Takes place when Chase and Adam get back from the mission in Three Minus Bree. I don't own Lab Rats. Slightly angsty in the beginning, but gets happier (and fluffier) in the end. Bree and Chase are already together in this, so it's slightly AU. They aren't related in this. Enjoy! :D R&R

Bree felt useless. Useless, and guilty. Hopefully, the guys were okay.

She ended up wrong when she saw the looks on their faces. And the soot. It looked like someone had splashed ash all over them. To make things worse, she saw that Chase had dried blood in random places all over his body. She immediately stood up.

"Hey! Are you okay? I was waiting for you; you took forever." She said, walking over to them. Adam rolled his eyes and walked away from her, probably to get cleaned up. Chase looked like he was trying to ignore her. "Chase?" He looked up. "Are you alright? You're bleeding."

"You know, sometimes I think you only think of yourself." He suddenly spat. Bree flinched. She knew this was true. When she had smashed the chip, she was only thinking of herself, her freedom, and her happiness. But really, she realized, that her happiness came with her bionics. Not being normal. But then, Chase had never been cold to her before. He was always happy.

"I know.. And I'm sorry. But, you guys were still fine without me, right?" She asked hopefully. He glared at her, and she resisted the urge to cower, to leave the room.

"There was an uncontrollable fire, and I had to secure it with my force-field, which basically made me collapse. Your super-speed would have made an instant vacuum to stop the fire. So it took two times longer. Plus, we had to walk miles upon miles home, after we almost died, and the building exploded. So, Breeanne, thank you for absolutely nothing." Chase said to her, turning and walking away. He never used her full name. Not ever. Only when he was seriously seething. A seething Chase only happens a few times in a lifetime.

Bree watched his back as he basically limped to the lab door, probably to get changed. She closed her eyes. If she wanted to fix it with anyone, she wanted to fix it with him. "Chase, please wait," she called out. He stopped, and turned around.


"At least let me help you get cleaned up." She suggested. Chase sighed, but nodded, walking back over to her. At least he was agreeing to something, she thought. He sat down on the stool next to her, looking anywhere but her eyes. She grabbed a wet cloth, and started to wipe the ash and dried blood off of his face. He winced slightly, but didn't say anything. When she was done washing up his face, and it looked a bit cleaner, she could see all of the cuts and bruises on his face. There was a large bruise right by his jawline, and various cuts around his face, which were still bleeding. She looked closer and saw that one of the cuts had something inside of it, it was gray and shiny, underneath of his left eye.

Bree furrowed her eyebrows. "What's wrong?" Chase asked. She reached up, and lightly touched the cut, seeing him suck in a sharp breath, wincing.

"I think you have a piece of metal stuck in your cut." She told him, standing up and moving to Mr. Davenport's desk, where he kept tweezers for perfecting small gadgets. Bree then walked back over to Chase, sat back down, and started trying to get the piece of metal out. Once she got the metal out, she threw the bit of metal away, then placed the tweezers on the table. "You okay?" Bree asked Chase. He nodded.


She sighed. "Look, Chase, I'm sorry. I was only thinking of myself, I didn't think about you, or Adam, and I'm sorry." He looked away. "Chase, please."

"I just don't understand why you would want to get rid of your bionics. They make you unique, and I thought you loved saving people, then you just go and destroy your chip to be normal. Bree, we're anything but normal." He explained.

"I know.. I just wasn't thinking. I do love saving people.. And I do want my bionics back, but what am I supposed to do? Douglass made the chip, not Davenport."

"Well, for the time being, why don't we just forget about our bionics?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that everyone is out."

"They are?"

"Yep. On the way back Davenport said that they were going out to the Olive Garden. I told him I didn't feel like going; everyone is out by now. I heard the car drive away," he told her, smirking. Thank god, he's not mad anymore, she thought, smiling.

"Yeah, but you should probably take a shower. You smell like ash and grime." She told him, wrinkling her nose. He rolled his eyes; he knew she didn't really care. So, he yanked her in for a kiss. She kissed back with fervor, smiling all the while. A little while later, they pulled away, panting. They just sat there, in comfortable silence.

And then, "No, but seriously you're dirty. Take a bath."

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