Chapter Five

Bilbo woke as his stomach twisted, he groaned before disentangling himself from Thorin and walking quickly to the bathroom. He felt slightly panicked and horribly ill, as he seemed to throw up his entire stomach. The nausea seemed to finally have passed and he was inclined to make sure that no one had gotten the stomach flu and that he didn't have a baby inside of him at this very moment. He washed his face, the cold water feeling wonderful after he had been sick. His worries were lessened temporarily as Thorin ran in a rather undignified manner to the bathroom and started to throw up as well, as Bilbo started walking towards the door. Bilbo had always been sympathetic by nature and so went to Thorin and held back his hair as he bent over the toilet.

"I think there might have been something off about last night's dinner, will you be alright if I go check and see if the others are unwell?" Bilbo asked Thorin gently and Thorin waved with one of his hands, currently unable to speak. "I'll be back soon with some mint tea and Oin." Bilbo promised. He still felt much too sick to eat and that alone was telling, still the most likely place to find Oin if he wasn't ill was at table.

He walked slowly down the hall, until he came to the breakfast table, the smells overwhelming him and he groaned before covering his mouth. All the rest of the company seemed to be fine, which meant that either someone had deliberately poisoned Thorin and Bilbo, or somehow they were both pregnant. The idea of being pregnant was quite different then the reality, Bilbo decided, before sitting himself down in the unoccupied chair. He'd thought that Thorin and he were both just sick, but that was obviously not the case, he wished suddenly that in all his time trying to learn Khuzdul, he'd had thought to have asked the finer points about being with child and acquired more than a child's notion of dwarven pregnancies. He stared down at his belly, he had gained weight in the last months, but there was yet any obvious sign that shrieked pregnant. Still he could well be over thinking this and someone could be poisoning both himself and Thorin.

"When does nausea start in dwarven pregnancies?" Bilbo asked to what he realized was a rather silent table.

"Around the first month, were you sick today lad?" Balin asked and Bilbo nodded.

"Thorin is ill as well, I wanted to make sure that it wasn't food poisoning, but considering that we all eat relatively the same things and you are all alright, either someone deliberately poisoned Thorin and me, or we're both pregnant, is that even possible?" His friends all stared at him in shock, before Dwalin spoke.

"It is quite rare, but its possible and its considered to be a fortuitous event." Dwalin said and smiled at the hobbit. "Congratulations."

"Er thanks you." Bilbo said still feeling in shock. "Could I have some mint tea please and could you check on Thorin Oin? I don't think my legs are much up to moving at the moment." He said.

"It's all going to be alright Lad, you should have seen me when I saw Gimli for the first time, I was nearly more a sight than my wife." Gloin said and Bilbo laughed, unfortunately the laughter turned from amused to slightly hysterical and then he was both laughing and crying and had no idea what he was feeling other than he was feeling a lot of it all at once. Someone put a cup of tea in his hands and he felt Fili wrap his arms around him.

"Its okay Uncle Bilbo, we'll all protect the babies and they will grow up knowing that they are loved. Thorin is the best father any child could ask for, trust me on that count and it will all be fine." Fili assured. "Now I know you must be feeling all sorts of things right now, I want you to focus on your breathing, take a deep breath in and out. Imagine your lungs are like billows and you need to stoke a dying fire." Fili said and as Bilbo did as Fili suggested he started to feel calmer. He wiped at his face and looked at the young dwarf.

"I'm sorry." Bilbo said and Fili smiled at him.

"Its not your fault mood swings are common in dwarven pregnancies." Fili said and Bilbo groaned before taking a sip of his tea.

"Do you have any candied ginger?" He asked one of the servants.

"We have ginger, but what is candied ginger?" The servant replied and Bilbo frowned, he could really use some candied ginger right about now.

"Then just bring me some of whatever ginger you have on hand." Bilbo said, eating plain ginger wasn't very appetizing but once his stomach settled he might be able to keep some food down. The man brought some ginger and Bilbo nodded to him, before biting down on it. He groaned as the taste filled his mouth, it had just the right amount of spice to it and seemed exactly what he needed at the moment. He ate about half of it and drank the tea, before getting up and walking back to the rooms he shared with Thorin. Thorin was lying on the floor when Bilbo arrived, he seemed to be asleep. Bilbo gently shook his shoulder, before shaking it harder until Thorin opened his eyes, his face turning slightly green. Bilbo offered him the ginger and Thorin shook his head.

"Poison?" Thorin asked and Bilbo smiled.

"No, but you have a babe in your belly, and I think I do as well."

"Both of us?" Thorin said and looked dazed. "Too risky." He said.

"Now lets not worry about things we can't control and see to the things we can. Eat the ginger it will help to settle your stomach." Bilbo said and Thorin took the ginger from him, and started to eat it.

"Tired." Thorin murmured. "Tell the council."

