Thank you all so much for the support! I am sorry for the lack of updating but I hope you like this one!

Hope Winchester

Chapter 3

Little Wolf

Hope had been in Whitmore for two weeks now, and she was nowhere close to who could have been the vampire who attacked Megan. Only now Hope was starting to believe altogether it wasn't a vampire at all. That this was all some wild goose chase.

She didn't have proof that it was anything else supernatural, but there were no vampires on campus. Hope had talked to her father and Uncle a total of three times, all brief explanations that something came up- but never really told her what it was. This time Hope wouldn't let them tell her nothing was wrong and something had come up.

"You need to tell me the truth." Hope demanded, phone at her ear as she paced back and forth in her dorm room.


"Don't Hope me, dad! Two weeks! You have been gone without a word for two weeks! Answering my calls three times. What the hell is going on out there? Is it that bad?" Hope asked, her anger softening slightly. She knew they tried to protect het the best they could, but she was not some damsel in distress. "What was it that was falling from the sky the other day?"

Hope heard the sharp intake of breath, and she knew she had them practically by the balls. They couldn't lie to her. She wasn't stupid; she knew they weren't shooting stars like everyone else thought or a meteor shower. There was a shuffle, the phone being passed over to her Uncle no doubt.

"You saw them too? Falling from the sky?" Sam asked, hushed voices in the background. "Did you investigate any of the craters around you?"

"It's kind of hard to miss giant rocks all from the sky, only it wasn't rocks was it?" Hope retorted. It all seemed off, everything- including her dad and Uncle.

"No, it wasn't Hope." Sam took a long sigh. "That was the angels being casted out of heaven all at once by Metatron."

"Metatron?" Hope's face scrunched up. "Sounds like a damn Transformer name. Who the hell is he?"

It was quiet, and Hope already knew that they didn't want to tell her. Her jaw locked. When the hell were they going to stop treating her like a child? She understood what was going on. She understood all too well that this was a big deal, which was why she was left behind on this case. It might as well have been a hoax, because she could find nothing.

"Too much to explain right now Hope." Sam finally answered. "Listen, Cas is fine. Everything is fine, just stay in Whitmore until we come back."

"I can't promise I'll still be here." Hope muttered, ending the call. She wanted to prove that there was more to her than just a hunter's daughter and being a witch.

"You honestly think she's gone?" Hayley asked, arms crossed as she leaned back against the wooden doorway- looking up at Elijah.

Klaus rolled his eyes at the other hybrid. "Shouldn't you be planning a wedding, Hayley? That's what you've seem to be most concerned about- your little pack of mutts."

"You don't think that I care about our daughter?" Hayley's voice suddenly rose, challenging Klaus's authority.

"You're the one who sent her away with hunters!" Klaus snarled, his eyes flashing dangerously. Elijah and Rebekah could only watch the two go back and forth. Kol stood there bored while Freya took in a shaky breath.

A lot had happened in little time as Delilah ran amuck. They had happened to send Esther and Mikael back to the grave where they couldn't haunt the family anymore. Kol had stayed alive as a witch, training and dating Davina Claire. Finn ended up in a necklace that Freya wore daily. Then of course there was Freya, the family's long lost sister who was able to aid in the destruction of Delilah.

"Fighting isn't the way to get Hope back." Freya tried to chime in, but was only cut off by Hayley.

"At least she's alive now Klaus!" Hayley argued back. She always knew deep down that maybe sending Hope with Dean and Sam was the wrong choice but then again Hope was alive and according to the last time she talked to Dean- Hope was thriving, but that had been years ago. "Had Rebekah taken Hope, then they would have been found by now."

"You don't see the problem, do you?" Klaus asked, his jaw clenched. "You went behind this family's back and gave away the youngest of the Mikaelson family. Not only that, you gave her away to hunters! Hunters who could teach her not to embrace who and what she is."

"A witch?" Hayley snapped back. "Or that she's really your daughter!?"

"This arguing will not solve anything!" Freya spoke up again. "If she knows of her witch linage, me and Kol can try to track down the magic trail of Hope. We should be able to track magic of a relative. Davina could even help."

"We need to kill Davina, did we not establish this?" Klaus asked his sister, giving her a look that Freya only rolled her eyes at in annoyance.

"We are not killing Davina, brother. We all make mistakes that we believe are the best of intentions in the moment." Freya glanced slightly at Hayley, who looked down discreetly. "Kol, come here."

"Are we not going to call Davina?" Kol asked, earning a small smile from his elder sister.

"Let's just try this first, just you and I." Freya suggested, moving stuff around and spreading out a map.

Hayley stood off to the side, watching with careful eyes. She knew how everyone felt, they expressed their opinions, but the only one who still hadn't forgiven her was Klaus, and he had no reason too. He was right, she made her choice to go behind the family's back, but that wasn't her intentions in that moment. Hope's safety was.

