Dear Guest, I appreciate your opinion, but I like the title as it is.

NovaTheHedgehog7500: It's gonna b ehilarious, Donnie is gonna geek out xD

Kaleia: You wanna know what's hilarious, that TMNT movie was the first one I saw, too.

Julia N SnowMiko: Just because they're turtles doesn't mean they eat like turtles, they're teens first and foremost.

TFAN Override: I'll take that as a compliment, here's your update.

DixieChicrules123: Me neither.

Miko sighed as she sat in the passanger's seat in Bulkhead's vehicle mode, Jack had been missing three weeks and two days and even though his condition seemed to have improved she was depressed. They had no idea where he was or with what kind of people. All they knew was that he was sleeping without the "aid" of anesthesiacs and that he was getting actual food. Jack's mom had almost fainted at the news that Jack was away from MECH and had been able to go back to work, Arcee had become less tense than she'd been during Jack being MIA, Agent Fowler had also been relieved but hadn't stopped trying to get his superiors to help out in the search and Miko and Raph had both let out sighs of relief. That didn't mean none of them were worried, because they all were, no matter how much Ratchet denied it.

All of them just wanted Jack to return home safely, he was the kids' unofficial leader and had a lot of potential in Optimus' eyes. Bumblebee hadn't spoken much, since Raf's depressed mood had affected him too. Miko hadn't caused any mayhem in the time Jack had been gone, Fowler didn't have the energy to yell at anyone and Ratchet was crankier than he had ever been, how it was possible Miko didn't know.

Honestly, how long would they have to wait for Jack to contact them?

Jack, meanwhile was sitting Beside Splinter as the four brothers sparred with eachother, trying to keep track of the quickly moving turtles. It was proving to be quite difficult, however, and the four seemed more like blurs than figures and it was making him dizzy. Jack rubbed his eyes again, before just laying his head in his hand, elbow resting on his knee. He was sitting indian style, unlike Splinter, who was sitting on his feet, like people did in a dojo, since it enabled them to stand up faster. After sparring it would be another checkup by "Dr. Donnie" as Mikey had put it and Jack was not sure if he was looking forward to that or not. On one hand it was good to know how healed he was but Donnie tended to get mother-hen-like when he tried to move around the lair. His face was healing up nicely and soon he wouldn't have to have any gauze on his cheek anymore, it was really starting to bother him.

Soon enough, but still too soon for Jack's tates, their sparring was over and it was back to the couch for him. Jack kept still as Don changed his bandages. Thankfully he didn't need to re-bandage all of the wounds, which meant Jack didn't look like a half-assed mummy anymore, though his head, torso and feet were still bandaged his arms and legs weren't covered anymore, though the bandage around his throat stayed. This unfortunately meant that Jack still couldn't walk on his own, not only did his feet hurt but Don would surely glare him into submission, Jack was actually reminded of Ratchet when thinking about that.

"So, are those friends of yours, April and Casey coming?" Jack asked as Donnie finished bandaging his head.

"April's busy, but I think Casey's coming." was the answer he got.

"So what are your friends like?" Leo asked, curious since they'd told before what their human friends were like.

Jack laughed faintly, looking at his hands as he flexed his stiff fingers "They're more like family than friends, really. Let's see, Miko is a crazy girl who loves rock n roll, she's always getting either herself or one of us or all of us into trouble, but she's also good at getting out of them... or maybe not, usually we have to get her out of trouble. Raf, on the other hand is a little computer genious, he can hack into the government and not get detected, at least not easily, he and Bee are best friends. Bee is the youngest of the guys and he's quite innocent compared to them but he's loyal as hell. Arcee is a headstrong woman who will protect those close to her by any means necessary, though she tends to forget they can fight for themselves too. Bulkhead is a gentle giant who holds his friends close, he's not the smartest but when push comes to shove he wrecks them, he's more of a strength guy than tactician. Rathet, or as we call him, Hatchet is the doctor and if you get injured he will watch you like a hawk to make sure you don't do anything stupid, he also gets angry if you break his stuff, which Bulkead does, repeatedly. Optimus... well, he's hard to describe, think someone with better morals than Superman and you might get close, he's the ultimate good guy and he kinda reminds me of Captain America now that I think about it. Agent Fowler seems gruff but he's just bad at showing his feelings, his usual greeting is shouting the person's last name. My mom is a nurse and she worries a lot, she had to raise me alone and I like to think she managed well, I got a job to help her out so that she wouldn't have to worry too much. We're like one really big, crazy family and I can't really say I'd have it any other way. They're probably worried..." he sighed "I'm just glad I'm the one who got captured and not Raf, he was only a few steps ahead of me. I could take it, at least."

Leo frowned at that, Jack had still not told what had happened to him during his imprisonment "About that, we know that we're strangers, but you need to talk to someone, bottling up memories is not good and will only give you nightmares." the blue-masked turtle said, knowing from experience.

Jack stayed silent A little too late for that, he thought.

It was hard opening up when he was always the one who had to stay calm and in control, he couldn't afford to act like a sixteen-year-old, no matter how much he wanted to. He never would be a normal sixteen-year-old, he thought as he stretched, feeling the developing scartissue.

Not anymore.

I hope you enjoyed. Reviews help inspiration.