"There's no harm in missing a day and your health comes first." Bilbo said although he was more than a little worried for Thorin's well being. "Why don't you get into bed and I'll put a chamber pot close by. Oin will be coming soon, to look us both over." Thorin nodded and came shakily to his feet, Bilbo walked beside him as he went over to the bed and sat on it. "This is the first day that the babes have made their presence known, in the old days we would throw a feast to celebrate their presence."

"Why I can't feel them yet, other than being sick."

"Because they have made it this far and some danger has passed. Dwarves do not have easy pregnancies, babes don't sit easily in the womb and male pregnancies are even harder. Each marker deserves to be celebrated for our children, but we don't yet have the resources to do it properly."

"I think it will be enough knowing that we're expecting a child." Bilbo said and smiled at Thorin. "The Valar have been kind to us, why would they take their blessing now?"

"Who knows half of what the Valar do, or why."

"Well I for one am going to light candles for Yavanna and Mahuel and ask their blessing for the babies, that's a hobbit tradition. Every night after a pregnancy is realized, a candle is lit for Yavanna and a few crumbs of bread are sacrificed to the flame."

"It sounds like an interesting tradition, can I observe it with you?" Thorin asked and Bilbo smiled.

"I'd like that very much." He said as Oin came into the room.

"Are you tired Thorin?" Oin asked Thorin and he nodded. "Bilbo told me that you were sick as well. Lift up your shirt, I need to feel your belly." Oin said and Thorin did as was asked of him, Oin nodded feeling the skin over Thorin's stomach and just below it. "Your sack is attached and I can't feel any problems. Now its your turn Bilbo." Hesitantly Bilbo lifted his tunic and Oin preformed the same examination. "You both seem to be in good health, now I can make a tea to help sooth the nausea and another to help you stay alert, but you can only take one dose a day of that. The nausea tea can be taken as much as needed."

"Thank you Oin." Thorin said and smiled. "If you don't mind telling the council..."

"Fili will be taking over the council meetings for the duration of your pregnancy, there is president involved and the lad will give you papers telling you what they have decided. You are to avoid stress and stressful situations as much as possible, for that reason your wedding will take place a week from now and since all those details have already been sorted out, there is little for you to do, other then rest and relax."

"But the people..."

"Thorin we're dwarves, not babes, we can look after things for the next five months."

"Five months?" Bilbo demanded.

"Yes, I suppose that your babies are born later?"

"Quite a bit, our women usually give birth in the seventh month."

"You should know by now that dwarves are an impacting folk and are so from the time before they are born. Although we have some of the quickest pregnancies of intelligent races, that very quickness can lead to complication. I need you to come to me at once if either of you start to feel dizzy, or your stomach hurts."

"We will of course, thank you Oin, as ever your services are much appreciated and do credit to our house." Thorin said and Oin smiled.

"I'm glad to help both you and Bilbo Thorin, now why don't you both rest for a time and the servants will bring in a light lunch for both of you." Oin said, before leaving the room. Bilbo didn't feel tired, but neither did he want Thorin to worry about him, so he snuggled up against Thorin and closed his eyes.

Unfortunately he couldn't sleep too preoccupied with the thought of what was growing in him and what it meant. He laid there listening to Thorin's breathing slowly deepen, until he started to snore and yet sleep still eluded him. He got up slowly from the bed and got dressed, before setting a note on top of Thorin's chest and walking out of their chambers.

He went to the kitchens and smiled as many of the dwarves working stopped what they were doing to stare at him. "Mind if I do some cooking?" They all shook their heads as Bilbo got a pot and started making candied ginger. Once the ginger was cooling he started on scones, the smells in the kitchen bothered him slightly as they were overwhelming, but he focused on his task in attempt to block them out. He finished making the dough for the scones, before adding ginger to them and setting them on a tray. He'd made a large batch of candied ginger and he remembered how Pricilla used to love ginger scones and clotted cream when she was pregnant. He waited for the scones to finish baking before taking them from the oven and transferring the ginger from a baking sheet to a jar. He took a handful of the ginger and ate it, enjoying the mixture of spicy and sweet. However someone started making eggs and his stomach did a funny turn as he smelt them cooking. The smell of raw eggs hadn't bothered him, but the smell of cooked eggs definitely did. He hastily left the kitchens, drawing some puzzled looks. As soon as he couldn't smell the eggs anymore he popped several pieces of candied ginger in his mouth and felt his stomach settle. He walked back to the rooms he shared with Thorin and laid down in bed next to him.

""I'bo?" Thorin asked half asleep and Bilbo smiled, as he suddenly felt a wave of weariness. Thorin's arm came around him, dragging Bilbo to his chest, as he fell asleep a moment later and Bilbo followed soon after him.