Freya asked for Hayley's and Klaus's hands, cutting their palms and spilling the blood over the paper parchment in front of them. With that, Freya grasped Kol's hands and chanted under her breath, Kol quick to follow along. It took a few minutes of nothing happening for the blood to move, and slowly it stopped with Kol and Freya recoiling and jumping back.

"What just happened?" Elijah asked, seeing the troubled expression on Freya's face.

"Good news is that Hope is one with her magic." Freya says, looking up at her brothers and Hayley.

"And the bad news?" Klaus asked next.

"The bad news is that she's hiding herself, meaning I can't track her but she's not good enough to the point to block out me feeling her magic." Freya explained, pointing to the map and circling the area the blood stopped.

"She could be anywhere here." Freya tapped four different place. "Maine, New York, Virginia, or Florida."

Kol looked at Elijah and Klaus, then at Hayley. "Out of all the places, which one do you think would be the most likely to pull Hope in?"

"Virginia." Elijah answered, already knowing the pull of Mystic Falls on the super natural. "Mystic Falls? I could give Stefan Salvatore a call."

"I don't think she's in Mystic Falls." Freya cut in, then frowned. "Still that might be our best bet. It would be better for one of us to go, instead of calling an old friend that you've had problems with in the past."

"Rebekah is in the New York area now." Elijah got his phone out and hit the call button. "We can ask her to go now."

Hayley sighed softly, knowing that they would find Hope. She knew she could call Dean, but she knew he was busy after that meteor fall. No one batted an eyes at it, just saying it was a once in a lifetime experience, but she knew the truth. She knew about the angel and demon world the Winchester's lived in, and now so did her daughter.

"Hayley." Freya called, earning the hybrid's attention. "We'll bring her home."

Hayley offered a small smile. "I know. I should get going though."

Hayley's glanced at Klaus as she left, his blue eyes stoic. He was upset still, and he had every right to be. He was robbed of the right to see his daughter grow, to raise what was his own flesh and blood. Elijah soon ended the call with their other sister, which earned awaiting looks from his siblings.

"She said that Mystic Falls no longer has supernatural beings. It was boarded off by Bonnie Bennet." Elijah informed them with a frown. "She said she's still search in these areas, even if it is just a false lead."

Klaus's growled lowly. "This is Hayley's fault."

"And we've been through this, Niklaus." Freya said, running a hand through her dirty blonde hair. "She wanted what was best, though she went about it the wrong way."

"I won't forgive her." Klaus stated, earning eyes rolls.

"Bloody hell." Kol huffed and stood."The girl is what, sixteen, seventeen? There's still time!"

"We just have to find her." Elijah exhaled as Klaus stored out of the room and slammed the door.

Hope sighed, sitting on the bench outside. She watched how the students socialized without a care in the world. To them, everything was still okay- they just had to pass their classes and make their families proud. It seemed so simple, and in that moment, Hope envied them.

Where she grew up alone with three male figures in her life, these people grew up with whole families. They grew up with families that sent them to school, let them go outside, and they had friends. There was no witches, or hunters, or demons. There was no hunts, no dangers, and no secrets. It was simple.

She looked down at the book in her lap, the Mikaelson family book. She wanted to read it, and she had a part of it- but decided she couldn't. The family had a sad story, and Hope had enough of sad stories.

It was hard not having anyone to talk too, especially a female figure or a mother. She never had a female friend, or any friends for that matter. When Hope first had her period, everyone but Sam had panicked. In all reality, Sam was there to explain things to her that a mother should. Dean wasn't really to good with it and Cas just didn't know.

Still, there was good memories there too. Until she got older and noticed more and more how lonely she was. When she was younger, she'd stay with Bobby when they went on hunts and learn more about witches, but after he passed Hope was left alone. There were the times where she had a rebellious side and snuck out, but that's stopped the first time she was attacked.

Yeah, no one had a happy night that night, but Hope learned her lesson. Just because she was a witch, and a strong one at that- she was not indestructible. Her lessons had been amped up as well, learning more hand to hand combat and how to shoot with a gun. Her magic was her last resort, since some witch had been after her magic since she was a baby.

That was all on her mother's side, apparently. According to her father at least. Hope was jerked out her thoughts when the wind picked up, slightly colder. Something felt off, and looking around her surroundings, Hope noticed how alone she was now, and how dark it gotten.


Hope stood up at the eerie voice, looking around. Her blue eyes narrowed slowly as she moved fast back to her dorm room. She moved even faster, catching the gaze of a man who was watching her intently. A shiver ran down her spine, encouraging her legs to break out into a run when the growls started.

