I sit on the bus with my arms crossed tight over my chest, my eyes twitching in annoyance. Levy was smart enough to bring headphones in her spot next to me, and Erza, whose house is practically a Home Depot, brought ear plugs to drown out the noise.

But that's just the thing! This was supposed to be a quiet bus ride! I hadn't expected Mr. Big Shot Boxer to come in and create havoc! Now I have to deal with a giant group of kids buzzing and screaming about Natsu Dragneel being on the bus.

I huff in annoyance, wondering what I did to deserve this. The cheering was becoming too loud to bear.

I peeked over my seat to look behind me, my eyes narrowing in on the cause of this all.

He was smiling, his perfect teeth shining. All the practically 12 year old (*17 year old) girls were basically throwing themselves at him. His tanned skin glistened in some kind of light that was nonexistent in the bus. Stupid hot brother of Wendy.

Speaking of Wendy, my eyes eyes looked over the bus until they landed on her. She was sitting next to Romeo, nodding her head shyly as he spoke animatedly to her. His hand would land on her arm every so often, and she would blush. At some point in the conversation, her hair had fallen slightly into her eye. He reached up, pushing her hair behind her ear.

Where's the popcorn when you need it?!

She looked into his eyes for a couple straight seconds, and before I could squeal, Wendy's brother appeared out of nowhere. He was growling.

I wished it was a movie. I had been hoping it wouldn't be bad enough for me to have to take action.

"Listen, you little-" his hand started reaching out for Romeo's shirt, and when I saw Wendy's horrified face, I knew it was time for Super Lucy.

"Oh my gosh, Natsu! You're finally free! I thought I'd NEVER get a chance to talk to you!" I race between Romeo and him and drag him away.

Although he probably could have easily knocked me down with the flick of his pinky, he just let himself get dragged while glaring at Romeo. He pointed at Romeo and the sliced his hand across his neck.

"Calm down, Sparky," I roll my eyes as he sits in an empty seat towards the front where all the chaperones are. I continue, "You are NOT allowed to beat up the kids."

"What? That punk was trying to get it on with my sister! It's not only my duty as her brother, but as a responsible adult, I had to put an end to it," he defends himself.

"He tucked her hair behind her ear," I deadpan.

"He tried to kiss her!"

"Listen. I'm not trying to get in a fight with you. Mostly because you could probably kill me," he rolls his eyes, "but- I refuse to let you scare my students! And your 'little sister' is a 17 year old girl! Maybe you should let her live a little!"

Crap. That might have been a little too much. Please don't kill me, please don't kill me.

He suddenly becomes very serious, He leaned in very close to my face. DAMN! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO ATTRACTIVE?!

"Just because I don't want my little sister to be some teenage slut like you probably were, DOES NOT mean I don't let her have fun."

Now, I was pissed. And I kind of start spurting out things when I'm frustrated.

Usually not smart things.

"I'll have you know I'm still a virgin!"



And then, not only was the bus ride long and annoying, it was also awkward.

When we had finally arrived, there was the bright and early sun peaking through the leaves.

"Alright, kids!" Levy, Erza, and I stood on top of a slightly raised rock to gain their full attention, "Today we'll be setting up camp. We'll explore to hopefully find a flat area where you all can set up camp! Now, don't get excited. The boys will have a separate area."

The boys groaned, but my eyes zoned in on Romeo looking over at Wendy and smirking. I raise a brow, knowing that it would require some investigation later.

"We will try to keep them in near proximity of each other so that we can avoid further alterations if meeting up in the morning after tonight's nightfall won't be needed or, in the least, not be difficult," I pipe in my required part.

Everyone stares at me (excluding Levy and Erza) as if I just said the entire sentence in German, so I roll my eyes and reiterate, "We'll try to set up the boys and girls campsites close so that meeting up tomorrow can be a little bit easier."

Everybody nods.

