Fred was holding her hand as he led her down the corridors and back up the grand staircase to the common room. They walked in silence, not looking at each other until they reached the portrait hole. As Fred was about to speak the password Rose interrupted him "Sorry" she muttered "Snape shouldn't have woken you, I shouldn't have been out this late anyway".

"Rose" sighed Fred "I know you don't sleep recently. I'm worried about you, and by the looks of it so is Dumbledore". Rose said nothing, she felt embarrassed, she shrugged her shoulders turning away from Fred towards the fat lady.

"mimbulus mimbletonia" she spoke. As Rose looked up the fat lady gave her a brief smile before swinging gently open. Rose didn't want to talk to Fred any more so she headed towards the staircase up to her dormitory.

"No" came Fred's voice. She stopped where she stood, Fred closed the space between them. With his hand he stroked the hair away from her neck and kissed it. "Stay" he whispered in her ear.

Hermione had woken early the following morning. She dressed and picked up her new book from the stand by her bed. The girls were still asleep, breathing softly so she crept quietly from the room, closing the door gently behind her and headed towards the common room. "Oh" she exclaimed as she set foot on the bottom step. In her embarrassment she instantly sent her hand to her mouth but it was too late. One of the figures lying across the sofa stirred. It was Fred, when he saw Hermione he smiled softly and lovely freed himself from the figure curled up next to him. "I'm sorry" Hermione whispered as Fred approached her.

"Its nothing" he winked "look", he said "have you got a minute, I want to talk to you".

Hermione nodded and followed Fred out of the portrait hole. "So I was just wanted to ask you" he began

"If Rose has been a bit" Hermione searched for the right words "not herself, recently" she finished.

"Err yeah" Fred said astonished "So you've noticed"

"Pretty hard not to actually" confessed Hermione "Why, what's happened?"

Fred filled Hermione in on the nights events. "It was all just really weird" said Fred "the atmosphere in the office. It was liked I walked into something I shouldn't have".

"But why would Dumbledore send for you?" asked Hermione "Maybe its his way of raising your attentions to something".

"What kind of boyfriend does he think I am" exclaimed Fred "to think that I haven't noticed what's going on". Hermione was slightly taken aback.

"No Fred, I mean something that was going on right there, in that situation, maybe even in the room". Fred looked at her sideways on. Hermione turned pink "Oh I don't know" she blushed, "you asked me." They were silent for a moment. "Look I hope you don't mind me saying but I think Rose wouldn't want us poking our noses in. It embarrasses her". Fred looked confused.

"Hermione something's going on."

"But you know how Rose hates it, another Potter in pain and all that. Please Fred don't dig any deeper, not now anyway."

"Yeah but she's not sleeping, she's exhausted and I'm already doing everything I can". At that Hermione burst into laughter "Oh haha" scowled Fred, and then he grinned. "We haven't you know", he smiled to himself.

"Well, I don't know" shrugged Hermione "Maybe that's what Dumbledore is getting at".