Authors Notes:

Ages are mixed up… I made them older. And yes, they still look like gods among men, they just have to work for those muscles. And, while they don't live ON the reservation anymore, they're still all a part of the same tribe; they just all ran in different circles of friends with a couple overlaps here and there.

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Bella Swan was many things; smart, laid back, shy when meeting new people, loyal and witty. A glutton for punishment was on the top of the list though as she thought of her recent and horrible break up it seemed. The last four years re-ran on a never ending loop in her mind as she slept in the patio chair on the back porch of her mothers beach house. The bright Florida sunshine had been doing wonders to raise her spirits for the last four days; if only she could steal the sunshine and take it back with her somehow she mused she might be that much happier when she went home.

The breeze from the Gulf of Mexico wafted up the Caspersen beach to her greedy lungs. She inhaled the salty sea air as she woke from her nap, allowing its calming scent to wash over her body. She sighed and stretched languidly, trying and failing to shake the negative thoughts from her mind as she was roused from the fogginess of sleep by a woman's quiet chuckle.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, baby girl." An amused voice said from beside her.

"Thanks mom. How long was I asleep?" She asked.

"You've only been asleep for about two hours. It's just past six or so now. I think that's the longest nap you've had since you got here four days ago." Came the easy answer.

Bella grinned at her mom, but chose not to agree or disagree for that matter- she'd never win in an argument against the woman anyways. "What's that?" She wondered when a tumbler of clear liquid was passed in her direction.

Renee only chuckled. "Ever the cautious one. It's a vodka tumbler. You're already in the bikini you swore I'd never get you to wear. And the cut offs make your legs stand out a mile." She said motioning to her short cut off jeans. "What's the worst that could happen?" She teased.

Bella slid her sunglasses on top of her head and leveled the woman with an arched eyebrow and a pointed stare. "You just want me drunk so I'll cry to you again." She huffed, taking the glass none the less. She was thankful they were in the shade now, otherwise she was sure the sun would have blinded her. Washington state was good for many things, having sun this bright wasn't one of them.

"You won't do it otherwise. Bottling emotions up is definitely not good for your aura." Renee fussed. "And yours needs work sweetie. So much negativity. No wonder you're so upset over some boy." She added.

Bella sighed and shook her head. She had already said she didn't want to talk about Edward Cullen again. Renee had a hard time understanding the reasons for it, due in part to Bella not wanting to go into great detail about what caused them to part ways in the first place.

A soft sigh to her left alerted her to the presence of her step dad, Phil. He merely shrugged and rolled his eyes. She grinned at him to show him she wasn't that mad. It was, after all, her last night staying with them. Her Spring break had drawn close to an end. She had just enough time to see her dad and her uncle too over the coming weekend.

"I wish you could stay longer, Bella. I don't like that you'll be going back to a home where you were hurt the way you were. It doesn't do well for your health to dwell in that miserable place." Renee pouted.

"I agree somewhat. Florida sun has done wonders for you. You don't look so much like a pale face anymore." Phil teased. "You've got a tan now." He added with a playful grin. Bella had spent a week in the sun, her light skin going a shade darker than before thanks to the time spent on the beach.

Bella laughed at that. "That's enough you two. I'll be alright. The friend I let live in my apartment after I moved in with Edward got transferred. She's moving out at the end of the week. Now that Edward and I have separated, I can move back into my old apartment and not have to deal with any painful reminders.

"Besides, I promised dad and uncle Billy I'd visit them too, you know. I don't get out to the reservation all that often anymore and Jake and the guys want me to come see them." She said.

"At least you have somewhere to go where you can heal. I'm only sorry that something like that had to happen to someone as wonderful as my little girl." Renee told her.

Bella smiled. "Thanks mom. You know me, I bounce back. I'll be fine in no time. I have my kids to keep me on my toes." She grinned thinking of her second grade class.

Renee only chuckled. "Spoken like a true teacher."

"So why haven't you been on the rez in so long? You're always telling us how much you love it there. Did something happen?" Phil wondered after a moment of silence.

"I've been busy. I have a class all to myself this year. Now that I'm not just a student teacher anymore- and between lesson plans and papers to grade- there's little time for much else. I haven't gotten to see a whole lot of anyone since school started back after winter break. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again.

"Paul's been going on and on about how he wants to use Edward for a punching bag. I need to calm him down soon. He'd more than likely follow through with it and leave Sam to run their shop all on his own while he sits in jail." Bella sighed.