Bilbo awoke to a soft knock at the door and gently shook Thorin's shoulder, until Thorin groaned and opened his eyes. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF DURIN IS GOING ON AND IT BETTER BE GOOD!" Thorin yelled angrily, before his eyes softened when he saw Bilbo. "Sorry Bilbo, I didn't mean to yell at you."

"Its alright Thorin, I know how easy it is to become emotional." Bilbo said.

"You're accusing me of being emotional!" Thorin demanded and Bilbo frowned.

"No, not at all Thorin, someone was knocking, should we go see who it is?" Bilbo asked and Thorin nodded, together they made their way to the door, Bilbo scooping up the jar of candied ginger as they went. Thorin blushed, before bursting into tears at seeing Dwalin standing outside the door. The dwarven warrior looked uncertain about how to handle his crying king and Bilbo felt his own eyes watering, when he saw Thorin distressed. He rubbed Thorin's back soothingly, trying to stop himself from crying as well. "Good day Dwalin, is there something you wanted us for?"

"Lunch is ready if you'd like to have it with us and Dis has arrived from the Misty Mountains."

"Dis is here?" Thorin asked and sniffed.

"Yes, she just made it and she's looking forward to meeting you Bilbo." Dwalin said and Bilbo smiled.

"I can't wait to meet her." Bilbo said and took Thorin's hand as Thorin wiped at his eyes and smiled at Bilbo slightly unsteadily. "I won't blame you for being emotional Thorin, if you can promise the same to me, does that sound fair?" Bilbo asked.

"I wonder what I did to deserve you my aban."

"Or I you, now should we go? I'm quite hungry." Bilbo said and Dwalin chuckled.

"You're always hungry."

"I am not, I'm not hungry nearly as often now as I was, but I am eating for two after all." Bilbo pointed out, taking a deep breath afterwards to attempt to control his temper. Something that he found had become much harder, since he became a dwarf.

"I know lad."Dwalin reassured and Bilbo nodded, before starting to walk with Thorin to the dining room. "I can take the jar for you, if you like?"

"Its not that heavy, I can manage." Bilbo replied and Dwalin nodded, as they walked together to the dining area. Bilbo did a double take, when he saw someone that looked a lot like Thorin from behind at least, sitting at table in a dress. Fili and Kili thought his surprise was funny and laughed at him, which caused Bilbo's temper to spike.

"HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT MY ABAN?" Thorin demanded and Bilbo stared at Thorin a moment.

"They didn't mean anything by it Thorin." Bilbo said gently.


"My honor is fine thank you for concerning yourself with it Thorin, however perhaps we might sit down and you can introduce me to your lovely sister, who from behind at least has a very striking resemblance to my Aban." Bilbo said and the entire company stared at them and Bilbo felt his cheeks redden.

"Thorin and I both have our mother's hair, please sit down and eat something, both of you. Standing like that isn't good for my nephews."

"We could be carrying girls." Bilbo said.

"Boys are much more likely, one in ten dwarven pregnancies results in a female dwarfling." Thorin said.

"Admittedly I wouldn't be sure of how to raise a girl, not to mention when she wants to step out with some lad or other." Bilbo said and everyone stared at him. "Well could you imagine Thorin with a daughter?"

"All too well, my brother didn't let me even court my one, until I was of age." Dis said with a laugh. "So Bilbo what do you like to do, other then keep my idiot of a brother alive and happy?"

"I like sewing and embroidery although I haven't done it in a while, I also love to cook and read, I was thinking of making a blanket for the baby, babies actually now I suppose." Bilbo said and smiled at Thorin.

"I could teach you how to use a bead loom if you like."

"What's that?"

"It's much like a normal loom, except you use beads instead of thread and follow a certain pattern." Dis explained.

"It sounds enjoyable and interesting." Bilbo said and smiled. "I think I will have a lot of time on my hands soon." He then opened the jar of candied ginger and took out a few pieces. "Would you like some Thorin?" He asked and Thorin took some of the ginger as well. He frowned as he chewed it, before smiling and nodding.

"It has an unusual taste and texture, but it is not entirely unpleasant." Thorin said.

"From Thorin that's a ringing endorsement." Dis said and Bilbo was overcome with mirth, he laughed until he cried, as Thorin glowered. Bilbo settled and smiled at Thorin, who's frown seemed to melt away under Bilbo's gaze. Then the food arrived and Bilbo frowned when Thorin didn't serve himself.

"You should serve yourself first." Thorin said and Bilbo sighed before nodding and taking some beef, before reaching for a pot of jam and the potatoes. Fili and Kili stared horrified at the Hobbit, as he layered beef, potatoes and jam between two pieces of bread, by the end of it, Thorin looked slightly green.

"Do you want me to fix you a plate?" Bilbo asked and Thorin nodded, as Bilbo wordlessly passed him the ginger and he took several more pieces. Bilbo put more of the beef on Thorin's plate, as well as the potatoes and a side dish that seemed to have green beans and mushrooms in it. He remembered how Thorin had actually seemed to enjoy the stuffed mushrooms they had eaten in Rivendell and smiled at the memory of that day.

