It was a normal mid November afternoon; the sky was clear with a settle breeze passing by. Students were currently cooped up inside their classrooms trying to outlast the agonizing ten minutes left of class until everyone was excused for lunch. Akio being one of those agonized students.

So add 22 to each side of the equation

While he sat on his seat- no longer in tuned with the instructors presentation- he began to stare out of the window that was next to him. Staring out onto the same tree for the last fifteen minutes, that was all of a sudden very fascinating to look at.

It wasn't that he found the subject to be uninteresting, au contraire, in fact he loved math quit a lot actually. It was one of the many reasons that got him into the seat- and school for that matter- that he was in right now. Saint North Blue High School was considered one of the top private schools in the state, with test scores and university acceptances being super high. Parents would throw money at the school just to have their children's enlisted, but of course not everyone could just get in, it was much harder than that. Some student came from families with loads of money; others made their way in threw athletics, and of course there were those- like Akio Dorudo-who were granted acceptance because of their extraordinary intelligence.

Although Akio attended one of the top schools around, that didn't necessarily mean he came from a family of high class-or middle for that matter. It was just Akio and his father, Sanji Kuroashi, a struggling cook trying to make a sable living for the two. So when the pre-teen got a letter for his acceptance into SNBH, both men packed their bags and moved north. Of course seeing that it was a private school, the housing around the area was ridiculously expensive for them to afford, so they settled down into a semi decent apartment just forty minutes away- an hour and 20 minutes if you took the train, in which they did every morning because Sanji did not own any vehicle.

Akio was a bright twelve year-old prodigy, who was currently seated in an algebra II math class surrounded with a mix of freshmen, sophomores and some juniors. He was one of the few freshmen taking the course as well as one of the youngest in the entire school.

Then subtract x2 from each side of the equation.

As he sat there still eyeing the tree, his mind kept wondering off to kendo tryouts that where being held afterschool today. He kept mentally debating whether or not he should try out. He figured it wouldn't hurt to try since he was staying afterschool today anyways to work on an article for the yearbook club with Syrah. Oh syrah, the most beautiful woman bestowed to him in this world. Her beautiful long luscious green hair that sat so perfectly around her soft creamy face with her bright emerald eye-

"Mr. Dorudo do you find my lecture to be non-entertained, or do you think that tree could do a better job? Because you sure as hell keep staring at it more than you should be with me"

Shit. Akio didn't even notice how long he was staring off into space and now here he was being called out in front of the whole class. He swiftly stood up from his seat and bowed to the instructor to give him his apologies. "My apologies Mr. Roronoa. I was listening; I promise it won't happen again."

"Well than let's find out shall we. Tell us what the next two steps of the problem are and I might let you guys out two minutes early for lunch"

The whole class now had their eyes locked on Akio, even Syrah, who was making him completely nervous. He could see the stern looks on each of the students' faces, clutching onto their backpacks ready to go out and eat. No pressure. Wait, literally no pressure. Why was Akio even nervous about the problem, he knew the steps and answer like the way he knew the alphabet, so he really had nothing to worry about, except for maybe Mr. Roronoa and of course Syrah staring directly at him. "You divide each side of the equation by 3. Then take the square root of each side of the equation making it equal x=3, and-3"

"Class dismissed. Remember to continue chapter 3 pages 55-60 odds. Have it on my desk tomorrow before class begins, no later or I don't grade it understood. Have a good lunch." Everyone began fighting their way out of the two doors to get to the cafeteria. All except Akio, who stayed behind to have a few words with Mr. Roronoa.

"Uh, Mr. Roronoa, sir? I was wondering if you could tell me a little about the Kendo club, since you are the assistant coach and all..." he started to play nervously with the straps on his backpack. "You planning on joining blondie?" asked Zoro while he was erasing the board from the previous lecture. "Well I'm considering it and-"he made eye contact with the case filled with the three swords Zoro always brought to class with him. Suddenly filled with anxiousness, he decided to just spit out what he really wanted to ask.

"I never held any kind of sword before and I don't know anything really about the sport. All I know is whatever I've seen in movies, which I don't think is all that accurate I would imagine. I also noticed everyone that joins already knows what they are doing, and that this sport takes home the most championships in the school, so what are the chances of someone like me making it? Wouldn't I just-"

"Oi-breath Akio-Listen, I really can't answer any of those questions for you. That's something we're both going to have to figure out today if you decide to try out. So give it your best blondie" giving the smaller child a light nudge on the shoulder. "Well if you will now excuse me I have to head to lunch myself, feel free to stay in here if you'd like, just make sure to lock everything when you're done." Zoro swung his sword case over his shoulder as he made his way out into the hall, leaving the blond student alone in the classroom.

