprise "it is 30 F love".
Hayley glared at him angry and said "Exactly" and then went to the walking closet.
Klaus smiled and started concentrating on his work when he heard her frustration voice "where is it?"
He said with a smile "in that black box behind my clothes".
Hayley cursed him at the hint of smile in his voice and with difficulty bend down to retrieve the rectangular black box and opened it.
She said "found it" and took out the black wallet and then as she was about to close it, she saw it. She picked up the butterfly shaped clip and stared at it
As she made path through the crowd of young men and women, she pushed the hair back from her eyes and then cursed as she realized her clip was not there. She stopped and opened her purse and searched it but she couldn't find it and then she spun around and saw him standing up with his back towards her and as she saw he turned towards him. She quickly turned her back to him so that he couldn't look at her face and started walking away from him
End Flashback.
Klaus sat there waiting for her to come out and then got up and went to the walking closet to check what is taking so long. He asked her "Hayley what…" and stopped when he saw her standing there with the picture in her hand.
He took the picture from her hand and said "what are you doing with that?"
"Whose is it?" Hayley asked as if still in daze
And then her gaze fell on something else. She picked up the ring with blue stone in the center and stared at it not listening to him saying.
"It belongs to a girl I met on my first day in law school. We bumped into each other and she dropped it while walking away from me" Klaus said casually taking it from her and staring at it.
Hayley asked him in a whisper "Do you know her?"
Klaus said taking the ring from her hand "No. I didn't see her face"
Hayley asked in whisper "and the ring?"
"Mine, I used to wear it when I was in law school" Klaus said with a smile putting the ring on.
"Why so many question?" Klaus asked her curiously.
Hayley suddenly grabbed his hand. When he looked at her questioningly she said in a panicked voice "my water just broke"
"What?" Klaus asked her in shock tone.
She yelled as a pain wave hit her "MY WATER JUST BROKE"
Klaus took the box from her hand and took her out hurriedly and said "you are not due for another two weeks"
She said through clenched teeth "I know" and squeezed his hand when a pain wave hit her again.
"The contractions are coming too quickly. I don't think…" she stopped and then said "baby will wait any longer"
Klaus picked her up and took her downstairs and after settling her down in the car, he called Dr. Sandy's office and told the receptionist "My wife's water broke, we are on the way".
She held his hand and said "call her".
Klaus said with frustration "Hayley we don't have time".
She said in between shoots of pain "you promised me remember. We have to do that right now".
Klaus looked at her with hesitation and said "are you sure?"
"Yes I am" she said.
He dialed her number. When she said in a sleepy voice "Klaus it is one in the morning…"
He cut her off and said "Hayley is in labor. Come to the hospital right now".
He looked at Hayley who was in pain and was clutching the seat hard.
They reached the hospital. He carried her inside. The doctor was luckily on call so they took her to a room. She checked her and said "she is in active labor".
As they were preparing her for the delivery Sophie arrived. She went to her and said "it is about time" and then she stood by her head and said "as soon as you start pushing I will do the spell".
The nurse said "you cannot be here. Only the immediate family".
Hayley said as the pain subsided "she is family. My sister in law".
The nurse nodded and left. Hayley looked at Klaus and hissed "you stay on this side of the bed. Do you understand?"
HE smiled and said "sure love".
The doctor came in and told her to push. Hayley grabbed for his hand and started pushing. Sophie put her hand on her forehead started reciting the spell softly. Dr. Sandra looked at them in confusion. Klaus said "it is an old family prayers". She smiled and continued her job.
After a couple of minutes she looked at Klaus and said "done. I will sit out and do the other thing which will be completed when the baby is born".
As soon as she left Klaus looked at Hayley after one particular exhausting push and said "Hayley will you marry me?"
"Are you crazy? Do you know what you are asking me?" she took the ice chips that the nurse offered her.
Klaus said with a smile "Yes I know. Remember I told you that we will cross that bridge when the time comes. The time has come"
"Now?!" she yelled at him
"What better time to ask you? I know you cannot run away right now" Klaus said with a smile.