"Go ahead and start eating while we serve ourselves, neither of you should have to stand by curtsy while your pregnant." Dwalin said gruffly and Bilbo took a bite of his sandwich while Fili and Kili stared at him wide eyed, his eyes widened in delight at the sweet and salty taste of the beef, jam and potatoes mixed together and he took another bite and another, finishing it as the rest of the company and Dis had finished serving themselves. He nodded his thanks to Dis, when she put the platter of meat near his reach and took several more pieces, this time covering them in gravy.

"So what sort of books do you enjoy reading?" Dis asked and Bilbo chewed the bite he'd taken before answering.

"All kinds, anything I could get my hands on really, I'm learning Kudzu, currently." Bilbo replied and Dis smiled.

"Is Thorin teaching you?"

"Somewhat, sometimes I have to ask questions, but I got an idea of the pronunciation from the council meetings. Although admittedly, its somewhat surprising how many different words there are for stone." Bilbo said and everyone laughed.

"Well we do need to tell the difference in the rock and so it only makes sense that our language adjusts accordingly." Dis said and Bilbo nodded.

"Its much more difficult to understand than elfish, I think I can understand about one word in fifty." Bilbo said and everyone stared at him.

"You understand that much already?"

"I've always had a knack for languages, I speak fluent Sindarian and Quenya, although it sounds very different from how it is written and I no doubt have a horrible accent."

"I find your accent to be endearing when you are speaking Kudzu."

"Just for that I won't torture you with my rendition of elfish love poetry." Bilbo said and Dis laughed.

"I think you will be good for my brother and keep him from stumbling over his own beard." Dis said.

"Thank you Dis, I'm sure that Thorin will keep me on my toes, as much as I do the same for him." Bilbo said.

"Oh yes our burglar gives as good as he gets, you can be assured of that Mother." Kili said.

"Burglar?" Dis asked.

"Gandalf told the Company that I was a burglar, even though until our adventure, I'd never stolen anything a day in my life." Bilbo said.

"You aren't a burglar?" Thorin asked.

"You were correct in your first assessment of me, I was a grocer in the Shire and I highly enjoyed gardening. For a hobbit being a grocer is a very respectable position."

"I realized that we don't really know all that much about your culture Bilbo." Ori offered and Bilbo shrugged.

"Hobbits are a fairly strait forward people, we got rid of our monarchy some five generations ago and created a council to help run the Shire. Although we still have a ceremonial position for the old ruling class and the thoughts of the elected official of the old nobility are taken into consideration. It's easier to choose our ruler, rather than having tradition dictate who it's going to be. I would never have been happy only sitting at council meetings myself, but my Great Grandfather enjoys the council meetings."

"So you are related to the ruling class?"

"Yes, but a quarter of the Shire is by now, those that are eligible are trained in diplomatic relations and governance as children, so I have some idea of what's going on in the council. Other than our governance we tend to eat a lot and there are many traditions surrounding food within the Shire. In fact speaking of which, what's your favorite meal Dis?

"I like rock stew, why?" Dis asked and Bilbo frowned, before he felt himself panicking, he'd never even heard of the dish and how was he supposed to make it and if he didn't make it to her liking, then he couldn't marry Thorin and everyone was expecting him to marry Thorin.

"Breath Bilbo, its alright, just breath." Thorin said and wrapped his arm around Bilbo drawing him closer, Bilbo let out a small cry, before burying himself into Thorin's shirt and crying like a fauntling, he was mortified and that made him cry even harder.

"Its alright Bilbo, its alright, everything is alright." Thorin said soothingly and stroked Bilbo's hair. "You are fine and I am fine, now tell me what is troubling you?"

"I ca-can't make it!" Bilbo wailed. "I've never even ha-heard of it and then Dis will hate it and hate me and we can't get married!"

"Bilbo slow down." Thorin said, but Bilbo continued to cry into Thorin's shirt.

"I don't hate you Bilbo, I think that you are a nice person, from what everyone has told me about you." Dis said. "I'm sure everything will be fine, there's no need to be so upset." She said and Bilbo suddenly felt angry.

"NO NEED? NO NEED, SO MY TRADITIONS DON'T MATTER?" Bilbo demanded clinching his fists.

"I didn't say that Bilbo." Dis said. "Would you care for some lavender oil?" She added and Bilbo frowned before nodding, he was passed a bottle of scent and smelt it, before feeling himself calm somewhat. "Now could you tell me what is the matter?"

"I don't know how to make rock soup." Bilbo said quietly and everyone stared at him. "Its a important part of Hobbit courting that the suitor makes their beloved's closet kin's favorite dish and I have no idea of how to make yours."

