A/N: This is my first attempt at a crossover, I hope it is interesting. I have the first two chapters written. Depending on the feedback I get I may or not scrap it. Neither Once Upon a Time nor Orange is the New Black belong to me. only the OC's.
Off. Today feels off. Emma can't seem to figure out what it is. Today is like every other day in Storybrooke; Emma got up, showered and got ready for work, woke Henry up for school, went downstairs and kissed Regina, sat at the table while Regina made breakfast. The entire morning went like clockwork. Emma is now sitting at her desk wondering what is different. Emma thinks back these past few years. Henry found her and brought her back to Storybrooke to break a curse, that turned out to be real, which was cast by her now mayor girlfriend/ex- Evil Queen Regina Mills. Henry gets kidnaped, Me, Regina, my parents Snow/Mary-Margaret and David/Prince Charming, Hook, and Gold/Rumplestilskin all travel to Neverland to get Henry back from Peter Pan. Regina and I save Henry,bring him home, and become a couple. The town decides to make Storybrooke a regular sleepy town and get rid of all traces of magic. Yup that about sums up the last 3 years. Emma is still lost in her thoughts when Regina enters the Sheriff's station. Regina looks at Emma and then looks at her father David, "Hey don't look at me, she has been like that for the better part of a hour." Regina thinks Idiot. When Regina stands in front of Emma and waves her hand in front of her face, but receives no response Regina becomes slightly worried. Regina then grabs a hold of Emma shoulder and shakes her a little. Emma seems to wake from what ever daze she was in quickly stands up and rubs her eyes. Regina is standing next to Emma looking concerned when Emma speaks, "Woah. Major daydream. Hey Regina! Shit, I am late. I missed our lunch date didn't I?" Regina sees that Emma is alright and lets the concern melt away, "Yes Ms. Swan you seem to have missed out on lunch. Fortunately for you, you are the dating the mayor of this fine town who is going to allow you a second hour for lunch. Come darling lets to to Granny's" Emma is beaming at Regina and bouncing on her toes like an over excited child. Regina rolls her eyes and tugs on Emma's hand. Before Emma is completely dragged out of the station she yells to David a quick, "I'll be back!"
As Emma and Regina are crossing the street Emma notices a black Jeep with tinted windows. Emma ignores it for now and keeps walking with Regina. Regina and Emma take their usual booth in Granny's and have quick lunch. Emma loves this about Regina, she can be perfectly relaxed, she can hold a meaningless conversation, and she is Regina. Emma is looking at Regina with so much love that Regina stops talking and grabs Emma's hand. Regina asks, "Emma babe, what's going on? You ok?" Emma smiles and nods, "Yeah. I just love you." Regina smiles shyly and says, "I love you too Emma." Regina and Emma finish their lunch and are headed back to Regina's office when the back door to the Jeep opens and someone in black heels steps out. Emma stops and slightly pushes Regina behind her. The person from the Jeep is walking towards Emma and Regina, she is tall, with big black sunglasses, blood red lips, black jeans and a Jack Daniels tank top on. Regina can feel Emma tensing and looks at the woman approaching them. Before Regina says anything the woman stands eye level with Emma and takes off her glasses. Regina notices that the woman has bright green eyes and is wearing a smirk that could rival her own. When she speaks Regina is taken aback, this woman has a deep and raspy voice but is slightly soft spoken. This woman seems to completely ignore Regina and has all of her attention on Emma, "Hello Swan. Its been a long time" Emma seems to relax a little and seems to recognize who is standing in front of her, "Vause. Alex freaking Vause." Regina is growing annoyed at being ignored and clears her throat, Alex turns her eyes away from Emma and to Regina, "Hello. I'm Alex. An old- friend of Emma's" Regina looks to Emma who is too busy looking at the Jeep to notice, so Regina sticks out her hand and sternly says, "Regina Mills. Emma's girlfriend and town mayor". Alex laughs, which brings Emma's attention back to them, and says, "Shit Swan, you got yourself a girlfriend and a Mayor. Maybe I should have been more like you!" Emma rolls her eyes and says, "Yeah Yeah, laugh it up Vause." Alex finally stops laughing and looks back to Emma, "It really is good to see you but I came for a reason." Alex looks back over to Regina then back to Emma. Emma catches Alex's drift and looks to Regina, "Hey babe, listen I really need to talk to Alex. Alone. Can you pick Henry up and I'll bring home dinner." Regina raises an eyebrow and looks at Emma, Emma is giving her a look that says, Don't argue. Just go. Regina for once just listens and does what Emma says. "Sure. I'll see you at home" Regina leans up and kisses Emma, softly enough to say 'I love you' but passionately enough to mark her territory. As Regina walks away she can hear Alex, "Swan we need you back. You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't necessary. Please."
Notes: So here is the first chapter, tell me what you think. I will post the 2nd chapter soon.