Disclaimer: I do not own the Hobbit or Inuyasha...

Mine- Chapter One

Kagome was pissed... and that was an understatement.

Only she could manage to land herself in alternate universe in the form of a drake and manage to get an angry mob together in less then a couple minutes of being there. Another harpoon whirled passed her nearly taking out her leathery wing in the process. She shrieked in suprise and flew faster, well aware of the many fishing boats following her below on the mucky water of the lake below her.

'Now's not the time to blow a pipe Gome! In case you have forgotten, their trying to kill you!' She practically screamed at herself as she ordered her wings to flap faster. She was too busy trying to find a means of escape that the tunnels she passed through where nothing but a blur. Kagome quickly looked back and was more then proud of herself to find that she had lost her pursuers. Her victory was short lived when she noticed that the floor seemed to be approaching her far too quickly.

'Brakes! Brakes! Brakes!' Her mind screeched as she tried to flare her wings, but it seemed she was already to late. The once great and powerful miko managed to fly straight into the glowing jewel covered earth that surrounded her with a pained grunt and face plant. Kagome could have sworn she heared a deep rumbling laugh echoing of the mountains walls but that wasn't her main focus right now.

"Owie..." She mumbled as she clutched her head with large talons before pushing herself up and trying to walk. She looked more like she was trying preform a strange dance of sorts as she stumbled across the gold covered floor. "That hurt."

Smaug couldn't help but wince at her landing. His ancient chuckles echoed through his gold covered lair. It was a sound that would usually have both dragons and mortal's fleeing in terror, but he watched with fascination as the female dragoness seemly missed it as she tried to stumble around and gain back her lost wits. He took the moment to study her as she tried to regain her balance.

Only one such as he would spot such a treasure so quickly and it didn't take much to convince him that she was one worth harvesting. His newest treasure had shining golden scales and he concluded that if she were to bend down low enough, her scales would allow her to disappear in his vast mountains of wealth. Smaug estimated that if she rose to full height, she would only come to about his mid neck, or slightly higher. Her body was sleek and agile clearly made for speed and not strength like his own, that little fact would make it all easier to catch her and keep her.

Yes, you heard right. Keep her. It wasn't everyday someone brought such mirth to Smaug that he uttered such a laugh that shook his home's very foundations and lifted him out of his boredom so quickly. He watched as the dragoness shook her head violently, gathering the rest of her wits and looked around at his lair. Smuag puffed in pride at his cavern but soon deflated when she paid his hoard no mind and started walking around, muttering.

"Okie-dokie." She murmured as she swung her head about. "Exit. Exit. Exit."

Smaug frowned. This wouldn't do. If she managed to get out of the mountain, he would surely lose his advantage. A serpent's speed is as well as worthless if they are in close quarters. Though Smaug's cavern was great in size, if she where to open her wings she would have a very difficult time maneuvering around his cave.

The female dragon rose her nose and sniffed about. Her head turned both right and left before it swung right again.

"That way." She stated before walking toward the other side of his cavern.

Smaug growled lowly in his throat. He didn't like this, his amusing, new treasure was already trying to escape him. Kagome froze at the deep rumble that echoed behind her. Apparently, that's all that Smaug needed to pounce. He jumped right on top of the golden female's back, knocking the wind out of Kagome, and causing black spots to dance in her vision. All she could think before darkness took over was, 'Again? Really?'

Pairings: Smaug/Kagome

Muse: Song: "I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran

Beta: Band Whore Named Olober, 's a