Another long delay between chapters. My apologies, friends. Real life and all that... But without further ado, here's the next chapter in this story.
Chapter 12
In the next five days, I completed the book much to the Cullens' surprise. "Doesn't it take some people years to finish a book?" Alice had asked.
"Perhaps, but I kind of knew where I wanted to go with this story for a long time. Really all I needed was the motivation to get it done, and parameters within which I was required to work. I had to hit a certain word count for each chapter, and there were rules on what kinds of content I could write. No smut, for example," I explained. "Now that it's all done and on paper, I'm sure the editor will send some notes and requests for changes, but I think I'll be able to help with that even after being changed. But, knowing him, he'll have the emails to me before we even leave for Alaska, and I can make the requested edits quickly."
With that, I sent the files off to the editor with my letter of intended sabbatical. He replied with a huge thank you for everything I'd done and said he'd send me a bonus along with my last paycheck, as I'd brought so many new readers to the paper. He also said he'd be in touch with me in regards to publishing a hard cover version of my book and how to go about further publications. While I wrote, the others bustled around me getting the house packed up and ready to sell.
I felt bad making them uproot so soon after moving in, but they all told me not to worry myself over it. Esme said they once moved into a house and Emmett slipped that very night, killing a human. They had to leave less than twelve hours after moving in, so this was nothing to bat an eye at.
On the sixth day, Tink, Charlotte, Esme and I went back to my apartment, under cover of afternoon clouds and got it all cleaned and packed up. I paid the land lord the rest of my lease in cash and told her that I had a family emergency and had to leave, but I didn't want to leave her hanging. She gave me back half the cash and said she shouldn't have a problem finding new tenants fast, and thanked me for being a great one.
And then my life was closed up. What wouldn't fit in my room at the Cullens' house, was going into storage. Having vampires to help pack up a place was a nice perk. I wished I'd had them around the last few times I moved just for the sheer speed of it. Also, I didn't have to do any heavy lifting. Really all I did was point and dictate where stuff should go. Alice did try to put a bunch of my clothes in a donation bin or even in a waste bin, but I was quick enough to stop her. Plus, I had Charlotte on my side, watching the pixie's moves.
I wanted to stay in the Dare house one more time before changing, so I at least could thank Bernadette and Avery for everything they had done for me. Of all the places I went in the Outer Banks, they were the most welcoming, and by far, my favorite. Plus, I figured, they were the only humans that could know about my plans, since they were related to Charlotte.
Riding my bike down there, I left the vampires behind for a night so I could have some time to myself. Edward understood that I needed that every now and then. And it had nothing to do with anything any of them had done. I just simply needed my me-time occasionally. Plus, I figured the fewer vampires Bernadette and Avery were associated with the better.
They greeted me with open arms as always and escorted me up to my usual room. Thanks to it being the middle of the week, they weren't full up. "I have a feeling this'll be the last we're seeing of you for a while," Bernadette commented as she handed me the room key.
Shrugging, I replied. "Yeah, well, some things have changed. I finished my book and am taking a sabbatical."
"Would that Edward fellow happen to have anything to do with it?" she asked.
I nodded. "He has a lot to do with it. We had our reunion, figured that we really do belong together."
She looked at the floor, suddenly finding interest in her shoes. "So does that mean that you'll be a… um… that is… you'll be turning…"
I put my hand on her arm to stop her from saying the word. "Yes, Bernadette. I will be turning. I have one more week." She pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly.
"Avery and I chose not to have children, but if we had, I'd want one just like you, Malice." I hugged her again, thanking her for everything and for being a pseudo-mom for me. Especially since my own mother wrote me off during my reckless period. Part of me thought I should rekindle my relationship with her, but then again, I was turning into a vampire, and would never be able to see her again anyway. Perhaps I was better as the estranged daughter. Renee had tried to be there for me when Charlie died. She even moved into the house with me for a while afterwards. But I was in a different place then. Still am. The person I became after he was murdered was not the daughter she raised, and she let me know that as often as possible.
The truth was, she simply couldn't understand. Yes her parents were dead, but they'd both died of illnesses. Cancer. Neither of them were murdered, and neither of them died before her very eyes. No, she didn't understand, and I doubted she ever would.
Thinking of my pseudo-mom, Bernadette, I brought myself back to the present and headed downstairs for dinner. I ate a meal with Bernadette and Avery that night, and in the morning, I met the Cullens outside their now empty house. There were three moving trucks, the last of which was still open and ready to house my bike.
