Disclaimer: This is a complete work of fiction, there's no resemblance to actual persons, events or places. If so it is utterly not intended. I do not own Ever After High or anything to do with it. I also don't own ANY fairytale/storybook characters, rights, etc. This is all completely non-profit and for pure entertainment. Thank you.

Author's Note: Hi there! I'm back with yet another idea. I try to ask my brain for ideas to continue my previous stories, it gives me another idea for a brand new story. *sigh* I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you liked it, R & R please, it's always appreciated!

~ Prologue ~

For those of you who belong in dwellings with multiple siblings, you know how I feel. I, Dexter Charming can relate all too well. There's my brother Daring, my sister Darling and I fall in line... or succession. Whatever it's called. I am the second-last of my family, second-last to be introduced, second-last for everything and it royally sucks.

I'm sorry, uh my apologies. I mean... I'm not usually a complainer you know? I just want my own personal voice to be heard once in awhile, is that such a hard request? It is in this family. My parents are generally strict. My father, the King - rules his kingdom and household with an iron fist. Especially when it comes to his "boys". Not that Darling isn't important, it's not like that. It's just, she plays an important role in the reproduction of the Kingdom. Since that's what most around here believe girls are only good for.

I for one, don't believe that. I think girls should be able to choose what they want to do. Or at least be asked.

Before I get too far ahead of myself... have you ever heard the story of the geeky brother of "Prince Charming"? Of course not. Nobody has.

I have one simple request. I wish to not be my brother's shadow anymore.