Please Read :)

Dear reader,

As I was trying to prepare for a new story, I found that it was difficult to move on while I left this one hanging. I needed some kind of closure to clear away my old ideas and thoughts to make way for new ones. Otherwise, my head will be a complete mess (if it already isn't, that is). So, please, note that this is not a real chapter. Not really. Consider this as the development of this AU that never really had the chance to.

So if you are like me, who is unsettled by unfinished, abandoned fics, read on. If you don't want to grow attached to or be disappointed by a plot never to be fully writtwn, don't. However, keep in mind that these are very rough notes and thoughts- thoughts, not drafts, because I deleted my drafts, so what I wrote down here is based mainly on my own memory of the plot, and is unedited.

The Foundation

The characters, mainly the gods and other immortal figures in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, original Greek/Roman mythology were going to be altered to fit the plot. The characters used in my story were otherwise not going to cross paths with those of the original PJO characters, such as Grover or Nico. For example, the king of Arendelle was meant to fill the role of the God, Apollo, god of the Sun in the PJO series. Similarly, you saw how I used an ambiguous character as Thalia's Tree from the influence of the story of Dryope, a Roman character. This was to move away from the PJO plot and come closer to details connecting to the characters in my story. Figures like Chiron were left untouched because they aren't just from the PJO series. I used the trolls in place of the oracle, mainly because I wanted to use "The Trolls Prophecy," from the early stages of the development of Frozen, and also I couldn't find a character to take the oracle's place.

The story begins when Jack wakes up at the pond where, you are supposed to assume, he died as a mortal, parallel to the very first scene in ROTG. I was trying to think of a backstory for him to create drama, but I decided that he is just as he is- an angry, spiteful spirit who died young, and was pulled away from his chance at an afterlife reunited with his family. Still sad, the main conflict of the story isn't from him. The conflict was in Elsa and Anna's story, because I honestly admit that I favored them, but it was significantly easier for me.

So the REAL story is supposed to begin, naturally, before anyone of them is born, with God Apollo, or, in this AU, Elsa and Anna's father. That might be confusing- how would it make sense that they are daughter's of the sun god since Elsa is supposed to be immune to the cold and, what was supposed to be found out later in the story, able to summon storms? Well, in this AU, Apollo was supposed to be good friends with the goddess of snow, Khione. She was going to be characterized as foolish, vain, and in love with Apollo. When Apollo, or Adgar at that time, falls head over heels in love- more than he had ever been- with yet another mortal, and considers turning her into a goddess, she becomes fed up. Taking you back to chapter four in the flashback with the pair, Khione confronts them, nearly killing Idun, who's pregnant with Elsa. Khione is only temporarily satisfied by an Oath that Apollo takes, that Elsa will be her daughter when he claims her.


"You acknowledge her as your own at the blooming age of thirteen. You may keep her before then...I want the child on her thirteenth, Apollo."

"As you wish, the child is yours when I claim her. I swear on the River Styx!"


In chapter five, in another flashback, Idun says that "something's changed," with the baby. Here I was meant to imply that even though Khione spared Idun, she purposefully kept from completely melting away the magic in "her" baby, who she thought she could feel was really hers if she marked in her in a way, by giving her her powers. She could then be satisfied by having a child that she shared with Apollo's godly blood and her magic. I got this idea from The Lightning Thief, where Medusa wanted to keep Percy as a statue because he was her former lover's (Poseidon's) son. Until Elsa's awaited thirteenth birthday, Khione planned to leave them mostly undisturbed, but then the family went under the radar, and she actively searched for them in fear of Apollo backing out of their deal.

The family disappearing was partly Apollo's work, who paid them an unfair amount of attention in comparison to most demi-offspring. He was able to attend to them long enough to discover Elsa's strange powers and help her through with them, and be there for Idun when she gave birth to Anna. Ultimately, though, he had to the leave them to avoid further conflict with the other gods, but not without doing what he could to hide them, such as bringing them to a remote place to live (unspecified) and doing all that magic bizz with the mist and whatnot. What I had a hard time deciding on was whether or not Elsa's memory of her powers should be wiped or suppressed by... whatever, or if she would have been aware and kept it a secret. And that's how Idun had been left alone to care for two very young, powerful demigod children, still unable to fight for themselves. Terrified, she basically kept the two of them sheltered, only allowing tutors, doctors, or whoever was needed to some in and see them. This included Elsa's child therapist, who she called Mister Black.