I hopped off and Emmett loaded her into the truck. The plan was for me to fly to Alaska with the Denali Coven, Edward, Esme, Alice, and Rosalie. Jasper was going to see Peter and Charlotte off, as they had their own lives to live. Garrett was going to drive the trucks up with Carlisle and Emmett once Jasper was done. Carlisle still had a couple shifts to cover at the hospital. They hadn't been able to find a replacement as quickly as needed, so he offered to stay an extra couple days.
With hugs all around, those of us flying left in the vehicles and headed towards the airport. I hadn't bothered to ask about tickets, thinking Edward would have taken care of that for me, or at least I could buy one at the airport. To my surprise, however, when we arrived at the airport, we bypassed the ticket counter, went through security, and to a private gate.
We were then escorted out to a plane. It was small for a commercial liner, but had plenty of room for the ten of us. I asked about the pilot only to see Eleazar and Carmen head towards the cockpit and take their seats. "You guys have a private jet. And pilot's licenses. Of course you do."
Edward chuckled. "This is the Denali's jet," he added. "Ours is in storage in Rochester at the moment."
"Wait, you have one, too? Do I seriously not have a clue about your family's wealth?"
He smiled again. "It's your family, too, love. So it's our wealth. And no, you really haven't got a clue." His face turned serious then. "Are you sure about this, Bella? I know I've probably asked you a hundred times, and will ask a thousand more. But are you absolutely sure?"
"Edward, I was sure the day I realized what you were. I knew then that they only true way for us to have been together was for me to become a vampire. You kept denying what I wanted, what I needed, and going against Volturi law in some misguided need to keep me human. Really, I'm the one that should be asking you if you're sure.
"I was the one asking for this, damn near demanding it since we met, and you've always been trying to keep me human. In fact you're the one that enforced this two plus year separation, harming both of us in the process. Do you not want me as a vampire? Do you think you'll stop loving me if I'm changed?" It dawned on me that I had never asked him those questions. Maybe he never wanted me changed because he didn't think I'd be the same as a vampire. And maybe he was right. I'd heard the stories from the others. For at least a year, I'll be a bloodthirsty killing machine. Hence the need to move out to the middle of fucking nowhere.
"Bella, no, of course I want you forever. Nothing could ever make me happier. But to damn your soul just so I never have to lose you… it's the most selfish thing I'll ever do." He looked down at his lap, ashamed.
I reached over and lifted his chin. Granted he had to let me lift it, but at least he did. "Edward, it's not selfish if I want it, too. It's not immortality that I want; it's not the eternal youth, the strength, the speed, or the beauty. It's you. It's always been you. And it's not a want; it's a need. You and I need to be together. Haven't we at least proven that over these years apart? And if you make one more comment about this mythological soul damnation business, I'm going to have you smacked."
"You really do love me," he stated, searching my eyes. "I never doubted your feelings, Bella, but I don't think I ever truly realized their depth until right now."
"Haven't I told you a thousand times what you mean to me?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yes, but hearing the words and knowing them to be true, is not the same as feeling them to be true. After what I put you through, after everything that's happened to you in these years, you're still wanting to be with me. You're still picking vampirism over humanity for me."
"And for your family. You're all a package deal."
"And you're not bothered that I can't give you children, that you can't have a human life." Again it was a statement, not a question. Like he just realized that I really was willing to give up every possible human aspect of my life to have him instead.
"I've already had a child… my mother. From the moment I could walk and talk, I was taking care of her, rather than the other way around. It's not something I care to repeat with a tiny human. Children were never something I wanted. I was never one of those little girls that had the little baby dolls and pretended they were real babies. I had books."
"I guess you were a budding novelist even then, eh?" he commented. "Alright love, I believe you. You could care less about the immortality or the other 'perks' of being a vampire. You just want me. That's a heck of a boost to my ego, y'know."
I laughed. "Yeah, well. I figured after all the self-flagellation you put yourself through, you could use a little boost. I am being honest though. The rest of the world be damned. You're all I need." He leaned over and captured my lips in a searing kiss, despite the cold of his lips. "What will kissing be like once I'm turned?"
"Well, I can't say for certain, but I do know I won't feel cold to you, and you won't feel so searing hot to me. We'll be the same. And, you'll be a lot stronger than me for about a year, so it'll be your turn to reign in your strength."
