I'm back, and this time with a new fanfic. :) In this one, I'm pairing Buck with Scratte since they were both left in the Dinosaur World. It's only a crack pairing, and it takes place after Ice Age 3. Also, I thought I'd make Scratte talk so it could be easier than using charades. Enjoy.

Love In Paradise

Chapter 1

In the Dinosaur World, there lived a female saber-tooth squirrel named Scratte. Scratte was strolling through the jungle with an acorn in her paws, sad and alone. She was mostly heartbroken due to her ex-mate Scrat, but was also upset with him. He only cared more about the nut more than her, and he left her trapped in the Dinosaur World. Scratte having the acorn was the only good thing for her, but imaging Scrat in her head just saddens her and makes her sick. Scratte sighed as she continued to walk through the jungle. While walking she looked at the acorn and she could see her reflection, but then she imaged Scrat once again. She couldn't take it as she putted the acorn aside and started digging a hole in the ground. Afterwards and like Scrat usually does, she stuck the nut into the ground tightly. Scratte then ran away, leaving behind the nut Scrat dropped. The female squirrel just couldn't think about her ex anymore.

Meanwhile far in the other part of the jungle, there also lived a certain insane one-eyed weasel named Buck. He was at his camp, relaxing in a hammock with his "ugly" pineapple wife in his arms. He wanted to relax after a long day of chasing Rudy and adventure. He sighed as he stared up at the icy ceiling. He usually enjoys adventure down in the Dinosaur World, although he is the only one who does. He was always lonely in the underground world; no friends, no family, no mate, no one! All he has for company is his pineapple and dinosaur skulls. It was, in fact, how Buck may have lost his sanity. He liked it better when the herd was with him back then on the quest for Sid. He could have joined them up in the Ice Age world too, but leaving his world and Rudy behind would give him nothing to live for. His life was always about adventure and survival, and Rudy was the perfect match for him. The only thing that stings the poor crazy hermit is loneliness. He had always been like that throughout his life in the Dinosaur World. When it came to joining the herd, he made a good choice for his purpose in life but a bad choice when it comes to friends and family. Buck sighed as he continued to lie in his hammock and snuggle his pineapple.

"Well, lass" He said to his inanimate wife. "What more can I say? Adventure is what I'm all about, but being alone sure drags ol' Buckminster down to the deep end. At least I have you, my sweet tooty fruity."

Buck hugged the pineapple and kissed it, but it didn't hug nor kiss back. It was only a pineapple, with no mind nor feelings. Buck didn't feel loved back, and he instead chose to talk to a skull. He picked one up with his foot and spoke to it as he used it as a puppet.

"Well you do find me and my wife to be a cute couple, don't ya Frank?" Buck said to the skull on his foot.

"Who says you two are a cute couple?" Buck made the skull ask in a speaky voice. Buck then started to argue with the puppeted skull, foolishly taking what he made the skull say as an insult.

"What are you talking about, mate? I thought you were my friend!"

"We're not friends! Remember? I said your feet smell! Better yet, so does your breath!"

"It does not, ya bloody fool! At least I have skin and fur along with the rest of my body along with my head!"

"And? At least ever since I lived, I had lots of friends unlike you right now!"

"Oh shut up, bones-for-brains!"

"You shut up!"

"Alright, that's it! C'mere, you!"

Buck began to wrestle his skull-holding foot like he did back then. He wrestled and wrestled until he stopped and glanced at his pineapple wife. He looked at her with embarrassment and as if he's given the cold shoulder by her. Buck smiled nervously and tossed the skull away off his foot, then got up and dusted himself off.

"I'm sorry, lass" the weasel apologized to the fruit with another sigh. "It's just...eh, maybe a nice stroll through the jungle will have me come to my senses. See ya later, my dear."