Mister Black the child therapist revealed himself to be... God of Shadows, or something like that. While I was still working on this story it was still on my 'to do' list to search for such a title for him, as I did not and do not currently know of any God of Shadows in Greek Mythology (In the PJO series, Nico has power to travel through shadows as a son of Hades). And he reassures Idun (of course he's lying) that he wants to help her as the girls are growing older, about the ages 6 or 7 to 10, and that Khione is looking for them. She accepts his help in hiding them, him having powers with "shadows" and stuff, but he further convinces her that when the day comes, Khione might be able to eventually track Idun down and use her to find out where the children are. Therefore, Idun herself should not know the whereabouts of her own children. He lies that he's only experienced in hiding demigods with his powers, not mortals. Idun can't go with them.

She decides that her best option while her daughters are growing stronger and harder to hide is to leave them to his care. Because of this, she disappears from their lives, leaving them to believe that she abandoned them. A mysterious "social worker" comes to get them, and they are mostly able to live comfortable, uneventful lives. However, they are completely unaware of their godly blood, what happened to their mother onwards, and that they are being watched over by Pitch Black. When Elsa is already well past thirteen years old, she is unaware that she is being hunted by not only monsters, but a crazy snow goddess.

Pitch Black's Intentions

He is mainly an unpopular god who gets no attention, and he really isn't all that powerful. So. His first step to changing this is approaching Khione, the unstable, foolish, jealous snow goddess. They become allies, of some sort. He tells her that as a god of shadows, he can help her look for the two girls and that's all he really offers (shadows are everywhere, after all). So she doesn't suspect him he does sometimes tell her where they are, but he makes it so that they are able to avoid being captured or found (like, idk. Moving to a new home or something.) As the years go by where Elsa isn't found, Khione becomes relentless. Approaching her thirteenth birthday, she makes visits to Camp Halfblood (I was deciding on whether or not she was actually allowed past the barriers) to observe any new members of the Apollo cabin. Other than that, she starts to make ice monsters (like Elsa's in Frozen) to roam the Earth to search for her.

This is where Pitch Black's plan came into play. As the years go by the snow goddess becomes a little unhinged. By the present day of the actual story (when Jack starts mentoring) She is very unstable and easily manipulated as she creates more and more monsters- way more than an army- so many Marshmallows. It's not only draining her powers but she has less and less control over them. Naturally, just like their creator, the ice minions are easily manipulated because her magic is rather weak. This makes it easy for Pitch Black to corrupt them, because basically they are blank slates with no personality. This idea was supposed to be similar to the way he corrupts the Sandy's gold dream sand with his own in ROTG. He also deduced that if Elsa was supposed to die in her mother's womb, Khione's magic and her father's blood is what is truly keeping her alive, making her just as easily corrupted as the minions. With her under his control, he would be able to fortify his order. He sees Elsa as just another one of Khione's minions for him to use.


"Meet your brothers and sisters!" He gestured to the ice puppets. He cackled. "You bear striking resemblance, doll."

-Pitch to Elsa, was planned for one of the final chapters


So basically, Pitch's master plan is summarized like this- when he realized that Khione was creating her monsters he planned to keep her from finding Elsa for as long as possible so that her army could multiply. By becoming allies with Khione, he could easily take over her minions when she became weak from her magic spread out too thin- and he would become a formidable enemy of the Gods with his army of cold and dark, with Elsa as some sort of power/life force. All he really had to do was play the waiting game.

Oh, and he exposed Idun's location, so she was captured by Khione and most likely turned into an ice sculpture/servant for Khione's pleasure (Not sure why- I just thought it made sense that I killed her off. Very early in my planning I wrote a scene where she meets Pitch again as a servent of Khione, now knowing his plans and horrified for Elsa but again, I trashed all of my notes on this story)

The Present Day

And that brings us to the present day! Where you follow Jack and his experiences with Hiccup, Bunny, Eugene, and Hans. After he arrives at Camp Half- Blood you already know about their quest, or rather their job to act as keepers for the two sisters. I have a habit of putting in too many characters in at once- so by now you know that I killed Bunny off. This was to lessen that problem and to make Hans seem suspicious, as expected. I am confirming here that Bunny was not meant to come back later in the story. Yeah. He's dead.

After the short journey back to Camp Half-Blood, everyone upon their arrival notices that Elsa and Anna are way past when they're supposed to be claimed. Following this was supposed to be a series of small filler chapters where they all hang out at camp and participate in activites while the others try to deduce who their Godly parent is. Elsa and Anna learn about demigod dreams, the houses, claiming, the trolls and other details around camp. When they attend one of the campfires Anna is claimed. They expect Elsa to be, immediately after, but the sign never comes. Anna moves into the Apollo Cabin, and Elsa is left in the unclaimed cabin.


When the time stretched on for far too long, I felt my face slowly start to fall as dread and confusion seeped in. "Why isn't he claiming her?"

