Synopsis: In an effort to remove Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa as a threat to her plans, an evil Sith Witch and her two apprentices attempt to eradicate them in the most unconventional way she can. Unable to destroy either Skywalker, she utilizes an ancient device to erase them from the time-line. Her target: the unknown lover of Anakin Skywalker that brought them into this world. With the records of their maternity practically non-existent, it is now a race to determine the identity of the twin's mother before the Witch destroys her. Can Leia overcome her aversion to her biological father and solve this mystery? And, once they do, can they get their mother to trust them?
Author's Note: This story is partially inspired by the nameless two stock characters from the Clone Wars series, that blond guy and the lady with the double buns that always seems to accompany him. The first chapter is a stage setter, so please bear with it. Please feel free to comment on my style, plot twists and word choice. This is supposed to be loosely based on the Clone Wars TV series and the Expanded Universe, but it is most definitely an AU.
Disclaimer: Star Wars is owned by Disney and Lucasfilm Ltd. The following work is not intended to add to, promote or distort this series. This is a work of fanfiction, and the author does not profit in posting. This is simply a writing exercise written for fun.
Chapter One: Her Brother's Keeper
He was snoring again. And, boy, was that an adjustment. Years of sleeping alone had trained her to embrace the quiet, but not how to endure the rumbling of a husband's snoring. Tossing and turning for the nth time that night, a petite frame rose from the bed sluggishly and turned to eye the sleeping man beside her in frustration. Part of her wanted to hit him with her pillow, but she knew that would do anything but shut him up.
So, rather than fight the sounds while still wide awake and thinking, she carefully climbed out of bed and used her inner-eye to navigate the room. Her husband liked the room pitch black when he slept, likely from all the years he spent sleeping aboard his ship, but she did not. A little light always did her some good, but him snoring was by far better than him tossing and turning. Yet another adjustment she wasn't expecting with marriage.
Laughing to herself, she found the door and activated the switch to open it.
The rest of their home was dark, but not pitch like the bedroom. It was easier to see where she was going as she meandered through the rooms, headed directly to the small terrace that had made this place her primary choice when they were residence shopping. Her golden protocol droid, Threepio, sat inside of one of the chairs, recharging for the night. The mood was serene and the scene tranquil. It didn't matter that she actually shared the building with her brother.
As one of three primary Jedi liaisons to the Senate, her brother had been given this residence because it was right between both the temporary Jedi temple and the Senate hall. He was fond of it, having all the open space he could desire in the dense, smog covered metropolis that was Coruscant. Until the Jedi Temple was restored, he'd settled for living away from the others, enjoying the anonymity and freedom of the building.
And she, she was content to not be far from him.
Much to her husband's occasional objection, she couldn't stomach living far from her long-lost twin brother. Though they were both adults and leading their own lives, it didn't make sense to suddenly disperse. As far as she was concerned, they'd been separated long enough. Through the Force, he was always there for her, no matter how far apart they were, but that wasn't enough. Nearly twenty years were lost to two people who were meant to spend their whole lives around one another.
That was the real reason why she'd become his apprentice. His first one, as a matter of fact.
Truthfully, she'd wanted nothing to do with that dread power that her biological father had used to terrorize the galaxy. His abuse sickened her, and her apparent likeness to his personality made her fear the day she took up his gauntlet.
A day her brother assured her would never come.
But, as if to contradict him, she'd had that dream again. The one where fire surrounded her and the sounds suffering plagued her ears. And she couldn't help but feel responsible for it all.
And that was why she now headed towards the door of her home, planning on using the lift to barge into her brother's apartment at an unusual hour as always. Part of her smiled as she slowly ascended towards his floor, knowing full well that he was awake and expecting her. She could sense it.
It seemed that all the things he'd taught her were starting to make her increasingly more aware of her twin's activities.
As she pulled her long, brown hair out of her dark, brown eyes, she stepped forward to exit the now stopped lift. Luke's apartment required a code to enter, one that changed frequently, but she was always apprised of the change. It was getting a lot harder to keep secrets from each other as both their powers grew.
With a beep, the door slid open, and her petite form entered the spacious living room that was her brother's. It was dark, save for the small glow of some dimmed lights over the bar of his kitchen, likely for her to see with, and his active HoloProjector. His lean form was strewn across his sofa, watching the HoloNews while half asleep. With dishwater blond hair was a mess and mixed with perspiration; he'd clearly just finished another workout in his 'office.' "Hello Leia." He called, not moving his icy blue eyes from the projection in the center of the room, "What brings you to 801st Floor?"