She closed her open mouth as the doctor told her to push. She squeezed his hand while pushing and said while pushing "you know what I was and we are not sure if that has worked or not"
He said "yes I know love. I am sure you have but even if it has not worked, I don't care. The only thing I know about you is that you are a very stubborn girl who has decided that she will never ever listen to anyone particularly me but I still love you"
Hayley slapped his hand away from his and fell down on the pillow with frustration. She then said "about that clip…"
She propped herself up again by holding his hand as the doctor told her to push again. Klaus said while she was pushing "that means nothing to me. I will throw it away if it bothers you…" and then he said with a flinch "gently love, you are breaking my hand"
Hayley hissed at him while pushing and then slumbered back as the doctor said "one more push and the head will be out. She said to him in an exhausted voice "no, don't throw it away"
"Why?" Klaus asked her.
She lifted herself up and started to push again and said in a whisper "because it is mine".
Klaus stared at her as the room filled with a baby's cries and the doctor said "congratulations you have a healthy baby boy"
"What?" Klaus looked at her still in shock at this new revelation. He looked at Hayley who was on the bed with her eyes closed. As if on cue she opened them and asked the doctor "can I hold him?"
As the nurse put the baby on her breast, he walked to her and said "what do you mean that is yours?" he then looked at his baby and said "he is so cute and you lied to me about him being a girl"
"Yes I did" Hayley looked at him and said proudly. She then said "that is what you get for missing that ultrasound appointment"
He looked at her for a few seconds and then the nurse took the baby from her saying "let me give him a quick rinse". As she took the baby to the sink in the room he asked her "so about that clip?"
Hayley smiled at him and said "I was the girl that bumped into you, whose purse you were giving when someone called you and you turned to talk to him and then you looked for her when you picked up that clip from the ground"
"It was you?" Klaus said in a surprised tone and then he said "so Sophie was right. Us meeting and getting together is fate"
"Hmm" she said.
He looked at her and said "so will you marry me"
"Klaus I …" she started reluctantly
"I know who you are and even it didn't work I don't care. Will you marry me?" Klaus asked her.
"I don't think it is a good idea…" Hayley said.
"Damn it Hayley. Why do you have to be so stubborn? Can't you just stop thinking about future and focus on present. I am asking you to marry me now and you are thinking about consequences" he snapped and said in a loud and frustrating voice
Hayley looked into his passion filled eyes and anxious face and as she saw him open his mouth she said "yes"
"What?" Klaus asked in shock tone.
"I said yes" and then she smiled broadly.
Klaus cupped her face and kissed her hard on the lips and said "thanks god. If you had said no I would have kept on pestering you until you had said yes"
She laughed and said "really. Then maybe I should let you do that. I take back my yes"
Klaus said with a smile "well you cannot now. What is said is said".
She asked him some moments later "where is my ring?"
"You didn't exactly give me any warning to pick up the ring" he said.
When she kept on staring at him, he said "it is at home. I will bring it tomorrow when I get the car seat and some things for you and the baby".
He leaned in and kissed her.
Dr. Sandy said "Double congratulations to both of you. Hayley you have gotten two stiches which is pretty normal during delivery. I will leave you to rest. Will check on you later today and if you need anything ring the bell. One of the nurses will come and help you"
After she left the nurse brought the baby to her and gave him to her and said "you need to nurse him now"
She said "how?"
"Just put him against your breast and let him latch on to you, you will automatically know what to do" the nurse smiled at her and said.
Hayley looked at Klaus while unhooking her bra. He rolled his eyes and said "really!"
When she continued to stare at him, he took a step forward and said adamantly "NO and that is for lying to me about the sex of the baby"
The nurse smiled at their exchange. He stood there and watched her as she put the baby to her breast and he began to suck on it.
Hayley felt a strange sensation she felt him start to drink. She looked up at the nurse who smiled and said "See I told you" and then turned and left the room.
Klaus sat down next to her wrapping his arm around her touching the baby's hand on her breast and said "have you thought about a name"
"Yes but you tell first" She said with a smile as she felt his fingers brushing her naked breast.
"The name I have in mind is for a girl as you so kindly told me that we are having a girl" he said "and I don't think he will appreciate it if we give him a girl's name"
Hayley laughed and said "sorry I couldn't help it. You just made me really mad when you didn't show up for that ultrasound and then I decided to play along"
"You are not forgiven. You will have to pay for that" he said in a whisper as removed the locks of her hair and moved his lips on her neck. He smiled as she gasped and asked in a whisper while continuing what he was doing "so the name?"