"I'm sure whatever you make for me will be lovely, is there anything more to this tradition?" Dis asked and Bilbo shook his head.

"Usually its a party and it shows that the suitor cares about the family of the person they are courting and that they are able to provide for their beloved, its the most important part of Hobbit courting."

"So Uncle Thorin has to try to cook?" Kili demanded and Fili laughed.

"I feel sorry for your kin Bilbo."

"I have no close kin, I am an only child and both my parents are dead." Bilbo said.

"I am sorry for your loss."

"It's been years, but thank you Dis." Bilbo said.

"If I might ask, how did they..."

"It was the Fell Winter, they were attacked by wolves, and it was quick at least." Bilbo said and shuddered at the memory of what had been left of his parents.

"I am sorry that you had to go through that, we barely survived that winter ourselves." Thorin said.

"It was a bad one, but what I've been through is little in comparison." Bilbo said. "So Ori, how goes the work on unearthing the Library?"

"Slow, scribes aren't builders and the builders would all rather shore up the various caverns and tunnels, than work to clear a path to the library." Ori replied and Bilbo nodded.

"I don't think that I'll be able to help with the planting this year, have you been in contact with Bard, Bombur?"

"Yes, we have and although dwarves don't tend to garden, or farm, the caravans got plenty of seeds from the Shire." Bombur said and Bilbo nodded.

"I could write some instructions about what should be planted when, if they are unfamiliar with some of the crops." Bilbo offered.

"Even if they know the crops, Bard said that he'd be delighted to have your help in any way that you might manage."

"I hope that you brought non perishable vegetables, as we need crops to last through next winter and we should build up a bit of a surplus just in case the winter is longer than expected." Bilbo said. "It really all depends on what crops can be made into preserves and what can't. Do you know if there are any berries around here, or fruit trees?"

"Why do you ask?"

"So people can make jam and some can be brought to the kitchens."

"Although we never learned to make jam, its a dwarven deliciously because the other races charge an arm and a leg for it." Dwalin said and Bilbo laughed.

"Its simple enough once you know how, all you need is fruit, sugar and pectin really. I could show the cooks how if you like."

"I'm sure that they would enjoy learning your recipes and they could teach you dwarven recipes."

"Sounds like fun, I've always loved learning new recipes." Bilbo said and stretched, before cracking his neck, he hadn't expected the wedding to be so soon. "Is rock soup a common dish, I have to be the one to prepare it, but does the kitchen know how to?"

"Of course they do, wouldn't be a proper dwarven kitchen without it." Thorin said and the company nodded.

"Its that common?"

"Its very common among our race." Kili assured. "And it's not too difficult to make."

"What are your favorite desert then Dis?" Bilbo asked and Dis stared at him.

"If your traditions insist that you cook for me and Thorin's friends and kin, you aren't going to have to make desert as well. You need to take it easy Bilbo, for the sake of the babe." Dis said and Bilbo frowned before nodding.

"Is there that much danger that a bit of cooking might harm the child?"

"Dwarven pregnancies are difficult and dangerous if the bearer doesn't take proper care of themselves." Oin warned and Bilbo stared at the table.

"I will be careful, but I need to do this." Bilbo said.

"Then you should do it, amrâlimê." Thorin said and Bilbo blushed.

"If I'm to take it easy, I'll need someone to help plan a ceremony that is in accordance with my heritage, but I only want the company and Dis to be there."

"I would be glad to help you." Ori offered and Bilbo grinned at the young dwarf.

"Thank you so much Ori, I really appreciate it." Bilbo said as the plates were cleared away, Bilbo's eyes grew teary. "I'm so glad you value my traditions." He said and Thorin wrapped an arm around Bilbo.

"I want our children growing up knowing who their Adad was and the traditions of your people, as well as ours." Thorin told Bilbo and Bilbo threw himself at Thorin, the dwarf let out a slight oomph as his arms were filled with his one. Bilbo kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you Thorin, thank you." Bilbo said. "It makes me so happy to think of teaching our little ones how to garden."

"Garden?" Thorin asked.

"Of course, children should play in the dirt and I'm going to teach them to cook too, I can't have my family recipes dying out after all." Bilbo said and Thorin frowned.

"You know I don't really know that much about Hobbits."

"I can show you some of our mysterious ways if you like, have to admit I miss my old libido, but then again it's maybe a good thing that I don't have it anymore." Bilbo said and grew wide-eyed as his cheeks reddened. "Why in the name of the mother did I say that?"

"Pregnancy hormones, in any event, we're all adults here and I'd say that the comments Dwalin has made upon occasion make yours positively mild." Dis said and smiled at Bilbo. "So hobbits have a stronger libido?" She asked and Bilbo blushed.

"Well we don't pass out after the first go round, if it wasn't for bond, I would have been afraid for Thorin." Bilbo said and the whole table laughed, as Thorin settled Bilbo in his lap.