"Stronger than Emmett?" I asked, turning toward Rosalie. She grinned and nodded, and told me I should whoop his ass since I'll be the only one who can. However, despite being no longer clumsy and far more athletic than I ever had been, I didn't think my wrestling skills could match his, strength or not. "Maybe I'll challenge him to an arm wrestling contest or something."
Once we took off, everyone divided into small groups or pairs to sit the flight. Edward and I had the back seats to ourselves, closest to the restroom, as I was the only one who still had need of it. And speaking of that, nature called. I excused myself and headed to the restroom. It was roomier than most planes, but still cramped.
"I don't think I'll miss that at all," I stated as I sat back down.
Edward furrowed his brows. "Miss what?"
Nodding my head towards the privy, I replied. "Going to the bathroom. You never have to go, right? Somehow the blood you imbibe gets absorbed into your tissues rather than digested, I think Carlisle explained once."
He nodded. "That's right. I haven't used a bathroom for other than a shower in nearly a century. And even showering is just to remove dirt from hunting. We don't sweat or have any kind of body odor that emanates."
I snorted. "The wolves may disagree with you on that one."
"Yeah, well, they don't smell like peaches and cream to us, either. Wet mangy dog smell. Blech." He stuck out his tongue in a very human gesture of disgust. I found it amusing. "But to humans, we smell… what do I smell like to you?"
His scent had invaded my soul for years, and I never could get enough of it. Nor could I ever truly identify it. It was a mixture of several scents. I leaned in and took a deep breath in through my nose, right at his neck. "You smell like fresh rain, cedar, and," I took a last whiff, "mine. You smell like you're all mine." He smiled and lifted my chin to press a kiss to my lips.
"That I most certainly am, Miss Swan. I mean… Miss Brandon."
"I suppose I'll have to change my name again."
He shifted in his seat. "What all names have you gone by these past couple years?"
"Well, for a while I went by Bella Charles," I began. "I wanted to honor my Dad in a way. But Jake caught on to that and found me. I was in a place where I didn't want any reminders of my past whatsoever, and Jake was a big one, so I had to abandon that name. But I guess I kept picking names that in essence did remind me. After Bella Charles, I went by Marie Platt. I remember you telling me Platt was Esme's human surname.
"Jake still found me, though. I didn't know how then, but now I know it must have been my cousin. She was looking after me after my Dad died. Her cohort must have been in contact with Jake or something. I don't know, and it doesn't really matter now.
"Then I traipsed across the country, not bothering to give most people a name. If I did, it was usually after a book character or something. When I moved to North Carolina, and got the job at the paper, I decided to make things a bit more permanent. Plus it was the opposite side of the country from Jake. Nearly as far away as I could get without also being too close to my mother. I took on the name Mary Alice Brandon, in honor of your pixie sister."
"Jake still found you, though," Edward stated.
"Yes, I know now it's because of my cousin. She didn't know Jake directly, as if she had they'd have imprinted long ago, I imagine. But the other members of her pack, as it were, knew of Jake's pack. They kept each other in the loop on my safety and whereabouts. Apparently all as a deal with Charlie.
I shook my head. "I still can't wrap my head around the fact that all this time Charlie knew I was mixed up in the supernatural world, and never told me. And for how long did he know? Before you left me or afterwards? And why didn't he ever ask me about it? Was I really that much of a zombie that he felt like he couldn't talk to me?
"There's not much I wouldn't give to be able to see him one last time. Now more than ever. I have so many questions for him."
Throughout my tirade, Edward just sat and listened patiently, offering me his hand for support. "I think we all have those feelings, Bella. I would love to see my human parents again. I would love to thank my mom for begging Carlisle to save me in the way only he could. It was like she knew what he was, or somehow knew that he could do for me something that no one else could. Now that I've reconciled what I am, thanks to you, I'd like to thank her for that. And Carlisle for agreeing."
"Wow, Edward. This is huge. You're finally okay with what you are?!"
He looked down, abashed. "Yes. Because if that hadn't happened, I'd have never found you."
We'd said to each other in about every way possible that we loved each other, but it took us each realizing what the other would truly do for us to understand the depth of those feelings. For him, it was my willingness to put humanity aside so as to be with him forever. For me, it was his admitting that while he had always loathed his own existence, and considered himself damned because of it, he was finally happy about what he'd become because it meant he got to be with me.
The rest of the flight was spent in relative silence. We exchanged a few words, but mostly just snuggled. I half wondered if he was counting my heartbeats, knowing they were literally numbered, given the way his finger was tapping against my leg.