Phil chuckled along with Renee. "It's his right as an older brother." Phil teased. "And I don't think he'd leave his business. Charlie has told us its like his baby." He added with a grin.

It amazed her how well all her parents got along- real parents and step parents alike. Oh well, opposites attract, she mused before what her step dad said sunk in through her still sleep fogged mind. "Hey! He's only older by eight months!" She huffed.

Phil laughed. "It took you long enough to pick up on that." He teased.

"Just because he could rival the jolly green giant in height and muscle mass doesn't mean he gets to pull the 'older brother card' every time I go through a bad break up with someone! Good lord its bad enough he and Jake put the fear of God into any guy who liked me while we were all in school!" She grizzled.

Renee laughed. "Oh honey… I completely understand. You're uncle Billy used to swear he'd kill any man who even looked at me funny when we were teenagers. And there's little over two years between us. You just have to remind him that you can take care of yourself and hope he can understand. And if not, at least he cares enough to want to be your protector. Some step siblings never get along, no matter how old they are." She reminded her.

Bella smiled. "I know. Believe me I'm grateful. And Paul is only my step brother in title. That boy is my brother, no other way about it and I do love him. He just annoys me with the protectiveness. And besides, I'll get a chance to pester Jake, Quil and Embry too." She grinned.

Renee sighed and shook her head in amusement. "Billy tells me Jake's in his last year of college now. Or will be this coming fall. He's so proud of him. Sarah would be too." Her smile faltered as she thought of her sister in law. "I know I am." She finally said.

She didn't want to admit that Sarah's death still bothered her. The driver who had hit her sister-in-law and her brother had never been caught. Because of him, Sarah was dead, and Billy was paralyzed from the waist down, doomed to life as a widowed father in a wheel chair. It just wasn't fair in her opinion.

"Aunt Sarah is in a better place mom. Don't get sad on me. We both know she's at peace and she's watching over her family still." Bella's smile was sweet as she grasped her mothers hand in hers. "She blessed Uncle Billy with the strength of character to look after his family even after she left him on his own. He's blessed with her love and the love of all of us."

Phil was out of his element for a moment. He respected Renee's heritage, he just didn't understand it sometimes. To him, if a person died, they were dead. To Renee and Bella, when a person died, their souls became protectors… spirits to guide the ones they loved and keep them from straying down the wrong path. He smiled when the girls turned their eyes on him. They knew how he felt- even if he didn't say it. Nothing was said for a minute, they just basked in the peace that had washed over them.

"It's getting late. What do we say to dinner and then we can watch the sun set?" Phil asked, clearing his throat some.

Bella giggled. "Sure, sure. That sounds good."

Fifteen minutes later and the three sat down at the patio table with plates full of hamburgers, potato salad, coleslaw and drinks. When they were finished eating, they lapsed into a comfortable silence and lazed about, waiting to watch the sun set over the water. Her vacation had been spent trying to forget the image of her ex boyfriend, Edward Cullen with some other woman in their bed- a partner in his dad's law firm no less.

Four years. She'd given him four years of unwavering commitment. He'd been everything to her: her first kiss, her first love, she had even given him her virginity. In return, he had taken her will to live on her own away- or so he had nearly succeeded in doing.

Coming to see her mother had been the first step in learning she could live on her own again. Florida had been cathartic for her. She could finally breath easier. And now that she was on the way to visit her dad in the place she grew up- her home- it would be that much better.

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Bella sighed and inhaled the familiar, rich and heady aroma of the Washington air as she stepped out of the airport. True to his word, her dad stood waiting with a gentle smile gracing his lips. He leaned against the door of his personal vehicle- an older model, black, four door SUV with tinted windows. Thankfully it wasn't his patrol car. She grinned and waved her hand in front of her as she made her way towards him with her luggage rolling behind her.

Charlie smiled. "Hey Bells. Have a good trip?" He asked.

"Mom is mom. And Phil calms mom down, so yeah, it was alright. She sends her well wishes and wants me to tell you to have a space ready for Christmas. I guess Phil got some time off so he'll get to stay too." She parroted with a shrug.

Charlie grinned. "You sound so enthused." He teased when she rolled her eyes before climbing into the passenger seat.

"It's mom. We all know I'm more like you than she'd care to admit. But I love her all the same." She offered her explanation when he climbed into his seat. "Besides…. Florida is way too hot and she wanted me to move in near them." She shivered.

