BANG! I woke with a start to the sound of a huge crash, it was so loud that Atem next to me also woke up, and he is a very heavy sleeper. We both jumped out of our king sized bed and quickly threw on some clothes, appropriate for a Pharaoh and his Queen. Atem's tunic was a long piece of white cloth with a golden belt and a blue strip of silk on the bottom half, giving the appearance of that it was two pieces. My clothing was a flowing purple, sleeveless dress with golden bangles on both of my wrists, inscribed with the Egyptian Eye of Horus, and my engagement ring on a golden chain around my neck.

"Aku, do you know what that was?" Atem asked me as I was closing the clinch on my belt for my dress. He looked tired, with the tips of his spiky multi-colored hair drooping down.

"I don't know, but I know we're about to find out." I answered. We walked out of the gigantic room and raced to the throne room. Inside there was Atem's priests, Seto, Mahad, and Isis, all of them with curious looks on their faces.

"My Pharaoh, we have sent men out to go find the source of the sound." Mahad informed. Mahad was a tall man, with sharp hazel eyes, and a purple staff in his right hand, he was our head magician after all.

"Good, but I'd also like to inform you that both Aku and I will be searching as well." He claimed, with a challenging look on his face, as if daring his priests to stop him. Seto, a well built, blue-eyed, icey man, sighed and looked at the other priests, and they nodded back at him.

"We will not stop you, but we will go with you two." Seto conceded. Atem glanced over at me and I gave him a sneaky smirk, leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"Not all of them, Mahad can come, but only him." I whispered into his right ear, he nodded and relayed my order to the priests. They all didn't look surprised, this happened quite often. They nodded their assent, and Atem, Mahad, and I headed off to the stables. After we tacked our mounts, we headed off towards the direction where we had heard the crash.

It was already sunrise when we finally saw area of impact. There was a huge crater right in the ground, at the sight of construction for the new temple of Bastet. It appeared that whatever had fallen had crashed with an incredible amount of speed. We carefully slid down the hill, Atem and I holding on to each other to make sure that neither of us fell. At the bottom there was a small stone, glittering in the growing light of the morning. The stone shimmered with a variety of colors, there were purples, pinks, yellows, and greens, looking like rainbow in the sky after a shower of rain. I leaned forward, tore a strip from my dress and carefully plucked the stone from the center of the crater.

"It's so beautiful." Atem mumbled, with a look of awe in his eyes, I nodded agreement. Mahad walked forward, closed his eyes and held out his staff, he started humming and after a few seconds he flew his eyes open. He fell to his knee, breathing heavily.

"Such strong much that it rivals the gods!" Mahad said, gasping for air. My eyes widened, the gods of egypt were the most powerful beings in the world, it was impossible that this tiny sliver of stone could be as powerful as the omnipotent deities. I never told this to Atem, the goddess of love, Hathor, was my ultimate favorite god, even though Ra was meant to be the most revered deity. Hathor was the embodiment of all love, and her sacred animal was a monkey, my favorite animal. It was believed that the Goddess of Love would travel down to the ground in the form of a monkey and help mortals find true love.

Anyway, back to the present, Mahad got back up on his feet and lifted his staff again. He hummed again, and slowing a golden aura started surrounding the stone.

"I will hold on to the stone until I figure out what it is, I have a few ideas of where to start." He informed us. I glanced over at Atem, who nodded at Mahad, then started towards me. He cupped my cheek in his large calloused hands, and looked in my azure eyes.

"I am not going to stop Mahad from discovering what that thing is. If it is a danger to our kingdom, I want to know." I leaned into his hand, and nodded my 'okay', he smiled and took his palm from my face. We walked towards our horses, which we had left at the top of the crater.


I was sitting in the throne room on my huge throne, though it was smaller than Atem's, listening to the grievances of our people. This was a tradition that Atem's father had brought back, though Atem thought it was just a way to give anyone on the throne severe 'fanny fatigue'. I personally thought it was the best part of running the kingdom, listening to our peoples' ideas of how we could make this kingdom more successful.

Slowly I became aware that I was not feeling well, the kind of 'not well' that you can't really describe what's wrong, but you know something's wrong. I stood up carefully and leaned over to Atem's ear.

"I am going to go find Isis." I whispered. He glanced at me, worry laced in his eyes, but nodded. Taking my leave, I kissed his cheek and walked out of the throne room.

Isis was in her usual place, in front of a blue fire praying to the gods. I glided towards her, purposely making noise with my steps, so she could hear me coming. She turned her body and bowed.

"My Lady, how can I help you?" She respectively asked.

"I'm feeling unwell, and please stop bowing, we're friends." I replied. She hesitantly straightened out and took my hand, leading me to the bed in the corner of the room. I stretched out on it and nodded to Isis that she could begin her inspection.

"What are your symptoms?" She asked.

"Nausea, and Fatigue." I stated. She thought for a second, then she got a glint in her eyes, like she knew something I didn't.

"My Queen, you are with child."

