DE88: Hey guys, sorry for the massive delay in this chapter but life has once again taken hold of my time, I hope you enjoy this and I don't own anything except my creations.
Chapter 6: Future Loss
Arashi yawned as he felt the light hit his eyes through the crack in his and Essence's room. He smiled as he opened his eyes, seeing Essence sleeping softly, her head on his chest as she curled up next to him. "She always seemed so cute.' Arashi thought this as he watched his slumbering partner, before noting something else. 'Again with stealing my shirt huh?' Arashi thought this as he took note that she was wearing one of his v-neck shirts and a pair of shorts as compared to his sleeveless shirt and sweats he wore. He chuckled softly as Essence started to stir.
"Morning Ess. As a question, why steal my shirt huh?" Arashi said this with a small smirk as the white haired girl looked up at him and stuck her tongue out at him.
"Privilege of being a girlfriend, same with why you're my pillow Ara." She said this with a smile and Arashi laughed, kissing her softly. He couldn't argue with her logic there.
"Touche. Then what do I have huh?" Arashi said this with a smirk as he and Essence sat up in the bed. Essence flashed him a grin.
"You get to be protective as hell of me, plus kiss me when you want." Essence said this with another cheeky smile and Arashi chuckled, leaning in and kissing her softly.
"Kay looks like you win this time huh?" Arashi said this with a smile. Their usual morning routine usually went like this, both of them just talking to wake up fully, and seeing if they could cause the other to stumble over their words. "So should we just lay here for a bit, or get dressed and be active for the day?" Arshi said this with a smile and Essences looked at him in thought for a second, before hugging him and making him lay down.
"I wanna be lazy." She said this with a content smile as she laid her head on his chest once again as Arashi wrapped his arms around her. Arashi smiled as he looked at her, but then a crawling feeling in the back of his mind, and decided to activate his soul perception, regretting it immediately.
"Damnit. Ess we got incoming." Arashi said this as they sat up, Essence jumping off the bed, throwing Arashi the set of his clothes he had laid out before storming to the bathroom, visibly upset. Arashi got dressed in no time and stuck his head out the door, warning the others of the incoming witch.
"Yep….that is definitely Timveni. I'm surprised at how powerful her soul is…" Tamishi said this as he looked at the soul closing into their location.
"Yeah well if I remember what you said about her in the future, she is twice as strong as the s ranked witch you all fought a few months ago." Arashi said this as he looked at Essence, who was still slightly fuming. Other than Essence and Maka, all the weapons had already transformed.
"Yeah well she is coming really fa-" Maka said this but before she could finish, Timveni shimmered into view.
"Dear girl, time is only relative to me. And the time of your death dra-" Timveni sneered this till Arashi transformed into his gold handled gunblade form and Essence suddenly Soul Leaped to Timveni, Arashi's blade and chamber glowing, surprising everyone.
"Riot Chamber!" Essence exclaimed this as she stabbed at Timveni, the witch dodging back and then to the side to dodge the linear blast made from the attack.
"Ess….when the hell did you have time to make something like that?!" Arashi asked this as he appeared in the blade of the gunblade. Essence smiled slightly as she watched Timveni.
"Just now. Isn't that what you normally do Ara?" She said this before dodging a blast from Timveni and watching Chrona, Black Star, Maka, and Tamishi all rush Timveni. Arashi sighed as Timveni began dodging and phasing through attacks.
"Well just be careful Ess. If things get dangerous switch." Arashi said this and Essence smiled as she tighten her grip on him.
"You worry too much." She said this before soul leaping to Timveni again, this time kicking her in the side as she goth there and pointing Arashi at the witch. "Riot Barrage." She intoned this as she pulled the trigger, sending a stream of soul bullets before landing on the ground again.
"And you say you're the worse meister." Maka said this as she landed next to Essence in her Soul Fusion form, Tamishi chuckled in his Soul merge form as Kidd and Chrona hovered above them with Black Star.
"Well that seemed to do-" Black star started this before dodging back to dodge the start of a barrage of magic attacks that Kidd summoned a shield to block.
'Essence, switch now. I have an idea.' Arashi said this to Essence, explaining his plan though their resonance and Essence smiled and changed it slightly. 'Alright, this will only work once, make it count Ess.' Essence smiled as she watched the magic barrage and found Timveni's position.