"Could you if at all possible keep talk of our bed sport, in the bedroom aban?" Thorin asked and Bilbo felt his face heat again.

"I wish that I could at least have lost the blushing, when the valar saw fit to put me in a new form." Bilbo said.

"I think that it is endearing love, most don't show how they truly feel, you can't help but show it." Thorin said and Bilbo fought the urge to bury himself in Thorin's robes.

"So do you want to hold your ceremony, before or after the public one Bilbo?" Dis asked.

"I nearly forgot, Dis what are your measurements?"

"Why do you need her measurements?" Fili asked.

"The robes have to be specially made, of what comes from the mother's bounty. They either have to be from plants, or of the earth. Dwarven style while lovely, lends itself more to silk and wool rather than cotton." Bilbo replied.

"I look forward to wearing them."

"I doubt that you will enjoy the coloring much, they are very bright colors traditionally." Bilbo said.

"We'll gladly wear the clothes you need for the ceremony Bilbo, won't we?" Thorin asked.

"Of course."

"Gladly Bilbo."

"It sounds like fun." The dwarves replied and Bilbo beamed at them.

"Thank you all so very much." Bilbo said. "Well I should get started and you have a council to get back to, don't you?" Fili and Kili both groaned.

"Once you have the babies, can we stop going to the council?"

"Our children will still need advisors and who better to advise them about being dwarven princes, than their older cousins?" Bilbo said.

"Don't encourage the trouble makers, not if you want a sound night's sleep for the next eighty odd years." Thorin said and both Fili and Kili grinned.

"Oh this is going to be fun." Fili said, before both dwarven princes jumped up from the table and dashed off. Bilbo laughed and patted Thorin's arm.

"You know I think our children will be just fine, after all Fili and Kili turned out alright and you helped to raise them." Bilbo said. "Now I believe I have some stew to make, I'll see everyone at dinner." Bilbo said and smiled at the company.

"I can give you the recipe." Dis said and Bilbo stared at her, as tears came to his eyes.

"You'd really give me a recipe?" Bilbo asked.

"How else are you supposed to cook it?" Dis said. "Please don't cry Bilbo."

"I'm just so happy!" Bilbo said and smiled at Dis. "But then I suppose you wouldn't know the significance of such a gift." Bilbo said and everyone at the table looked confused. "In the Shire, many families have recipes that have been passed down for generations, to give someone else one of your recipes is to state that you consider them to be family, because normally the recipes would only go to close kin."

"I didn't know what it meant, but Bilbo, if I had I'd have still have offered, you are my brother's one and if you can deal with this rock's for brains, then welcome to the line of Durin." Dis said and Thorin scowled.

"I'd thank you not to insult me in front of my one."

"It serves you right, for what you put Vili through." Dis replied and Bilbo felt confused. "Vili was my one, but he died when Kili was a babe."

"I am sorry for your loss." Bilbo said and Dis nodded.

"Thank you for that, now I believe we shouldn't keep the council much longer and you look half dead on your feet Thorin, do get some rest and Bilbo don't overdo it." Dis said and Bilbo walked to the kitchen, after Dis gave him the recipe. He chopped the ingredients and added them as the recipe said, but it only took an hour to make, he then made some bread, poppy cakes and lemon cakes. Afterwards he cleaned up and decided that since he was carrying Thorin's child, a child which was most insistent on his resting, he'd done enough. His contract dinner would be nothing to be remembered, but he felt it was alright, considering the circumstances. He decided that he'd make a large feast after his children's first year of life, to make up for this shortcoming. He walked back to the bedroom he shared with Thorin and fell upon the bed, not bothering to undo his shoes.

Some time later a loud knock at the door woke him up. "It is time for dinner my lords." One of their guards said and Bilbo groaned feeling like he'd been in the fields all day, he just wanted to stay in bed, was that too much to ask? He then remembered the dinner that he made and sat bolt upright, feeling dizzy as he did so. He put a hand to his head and clutched at the covers, before gaining his equilibrium and looking over at Thorin. He smiled when he saw that Thorin was still buried in the blankets snoring loudly and walked over to him. He gently stroked Thorin's hair.

"Thorin? Thorin amrâlimê wake up." Bilbo said and Thorin groaned before his eyes opened and he smiled at Bilbo.

"Bilbo, your..." Thorin let out a large yawn. "Back?"