My eyes widened at least an inch. I was shocked, but as I thought about it, my shock turned into euphoria. A huge smile cracked onto my face, I sat up, thanked Isis, and walked out to go find Atem, our child's father.

When I reached the throne room Atem was just walking out of the door, looking like he had just stayed awake for two days straight. I walked up to him stealthily, wanting to sneak up on him. When I was two feet away, I pounced, wrapping my arms and legs around his muscular form.

Unsteadily, he caught me, remaining upright, he didn't even have to turn around to know who it was, my flaming red hair somewhat falling on his shoulders. He chuckled and placed me down, before picking me up again, this time bridal style. We touched noses, in an eskimo kiss, and he started walking towards our bedroom.

Before we had even made it past the second corner, Mahad came running up to us, out of breath and sweating.

"Woah, slow down there Mahad. What happened?" Atem asked. Mahad quickly got back his breath and looked at us.

"I found out what that stone is!" Mahad exclaimed. Our eyes widened, and Atem nearly dropped me, causing me to throw my arms around his neck, to stop me from falling. "It's a crystallized form of a fallen star! More importantly, part of the star that forms the constellation Draco!" Mahad blurted.

"That would explain the immense power within it." I pointed out.

"Can we go see the stone?" Atem asked. Mahad nodded, turned around, leading us to his study. Though, as always, we were intercepted before we got there.

"Great Pharaoh, My Lady! I bring grave news!" A soldier shouted. My heart fell at those words, and my brain tortured me with the possibilities of what could have happened. When the soldier caught up with us he stopped and caught his breath slightly. "The….Persians...are nearing the….palace gates." He explained, still out of breath.

"WHAT?!" Atem and I bellowed, and this time Atem really did drop me. We had been at war with the Persians for over a decade, it was a war that Atem's father passed down to the new, still young pharaoh. This war had burdened Atem so much that after some meetings, he would walk into our room, mumble a greeting and then collapse onto the bed and fall asleep.

I stood up from my place on the ground, rubbing my behind, and glared at Atem. He looked sheepish in response of my glare, but the look was replaced by a look of determination.

"Gather the men," Atem started, but then looked over to me, remembering that I didn't feel well earlier. "Aku, go with Mahad and go hide."

"No Atem, I going to stay with you!" I calmly said. "And as much you want to keep me safe, I'm safest with you." Atem looked mad for a second, but as he thought about it, he realized that I was right.

"Fine, I can never win an argument with you." Atem conceded. "Mahad, you will stay with her though."

"Of course." Mahad said, while bowing. We started jogging towards the throne room, where the rest of the priests will be waiting for us. And yet again someone stopped us before we got there.

"Now I've got you 'almighty' Pharaoh! We're here for the Stargem!" A man yelled at us, hidden by the shadows of the columns that line the hall. He walked out of the shadows, revealing the Emperor of Persia himself, with a crossbow in his hand.

"Stargem? What is that?" I questioned. The fallen star, is that the Stargem? I thought. The emperor smirked at my obliviousness.

"What do you think it is?" He asked, while subtly raising his arm that had the crossbow in it. "Now, give me the Stargem or your wife dies!" the emperor demanded of Atem. I knew he was in tough spot, place an obviously powerful object in the hands of the enemy, or lose me and our child, though he didn't know about the latter yet. I looked at him and nodded, confidently thinking that I could dodge the arrow.

"You're taking too long!" the emperor interrupted. "Now your beloved wife dies!"


Time seemed to slow down as the emperor shot the arrow straight at me. I froze, my body unable to move, as the arrow zoomed towards me. I closed my eyes, thinking it was the end for me. And then the arrow struck…...but I didn't feel any pain.

I opened my eyes, and in front of me was Atem on the ground….with an arrow sticking out of his side.

"ATEM!" I shrieked, I then turned on the emperor and shouted, "You idiot!" I stalked towards him, a black aura surrounding me as I summoned my anger. "For the rest of your pathetic life, you shall feel like you have your own arrow stuck in your side! Penalty Game, 'Reap what was Sown'!" He crumpled to the ground in the fetal position. I fell to the ground in exhaustion and crawled towards my husband. "Atem….don't die on me." I pleaded.

"I don't plan on it." Atem mumbled, not being able to speak loudly from the pain.

"Mahad, help me get him to Isis!" Mahad shook his head, finally getting out his shock, and helped me carry Atem to the medicine wing of the palace. We had to turn around a few times, from some of the palace being destroyed by the Persians. The Persians had retreated when the news of me defeating him carried over to them.

*5 weeks later*

Atem and I sat in our room, on our king sized bed, just talking and laughing. I had already told him that I was pregnant, I told him about a week after the ordeal with the Persians. Atem was completely healed and only had a small scar on his right side, from the arrow. Two months ago we had locked away the Stargem in an empty tomb, never to be found again, and so everything was perfect in our happy kingdom of Egypt. I smiled as he leaned in to give me a chaste kiss on the lips.