Hey guys!

Special thanks to:

- Guest (all 3 of you)

- Musicbean2

- Mad turn

Blaire pov:

It's been 3 days since the Gossip Girl blast and all I've been doing is moping around, watching Funny Girl and eating Macaroons. I keep expecting Chuck or Serena or even Nate to stop by and ask why I haven't been at school. I've had to send Dorota to pick up my school assignments. Whenever Serena or Nate were ill, I'd always pick their homework up and deliver it to them, it usually ended up with me holding their hair as they throw up from drinking too much the night before.

I snatched my phone as soon as I heard it buzz.

Why hasn't B been at school for the past three days? Doesn't seem like anyone has noticed, or even cared. S has stolen B's minions from her. Will B be back to claim what's hers? Or has she finally realised that she can't win against S?

-You know you love me,

-xoxo Gossip Girl.

I couldn't stop the tear that rolled down my cheek and pretty soon it was followed by others. I ran to the toilet and threw up all the macaroons that I'd eaten. Wiping my mouth I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I noticed how my hair wasn't as shiny and bouncy as Serena's, how I had massive bags under my eyes and Serena didn't, how I had massive hamster cheeks and Serena's were perfect, how my stomach stood out and my rolls, where as Serena had a flat stomach, how my thighs were like buffalo's and Serena's were like twigs. My eyes never sparkled like Serana's.

Comparing myself to her I couldn't help but understand why everyone preferred Serena to me. I wanted to smash the mirror and get rid of my reflection.

'Miss Blaire, Serena is here to see you." Darota called from downstairs.

I knew how forgetful Serena was, maybe she has just gotten round to seeing how I'm feeling. I couldn't help but smile as I ran downstairs.

Serena was sitting at our dinning room table with a lot of books. As soon as she saw me she jumped up and gave me a quick hug.

'Hey B, I bought your homework, I need your help with the History essay it's 4,000 words due tomorrow.'

"Oh they can't set essay deadline the day after they're set"

"It was set like a week ago and they gave me your assignments but I haven't given them to you till now. "

"Oh that's ok, umm…. Do you want to stay and we can work on it now?"

"No, I've got plans with Nate and Chuck and Dan and the others, just email me yours when you've finished and I'll use it as a guide line." She said as she grabbed her sunglasses and walked out of the apartment.

My shoulders slummed as she left. I'd official been told I'm not part of the group anymore. I sat on the chair Serena occupied and opened the history book.

3 hours later I had finally finished the essay with 5,540 words. It was quiet easy considering how little I'd been at school. I looked at my phone and saw 3 Gossip girl posts that I hadn't seen.

'S, N and C look like they're about to hit the town, where's B? Too ill? Or just not invited again?'

-XOXO Gossip Girl.

'S is looking like she's drunk the whole bar and N and C don't look that far behind. Still no B, looks like she's officially been dropped."

-xoxo Gossip Girl.

'S and N are still dancing the night away. Looks like C left the party early, wonder where he's run off too."

-XOXO Gossip Girl.

Looks like they're all off having fun whilst I'm doing the homework which they'll all copy from me tomorrow.

'Miss Blaire, Master Chuck is here for you'

Chuck? What is Chuck doing here?

I descended the stairs only to find a drunk chuck struggling to stand.

'Chuck, why don't you sit down'

'Good idea.' He said as he pushed passed me and went up the stairs.

'Where are you going? I sighed as I followed him upstairs and to my bedroom and watched him lie on my bed. He patted the space next to him. With a sigh I crawled in next to him. Chuck grunted as he pulled me closer so he could plat with my hair.

'Why did you do it?' He whispered.

'Do what?" I asked

'Go back to Nate, after everything he's done to you'

'What are you talking about? Me and Nate?'

'I saw the Gossip Girl post I know that he was here."

"He was here to ask me about Serena, nothing more"

"You promise" he said


He then held out his pinky, "Pinky promise"

I couldn't help but chuckle as I connected our pinky fingers.

'Pinky promise.'