Buck grabbed his knife and began his walk into the jungle, leaving his camp and his pineapple behind. His loneliness was really making him lose it. It would have been better for him to love or make friends with real mammals other than a pineapple or other inanimate objects. He continued to stroll through the jungle for almost an hour, until he stepped on something hard. He yelped in pain, grabbing his foot and bouncing on the other. He looked down at what he stepped on, it was an acorn.

"What in tha bloody devil?" Buck quizzed with a questioning look.

It was strange to him, because he never found an acorn in the Dinosaur World before. He picked it up and examined it, then looked upward throughout the trail and found footprints. The acorn may have belonged to whoever made those footprints, so Buck followed them. As he followed the tracks, he heard crying. He went towards the source of it, moving the bushes and leaves out of the way. He found who it was, it was a female saber-tooth squirrel lying on a big rock crying. Buck was stunned to see a poor female in such a hurt, depressed way. Plus, he realized that he's not the only mammal in the Dinosaur World. Buck wanted to see what the problem was and he wanted to help, so he went towards her with curiosity. Before willing to help her, he started by offering her nut.

"Excuse me, madam" Buck said to the sad female squirrel.

The squirrel, who was revealed to be Scratte, didn't bother turning to Buck as if she wanted to be alone. "Go away!" Scratte demanded.

Buck was stunned by Scratte giving him such a sad demanded, but still wanted to help. The weasel was a bit shy as he held the acorn behind his back.

"Well…" Buck said hesitantly. "No need to be fussy there, my dear. I was thinking I'd offer you a little something..." The weasel revealed the acorn. "I believe this is yours?"

Scratte turned to Buck, and was shocked. Other than her nut, the only thing she saw was a very strange-looking one-eyed weasel smiling in a friendly but freakishly way. The female squirrel screamed and started crawling back away from the weasel. Buck tried to calm her down and still offered her the acorn.

"No, no!" Buck said, trying to calm Scratte down and make her feel safe. "It's okay, lass! I'm not gonna hurt ya! See? Here's your acorn."

Buck stilled tried to offer Scratte her nut, but she was too scared to even listen.

"Get away from me, you creep!" Scratte screamed.

Buck stilled tried to offer her the nut, but Scratte was still too scared. She kicked at Buck, but instead accidently kicked the acorn out of his hands. Buck raised his hands in defense.

"Whoa, now!" Buck said, surprised. "Calm down now, madam! Everything's gonna be-!"

Just then Buck was cut off by a loud roar heard in the distance, and he and Scratte heard it. Buck turned his head and wore a determined look.

"Rudy…" Buck said dangerously.

Scratte felt more scared and her heart raced. Shaking her head and feeling like she's in much more danger, she got up quickly and started running away. Buck saw Scratte run away and wanted to stop her as if he didn't want her to be in terrible danger due to the fact that the jungle can be dangerous.

"Madam!" Buck called out, reaching out a hand. "Wait!"

Scratte kept running throughout the jungle as fast as she could. She was very scared and didn't want to die. Things couldn't get worse for the female squirrel, especially after her breakup with Scrat and being left in the Dinosaur World. Suddenly, she heard loud stomping and even felt them like earthquakes. She kept on running, but then suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. She was too exhausted to run any further, and she heard and felt the stomps get closer. She turned and shrieked as she saw who or what it was, it was an albino baryonyx. The dinosaur stopped in front of Scratte and looked down at her with an evil grin, licking its lips with hunger. Scratte crawled back away from the baryonyx whimpering in fear until she backed up into a tree. There was no more running for the saber-tooth squirrel and she thought it was her end, shedding tears as if she's helpless. The baryonyx lowered its head down to Scratte and then roared at her. She became terrified as she screamed loudly and looked away with her eyes closed. The dinosaur then tried to snap at her but then Buck swung in on a vine and grabbed Scratte just in time, making the baryonyx miss and bite on the tree instead. As Buck continued swinging away with Scratte, the squirrel couldn't take it anymore as everything started going black on her. She slowly fainted.

That's it for the first chapter. There will be more soon. ;) Anyways, hope you like it so far and hope I did well enough.