"Yes, its time for dinner." Bilbo said and Thorin nodded, they walked to the door together and then to the dining hall. Bilbo went to the kitchens and came back with the pot of soup, setting it carefully on the table, before going back for the bread. The dwarves eyed him curiously as a servant came back with a small bowl full of soil "On this day, in this hour, I gather those that I consider kin and those that are the kin of the man I wish to spend the rest of my life with and start a family with. To this end I ask Yavannah to bless our marriage with many children, to keep away sickness and insure our lives are blessed in all ways. I ask Yavannah to care from the earth and for the new lives that are growing within me and the man I would spend my days with. I ask Yavannah to watch over us and bless our marriage, to care for and protect those we care for. In the name of the mother, I ask that my request be heard and this union blessed by all those that we both value. As our lives together shall change and as our love will only grow, so to will this seed." Bilbo said and poured a small amount of water into the pot before passing it to Ori, who looked confused for a moment, before putting a small amount of water into the pot as well, then the pot went around the table, until it came back to Bilbo, Bilbo laid both palms upon the plant and felt the seed sprout and grow. He took his hands away and everyone stared at the pot in confusion. "Yavannah can make the plants grow if she so chooses, to my people Yavannah's blessing is an important part to any marriage agreement."

"What precisely is the significance of this dinner?" Ori asked and Bilbo grinned.

"Normally its when both extended families meet for the first time, the couples both pick someone to speak on their behalf and to insure that the arrangement is a sound one."

"Sounds very practical."

"It is fairly practical, but it also proves that they are worthy of joining, usually some skill is involved. Mostly people cook as most people in the Shire are talented at cooking, but sometimes the couple has no skill in cooking so other skills are shown."

"I need to show a skill?" Thorin asked and Bilbo shook his head.

"This is my dinner and at any rate, I have no close family or friends for you to impress or intimidate."

"How can that be?" Kili blurted and Bilbo blushed.

"Well I'm not exactly the typical hobbit, most people thought me strange at the Shire. I've also never really been all that great at the social graces." Bilbo admitted and shrugged. "Shall we eat? I don't want the food getting cold."

"If we make you feel uncomfortable, just tell us, no need to hide yourself from us Bilbo." Balin said and Bilbo looked down at the table.

"Its not polite to say such things."

"Come now, when have we ever worried about being polite?" Dwalin asked.

"It was how I was raised Dwalin, it will take some time to be accustomed to everything that has happened. I know that dwarven culture and hobbit culture are vastly different, but you can't ask me to give up part of my culture, part of who I am, because it unsettles you that I don't wish to share every thought that comes to mind." Bilbo said and then put a hand over his mouth. "I am very sorry."

"Don't apologies Bilbo." Dwalin said and Bilbo frowned.

"I don't think you lot have been a very good influence on me." Bilbo said. "Pretty soon I'll loose all notion of respectability."

"Respectability?" Ori questioned.

"Is very important to my society, it means that one can comport themselves befitting their station and ensures that our ideals are upheld. A hobbit that is respectable, knows the social graces and puts others before themselves, they are curious to strangers and kind and generous with friends. They have skill in a area vital to hobbit culture and they always are well dressed and well groomed. They know the social niceties in every situation. I was an entirely respectable hobbit before going off on the quest and now I find that I'm a dwarf, with no idea of how to be a dwarf."

"You are doing very well, much better than any of us would in a similar situation." Thorin assured Bilbo.

"Thank you Thorin, while your praise is appreciated its not entirely true, I don't have any skill at all in any of the dwarven disciplines and I'm afraid that I never will." Bilbo said and Thorin wrapped an arm around him.

"That doesn't matter to me Bilbo, you are my one and that's all that matters."

"Its not all that matters to me Thorin, though I care for you, I actually want to be good at something. Being a respectable hobbit was something I had to work every day of my life at and end the end I didn't have much to show for it. Now that I am a dwarf, its not enough for me just to be your one and care for the children and feed our friends. I need to be able to do more, to be more then that."

"Thank you for being honest, after the babies are born, I'll get you some tutors and you can learn whatever discipline you have the most talent for." Thorin promised and Bilbo nodded. "I never asked you to mind my house for me, I want you to do what you wish to do and it's alright with me, if you aren't the best dwarf at everything since Durin, because you are my dwarf."

"I'm not trying to be that, I just feel like I know nothing of being a dwarf, even after a month."

"Well as someone who has a lifetime of being a dwarf behind them, I can assure you that like most creatures in Middle Earth, it is different for each dwarf and being a dwarf means something different for every one of us. In any event you need to be less hard on yourself Bilbo, stress isn't good for my little nephew." Dis said and Bilbo frowned.

"I would hate to hurt the baby, but we should call them both names that aren't specific gender, we don't after all know if Thorin and I are carrying boys or girls."

"You have names that aren't gender specific in the Shire?"

"You don't?" Bilbo asked.

"A dwarf's name states their clan name, most often dwarves that share a family line will have names similar to that of their parents. Depending upon if it's a boy or a girl, traditionally the name is similar to either the child's barer or they're other parent."

"Wait can female couples get one another pregnant as well?"

"Of course, they usually just need some genetic material from their family line, but most try for years. It's very rare for dwarven pregnancies to get as far as ours did. The bonding ends when a child is conceived but that doesn't mean that the child will be born. After conception there's about a 1 in 5 chance that one or both parents won't carry to term." Thorin said and Bilbo paled.