It was Charlie's turn to roll his eyes. "She wants us all closer but she refuses to come back here. I guess she's afraid Phil will like it too much, huh." He'd never gotten over their divorce, even if they had ended it on amicable terms.

Bella smiled. "You two were better off as friends you know." She told him. "I remember the fighting. So does Uncle Billy for that matter." She snickered.

"To hear him talk, I'm an abused spouse in that relationship. The man is my best friend, but he loves riling his baby sister up too much. And yes, I know. We're better off as friends. I still miss her though. Don't get me wrong, I love Hailey- couldn't picture a life without her- but you never forget your first love." He offered. It was also a hidden message to her. He knew she still missed Edward.

"You don't have to explain it dad, I know. And.. As bad as it sounds, I don't know if I'll ever forget Edward. I still hate him right now though." She sighed.

Charlie tutted and pulled onto the highway. "There's a long line of men who want to talk to that boy. I hope you know that. I've had no less than all six of your boys tell me they're after his head if they see him anytime soon." He grinned.

Bella rolled her eyes. "Dad, please, they're not my boys. They're friends. I can claim Jake and Paul as family. The rest are just good friends."

"Tell that to Sam, Embry, Quil and Seth. They've all told me they're more than happy to have a sit down talk with your ex. Even Collin and Brady want to talk to him. And when they're all together, things get interesting. I never knew there that many ways to feed a body through a meat grinder." He teased.

"Dad… that's kind of gross." She said watching him from the corner of her eye.

Charlie shrugged. "Your boys. You talk to 'em." He grinned.

She sighed. He'd done this to her since she started middle school. Bella only had one female friend at the time and that had been Leah Clearwater. The rest were boys and while it worried Charlie to no end, he never passed up an opportunity to tease her mercilessly about it.

The rest of the ride was met in companionable silence as the radio played in the background. Before she knew it, Bella was shaken awake and told they had made it to her uncles house. She grinned and pulled her carry-on bag from the back seat. The rest of her luggage was left in her dad's trunk to be transferred to her car later on when he took her to his house where she'd get to say hello to her step mom, Hailey.

She snickered at the sight that greeted her after walking through the front door. "Well, well, well. Aren't you three just the laziest things I've ever seen. It's a wonder you're passing your classes with such good grades." She scolded with a playful smirk.

Jacob, Embry and Quil all turned their heads at the same time. Bella watched in amusement as identical grins spread across their faces. They jumped up from the couch as one and rushed to her.

"Bella!" They all shouted before she was engulfed in the arms of three of her best friends.

She giggled and hugged them back. "Hey boys."

"Not boys anymore, Bells. We're grown- remember?" Embry teased.

"You sure? You're looking kind of weak Em." She teased back while giving his arm a playful punch.

"She's got you pegged Embry." Quil crowed.

Bella smirked. "Don't you mean your girlfriend has YOU pegged Quil." She snickered when he stared open mouthed at the audacity that she would ever insinuate something like that.

Jacob shook his head. "Wow… just wow. Being in Florida was good for you Bells. You're starting to shine again." He commented.

She grinned. "Aww thanks Jakey." She blew a kiss at him before running over to hide behind Billy. It was so easy to pretend everything was fine around her family. It wasn't until she was alone that it was hard.

Billy and Charlie laughed and shook their heads. "They'll never grow up, will they?" Billy muttered.

Bella leaned down and kissed his cheek. "I love you too Uncle Billy." She grinned.

"Yes, well… we'll have to have a long talk tomorrow. I want to hear how that man has been treating my baby sister." He told her.

Bella snickered. "That man has been married to your baby sister for at least ten years now and he treats her like a queen. You didn't give dad such a hard time, why do you have to do it to Phil, uncle Billy?" She teased.

"Because your dad got abused if he toed the line. I know nothing about the man who took my baby sister from the rez." He sniffed.

Charlie huffed. "I was not abused by your baby sister, old man!"

Jacob, Quil, Embry and Bella rolled their eyes. "She's fine. You'll see her at Christmas. And she's bringing her husband with her." She soothed him.

"Right. Well…We'll talk later, ok? We have to go get Harry's house… I just wanted to see you first." Billy cleared his throat.

"You're not going to stay?" She wondered with an arched eyebrow.

"Uh… no… not tonight baby girl. The boys wanted to spend some time with you and we have some… things to do…take care of… um… we'll talk soon though. Tomorrow even… Bye." Charlie said before wheeling Billy from the house in a hurry.

She shook her head and shared at the screen door in brief confusion. "Our parents are so weird." Bella mused.