"Well." Chiron said, looking sad, "It wouldn't be an uncommon case if...he doesn't intend to."


Extremely hurt, Elsa runs off. When Anna tries to comfort her, she explodes and becomes inconsolable.


"Don't you get it? He doesn't want me."


Apollo was just planned to have a shit ton of baggage in this, okay.

The Solution

"Two winters shall perish" in the prophecy would refer to Khione, Elsa, or Jack. Elsa's powers are given up to Khione, and Jack's to Elsa. Elsa gives up her powers so that Khione is given enough power to regain the influence over her army, but Elsa is now very weak and on the verge of death since her powers were mainly what were keeping her alive. Her hair becomes dark brown, and she closely resembles her mother. To save her, Artemis allows Jack to give up his powers and immortality to save her, turning him back human (with brown hair, eyes, and memories back). Khione gives up her pride and melts her army to regain her strength- making Pitch Black mostly powerless. She promises to leave everyone alone so that she can recover. She now realizes that Elsa is not her own as she no longer holds her magic (though she wasn't really her daughter to begin with) and Jack Overland and the others take Elsa back to camp where she can rest and recover. She finds that while she has her blue eyes and light hair back, her powers are now limited to frost and very light snow, with patterns similar to Jack's old ones, immunity to cold, and clouds. She is not made immortal. At camp she is finally claimed as a daughter of Apollo. She uses her powers to help care for the plants when the weather is hot or dry.

Issues with the story

I was certain that Rapunzel would get a role in this story- but I was never able to write anything or even get a clear, concrete idea of her contribution, much less her backstory. But she was going to be a sheltered daughter of Apollo kept in by her unwell mother, just like Luke's predicament in the PJO series, or as Calypso.

One of my main issues was having to decide on which characters I absolutely wanted to focus on- since I have a particularly bad habit of trying to shove in as many of my favourite characters who aren't necessary into the plot. I had to decide on whether or not I really cared about Hans in the story, or if maybe I wanted to include the barest amount of Hiccstrid, or even have Astrid in the shortest amount of moments.

I had already decided on keeping Anna uninvolved at camp or possibly captured by Khione as bait- so she wouldn't be a main character, and I had killed off Bunny. Hans was mainly going to be a pawn used by Pitch, so not so much attention would be on him.

And Eugene was going to be killed off towards the end, But you can only kill off so many characters so I was going to revive him.

So thankfully that took off a number of characters I'd wanted to include. I was left with Jack, Elsa, Hiccup, Eugene, and possibly Rapunzel for the prophecy as the main group. Still, I felt like that was a little much. So I decided to put a limit on Rapunzel, and have Eugene go awol for a short while, and have Elsa missing a little early in the middle to do her own thing (like when she runs away from camp). It's a lot of balancing between the characters that I was reluctant to attempt.

Dissecting the Trolls' Prophecy

..End Summer's splinter

in never ending word..

'Summer's splinter' refers to Khione starting to storm the world with her snow goons in search of Elsa, which was meant to take place near the beginning of summer in the USA. 'Never ending word' refers to the oath Apollo, or Adgar took on the River Styx.

..bring back the winter

in claim never heard..

Finding Elsa and bringing her to Camp Half-Blood. Her father claimed Anna, but not her. But if you recall Apollo had said, "As you wish, the child is yours when I claim her. I swear on the River Styx!" Loophole.

..with blasts of cold will come dark arts..

Pitch Black (dark) taking over Khione's snow goon army, after she's destroyed the world.

..three missing sons suns..

Somewhere in the plot I meant for the characters to start disscussing the prophecy and come upon a huge revellation- I was going to make it a really big and dramatic discovery- that the prophecy had not meant "sons", but actually "suns," referring to Apollo's three daughters tangled in this mess, Elsa, Anna, and Rapunzel.

..four frozen hearts..

Khione, Idun, Elsa, and Jack

..a sword sacrifice

with third son's sun's kiss

two winter's shall perish

with what they had missed..

Jack loses his powers and immortality to revive Elsa, who gave up her powers to help Khione take back her army. "What they had missed" just could refer to Khione being a total fool for believing Elsa was her daughter, or all the missing daughters, or even the fact that they misunderstood the meaning of "sons" in the third to last line.

The End

So if there are a few readers out there who still wish to see this story finished I'm very sad to say that this final note is all I have to offer you- admittedly this is something that I mostly did for myself for closure and is not meant for anything else. Either way I'm very greatful for your encouraging notes and support for this idea. Although it's pretty disheartening not to be able to see it to the end it was fun to play with this scenario while it lasted. Thank you very much!