
Definition: a state in which a person suffers extreme mental illness or madness.

Synonyms: madness, lunacy, instability, the list goes on.

Insanity is what I felt I was trapped in. In a state, no world, of insanity. A place that only existed in nightmares or horror stories. Wherever you went, you had to look over your shoulder. You couldn't trust anything around you, because it would stab you right in the back.

And how did I get here? Well frankly I don't know, I can't remember.

And that...was just the beginning.

-Page Break-

"Hello? Hello! Hello, anyone out there?!" I cupped my hands over my mouth so my yells could travel farther.

It was pointless though, because in this thick of the woods the pouring rain drowned everything else out.

I had woken up here, alone and wet, in the middle of the woods.

Woods I have never seen before; this was a place I've never seen before.

Yet I woke up here on the ground, as if I passed out right here in this very spot.

But why?

I sat up and pressed my hand to my head, a killer migraine making everything blurrier around me. I forced myself to ignore it though as I struggled to my feet, balance like Jell-O. I took several deep breaths to calm my abnormally fast heart rate. It was beating as if I had just ran a marathon. I blinked my green eyes free of stinging, freezing rain and took a closer look around me.

There was nothing in sight that jogged some sort of memory: a dark green jeep had its headlights on, wheels caked in mud and driver's door left ajar. A flashlight, brand new, was laying on top of the hood, along with a camcorder. Nothing else was in the jeep as I walked towards it and peeked inside, the leather seats smelling of peppermint and gasoline.

I dug my hands through the pockets of my light blue jeans, hoping to find some sort of ID.

Only keys, a slip of paper...


A dark brown wallet, worm out but still in one piece. I flipped it open and pulled out the state ID nicely tucked away, tracing the small, black letters.

Name: Kendall Knight.

Eye color: green.

Hair color: dark blond.

'This...this is me?' I thought wistfully, taking a better look at the picture.

The picture of a boy with dirty blond hair and bright green eyes stared up at me, a small smile on his thin, pale lips. He was thin, really thin and had thick eyebrows, a blunt nose and high cheekbones. He was wearing, from what I could make out in the gloom, a plaid blue button-up, the round collar of a plain white t-shirt sticking out as the top button were left undone.

According to this, he was an organ donor and his ID wasn't to expire until 2017. Or at least I think it said 2017; it was hard to tell, the font used was tiny and hard to read in this light.

So this was me.

But why couldn't I remember getting this, or even my own name?

Where am I?

I pocketed my wallet away and dug around the jeep again, hoping to find a map or something to hint at where I was. Once again I found nothing; frustration began to fill me like a river, but that's when I remembered the slip of paper I found along with my keys and wallet.

I wiggled into the driver's seat, pulling the hood of my green jacket over my head so not to get the paper wet as I unfolded it and began to read.

It only had two words written in messy, chicken scrawl: Get away.

'Did I write this? To myself?' I was dumbfounded. I closed my eyes and tried to think of the meaning behind it, the meaning...the urgency.

Nothing, a blank slate. All white.

My was gone.

As if someone had taken mind soap and wiped it all away, the memories like drawings on a chalk board.

They were gone, and I was alone in a place I've never seen before.

I swallowed hard, trying not to let panic take over as I put the note away and hopped out of the jeep, slamming the door behind me. I approached the hood and grabbed the flashlight and camcorder, noticing both were on full battery.

Did I leave them here, when I got out of the jeep and passed out?

I switched my flashlight on, shying away at first due to the brightness of it, and held the camcorder to my face. Its blinking red light made me feel safe, like I wasn't alone.

I knew that it wouldn't take away the immense feeling of claustrophobia pressing all around me; it was the only source of color aside from the tall, green trees and slick muddy ground though, so I'll take it.

If it made me feel less alone, it made me less alone.

"Hello? Anyone out there?" I tried again, the focus of my flashlight scaring the dark away. I could make out a faint trail leading deeper and deeper into the heart of the woods, curiosity and fear splitting me into two.

If I followed the trail, there was a chance I could find someone. A park ranger, another camper, anyone I could find right now would be a big help.

If I went in too far though, I could get lost. Well, more lost than what I already was. I've never seen this place before; walking around without a compass, a map and praying for the best would be like wearing a necklace of sausages around your neck in a lion's den. It'd only bring trouble.

'But I can't stay out here all night...' I reasoned with myself, looking back at the jeep. Its engine was still purring, the lights like hands pushing me towards the trail. Telling me to go, that I'd probably be a midnight snack to some wild animal if I stuck around.

Stomach doing a gymnastics routine, heart ready to burst free from my chest; I swallowed hard again, the lump thick in my throat, and began trekking to the trail.

The only things I took were my camcorder, flashlight, wallet and the note.

The rest, I left behind and never saw again.

-Page Break-

The trail ended at the front yard of a large, tall mansion. It was abandoned though, I could tell that much even in the gloom: the windows were dirty, some broken. The front steps were in pieces, old and worn from the rain and mold. The flowers in the front yard were dead, faces gray and arms weak.