"Riot Chamber." Essence said this soft as she soul leaped to in front of Timveni, the witch looking surprised as the chamber of the weapon glowed. Suddenly, Essence had a feeling in the back of her neck and cut off the resonance, switching with Arashi in a mere moment and resonating with him as Timveni shimmered to their side.
"Witch Hunting Wave." Arashi said this as he slashed at Timveni's new location, surprising and grazing the witch as she tried to dodge and flew up. Arashi smiled as she hissed in pain from the attack.
"How! How did you see through my Temporal Shift?!" Timveni screamed this and Arashi smiled.
"Easy, I figured that with how Essence is right handed, you would naturally shift your self to her left side, and we aren't known as one of the best dual weapon pairs for nothing. It was to easy to switch roles and attack before you could dodge again. If I have this correct, you need seven seconds to use another Temporal Shift." Arashi said this with a wicked grin and Tamishi sweat-dropped.
'Well now, he can do mental calculations and timings... impressive.' Tamishi thought this as he watched his future son, feeling pride in the young meister. 'He is as impressive as you were, if not more.' Allie thought this to Tamishi and he nodded before Timveni screamed in frustration.
"Take this! Magic Array, Magic Laser Barrage!" Timveni screamed this, foregoing targeting the two star meisters, seeing Arashi and Essence as to much of a threat. Arashi smiled as his eyes glowed slightly and started dodging the lasers before appearing behind Timveni.
"This ends here. Witch Hun-" Arashi said this before Timveni suddenly turned around, and Arashi felt something pierce his abdomen. He looked down and saw a glowing spear made of magic, Timveni's malicious grin as she cackled, pulling the spear out as it shattered and Arashi started falling, losing his grip of Essence who changed as he did.
"Arashi!" Essence screamed this as she reached out to the black haired boy as he fell, only to be suddenly shocked and restrained, screaming out as Timveni used magic to bind her. Tamishi cursed and looked at Maka who nodded and Tamishi rushed to catch Arashi as Maka and the others charged the witch.
"Heh to hasty young Rikushi, and now nothing can stop my destruction of the future." Timveni said this before shimmering out of view with Essence. Arashi groaned as he hit Tamishi's arms and raised up a hand as Timveni disappeared.
"…" He said this weakly before his vision became blurry and then black.
Tasmishi sighed as Soul punched a wall. Kidd was busy making calls to the DWMA, and Black Star was scouting the nearby areas for any trace of the witch for the past two days.
"Soul calm down. We will find her, that or Arashi will wake up." Tamishi said this with a sigh as he felt Allie's hand squeeze his. Arashi's wound looked serious at first, but much to the surprise of everyone, it had already started healing thanks to the boys black blood. Thinking on it, Tamishi had to chuckle about not guessing the children had black blood.
"What I don't understand is why you are so calm?! Your son is unconscious in another room. Don't you think he is going to break after this?!" Soul exclaimed this, Maka sighing as she looked at a nearby book.
"I am not worried because he is my son. Taking Essence was the biggest mistake, other than not killing Arashi, that Timveni made yesterday. Need I remind you of the Ranguki incident." Tamishi said this and Soul's eyes widened as the realization dawned on him, causing Maka and Allie to laugh.
Arashi, groaned as he woke up, sitting up and feeling a dull soft throb in his abdomen. "What…oh right… I got reckless… damnit i played right into her..ESSENCE!' Arashi thought this as his brain started thinking and he recalled what had happened. "Damnit all…" He growled this punched the bed, feeling angry at himself. He sighed and reached inside his shirt, feeling a familiar shape of cold metal and gems and smiled very slightly. "Essence...I'm coming...and this time, we end this." Arashi said this as he got up, stretching slightly as he changed, not caring about the dull throb as he put on his usual black pants and shirt with a sleeveless vest, and a pair of finger less gloves. Strapped to his left leg was a knife that had seen much use in its life. As Arashi opened the door to leave, he found Tamishi standing there, looking serious. "Don't try to stop me." Arashi said this without thinking, and bit his tongue afterwards. Tamishi chuckled and shook his head at the boy's words.
"I'd be a hypocrite if I did. Here." Tamishi said this with a smile as he tossed Arashi a pair of keys, who caught them and looked at them surprised, before muttering a quick thanks and running off. Tamishi chuckled as Soul stepped from around the corner.
"Kay, you were right Tamishi….well less for us to worry about."
DE88: And that is chapter 6. Hope you all enjoy it and I will have chapters 7,8 and the Finale up as soon as possible.