Walking down the hallway, Akio was making his way to the cafeteria. "That's the second time you doze off in class Akio" said a familiar voice standing right beside him. "Where you waiting for me the whole time, Syrah?" asked Akio

"Well yeah, that's what best friends do silly. Besides wanted to make sure you made it out alive without Mr. Roronoa biting off you head and seeing that you're still intact, c'mon" she began pulling on his arm, leading the way to their usual spot.

The teachers' lounge was one of the many places Zoro hated to be inside of, here at SNBH. Sure it gave a nice comfortable living room welcoming with a giant flat screen TV, comfortable couches with bean bag chairs spread all around. And let's not forget the foosball and air hokey table that stood next to the new beverage filling machine. But that was exactly why he hated it the most, it was way too much. He just wanted to be able to eat his lunch in a quiet free environment, not some place where coach Franky was cheering like some crazy football fan as he kicked everyone's ass in foosball.

He sat in the fare end of the lounge, eating his lunch in peace while watching some old kendo matches on YouTube from early 2001. However his peace and serenity was suddenly taken away by the last person he wished to be in the same room as. "I need you to cover today's tryouts on your own. Completely forgot today was mine and the wife's anniversary, so she made reservations at that fancy Baratierestaurant for this evening. Think you can you manage thirty students on your own, Zoro?" asked the English professor and head coach of the kendo team, Dracule Mihawk.

"I think what you meant to say was, can thirty kids can handle me." giving a smug smirk to Mihawk.

"Don't get too full of yourself Roronoa, wouldn't want you to embarrass yourself in front of the kids." Replied the English professor as he served himself some minute maid from the new beverage machine.

"Ch- like that would ever happen. But whatever, yeah ill manage on my own so you could enjoy your overrated romantic evening celebration."

"Oh come now Roronoa , don't be so bitter" said Mihawk before taking a drink of his cold lemonade.

That just about had done it for the math teacher. If there was one thing Roronoa Zoro was it was most definitely NOT bitter. He couldn't stand it when people accused him of being bitter or jealous whenever a topic of romance came about. "Who the hell are you calling bitter! Unlike you I have more important things to attend to than some meaningless celebration. I could care less about your little 'anniversary'". He began picking up his belonging; once again swinging his sword case over his shoulder and headed to the exit.

"Zoro, you can't run from this forever. It's been twelve years. Just move on already, I'm sure Sanji has."

A loud slam was all that was herd after Zoro stormed out from the lounger.

The night air was getting cooler with a light breeze beginning to appear. It was late at night and long past school hours. Shuttles have made their final leave and parents have already picked up their kids. There was no one left around. All except Akio, who patiently sat on the nearest bench waiting for his father to arrive.

He remembered mentioning to his father about the year book meeting after school today, of course now that he thought about it, that was last week ago.

It was night like these that made him regret not listening to his dad about not ever taking a warmer jacket to school. The breeze was pushing in colder than before. He remained sitting on the bench, hurled up into a ball by his uniform shirt that was pulled over his knees. Rubbing his hands roughly together to try and stay warm.

He figured he could just find a safe place on campus to crash for the night. No use finding a ride anymore, besides who would be crazy enough to drive him forty minutes away. 'Dads going to kick the shit out of me when I get home tomorrow' he thought to himself. As he got off from the bench deciding to find a decent place to sleep for the night, the sound of heavy boots and muffled cursing caught his ears, nearly scaring him to death.

"Shit, where did I park my car again? I know I parked it next to the science building. Shitty school keeps changing things around."

To Akio's unfortunate luck the said man standing not to fare from him was none other than Mr. Roronoa.

Hesitating whether to approach the lost professor, Akio quietly began to make his way forward from where he stood.

That night Akio learned two very important lessons; one was to never quietly approach a professional kendo instructor late at night otherwise you'll be greeted with a sword to your face. The second and most important one was to never ever and I mean ever rely on the directionless professor for any kind of directions.

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of the characters.

AN: Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed my first written fanfiction. I'll try my very best to update a new chapter as soon as I can. Also feel free to leave reviews or ask any questions. Constructive criticism is very appreciated (: