It was a hot musty humid day in Gravity Falls. Young twins Dipper and Mabel were busy looking through their Grunkle Stan's tourist trap junk as stupid people walked in and out buying nicknacks.

"Dudes, look at what I just fixed!" their good friend Soos said, walking in and placing a now not so beat up laptop on the middle counter. The girl behind the register smiled.

"Way cool Soos," she said.

Wendy, Mabel, and Dipper surrounded Soos as he slowly opened the computer and turned it on. All stood in gleeful silence, ready to see what they had almost died for. "Oh I can't wait to see our next clue," cried Dipper. Wendy turned and gave him a wink. Dipper beamed.

The computer slowly turned on. The only thing on the entire computer as they soon found out, was the small file on the desktop. Soos clicked it.

Strangely enough though, it was all pictures of Grunkle Stan and a man with long shaggy brown hair and blue eyes. Each one they were a different age, the first one starting with them being about 13 and eating ice cream on a huge rock. 19 pictures later(there was only twenty) was the most recent one.

"What?" whispered Dipper.

"What are all you kids doing?"

Everyone turned to see Grunkle Stan. "Um, Grunkle Stan?" Dipper started. "We found this underneath a tree in a bunker." The kids moved to show Stan the laptop.

It had been four days now since Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy found the author of the 5 Journals tree bunker. In there they had almost been kill by an unknown creature and the author's Shape Shifter. They were all safe and sound(and the Shape Shifter was safely frozen) but somethings was still bothering Dipper. What was that unknown creature? What happened to the author? And how will he break it to his sister that he and Wendy wanted to go back?

Grunkle Stan's eyes widened. "Y-you found that underneath a tree in a bunker? A-and nothing else?"

Mabel nodded. "But who is that man?" She pointed the man in the picture.

"Oh him?! He's nobody. In fact I don't even remember taking those pictures with him. Here, I'll just take that."

"Hey!" Dipper cried as Grunkle Stan started to take the laptop away to his room. "What gives?"

Stan turned to face him. "What gives is that I don't want all your brains filled with nonsense."

Stan walked into his room and locked the door. Looking at the man besides him in the old pictures he whispered," I miss you Dr. F."