When Hope got back into her room, she was quick to shut the door and lock it before grabbing her bag from under her bed. Salt was the first thing she grabbed for, salting the windowsill before making her way to the door, effectively knocking over a vase on the bedside.

"Hope we heard a crash-"

"Close the door Tyler!" Hope yelled, cutting him off. It stunned him that Hope could talk that loud since she always avoided talking to him in general, and it that moment it didn't matter to Hope why the hell Tyler was there with Liv.

Now Hope stood there with a new determination in her blue eyes, the eyes of an alpha. He knew Hope never triggered the curse, but she was no doubt the daughter of Klaus. Hope's shy and arrogant façade dropped down as a force banged into the door. Liv was looking wildly around, while Hope remained calm and was salting the opposite window..

"What are you doing Hope?" Liv asked, visibly perplexed by the younger girl and believing she was finally losing it.

Hope lifted her head up to glower at Liv, shaking her head. "I have no time to give you two explanations." Hope said curtly, salting the door line. "Do not break the lines or else we are screwed."

"What the hell did you summon?" Tyler nearly snapped, wondering what kind of magic Hope was using. She had asked Alaric a lot about light and dark magic during lessons- perhaps she was a dark magic witch? If that was the case then they had another problem, and by the looks of it Liv seemed to share the same concern as him.

"You aren't using dark magic, are you Hope?" Liv asked straightforwardly.

Hope didn't answer though. The brunette was bending over, pulling something from under her bed next to another bag. Lifting it up, she laid the case down on the bed and opened it to reveal different trinkets. She grabbed the gun, putting it in her boot. She tossed a knife towards Tyler, who caught it with ease and more confusion. She then walked over and handed Liv little grenade type of things.

"What the fuck?" Liv muttered, looking at Hope as if she grew another head. "You're a witch; why not use your magic if you created these things."

"I didn't create them Liv, and we are going over how the hell you know what I am before I kill you both.." Hope hissed, growing annoyed. "I can't explain everything right now, but whatever comes at you then use what I gave you. I honestly don't know if magic does any damage to demons."

"Demons!?" Liv and Tyler yelled in surprise, the door cracking under the weight being put onto it.

"Tell me that one of you has a car?" Hope says, earning a nod from Liv. "You have the keys on you?"

"Of course I do." Liv stated, the door suddenly busting open.

Hope narrowed her eyes at the man, who stood there. It was the very man that her father and uncle and Cas tried to keep her away from. If he was here now, suddenly standing before her then Hope could only come to one conclusion.

"What did you do to them Crowley?" Hope asked, looking at Tyler and Liv passed out on the floor with a thump.

"I just wanted to talk to the very person the Winchester brother's tried so hard to hide, but secrets never stay secrets." Crowley smirked at Hope.

Most people who have met Crowley for the first time usually have some sort of fear of him. He was the King of Hell after all, but Hope stood there remaining unfazed by his presence. That sparked an interest in Crowley. The girl wasn't fearful, but her blue eyes showed anger.

"I guess you're right about that. Looks like the cat is out of the bag now." Hope chimed, her eyes watching Crowley carefully now. She always was told stories about the devil in front of her, but she could also tell he wouldn't hurt her. At least not right now anyway. "What do you want? I'm sure you didn't take time out of your day to come visit lil ol' me."

Of course Hope would be skinned alive if her father knew she was casually standing there, talking to Crowley. Then again, what else could she even do? She could try to use her magic, but then again there was Tyler and Liv. Tyler was already walking up, his werewolf healing ability helping him recover quickly. The male werewolf laid there, staying very still as to not draw attention to himself as he listened in on the conversation.

"One of my loyal pets came to me with a rumor that Dean and Sam Winchester raised you." Crowley says, now circling her as he scanned her body. That movement alone made Hope uncomfortable but she didn't move.

"Yeah, so what if they took an interest in an orphaned girl they found on one of their hunts?" Hope countered, using the lie that she was told would be her backstory for this very moment.

Tyler listened as Hope refrained from moving a muscle as the man, Crowley, circled her. The story he was listening to didn't match up anything. Dean and Sam Winchester? Hunters? Where the hell was Hayley and Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelson's? Tyler wanted to know what the hell was going on now.

Crowley chuckled lowly. "Only you aren't some orphaned girl they found, are you? I'm not stupid, little wolf."

Hope froze at the familiar nickname, whirling her body around to face Crowley as she pushed him with magic. "What did you just call me?"

Crowley merely gave her a taunting grin, one that Hope wanted to wipe clean off. She didn't understand why she was growing so upset the longer she watched him. Tyler could only see Hope's eyes flash a brilliant blue in warning, feeling power merely radiant off Hope. Crowley simply continued to smirk at the teenaged girl.

"All these years, and I'm surprised you haven't picked up on the chatter of the witches." Crowley says, confusing Hope further.