As we descended to land at the Anchorage airport, I looked out the windows and took in the spectacular views of Alaska. "I've never left the continental US, until today," I commented.
"What?" Alice gasped. "Bella, we simply have to get you to Paris! You'll love it! Fashion week! Oh, you could easily be over your newborn phase by the next one! Yay"
"I think she'd like England more, Alice," Rosalie added. "The Austen and Bronte sisters and all. Bella loves those books, I remember."
I shook my head at Alice, and nodded at Rosalie. "Rosalie is right. Alice, you know I couldn't care less about fashion. If what I'm wearing happens to be fashionable, then it's because whatever is in style is comfortable and affordable. Simple as that."
"Well, I'd like to take you to South America," Edward stated. "Brazil, specifically."
I furrowed my brows. "Apart from the obvious, what's in Brazil?"
He smiled, his eyes holding a secret that I knew I wouldn't get out of him regardless of his ability to be tickled or not.
Once the plane landed, we all descended the stairs and walked to a pair of waiting cars. Eleazar had contacted a rental company and had them ready for us at our gate. The perks of being uber-gazillionaires. I shook my head at the ostentatiousness of it all as I climbed in the back seat of a Porsche SUV. Honestly. Who needs a Porsche in Alaska, of all places?
"Eleazar is pulling out all the stops for you," Edward commented. "Normally it's a couple Suburbans or GMC vehicles. Sounds like he wants you on his good side once you're turned. Probably wants to avoid you ever getting angry with him. NO one ever wants to be on the bad side of an angry newborn."
"So he's buttering me up, eh? Well, he'll just have to wait and see how effective or ineffective his little bribery attempts are. If he truly wants to butter me up, though, he should get to know me better." I said all this with the full knowledge that he could hear me loud and clear. "I couldn't care less about fancy cars and such. If he really wants to be on my good side, I'll have my own private library at the house. Like the one in Beauty and the Beast."
I could hear Carmen whispering to her mate about renovations and additions. Eleazar was asking about Beauty and the Beast, clearly knowing nothing about it. I simply laughed the whole way to their home.
But once the house came into view, my laughter ceased. As did my ability to breathe or blink. It was absolutely massive. More like a castle than a house. I honestly wouldn't have been surprised to learn this dwelling was visible from Space.
"Whoa," I said when I could finally breathe again.
Edward sniggered beside me. "A bit ostentatious, yes?"
"And I thought your home in Forks was over the top. This is… this is insanity. This house has wings, Edward. And this isn't even your house, right? I mean you said yours was a few miles away from theirs."
He nodded. "Yes, that's true. This is the Denali home. It is important to note, though, that there are only five of them. There are seven of us. Now eight."
That stopped me in my tracks. "Wait just a minute. Are you saying that the Cullen home in Alaska is even bigger than this one?"
"Only by about 20,000 square feet," Eleazar commented as he walked past me. "But I'm sure that'll be changing once you're all settled. Esme will be wanting to build you your own wing at the Cullen house. And I suppose we'll have to add on to Kate's here, now that she's got Garrett."
My own… what? "Edward, he can't be serious. What am I going to do with my own wing?"
"You'd be surprised how many things you find to do once you're immortal and have all the time in the world. Remember, we don't sleep, either. And having your own space to do whatever it is you want is vital. We're mates, yes, but there'll be times that you want nothing to do with me, and I with you." I snorted. "Sure, it sounds ridiculous now, but give it a decade and then we'll revisit that. For now, you're more than welcome to move into my wing. It has the most empty rooms anyway, provided Alice hasn't filled them all with clothing."
Alice stuck her tongue out at him with that remark. Finally, we made it to the front door and I was led inside. "We'll stay here tonight, and then head to our house in the morning," Edward added, glancing at the clock on the wall. You'd never be able to tell by the outside, but it was apparently after nine pm. The land of the Midnight Sun, daylight lasted almost the full twenty-four hours this time of year. "Are you tired? You didn't really sleep on the plane at all."
"Come to think of it, yes," I answered, yawning suddenly. "I didn't realize it until just now, but yes. I'm exhausted."
Edward took my hand in his and led me down to the guest wing. "Make yourself at home, Bella," Carmen said to me as we passed her in the main foyer.
