The second term was in full swing when a dark haired girl wandered into the Host Club. She bore only a map in her hand and a backpack hanging from her shoulders. The uniform of another school gave the rich school's students something to question as she wandered through the campus, a confused look on her face. However, when she came to the staircase her cousin described as "grand," she smiled.

A quick glance upward confirmed her hopes. Music Room #3 was written in a fancy, swirling script. With a tug at the door handle, she was greeted with flower petals and seven male voices saying, "Welcome!"

The girl snickered to herself at the opulence and glanced at the array of boys. When she found the two she recognized, she bypassed the boy with dark hair and glasses that tried to acquire her name and reason for visit.

"Mitsukuni! Takashi!" Her voice was bright and her eyes smiled.

Mitsukuni- or Honey, as he generally preferred- leapt at her with a broad grin covering his face. "Mika-chan!"

Takashi, or Mori, smiled and ruffled her hair. He stood several imposing inches over both of the two embracing.

The boy with glasses pushed the thin lenses up the bridge of his nose and checked his watch. This girl had come quite a few minutes earlier than most any other customer they'd ever had. Why was she wearing a different uniform entirely, and why did she call the two oldest Hosts by their first names? She was too much of a mystery for his liking.

After Honey had disengaged from the girl, he grabbed her hand and began to lead her to the table he and where Mori served customers. The small boy began to give an overview of what these girls experienced in the club while the dark haired girl laughed at the tone of voice used.

A skinny blond with violet eyes approached the girl and took her hand in his, effectively interrupting Honey's explanation of Host life. "Hello, Princess," the blond said as he kissed her hand.

"Hello," the girl smiled, unaffected.

"W-well, welcome to Ouran's Host Club," the blond stuttered, not used to leaving a such small impression. He looked defeated.

"Thank you," the girl replied, looking over at the blond's crumpled form. "Tamaki Suoh, yes?" she asked, glancing back at Honey.

Honey nodded, his mouth full of cake. "Here, Mika-chan, try a bite. It's chocolate. I made sure they'd bought some before you came," he grinned. He neglected to mention that chocolate had always been an item on the menu.

In response, the girl opened her mouth to be fed the cake. Honey acted as if it were normal.

The blond- Tamaki- looked sideways at the exchange, and the boy with glasses pushed his spectacles up his nose once more, taking short notes on his clipboard.

Two red heads popped up behind the couch where the girl and Honey sat. "Who are you?" they asked simultaneously.

Laughing, the girl held a finger up. She was still chewing. When she had swallowed, she replied, "Mika Haninozuka."

Honey's smile grew wide as if in pride and Mori grinned at the Host's reactions- Tamaki dropped his jaw, the bespectacled boy scribbled furiously on his clipboard, the twins stared, and an effeminate looking boy poked his head through a door on the opposite wall.

"Did I hear a guest?" he asked, scratching his head. He thought he still had time to get ready. With all of the hullabaloo, though, he decided it was an early arrival and crossed the room. To his surprise, he found a short, dark haired girl with a red plaid skirt and white button up on. In place of a tie, this boy assumed, the girl tied a matching plaid bow loosely under her collar.

"Oh, Haruhi. Come here-" one red head began.

"-and listen to this," the other finished. Identical, mischievous looks covered both boys' faces.

Haruhi pushed between the two red heads and put his hands on his hips. "I thought the club was about to start," he began.

"Oh, am I interrupting? You told me to get here at 3, Mitsukuni," Mika frowned. "I don't want to be rude."

"Well, I wanted you all to myself, so I told you to come early," Honey shrugged in between bites of cake. "Mika-chan, that's Kyo-chan, Hika-chan, and Kao-chan."

Mika chuckled. "Mitsukuni's told me quite a bit about all of you, so I just needed to connect names to faces."

Tamaki grabbed her hand again, this time on one knee. "Fair sister of Honey-senpai-"

"Sister? Is that why you were all shocked? Sorry, I'm his cousin."

