The Teen Profiler

Disclaimer: I do not own criminal minds.

Chapter 1:

Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner, a stern- faced man with dark brown hair, was currently making his way to the BAU Section Chief. He raped sharply on the door and, hearing an "Enter", opened the door. Erin Strauss was sitting in a plush black chair. Studying her tense posture, Hotch mentally prepared himself for the worst.

"Aaron, please have a seat. How are you doing?" Erin asked.

"Very well, shall we discuss why you have called me here?" Aaron replied shortly, clearly not wasting time on pleasantries.

Erin, her face tired, started speaking "Aaron, I have just come from a meeting with the Director. And he and some others are wishing to add a new member to your team. She-"

"New team member! I wasn't aware of any complaints regarding the team performance." Aaron said.

"No, it doesn't have anything to do with your performance. The Director wants to add a new team member as, well, as an experiment of sorts." Erin said, while handing Aaron a file marked with the name Anya Gärtner. Hotch opened the file;

Name: Anya Gärtner
Age: 14

"She is 14!"

"Just read on, Aaron," Erin said, rubbing her face.

Nationality: American (Father) German, (Mother) Indian Languages: English, German, Hindi, Greek, and Latin
Occupation: None
Talents/Skills: Brown Belt, Soccer Player, Artist, and Profiling.
Siblings: Anatika
Gärtner (deceased)
Mother: Anjili
Gärtner (deceased)
Father: Felix
Gärtner (deceased)
Height: 5 ft 5"
Weight: 58 kg
Race: Indian, German
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin color: Light
Shape of Face: Oval
Health: Semi-Eidetic memory, allergic to kiwis
Hobbies: Soccer, Drawing
Disabilities: Weak Left Wrist Intelligence Level: IQ 182
Educational Background: graduated high school at 10, has a bachelors in Criminal Justice and law. Graduated from the FBI Academy at 14, with a recommendation from Jason Gideon.

"Jason recommended her!" Aaron exclaimed.

"Yes, apparently she was trained by him when she was 12" Erin replied.

Aaron sat back on the plush couch, and after thinking a moment he said, "Even if she is a good profiler, she is still only a 14 year old. The team sees some crime scenes gruesome enough to give adults nightmares!"

"I know Aaron; I do not like putting a 14 year old in the field either. But I am afraid neither of us has a choice, the Director has given his final orders."

"And her current guardians agree to let their ward do a highly dangerous job?" Aaron asked.

Erin, her face grim, replied "Aaron, that is the problem; the girl doesn't have guardians. The FBI has taken temporary custody, and I think the Director is planning to give the team joint custody."

"What!" Aaron said.

"Yes, she will be arriving tomorrow and I will leave the housing arrangements with you" Erin said, picking up another file; clearly dismissing him.

Aaron got up with a resigned air and left. While walking he couldn't help but let his thoughts wander, a 14 year old girl is going to be joining the team, a 14 year old! On the other hand I can't wait to see Rossi's face when I tell him a teenager might be housing with him.