She chuckled and pulled her robe tighter to her, "Just wanted to see what my baby brother was up to." she admitted as she turned to watch the news with him.
"Baby brother?" he smirked as he lifted his feet to let her sit, "Who says I'm the younger one, little sister?" Leia chuckled a bit as she took one of his throw pillows, one of the ones she'd bought him because his house screamed bachelor before she'd gotten a hold of it, and curled herself up around it to watch the news.
"In recent news, peace talks on Planet Navadar have failed." Said the lovely, red Twil'ek on in the projection, her black lips switching from smile to frown, as though directing the emotions of her audience, "Senators Tayas and Suido have assured us that every measure was taken to forge an alliance with the Navida, but their prior affiliation with TIE-fighter construction has left them eagerly accepting aid from Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Imperialist Movement, who still hold several worlds hostage along the Outer-Rim-"
"-Why didn't Mothma send you?" Luke suddenly inquired, his eyes still locked on the red Twil'ek, now spewing venom towards Thrawn and his associates, "You've dealt with the Navida before, haven't you?"
Leia shrugged, pulling her legs up to her chest and pillow, "Yes." she admitted, "But that was during the time of the Galactic Empire. Palpatine's lead cronies singled me out as a fresh face pretty enough to appease Duke Hillo." She could feel her brother cringe as she recalled the purple-faced, horn -clad brigand that nearly attacked her, "He's such a pig too... that's why Tayas and Suido were selected." Luke turned to her with his brow raised.
"Because he's a pig?" He wanted to clarify. Leia nodded.
"They know how to handle pigs." She told him, turning to face him for the first time all night. He was tired, his eyes squinting to stay awake, even as the shadows made his angular features seem heavy. But still, he was conscious enough to conduct the appropriate eye-roll and frown as he turned his eyes back to the projection. "Well, the Republic needs all kinds... I guess. Just so long as I don't have to watch you deal with Hillo. Might cut something off."
They continued to watch the report in silence, Leia's inner-eye alerting her to the fact that Han had stirred below and was reaching out to find her in his sleep. Just rest. She told him, You have a big day tomorrow, go back to sleep. She could feel him receive her suggestion and slip back into slumber. Part of her felt guilty for not being there with him, as she should, but she was just too restless.
"Was it the same place?" Luke inquired of her gently, his hand reaching up slightly to pull the remote for the HoloProjector to him from across the room. Leia watched the object absently, her mind trying to push the image of her nightmare as far from her conscious as possible.
"Yes." She finally admitted, despite knowing that her brother already knew the answer. "That strange building again. The room was filled with people... and I feel like I've been there before, I just can't see enough through the fog and fire to identify it again... and my father was there." She paused a moment, waiting for her brother to respond. When he didn't, she prompted him, "What could it mean Luke?"
He shrugged, his eyes on locked on the show a channel before the news feed, this one was just leaving for commercial. "I honestly can't say... Not yet, at least." Leia sighed, unsatisfied.
Luke watched the advertisements a moment on the projector before switching to another channel. This one was a late night comedy that he knew was a bit of a guilty pleasure. It was anything but appropriate, but he didn't care. Nor did Leia, for that matter. Han had gotten them both started on it years ago, and since then, the misadventures of Ziya and Gija had become something of a tradition.
They observed the comedic duo most cheerfully. Both were male Nemoidians that took advantage of their people's unfortunate past to lighten their image. This episode was one they'd not seen before, an episode about the Nubian Blockade that occurred more than ten years before the twins had been born.
The humor of their act was rather ironic, as they depicted themselves as two Nemoidians disguised as Trade Federation Battle Droids on the field. "Ziya," said Gija, the smaller one with slightly bluer skin, "I don't think this was the smartest choice... those Gungans look a little dangerous." The Gungans themselves were wild looking, displaying awesome strength but lacking wit, something Leia was certain would be considered offensive to the people.
"Why do we watch this show again?" Leia suddenly inquired in a slight whine, feeling disgusted with herself for entertaining a performance like this, even privately.
"Because it's hilarious." Luke reminded her, "You especially liked their rendition of the first Deathstar blowing up, as I recall." She had to smile at that memory. That episode was a rather large surprise for both of them. Gija had chosen to portray Luke, while Ziya was Han. In their spoof, the reason the death star blew up was on account of their inability to pilot, rather than their superb ability. Luke's miracle shot was attributed to him bouncing off the Falcon, which was nothing more than a discus, while a mock Darth Vader watched in complete wonder. Luke and Han had been laughing so hard at the act, she was convinced one of them would burst a lung.