It creaked under my feet as I took the rusted, big dark golden knob in my left hand and pushed the front door back, fishing out my flashlight to see better in the immense darkness.

"Hello?" I don't know what prompt me to call again. The place was empty for sure, forgotten and left to rot away silently in the woods. This place hasn't seen people in years, maybe even decades. It had a Victorian era feel to it; History was something I was good at, at least I think so, and the intricate details to the walls and carpet told me someone very, very rich use to live here.

It's sad, that this place was quietly dying away and no one was here to save it.

"H-hello...?" This time I whispered, a chill going down my spine.

I went deeper and deeper into the main room, closing the door behind me. The only thing I could hear loud and clear was the sound of my own breathing. My footsteps were muffled by the thick, heavy carpet on the floor; clouds of dust flew into the air at every footfall.

To say I was getting a little nervous was an understatement.

It felt like...someone was watching me.

I looked over my shoulder. Nothing moved, nothing stirred; the paranoia was getting to me obviously, being alone in the woods with no way to help yourself can do that.

Everything was so dark, my flashlight could barely slice a hole through it all before everything would seem darker than before. It was a good thing my camcorder had the night vision option, but even the eerie green glow of it all made my skin crawl.

"Hello, anyone here? Can someone help me, I-I'm lost. I don't remember how I got here or even why I came here, but is anyone there? Hello?" I was talking for the sake of breaking the suffocating silence. My camcorder was taking in everything, catching every word jumping off my tongue. Talking to it made me feel less alone too; even if it didn't talk back, it listened.

Then. Then it-



I let out a sharp gasp as a vase, curvy and a shiny red, tumbled off the small table by the front door. It broke into a million pieces of fine, sharp colorful glass, cutting small holes into the carpet stitching. I gripped my flashlight tight so not to drop it in my jump, breathing now uneven as I snapped my head back and forth.

"H-hello?! Who's there?!" Someone had broken that vase. I had been too far from the front door to do it on accident, and not much breeze came in through the windows.


"Hello there." A raspy, low voice greeted me back.

I jerked my body around until I faced the staircase that led up to the second floor. With my flashlight high over my head and camcorder to my right eye, I looked up until I saw the person who answered me at the top of the steps.

My eyes grew wide though and my heart skipped several beats.

-Page Break-

There at the top of the steps was a guy, maybe my age it was hard to tell. He was tall, taller than me and had a dark gray, or maybe black, hoodie on and plain, dark jeans that clung to his long legs. He had gloves on his hands and I couldn't tell the color of his hair, but it was short and kind of messy. He had his hood pulled over his head, his spiky bangs poking out but what really freaked me out was the mask he was wearing: a dark blue, no mouth or nose, but wide black eyes that had...a black substance pouring from them like tears. His skin looked leathery, a blueish-black that stood out against all the dark clothes he was wearing.

He tilted his head to the side, arms crossed politely behind his back. "Hello there, are you lost?" He asked, his voice raspier than before.

My mind screamed at me to run, my heart to cry. But my body, my body couldn't move.

I was paralyzed.

"Y-yes. I'm lost, I don't know where I am." I answered, lowering my camcorder. One gloved hand tapped his masked chin, as if he was contemplating something.

"Ah I see, I'm so sorry. Here...let me HELP YOU!"

I took a small step back from the stairs as he removed his mask, a feral growling erupting from his chest.

His face...oh God!

It was young like mine's and a blueish-black shade like the rest of his body, but his eyes had been...they had been gouged out. That black stuff coming from his eye sockets, it was blood. Black blood that smelled like rust and salt. His mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth, several tentacle-like tongues grazing the skin of his lips. Said lips were splashed in red blood, both dry and fresh, so was his chin. He had a scalpel in his left hand, it stained with dried blood.

"W-what are you?!"

"Don't worry, you won't die. You'll get to keep your pathetic life, this will only hurt for a minute..." He hissed, a sadistic smile now pulling at his mouth.

I finally found the control to run away, to scream and turn back for the front door.

But that wasn't enough.

He was on top of me in seconds.

Hey! New story everyone, though this is more of a supernatural/horror type than 'Love the Way You Lie', 'Big Time Choice' or 'Wall between Us'. 'Under the Mask' is a superhero fic while THIS is a creepy pasta inspired fic! Yes, be prepared for the horrors of familiar characters such as Eyeless Jack, Jeff the Killer, Slender Man and many more! There will be Kames romance and such, various pairings, but horror there shall be! Liked the first chapter, let me know please! I could use all the support for this story much like the support given to the others! I'll update, hopefully, 'Under the Mask' and 'Wall between Us' before heading back to the states next Thursday but yes, please tell me what you think and hoped you enjoyed this first chapter! A more clearer plot will be introduced in later chapters! Thank you again and see you in the next one! :) Disclaimer: I don't own Big Time Rush or any of the creepy pastas that will be used and/or mentioned in this story! I'm simply mixing the two together because I love both BTR and creepy pastas!