Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Torchwood; it all belongs to the BBC and RTD. NO profit is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended
A/N:Many thank to the wonderful Bendyfish for beta this story. Thanks to everyone who have continue to follow this story and leave reviews, I have not abandon this story R.L always come first. The final chapters will be posted soon,
A slightly panicked Ianto jolted upright into a sitting position on the couch, he had fallen into a deep exhausted sleep, while waiting for Jack to return to their underground home in the hub, confused and groggy it took his brain a while to catch up as the memories of the previous night hit him full force.
Scanning the room and finding no indication that Jack had returned home, Ianto ran a shaky hand across his face before forcing his tired exhausted body into the bathroom to shower... closing his eyes as the hot water pummelled his body, Ianto's tense muscle started to relax. His tense muscles were brought about as he remembered his conversation with Jack before he left.
Ianto had sat on the couch opposite Jack watching as he stared at Wyatt's picture, tracing the image of the little boy with his finger. It reminded Ianto so much of the way Jack had looked at their own son when he was born, as something precious that he needed to protect. It was at that moment Ianto knew Jack would do everything within his power to keep Wyatt as well as Tosh, safe and happy.
Ianto and Jack had talked well past midnight with Jack's constant questions regarding every details from that horrible night to the present. Ianto sensed Jack was formulating a plan and he had to tell Jack everything including his not so proud encounter with Gwen... Jack was less than pleased by Ianto's action but considering what was at stake and knowing Gwen, he understood but that still did not excuse Ianto's unprofessional behaviour, Ianto needed to apologize to Gwen as well as she to him.
In the end, Jack had sighed heavily, running his hands through his hair telling Ianto that he needs to think some more and suggested that Ianto needed to get some rest.
As Jack opened the door to leave, Ianto spoke, "Jack, you didn't know it at the time but it was your love and generosity for Tosh that helped her when she needed it most. You had insisted that Tosh take extra time off after the conference to visit her mother who she rarely visited and you even financed it. I made the arrangement for her to come here where Tosh was staying outside of Cardiff, the time Tosh spent with her mother helped her with her grief and healing, it also helped her to provide a traditional memorial service with the love and support of her mother for the child and grandchild that they both lost"
~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~
Now showered and dressed Ianto went into the kitchen in his and Jack's home to make coffee before he started his daily duties at the hub, regardless of what was happening in his personal life he still had a job to do. Closing the skylight from Myfanwy's nightly outing, Ianto also turned on the lights and booted up computers before going to feed Myfanwy and Janet.
While Ianto was working in the lower sections in the hub, Jack had returned to the aroma of freshly percolated coffee that filled their underground home. He had spent the early morning hours on the roof of the Millennium Centre, his usual place when he needed to think, Jack realized he had to send a message that would leave no doubt in Gwen's mind to think twice before she interfered in things she knew nothing about or when she considered hurting his family. After quickly showering and dressing and with a cup of Ianto's hot delicious coffee Jack went to his office to wait for his husband.
After completing his morning duties, Ianto entered the higher levels of the Hub and went straight up to the kitchen to prepare the morning coffee. Knowing his teammates would be arriving soon and dreading the talk he must have with Gwen... Ianto noticed Jack looking out his office window straight at him. Ten minutes later he entered Jack's office with Jack's favourite cup of special blend industrial strength coffee, two Danishes, along with coffee for himself. They needed to talk.
Before Ianto could say anything Jack was by his side removing the tray from his hands and placing it on his desk, he wrapped his arms around Ianto's body tightly, gazing lovingly into his eyes before pressing a passionate kiss to his lips only breaking for much needed air and whispered, "I love you, we will deal with this together, trust me" as he guided Ianto toward the couch in his office.
Across town, John was in his shabby room. He had awaken, still laughing at Gwen's feeble attempt the previous night to retcon him, did she think he was some gullible moron, for Pete sake he's a con artist from the future, he had to give her credit, she was resilient. With her attempt to get rid of him, John had played along until she had left the pub giving her a false sense of security that her unscrupulous alliance with him would never be revealed. John was fine with that, who knows when that little secret would come in handy.
Hearing the loud commotion outside his room, John scowled "After today I will be out of this hell hole for good" as he prepared to leave and finally put his plan into action.
Thirty minutes later John arrived at a secluded house in Splott, knocking three consecutive times, he was greeted by a humanoid alien, whose species he had known and used before from Rigel 77 with his other devious plots. As John went over his plan with the alien, he reminded him not to kill Ianto out-right, for him to use his stinging yellow sputum that will slowly do the deed. This will inflict intense bodily damage, he wanted him to bleed out slowly, giving Jack and his team time to find him and take him back to the hub. Jack needed to be by Ianto's side when he died so as to accept that he was truly dead and that there was nothing left for him on this God forsaken planet. John knows Jack will feel that the child would be better off with Ianto's sister. He would then secretly follow Jack off planet and arrange an accidental meeting and pick up from where they left off, 'eye candy' will be a memory soon forgotten.
A/N:The alien John Hart is dealing with is a blowfish; I put Rigel 77 as a clue.