Tamaki fell over from being ignored again. Kyoya scratched out the notes he made and began rewriting.

"His cousin?" Haruhi asked. "So you're related to Mori-senpai, too?"

Mika shook her head, laughing. "Nope, wrong again. My father and Mitsukuni's were brothers, but his is the one who married a Morinozuka- so in short, no."

The twins looked like they had a question on their mind when suddenly, the clock struck four.

The doors to the Host Club opened wide. In no time, the girls had flooded in en masse and the boys left to greet them. When Honey and Mori returned to their table, ready to introduce their customers to their guest, Mika was gone.

A note quietly explained that she didn't want to be a bother and left at the most obvious convenience.

It was after the last customer waved goodbye when Tamaki whimpered, "Haruhi, you're a girl..."

"Yeah?" the effeminate boy- err, girl- replied. "So?"

"Why did Mika-san ignore me?" Tamaki yelled, shaking Haruhi's shoulders.

"Well, Senpai, you might not be her type, or she might have a boyfriend." Haruhi suggested.

"Tamaki, you should spend less time worrying over girls who don't give you the time of day," Kyoya commented from his desk. "It's unbecoming."

Tamaki glared. "But she's Honey-senpai's cousin! It's important for her to like us!" He moved to lean on Kyoya's desk. "Plus, she's likely influential, if she's Haninozuka."

Kyoya's typing paused momentarily. When it resumed, he had a wicked smirk on his face. "I suppose making friends isn't a bad idea."

Tamaki sighed quietly that it took that kind of phrasing to engage his friend's worry.

"Don't worry about it," Mori assured them. He interpreted Tamaki's sigh as a response to Mika's indifference.

"Yeah, Mika-chan likes all kinds of different people!" Honey chimed in, continuing Mori's train of thought. However, the small blond's mood suddenly soured. "I wonder why she left so quickly..."

Mori frowned and shrugged.

"Didn't she leave a note?" Hikaru asked.

"Yeah, but she always uses that excuse," Honey pouted.

"Maybe she believes it," Haruhi suggested, gathering her things. "She might just dislike intruding, too."

"Haruhi! Hold your tongue! Mika-san wasn't intruding," Tamaki exclaimed.

Haruhi rolled her eyes. "No, I'm saying that she might have thought she was intruding."

Mori and Honey exchanged glances, leaving the shorter of the two sighing.

"Maybe she'll come back tomorrow and we can explain to her that she's not bothering us?" Haruhi smiled, trying to cheer up the two obviously upset boys.

"Won't work," Mori smiled.

"Mika-chan's stubborn," Honey grinned.

Mika held tightly to the straps of her backpack as she trudged home. The September air was cooling off as the afternoon wore on. With a small smile on her face, Mika laughed. "I've met the Host Club now. Maybe Mitsukuni will stop asking me to come?"

She soon approached her apartment complex and grabbed in her skirt's sewn-in pocket for the key. After fiddling with the faulty lock, she was able to enter. The only light in the apartment came from behind her, casting her shadow over the carpeted floor beyond.

"I'm home," she whispered to herself. Mika slung her backpack off her shoulders, flipped on a light, and removed her shoes.

As she quietly scribbled on her Calculus homework, she muttered, "Maybe I should call my brothers..."

A/N: Hello! Welcome all newcomers to my Ouran fic. No idea about how long it will be or how often I'll update- that information will be divulged once I get into school myself. My crazy brain decided that writing a fic would go well with my senior year... We'll see. Hopefully you enjoyed yourself in this short chapter! (I really tried to make it longer, but I'm so stuck on short one-shots that my muse is all gone for length...) I like the idea of a narrator that grows as more information is collected, so that's why Haruhi was first called a boy.

Please do leave a comment, it makes my heart happy and gives me the encouragement to continue! Plus, then I'll know how much you (dis)liked this chapter. See you next time!