There was a wall in the Torchwood hub. It was just an ordinary wall that separated the rift computers from the cold dirt that was behind them. Nobody ever thought twice about the wall as it did what a wall should do. Nobody ever thought twice about the voices that they heard sometimes either. That was just part of working at Torchwood. Strange things happened all the time and everyone just learned to let it go.

Times changed at Torchwood and people came and went following their day to day schedules. Only one man stayed at night. He would sit by the rift computers drinking his coffee, reading a book or working on his paper work. His phone on the desk beside him as he worked. Over the years his phone, just like the technology in the hub had advanced. It now had the capability of taking pictures and was used at crime scenes to photograph evidence. Pictures were strictly forbidden with in the hub though. If they had been allowed though then maybe the ordinary wall would have been found out sooner.

For you see sometimes a wall isn't just a wall and only by accident can someone discover what it truly is, a door.