Author's note: I'm still on hiatus and living on a ship. And I'm updating this on an iPod touch omfg this is difficult. The things I do for you people, bejesus ;P

Quinn spent the rest of her weekend buried in books, having swiped one of her favourites from her shelf on her way out of her old place. Once she'd finished that, she'd quickly searched for the nearest used bookstore and bought herself a small (read: large) pile of reAding material, familiar or otherwise, and set up camp on Rachel's cushy chaise. It felt like coming home, and the quiet in Rachel's condo was much less discomfiting when interrupted by the turn of a page and the engrossing stories they held. In fact, the stories were so engrossing that she barely remembered to eat, let alone check her phone.

It didn't take her long, upon getting to work the next Monday to realize that this had been a mistake. The less brazen of her coworkers stared openly at her, while the less reserved remarked to her that she must have "gotten lucky" over the weekend or some sort of thing. She had no idea what they were talking about, until she finally checked her phone in her office, only to realize she'd missed more than a couple texts from friends.

And about forty from Rachel. Shit.

Opting against starting work right away, Quinn quickly called the other woman, already wincing at apparently having missed so much.

"Asshole! You're alive!"

Quinn grimaced at Rachel's volume. "Sorry… I got caught up in something."

There was a pause on the other line, before Rachel drawled out, "Something or someone?"

"No…?" Quinn wasn't sure, but there seemed to be a touch of something else in Rachel's voice, slightly less than just cheekiness. "I bought myself some books and… I guess I got a little caught up in them."

Rachel snorted slightly. "And there's an unorganized pile of them strewn around the bottom of my chaise."

Quinn shook her head in amusement. "Is that a question?" Rachel laughed, before stating that it was, indeed, a statement of fact, and they both knew it. "Anyways, what's up that has you texting me so much?"

"Did you even read my texts?" Rachel's groan when Quinn indicated the opposite had the blonde furrowing her brow in confusion. "Of course not. Well, you know, the usual." Quinn could almost see Rachel shrug. In her mind's eye, she could also see that Rachel was attempting to soften a blow of some sort. The usual did not necessitate so many attempts at communication, and they both knew it. "I'm probably making it out to be more than it is…" Quinn propped her feet up on her desk, leaning back in her chair as she waited for Rachel to stop stalling. "There were paparazzi outside your condo Saturday."

"So?" Rachel chuckled slightly on the other line. "Are we dating? That's nothing too new…" Quinn sighed minutely. "And it should blow over pretty quickly." Unfortunately.

"They got me giving you money for the cab."

"….Ohhhh..." Why was that an issue… Quinn's mind quickly ran through the morning, down to her schlumpy outfit, the way it would have looked to a naive outside, and chuckled at one of the worst implications that could have been drawn from that moment. "So am I now a cheap call girl?" Quinn smirked a little, twirling her hair with her free hand. "Next time, make sure to hand me a wad of Benji's. At least then I can be a classy escort."

"…you don't mind?"

"When have I ever? Besides, maybe now I can add that to my CV or something! I can see it already, under Head Network Technician. 'Fictional High Class Escort'. It'll look great on my LinkedIn profile." Quinn smiled at Rachel's giggle before rolling her eyes. "Besides, you'd think they'd recognize me by now."

"I know, right?"

Quinn threw her feet off the table and sat up straight upon hearing a knock at her door, turning to see the department head, Brad, at the door. "Sorry, Rach, I actually have to start work. I'll see you tonight?" She smiled apologetically at the man, but he waved her off, apparently willing to wait for the end of the call.

It mustn't be urgent then, Quinn mused.

"Toby and I will be waiting, possibly with dinner already made."

Quinn felt her eyebrow quirk upwards of its own accord as she smirked. "You mean Alex will be getting take out."

Rachel snorted, making Quinn grin. "You know me so well. Bye, Quinn, love you."

What the fu-? Quinn's eyes widened, and she sputtered noiselessly before disconnecting the call.

She didn't have time to dwell on that though, because Brad and his partner apparently loved Rachel's last musical, and could she, by any chance, get them an autograph or something? Or maybe tickets of some sort?

Well, at least getting revealed as being best friends with New York's darling diva hadn't actually changed since the last time it happened. It was almost laughable how predictable it was.

Unlocking the door of her condo to the scent of delicious food, however, was something that Quinn could get used to.

"Honey, I'm home!"

Rachel, who had evidently been serenading Toby, who had curled up on her lap, stopped and turned abruptly, beaming at Quinn from her place on the couch. "Welcome home!"

Quinn felt a tug on her heartstrings at that, but she mentally shook it off. She watched Toby launch himself off of Rachel's lap, possibly because Rachel stopped petting him (having gotten up, presumedly to set the table or something), and possibly because Quinn was home, and he missed her. She chose to believe the latter. "The take out smells delicious!" She bent down to smooth Toby's ears to his head as he twined himself between her legs, smiling down at the feline. "I missed you, cutie."

"I missed you too, Quinn!" came from the direction of the kitchen. Quinn chuckled, smirking, as she turned towards the kitchen doorway, where Rachel was leaning on the doorframe with a massive grin, plates of steaming take out in hand.

"I was talking to the cat." Rachel's blush blossomed across her face, as she let out an embarrassed giggle. Quinn fought to keep the grin off her face. "But I missed you, too, Rach." Quinn quickly took her boots off before straightening up, reaching to put her keys in the familiar key dish on the side table. "I mean, it's been more than forty-eight hours since I last saw you!"

"Shut up, you ass." Rachel's playful scowl didn't detract from the continued rosiness of her cheeks. "See if I don't spit in your entree." Quinn followed her into the dining area, silently chuckling, as Toby padded in softly behind.

They decided on a night in, partly because they wanted to wait for the kerfuffle of the last weekend to blow over, and partly because Rachel desperately wanted to marathon some science fiction show that she'd heard rave reviews about.

"Tatiana's in it. Apparently it's her break out role, and she plays, like, five characters or something." Rachel shrugged. "She mentioned wanting to work together, so I thought it'd be prudent to see her early repertoire."

Quinn figured it'd be fine (it was Tatiana, after all), and was pleasantly surprised to find Rachel get super engrossed in the show. They'd long ago vetoed any horror-or-suspense-related media, because Rachel was incredibly easily startled, so Quinn found herself with a jumpy Rachel within the first ten minutes of the pilot.

It wasn't long before Toby gave up on cuddles (Quinn wasn't sure if she imagined the little huff of annoyance from the cat as he jumped down from the top of her couch). But Quinn didn't mind, really, especially since Rachel spent about one third of every episode turned into her chest or grasping her arm.

"It's over, you chicken." Rachel glanced back up at the screen before squeaking as the punk Tatiana found a bloody doll head. "Okay, maybe it's not…"

"Jerk." Rachel's voice was muffled by the fabric of the Yale sweats Quinn had changed into after dinner.


"You love it." Quinn rolled her eyes and didn't respond, instead petting Rachel's hair soothingly. They lapsed into silence as the punk Tatiana yelled at her foster brother about something. Again.

Several hours later, Quinn carefully shifted forward to switch off the television, careful not to jostle the presumedly sleeping Rachel resting on her chest.

"Quinn…?" Quinn hummed questioningly, fingers continuing to run through Rachel's silky locks. Rachel paused a while, before burrowing closer, mumbling a sleepy, contented, "You're my favourite person."

Quinn smiled softly. For now, that would have to do.

A/N 2 : Chapter title from Matt and Kim's "Cameras"