Now, Ziya and Gija were before the painted face of Queen Amidala of Naboo, the reigning queen during the occupation of the Trade Federation. She appeared in holo form as a floating head that looked more like a statue at first. With all her features, save for her lips, eyelashes and a dot on each cheek, painted white, she seemed absolutely intimidating. What was funny though, was how in every shot, her crown of hair got crazier and crazier, even sporting the pink bows of a small child.
"I doubt Pooja will like this skit." Leia noted as Luke turned to her in confusion, "The current senator of Naboo. Padme Amidala was her aunt."
"Oh?" Luke replied, and then turned back to the screen, "I wouldn't be... if anything, this shows how tensions have changed between the Nubians and Nemoidians. They wouldn't dare this skit if that weren't the case." Leia shrugged, putting her feet back down on the ground.
"She died young." Leia continued her explanation, "No one is really sure why, but Pooja told me there were a lot of imperials investigating at the time. She was apparently a good friend of Palpatine, but a crusader for the people." Luke frowned, as he always did when Palpatine was mentioned. The man had stolen much from them both, and, try as he might, burying his hatred of the man was not always easy.
"So she's an oxymoron." He suddenly decided as both Ziya and Gija appeared on screen with a disclaimer about their skit, "Why did she even get brought up?"
Leia frowned at her brother, disappointed in his dismissal of the topic. "Truthfully, Pooja thought I was her at first and when she brought her up, I asked about her. She happened to be good friends with my father before she died, and was pivotal to the formation of the Delegation of 2000."
"The foundation of the Rebel Alliance?" Luke noted as he turned the projector off. Leia nodded.
She watched as Luke stood up to head towards his kitchen, likely looking for something to drink. Leia had noted that his glass, which sat on the glass end table, was empty (even of the million cubes of ice he always stuck in his drinks). "My father always spoke fondly of her, and she'd become a role model in my eyes." She added as she stood to seat herself on a bar stool by the sink.
Luke glanced up at her, rubbing the crustiness out of his eyes as he yawned. "A role model?"
Leia nodded, taking the glass he now extended to her as he filled his own directly from the tap. "Yes," she replied, "Most of my policies while in office were greatly influenced by her, often historical, efforts. She fought to end the Clone Wars from the beginning, along with my father and Mon Mothma."
Luke chuckled, "So she likely wasn't a fan of Jedi." Leia shrugged.
"No idea about that." She admitted, "My father was opposed to the war, but he always told me that Obi-Wan Kenobi was the best man he'd ever met." To that, Luke smiled, leaning on the counter with his forearms. Leia observed him carefully, suddenly sensing what she'd missed before.
Her brother was off.
"Is something troubling you Luke?" She wanted to know. He glanced up at her a moment, his icy eyes showing his exhaustion.
With a sigh, he stood up and leaned on the Ice-Box with his arms crossed, "I haven't been sleeping lately, that's all." His voice was quiet, tired sounding, and pained. "I keep waking up because some woman keeps calling to me. Who it is, I don't know... but they are so damned persistent..." He then blinked himself back awake, as he was fighting sleep avidly, "And if it isn't her, this dangerous sounding guy keeps telling me that I'll turn into father, no matter what." In hearing that, Leia felt her brother's turmoil. Felt how lost he was inside. Knowing she had to do something to ease him, she stood up and gave him the big hug she assumed he'd get if they still had a mother alongside them.
"It's probably just the pressure." Leia noted as she stepped back from her brother, noting once again just how short she was in comparison. "I mean, your position is fairly new. You could be experiencing nerves in your sleep, is all."
Luke smiled and shrugged, "I sure hope so." he admitted gently.
All of the sudden, his comm went off. Luke bounded across the room swiftly to collect the small device, pressing the blue activation switch. "General Skywalker!" Called the voice of a perturbed man.
"This is him." Luke acknowledged him, "What is the problem?"
"This is Captain Divo of the Coruscanti Police Force," The man started out importantly, "We have a situation involving a murder and could really use your consultation." Luke frowned and turned to his sister, who rose from her bar stool with raised eyebrows.
Author's Note Part II: So, I just wanted to insert two things. One: The characters Tayas, Suido, Hillo, Ziya and Gija are my inventions. So is Planet Navadar. I just needed some filler stuff to get the story rolling. Luke and Leia are 28 in this story, so I wanted to show how their personalities changed in the last four years in this AU and therefore added to the world to showcase it. If you have any insight to offer on the characters I create, please feel free to comment on it. Two: Despite the synopsis, this story will take a bit to get rolling. I like to build on character's personalities and everyday lives before the plot arrives. So please be patient. I'll try to consistently update as best I can.