"What chatter? The witches don't speak." Hope muttered.

Crowley chuckled in amusement. "Angel radio is the same exact thing as how the dead witches speak- the ancestors."

"That's a myth. Cas told me that himself." Hope countered, feeling a head pound in pain.

Tyler on the other hand knew the truth, knew that the witches spoke. Bonnie had been a prime example of that through everything in Mystic Falls. Only now Tyler wanted to know how the hell Hope knew nothing about being a witch when she was obviously one, and strong at that too. Liv groaned from besides him, causing both other the people standing before them to look over at them.

"Looks like they are waking up, the wolf and the other witch." Crowley says tauntingly, moving his arm to brush his fingers across Hope's cheek. "So powerful yet so hindered, you'll serve no purpose yet."

"Never." Hope spat, hitting his hand away and moving to stand in front of both Liv and Tyler. "Never will I serve a purpose, not for you."

Crowley once again just smirked and disappeared in thin air. Hope let her stare linger on the spot the was previously occupied by the King of Hell, then looked over her shoulder at Tyler and Liv. Hope took a deep breath, barely noticing her body was shaking.

"Hope." Tyler muttered, moving to get up.

"You're a wolf, and she's a witch." Hope whispered, backing away. Her first instinct telling her not to trust them, to run and find her father and uncle. Yet, deep down, she felt like they were keeping something from her.

"You can trust us, okay. Trust me." Tyler whispered, approaching the girl slowly as he felt the power radiate off her in warning.

What Tyler was able to gather was that Hope wasn't raised with her parents. She was raised by a pair of hunter brothers, so she was more than likely out of the loop about who she really was, who her family were, and what she was truly capable of as a witch. Not only that, she lived in a whole other world with demons and angels.

"I can't." Hope shook her head, her blue eyes filling with water as the pain in her head increased. She wanted to know others like her, and here was Liv. There was Tyler, and she just couldn't trust them.

Liv was now walking towards Hope, slow and carefully. Tyler stayed behind and let Liv go up to the younger girl. "Give me your hand Hope. Let me show you that you can trust us."

Hope watched Liv with sharp calculating eyes, then looked down at her extended hand. Dean had always taught her not to trust anyone, and kept her away from people. She was nearly an adult now, and it was time for her to make her own decisions now. She couldn't be fearful of what the world had in store. Warily, Hope placed her hand into Liv's, images flashing in both of their minds.

Liv lost her family.

Hope's family had lost her.

Liv had a twin.

Hope was given up by her mother to two hunters by her mother.

Liv tried to live a normal life, full of pain and grief.

Hope had lived being lonely with her adoptive father and uncle, in a world that was meant to protect her.

Without another word, Liv had embraced the younger brown haired girl tightly, knowing now that Hope had no clue who she really was or understood where she came from. Looking over Liv's shoulder, Hope made eye contact with Tyler.

"Where are we going now?" Tyler asked, causing Hope to frown as Liv released her.

"We? There is no we." Hope says. "I'm going to go find my dad and uncle, and demand to know what the hell is going on and what they are keeping from me."

Tyler wanted to open his mouth right then and there, to tell her who her actually parents and uncles and aunts were. He wanted to tell her that her whole life has been a lie, but the look Liv gave him told him that Hope needed to discover the truth herself. Yet, Tyler was also not going to let Hope go alone. He owed Hayley that much, plus there was something about Hope that drew him in.

"You're not going by yourself, not when a demon took an interest in you. Plus you have a lot of explaining to do and need a car." Liv added in, waving her car keys in the air. "So let's get our asses on the road, and you can share stories of your angels and demons."

Hope stood there looking at them with surprised eyes, not expecting that they would actually demand to come with her. "What about your school here?"

"We've been here for a while, not ready to move on yet." Tyler answered honestly.

"Now we want to make sure you're safe, because something tells me that you'll need some friends along the way." Liv smiled slightly, the expression foreign on her lips. The blonde wasn't sure when she smiled last.

Hope wasn't sure exactly how to feel about this, but she was somewhat grateful. With a small nod, Hope turned towards the door. "Then go pack a bag of clothes and belongings. We leave in twenty minutes."

Liv and Tyler watched as Hope left the room, turning towards each other. It was clear that the young witch was trusting them, but to what extent?

"You know who she really is, don't you?" Liv asked softly.

Tyler frowned. "What makes you think that?"

"The way you look at her, as if you want to protect her with everything you have." Liv says, rolling her eyes. "You know her from before?"

"I knew her mother, hate her father, but her mother was once my closest friend." Tyler says finally after moments of silence. "I owe it to her mother to make sure she gets home safely."

Liv laid her hand on Tyler's shoulder, patting him. "Then we'll make sure to get her home."

Please review and let me know what you thought! Sorry for the lack of updates!