Hayley said with a moan "Brian Mikaelsons"
"I like it" Klaus said as he finally kissed her on her neck making her turn her face towards him and kiss him hard on his lips and then whispered "I think it worked".
Hayley looked at him excitedly "you think so?"
"Yes, you didn't heal remember" Klaus said with a smile. He then kissed her again.
When they parted Klaus took out his cell and dialed a number while keeping an eye on her who was looking at their son, Brian. He heard his sleepy annoyed voice "Niklaus do you know what time is it?
Klaus said with a smile "Too early to wake up Uncle Elijah"
He laughed when he heard his excited voice "what? The baby is already born"
"Yes and he is perfectly healthy. Why don't you fly over and see him for yourself" Klaus said touching his tiny feet.
"He? But you said…" Elijah asked him in a confused tone.
"Yes, all Hayley" Klaus said as he saw the nurse giving Hayley nursing tips.
He smiled at the heartfelt laughter that escaped his brother's throat "good girl. I will be there first thing in the morning with everyone. Give her and him our love". And then he disconnected the call.
"Klaus why did you keep that clip?" Hayley asked him
Klaus stared at her thinking 'why he had kept the clip and why he had taken it out thousands of times and stared at it thinking about that girl whose face he couldn't see but something had attracted him to her and he didn't know what but now he did. It was fate". He smiled and said to her "Perhaps because fate was telling us that we are meant to be"
Next morning she was buttoning her shirt and smiling when he took over from behind and after buttoning her shirt, he held her left hand and slipped a ring into it and whispered "I went home to get it along with the car seat".
Hayley looked at him and said "I need to talk to you about something important".
He motioned her to sit down.
"Klaus, Sophie told me ages ago that it can be done. I can become a simple werewolf again" she said to him.
"What? How?" Klaus asked her.
Hayley said "it was one of my mother's spell and the only time to do it with an act of nature involving me. This child's birth will help me break that curse Klaus".
Klaus looked at her and then shook his head and said "No. I don't want you to do it"
"I want to do it, I cannot imagine my life without my child. I have lost too much. I have seen my younger brother die before my eyes. I cannot go through that again. I just cannot" she said to him.
"Hayley" Klaus said with exasperation.
"Klaus I will do it whether you agree with me or not. You know I will but I will appreciate it if you stand by me when I am doing it" Hayley said adamantly.
He stared at her for a while and then said "okay"
End flashback.
He then kissed her on her neck and said "are you ready to take him home?"
"Yes I am" she said to him holding a swaddled Brain in her arms.
"How do you feel?" he asked her holding her hands and checking her out from head to too.
"Great, being human again feels great" she said with a smile.
"Well you are not a human, you are a werewolf whom I love very much" Klaus said pulling her towards him and kissing her gently on her lips.
On the way to home she said "we had not even prepared the nursery. I am just glad we had few things for the baby especially the car seat. They wouldn't have let us take him if we didn't have that".
Klaus looked on either side while crossing the stop sign and said "that is not difficult. These days you can buy anything in one shopping trip".
She sighed and asked him "when is your family coming?"
"My family?" he looked at her and asked her.
She smiled and said "our family".
He said "they should be here by 12".
HE stopped the car and took out car seat and they walked into their house. As he opened the door they were greeted by a shout. Hayley was engulfed by Rebekah, Esther and Kol at the same time. She looked at Klaus who was smiling and shrugging. He put the car seat gently on the couch in the foyer. Esther separated herself from Hayley gently and walked to the car seat and looked at the sleeping baby. She smiled at him and asked "what is his name?"
Klaus walked to Hayley and pulled her in one arm hug and said "Brain Mikaelson".
She looked at them with a smile. Klaus cleared his throat as everyone went to see the baby and said "I have an announcement to make".
When they looked at them Klaus said "I asked Hayley to marry me and she has accepted that".
Rebekah screamed so loud that the baby got startled and opened his eyes and started to cry. Every one chided her by saying "Rebekah!"
Esther hastily took him out of the car seat and picked him up. He stopped crying as soon as his head touched her shoulder. She looked at everyone else who were congratulating Klaus and Hayley and smiled. Mikael walked to Esther and put his hand on the baby when she gently transferred him to Mikael and went to hug Hayley. As Esther was hugging Hayley, Klaus looked at his father who was patting the baby's back gently and was smiling. Their eyes met just for a second and they smiled at each other.
The end.