"Male chaperones will be staying with the boys, and female chaperones with the girls. My peers and I," Levy gestures to Erza and me, "will set up somewhere in the middle to keep watch of both sides. Also, you can come to us if you need anything!"

Levy, Erza, and I step down and begin to lead the pack to the large area we had found yesterday. After everyone set up, we eventually set out on journey again.

I sprayed myself with bug spray 15 separate times. I also put my hair up. I then proceeded to pray that if we don't come back, I'm really sorry for reading that inappropriate novel the other day.

"Come on, Lucy!"

My nightmare began.

A scream rings through the forest, and laughter ensues.

"HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Relia, one of the students, is perched on top of tree (that she climbed alarmingly fast), flailing her arms and staring in pure mortification at a large rat on the ground.


Since clearly everyone is too busy laughing, I realize I'll have to take action. I run up to the rat and shoo it away. I shout, "Relia! Coast is clear down here! You can come on down now!" I suddenly realize how high up she is and wonder how she is going to possibly get down.

"No way! Now WAY am I going back down there to that filth!" I bite my lip. I like Relia, but she has tendencies to act like a royal brat. I don't know if it's because she's rich, or if her parents really spoil her rotten.

Whatever the case is, I know something has to be done, so I begin to climb the try myself. When my foot almost slips, even more laughter ensues.

"Little devils... Why the hell am I stuck being the prince to the rescue. Somebody else should be getting off their lazy ass and at least offering help! Geez..." I mutter. After 5 more of those, almost slipping and ding thrice, and the everybody else practically rolling on the floor, I finally make it to Relia.

"Come here! Grab my hand; we'll go down together," I reach for her, but she backs up, "Relia! Are you crazy?! That's extremely dangerous!"

She backs up more, "No! Your hand has rat germs on it! I don't want those!"

"Relia, don't be ridiculous! Grab my hand!"

"No!" she backs up more, and I begin sweating nervously. She's about to fall off the branch she just when on!

"Relia, please!" I beg.

"No way!" And with that, she falls off the edge.

I hear a thump, and I close my eyes and ask God to please let it not be true! I scramble on to the branch so I can take a peek. I look over.

Relia's dusting herself off as I peer down at her. She flips her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Relia! Are you alright?!" I shout down while holding the branch for dear life as I now realize I just stupid went on to the branch that she had not FALLEN, but jumped from!

"Yes? Why wouldn't I be?"

How she survived that fall is beyond me, but I now have bigger priorities.

"Good... BECAUSE YOU ARE SO DEAD WHEN I GET DOWN THERE! DO YOU REALIZE THE HEART ATTACK YOU GAVE ME! YOU ARE SO LUCKY I AM ON THIS BRANCH RIGHT NOW BEAUSE SO HELP ME-" I hear the branch crack, I hold my breath, my heart stopping once more that day, "Speaking of that... Could somebody actually... Um, help me?"

I hear the loudest bout of laughter yet, and I mutter more things under my breath.

For some reason, I suddenly feel the urge to look down at Natsu. And he's laughing hysterically, quite close to my fall area.

And that pisses. me. off.

"TAKE THIS!" I jump down from the branch, aiming for him. Mid-fall, I realize what I've down and immediately try to back track. But the only back I'll be doing is back cracking!

Not the time for tacky jokes, Lucy!

I scream about to hit the ground, but then I fall into some kind of... Hammock?

"You okay?" I open my eyes to see myself being held princess style in Natsu's arms.

How he caught me, just my weight alone, ignoring the added force of me jumping, is beyond me. Another thing I'll always wonder about. But at that moment, all my mind could think about was me in his arms.

I hear a couple of cat calls, and without answering his question, jump down from his arms. I stutter out, "Th-th-thank y-you!" and stumble back to Levy and Erza.

Out journey continues.

I know it's really short, but I just really needed to get it out! It's been so long since I've updated, and I'm really sorry! Thank you so much for all the reviews and encouragement! :))

With love,