This is where the Cullens stayed when their home was still being built, and where Edward stayed when he first ran away from me shortly after we met that fateful day in Biology. Now it's used as a guest wing, whenever the Denali coven have friends from other covens visit, or even human visitors. It's the closest to the kitchen for the latter reason.
Edward had taken one whiff of my human scent on the day we met and it drove him mad with thirst and the need to drain me dry. So mad that he nearly killed me, having fantasized about a dozen different ways to do it. In the end, his self-control won, and he was able to resist my blood.
The only way I'll know what he had to endure is to smell my own blood once I'm a vampire. That makes me want to fill a vial with it before I'm changed. Even that likely won't fully tell me unless I ever meet the one human whose blood calls to me like no other.
"What do the locals make of this place?" I asked as my fingers brushed a tapestry. We were moving slowly, even for me, a human. There was so much artwork and interesting items scattered throughout the house, I couldn't help but stop and look at all the things. I pondered many things as we walked down the spacious corridor, passing room after room and climbing several flights of stairs until we finally reached what appeared to be the top room in the furthest reach of the house.
"Well, they think an eccentric billionaire from Spain and his wife built their dream home. Which isn't altogether untrue, I suppose. Though the eccentric bit is a bit of a stretch. There are quite a few rumors among the locals as to the sanity of our dear Eleazar," Edward explained. "Especially since they're so rarely seen in town.
"And there are also the stories of beautiful blonde women seducing young men from the villages and bringing them here. When they return, they have few memories of what actually happened, but it's rather obvious what they've been up to."
"Wait… you mean Tanya, Kate, and Irina are seducing men? Human men? How does that even work? I mean sex with a vampire, in your own words is extremely dangerous for humans, even deadly."
"Dangerous yes, but that doesn't stop those three sisters from um… enjoying themselves." I could tell he didn't want to elaborate. Ever the Edwardian, Edward was old-fashioned and certain topics made him uncomfortable. For the moment, I decided to respect that and leave well enough alone.
I made a mental note to ask the sisters directly how sex with humans worked, knowing Edward wouldn't want to divulge the dirty details to me. I mean, I knew anatomically speaking, the parts were the same. But Edward's skin had little to no give, and I imagined a female's body would be the same. So how would a human man even attempt it with a female vampire? And how could it possibly be successful?
Finally we reached the bedroom Edward was leading me towards, so I could have a bit of a nap. How many more sleeps until I don't sleep anymore? I joked to myself. I sauntered into the room and plopped down onto the bed, face down, not even bothering to remove my shoes or my jacket.
Edward was laughing from behind me. I felt him remove my shoes and then placed a blanket on top of me. "Would you like me to lay with you?" he asked.
"Erff yerr wernt ter," I mumbled into the pillow. He chuckled again, but apparently understood me, as a moment later, I felt the bed dip at my side, and his arm drape lightly across me. Within seconds, I fell into a dreamless sleep, not waking again until morning.
Edward's grip on me tightened as he realized I was waking up. "Good morning love," he said from next to me, pushing some wayward strands of hair behind my ears. "You slept like a boulder."
"Like a rock," I corrected. Stretching under the blanket, I rolled into him and wrapped my arm around his torso. Truth be told I hadn't slept that well in a very long time. I wondered how well I would sleep given the sun was out in the middle of the night, but as I opened my eyes, I realized he'd drawn the curtains and we were plunged in near pitch darkness.
He traced patterns on my arm absently as I snuggled into him. Even though he was ice cold and hard as a statue, he was still incredibly comfortable. I could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest as he took unnecessary breaths. "When would you like to head to the house?" he asked.
My stomach chose that moment to remind everyone in the house that it had been a good long while since I'd last eaten. "Um, after breakfast?" I suggested, listening to him laugh at the sounds my body was making.
I took a shower in the cavernous bathroom attached to this bedroom, all the while marveling at the ostentatiousness of it all. Based on what Eleazar had said, the Cullen compound was even bigger than this one, and Esme was going to add on just for me. Having never had much in my whole life, I just couldn't wrap my head around suddenly having everything.
At some point, my travel bag made it into the bathroom, though I didn't recall Edward carrying it with him as we walked the labyrinth of hallways to this bedroom. He must have retrieved it after I'd fallen asleep, or someone else dropped it off. At any rate, I was grateful to get out of the clothes that I'd both flown and slept in and slip into something different. I chose a maxi-skirt with a flowy peasant blouse. As I stared in the mirror at my burgundy hair, I wondered what would become of it once I was changed.