"Its that hard to carry a child to term?" Bilbo demanded putting a protective hand instinctually over his stomach.

"I didn't mean to upset you, I know that hobbits generally have an easier time of becoming pregnant and keeping the babe, so what are your children's chances of survival."

"The valar that created us is Yavannah, the blessed mother, she's responsible for all growing things, and unless the stilting herb is taken almost all hobbit pregnancies result in a child."

"Stilting herb?" Dis asked.

"It destroys the child, before it begins to grow. Most do not take it, but sometimes a couple is not ready for Yavannah's blessing." Bilbo said and everyone stared at him again.

"Hobbits kill their children?" Fili demanded.

"No, they force a miscarriage, do dwarves never have unwanted pregnancies?"

"Every pregnancy is wanted, every child a gift from Mahal." Balin said and Bilbo looked at the tablecloth.

"So your honestly saying that if two dwarves in their tweens found their one, then they would have the child, regardless of how ready they were for children?"

"Such would be impossible, we do not recognize our one, until we come of age." Balin said.

"So every child that is ever conceived you try to keep?" Bilbo demanded.

Yes Bilbo, we do." Thorin said. "There are seven dwarven clans, including that of our own line, we need every child and so many of us never find our one."

"How do you know, I mean if you lot never look one another in the eye?"

"There are signs, like our ones are usually opposites of our own personalities in some way. A charismatic dwarf, would have a one that is shy. They would also feel a pull towards their one and several dwarves started courting for that reason, by the end if they look one another in the eye and nothing happens, they find that they are mistaken."

"Are they of a similar age?"

"A dwarf's one could be any age, perhaps we could talk of the children instead?" Balin inquired and Bilbo nodded.

"So they have to be similar in some way to our names right?"

"Yes, my son is Gimli, he has both a G and a L in his name, the I at the end means he is male."

"So there are male and female letters?" Bilbo asked.

"N, I and R are the most common for use names but true names are different."

"How so?" Bilbo asked.

"True names reveal something about the dwarf, as the child is born, the barer will receive that child's true name. They are only shared with close family and friends as the child grows and in time with their one."

"I see and what about girls?"

"S, A and L are the most common but there are others and some parents don't either bother with the traditional naming."

"This sound complicated, why can't we just name them after some sort of stone or something?"

"You have no desire for our children to have a name similar to yours?"

"And have them constantly compared to me?" Bilbo said.

"They will be anyway, every child is compared to their parents." Thorin said and Bilbo glared at him.

"I wasn't finished, just because I'm a dwarf and you're the king of Erebor, doesn't mean that you get to ride over me rough carriage." Bilbo said.

"Bilbo I am sorry I offended you." Thorin said. "I will try not to interrupt when you are talking."

"Don't pander either, by the Valar how does anyone stand this, it's only been one day and already I've lost my temper at least five times."

"We understand what pregnant dwarves are like Bilbo, I was one twice." Dis said and Bilbo rubbed at his forehead where he was starting to get a headache, he was just so tired and he really wanted Dis to like him, still he didn't see the point in their children having names similar to them. He'd never liked his name, because it rhymed with his parents.

"If you like I could give you another one, a dwarven one, yet still you are not used to being one of my people are you?" Bilbo felt the room tilt and was suddenly wrapped in darkness. He could see a room up ahead so he walked to it and saw Mahal standing there in all his glory and smiling at Bilbo. Bilbo stared at the Valar and let out a squeak, before looking for a place to hide. Mahal laughed at the hobbit. "Its alright I don't bite and if I wished you harm, you would already be dead. You cannot wear yourself like you have this day, otherwise the child will be born early, or not at all. It was very difficult for me to create life, I was not like my sisters and brothers in that, that is why I only created seven sons at first. You are the eighth, though most wouldn't see it that way."

"Why me, why did you help me?"

"Because Bilbo, you are more like a dwarf then you ever were a hobbit. You are strong, brave, loyal, true to yourself and by Ilúvatar' you aren't anything like those timid gardeners my sister created. You are dedicated to anything you presume and you presume it with a dwarven level of stubbornness. There have been few like you in the history of Middle Earth and it is the sorrier for it. So when you decided to sacrifice yourself for one of my children, I decided that instead I would adopt you. However I never truly got around to giving you a name, did I?" Mahal asked and Bilbo stared at him. " Your true name is kazlînamrâl or risen love, as you know how love rises above all things. That is after all how you came to be my child, instead of my sisters, though if you pray to any of us, I believe that we all appreciate it. I never asked for you to become entirely a dwarf, putting you into a dwarven skin was the only way to save you, but still you can be anything you wish, as can all creatures on middle earth. Now however I suppose I should send you back, before your friends worry too much. Bilbo stared at the man, before he was thrust once more into the blackness.