Jacob only smirked. "You know they're only rushing off to Harry's because he got a brand new big screen TV. Sue is up at the Makah reservation visiting family so they have free reign tonight."

Bella rolled her eyes. "I've come in second place with my dad and uncle to a baseball game on a big screen TV." She sighed.

"Nah, Bells. You still have us!" Embry grinned.

"Yippee." She dead panned. She fought the twitch in her lip to keep the smile from breaking free.

Jacob grinned and decided to change the subject. "So… Bella… Edward left you…" He said putting an arm around her shoulders. He started to guide her to the couch while she was still distracted.

"Broke your heart…" Embry's grin was feral as he nodded.

"And now, we get to kick his ass, right?" Quil's grin mimicked those of his two best friends.

Bella only rolled her eyes. "Oh lord, you three, grow the hell up, would you? I swear, you're worse than Seth, Collin and Brady. I did my crying over him while I was with my mom. I'm here to relax before I go back home and finish out the school year."

"Man, I would have loved to have a teacher like you! Bet you've got all the lil brats giving you flowers and gifts, huh Bells." Quil grinned.

Bella shook her head. "Oh yes… because second graders think the way a 24 year old man would. Then again, I guess you're still mentally around nine or ten, huh Quil." She teased.

"Hey!" Quil pouted while Jacob and Embry erupted with laughter.

A throat clearing in the doorway caused the laughter to die down somewhat. "And just what is so funny?"

"Paulie! Sammy!" Bella squealed. She jumped up from the couch and rushed over to them giving each one a huge hug.

Paul grinned and lifted his sister off of her feet. "Hey chicka. we missed you around here." It was hard to tell they were just step siblings. They had been a family since they were both just six years old.

Twenty years was a long time to not think of someone as true family for Bella. It had only taken her a year to call Paul's mom, mom. From then on, Paul called Bella his sister. Any time they introduced one another to a new friend, it was as a brother or sister, never a step sibling.

"Guys, you two could come see me anytime you want. Your shop is only a few blocks away from my apartment building." She chided.

Sam grinned. "Yeah, but it's not the same. You're here… back home. Come on now. You know you're missed around here."

"Yeah, Bella you could have come back to teach on the rez!" Embry grizzled only being somewhat serious.

Bella rolled her eyes and looked to her cousin. "What about you Jakey? You think I should have stayed here too?"

Jacob shrugged. "I mean, yeah, it'd be cool to see you more. But you're happy where you are. I'm not gonna begrudge you that." He grinned at her.

Bella simply smiled. This was why she loved the men in her family. They may not agree with everything she did, but they still supported her no matter what. Paul huffed. Bella could tell he tried to hide his smile and she giggled and poked him in the ribs causing him to jump away from her. There were only certain places on his body he was ticklish, and she knew all of them.

"Just so you know, the guys and I talked about it. If we ever see Edward near you again, we'll more than likely be in jail for a long time for murder. That thing doesn't deserve you." Paul muttered as he hugged her to him again.

"Never did deserve you." Sam added.

Bella giggled. "Come on now… you guys must have liked something about him. You all didn't say anything when we first started dating in college." She mused. "None of you did for that matter." She huffed.

"Bells… you were 22. What did you want us to say?" Sam grinned.

She shrugged. "So where are Seth, Collin and Brady?" She asked, changing the subject. Sam only chuckled. She did that any time she didn't want to ruin the good mood in a room with talk of something unpleasant.

Jacob snorted. "They're working."

"Seth is a bouncer over at Clarkes. Collin and Brady are bartenders there too." Embry told her when he saw her confused frown.

Bella raised an eyebrow. "You guys feel like going out tonight?" She grinned.

"Always. Man, Bella. It's good to have you back." Jacob laughed.

"You guys know you can always come see me too." She huffed while trying to hide her grin.

Quil laughed. "Where's the fun in that? We'd never get to harass you when you do come home! Besides, we get to have more fun this way… you come home, we go out places… we're not so bored…right?"

"Oh Quil. You have so much to learn." She teased. "Give me ten minutes to change and I'll be ready to go."

An hour later saw Bella laughing and playing pool with her friends and family. Even Brady and Collin took their breaks with her in order to talk. She promised them she'd visit more if she could and laughed when they nodded their heads and warned her to 'see that she did or else.'

Her heart may have still been broken, but her family had rallied around her and together, with the help of her friends, she started to realize that she was stronger than Edward thought she was. She would get through it and come out stronger on the other side.