I knew enough that my hair would never grow again. It'll be this short pixie bob for the rest of time. Alice has to live with her very short hair, as well. Having been in an insane asylum as a young adult, her hair was sheared off rather brutally, leaving it in odd lengths all over her head. She's rocked it, though, having come up with very chic and stylish 'dos over the years.
Maybe I'd have her help me dye my hair back to my natural color so it won't be burgundy for all of time. Or maybe the change will do that for me. I added it onto the list of questions to ask everyone before Edward turns me.
Once out of the shower, Edward was waiting in the bedroom. He'd changed, too. "You look lovely," he commented, appraising my outfit. "I think I can count on one hand how many times I've seen you in a skirt."
I laughed. "Yeah, well, old Me was rather clumsy as you might recall. I'd as easily trip over a long skirt as thin air, which I did fairly often."
Edward had made the bed and was carrying my suitcase in one hand while holding mine with the other. "Carmen is attempting cooking again, under the tutelage of the sisters. They at least have made food for their human companions a handful of times. Let's go and see how much she's destroyed, eh?"
By the time we reached the kitchen, there was pancake batter all over the walls, Carmen, the sisters, and none in the frying pan. Bacon was strewn all over the floor and eggs had been cracked all over everyone's heads. No one was angry, though, in fact, they were all laughing. "Did… did you all just have a food fight?" I asked. Edward kicked away a rogue egg shell that was near his foot.
"Yes!" Tanya exclaimed. "I've never had so much fun! Okay, that's not entirely true, but who knew you could make such a mess with this stuff?"
"Um, every kid who's ever had a food fight in their school cafeteria," I answered. "My primary school was famous for them. That's why I spent every lunch period in the library."
I stepped around the batter spatter, cracked egg shells, and slippery bacon and reached the fridge, which was surprisingly free of debris. Opening it, I found a carafe of orange juice, some yogurt, and then spotted a bowl of fresh fruit that was also undisturbed by the food fight. I grabbed these, and a box of granola from the cupboard that had been smeared with egg. Also, I magically found a clean bowl, spoon, paring knife, a jar of honey, and a glass.
Dancing carefully around everyone that was covered from head to toe in food, and all the mess all over the floor, I made my way to the dining room and found a clear spot to set up my meal. "How did you do that?" Edward asked. I looked up, and saw that everyone was staring at me in complete wonder.
"Do what?" I had sat down and was busy adding yogurt to a bowl. I then poured some granola over it and began cutting up a peach. Edward was wincing as I sliced the fruit, as if he was worried I was going to cut my finger or something. When I paused and looked at him, he then gestured to the mess on the floor and asked how my feet and the rest of me were not at all dirty. "Oh, you're talking about being graceful? Well, like I said before… I've changed."
I finished cutting up the peach, dropped the chunks over the granola and drizzled some honey over the whole bowl. "Changed is one thing, Bella. This was something completely other. You weren't only non-clumsy, you were downright graceful. I didn't even make it through the kitchen unscathed. And I was just walking from there to here. You danced around the kitchen, acquiring items, and still made it to the table without a mark on you." He pointed to a dot of egg yolk on his pants, and then at his foot. His shoe had a bit of pancake batter smeared on the sides.
Looking down at myself, I saw that I did indeed make it through the disaster without a speck of food on me. Shrugging, I replied, "I dunno what to tell you. Just lucky, I guess."
Edward shook his head disbelieving, but didn't take the matter any further. I had given him plenty of details about my life after he left me. The results of my extensive self-defense classes and therapy should have come as no surprise to him, but he still had the old clumsy, insecure, low self-esteem Bella in his head.
While I ate, Carmen, the sisters and Edward cleaned up the kitchen. It only took them a few minutes, moving at their speed. I simply saw a few blurs of color moving about the room, always followed by a sharp gust of wind. By the time they were done, I needed to brush my hair again, as it had been blown about like a tornado had gone through.
Edward collected my few belongings from the bedroom we used the night before, and escorted me out into the yard. "Shall we head to our home, love?" he asked. I nodded, and without hesitation, he hoisted me onto his back while holding onto my duffel. We were off like a shot and arrived at the palatial Cullen compound a blink later.
"Welcome home," he said with a smile.
I looked up at the gargantuan structure, and while it was beyond anything I could have imagined, and nothing I ever dreamed of being a part of…with Edward by my side, it was home.
A/N: Up next will be Bella's transition! And a bit of drama, as what's a story without some drama, right? See you soon!