So this summer I started having this head canon where Sakura deals weed and Sasuke is one of her customers. While at work I would always have these little thoughts of them being all cute and high together, so thus this story was born. It kind of changed from where I originally wanted to go with it, and slowly but surely there started to be less weed in it and more cutesy stuff, but hey that's how it happens sometimes. Maybe one day I'll revisit the idea and make like a drabble. Well here we go!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did Sasuke and Sakura would have been having this eye sex like five years ago.

In hindsight I probably shouldn't have been making out with Sasuke Uchiha in the large, oversize freezer where we kept all of the ice cream. But I couldn't help it. That boy makes me feel, well differently.

Woah is that his tongue? Wow this guy is really handsy. Jesus Christ, how can he do that with his tongue?

Ok focus Sakura. You have to stop this.

"Mmmasuke,masuke" I muttered as a weak attempt to stop him from his…activities.

God why did he have to be such a good kisser? Seriously, is there anything this guy is bad at?

"Sasuke stop" I said as we finally pulled away for some much-needed air. "What are you doing?"

I searched his eyes looking for some sort of an answer.

"Exactly what I've wanted to do since you asked me if I sucked my own dick" he replied lunging back in for round 2.

I've been known to want to romp around in the boxing ring. But this was just too much, too fast.

"Sasuke we can't do this. You don't know what you're saying or what you're doing"

"I know exactly what I'm doing. Besides you taste so sweet" he trailed off while lightly tracing my lips.

Maybe it was because just mere moments ago I was scarfing my face with a cotton candy snowball. Ok Sakura, just breathe. Ignore his smoldering eyes and man up.

"This CANNOT happen Uchiha" I snapped. "This is a joke. I'm your weed dealer and your mom's employee for Christ sakes. This makes for a shitty show on comedy central not a romance. I repeat this cannot happen"

"Oh Darling I think it already is" he growled as he encased my lips once more.

Well maybe this isn't so bad. I mean I'm making out with Sasuke Uchiha, the boy who had single handedly driven me crazy the past couple of months. Girls would kill to be in my position….well maybe in a warmer setting though.

Woah is that a popsicle or is he just glad to see me?

Things could be much worse than having to deal with the libido of a horny, yet charming , egotistical ass. I mean this was just harmless fun, right? No harm would come about as long as no one knew.

Wait, what was that sound? Was that the door?

"Oh my lanta Sasu-chan!"

"Mom?" Sasuke said incredulously as we jumped away from each other.

I couldn't believe it. Standing in front us on the other side of the freezer was like my own personal firing squad made up of a pothead, a jealous whore, and a worried mother. Maybe this was karma for selling oregano to middle schoolers.

"Zammmmnnn Sasuke get it" Naruto shouted. "Seems like Sakura can get you high in other ways" he snickered.

"What are you talking about Naruto!?" Mikoto screeched as she glanced back and forth between her beloved, prized son and me, the pink haired harlot.

"I can't believe this!" Karin dramatically screeched flailing her arms like a spastic octopus.

Great now I'm embarrassed and half deaf.

"Here we were coming to surprise you for your story being published and we find you in the arms of Walter White's janked up daughter!? How could you do this to me!?

Hold up a sec, last time I checked I sold marijuana not brewed up meth in a Winnebago.

"I can't believe this. Can someone please tell me what's going on" Mikoto sighed, rubbing her temples. "Sakura, do you care to explain why you're sucking face with my baby boy?"

I tried looking everywhere but at her shocked face. My thoughts were racing, filling up my mind with the events of the last couple of hours, heck the last couple of days. I didn't know where to begin. I was panicking, but I owed Mikoto a good explanation. I couldn't give her one of my usual half assed answers and sheepish grins. No siree this was time for Sakura Haruno to grow up, and own up to her misconduct. Gone are the days of the cowardly, sarcastic illegal drug peddler.

"Well Sakura? I'm waiting."

But old habits die hard.

"God, I need a joint".

Whoop there it is! Hope you guys liked it! I've written one shots before while bored, but this is like only the second time I've ever published something so I'm pretty nervous. Please read and review :)