Hello everybody! Welcome to my Frozen AU story!

So, for those of you who LOVE Frozen, this is my little twist on the story. I have scrolled through the Frozen section of Fanfiction bet didn't really find any stories with this idea, and the one I did find was a one-shot. However, I didn't really think much about it until I was scrolling through my Facebook page one day and found a few pictures (the ones in the cover photo for this story), and it got me thinking. How different would Frozen be if Anna was the older sister while Elsa was the younger one, as well as Elsa still having her powers? Along with the idea of messing around with the ages of all the other characters to play into the switch in ages between Elsa and Anna. A few days later, bada-bing bada-boom, this Frozen AU began writing itself. So, now that that brief little introduction is out of the way... I need to address a few others (lots of others) on my other story that I currently have posted which is not related to Frozen in any way, shape, or form.

What is up guys? Yes, I have a new story! No, it will not distract me from my other one, and an update, the next chapter is almost finished... School and life got in the way a lot while trying to write it... as well as this new idea to. Don't worry though, I have the two chapters after this next one, and they are basically written, so updates on that will be fairly quick. I hope. So I'll see some of you (A lot of you because you are following me as an author) over there in a little while. I hope to have ch 20 out by the end of this week, though no guarantees.

Now, for those that have popped over to my profile and back because you had no idea what the heck I was talking about, the story I also have up is a crossover between my two favorite TV Shows from two different TV Stations. And as you probably have noticed, the chapters for that story are anywhere between 8k-16k long, with about 200k words. The chapters in this story will not be that long, so that is either great news, or bad news, whichever you see fit. It's not that I can't write long chapters, because it is obvious that I can, its just that this is a movie and not a TV show, so that affects the chapter length in a lot of ways. I have added my own little parts to the story of Frozen to better highlight things, as well as throwing in some crazy fan theories to the story as well. Which is why it's a AU, because I have changed the plot line in different ways. Now you're all thinking that this is redundant because we all know what AU's are, but I need to get it out there now so I don't get a bunch of hate for things that I may or may not have changed.

Wow, that was a lot to say... A few more things before I start the chapter, and new story:

1. I do not own Frozen, it's characters, or Disney in any way.

2. I am not the one who drew the pictures in the profile picture for this story, I am responsible for arranging them in the format that they are currently in. I found them posted on Facebook and scattered throughout the internet via Google image search, all by other people.

3. This chapter is in third person, so no one specific point of view, but that will change later on.

4. Anna is 5 years older then Elsa.

5. Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 1

Birth of the Snow Queen

Arendelle, Norway. December 21, 1787.

A small kingdom located high up in the north, located in a cliff side range of mountains near the North Sea on the Southwest tip of the Scandinavian Peninsula. This small little Kingdom was right on the water, making it a very prospers city due to all the trade that comes into the kingdom from the sea. A large Fjord that held a generous number of ships within its borders allowed for not only trade but royal events, such as a birthday for a young princess a few months back, who is soon to be a big sister.

The Royal Palace sat on a rock outcropping just off the shore line, or the small shore line as most of the shore was a bunch of ragged cliffs that surrounded the kingdom itself. A bridges connects the castle to the town as well as the docks for the Fjord, while a wall leads off to the left and up the rock slope to surround the town that has inhabited the usable living space within the cliffs themselves. The main bridge was the entrance to the Palace itself, gray stone bricks paved the bridge in a smooth surface. The town was located past the palace and was easily accessible to the main bridge as well as the docks, while following the ragged landscape and weaving around the cliffs themselves. The gates, as the town called them, were always open to the towns' people for anything they could need, and because of this the Royal Family was loved by the entire kingdom.

Celebrations were held all the time in the Palace, and it was always an open invitation for the court yard to welcome all guest. News still traveled just as quickly for those in the courtyard as it does within the palace itself. And when news of the queen being pregnant again was revealed, the kingdom was overjoyed with the news. Just to think, that there were going to be two little bundles of joy running throughout the palace halls. Though no one could have predicted the special gift that was given to the second princess, or the events that would play out afterwards years to come…

It was half past nine when another scream sounded throughout the palace, causing the young princess to jump yet again. Her short twin pony tails of strawberry blond hair lightly bouncing at the sudden movement as well.

"It's okay dear." A middle aged woman shushed, trying to settle down the frightened child.

"But, Gerda, mama is hurting? Why is she hurting?" The youngster asked, her voice quivering as tears threatened to spill from her teal eyes. It was one of the few nights that the little princess was allowed to stay up a later than normal, only because it was a special night. The night her new brother or sister was supposed to come into the world, even though she didn't know all the details, it didn't matter to her.

"Oh, don't worry Princess Anna, it's just for a short while. It will pass." The women, Gerda, responded, getting down on the floor with the five year old princess to sooth her. Gerda gave her a small smile as she reached over and picked up one of the discarded dolls Princess Anna had been playing with and handed it back to her.

"But…" Princess Anna started.

"It will be alright dear, and very soon you will get to see your new brother or sister. Won't that be fun?" She asked sweetly, trying to get Anna's mind off of the reoccurring screams. The idea seemed to work as the young princess began to blabber about how she and her 'sister' were going to do all kinds of fun things together. That had been Anna's response every time she had seen her mother's stomach so round and large. She always spoke how she and her 'sister', claiming it had to be a girl because boys were icky, were going to play together all day long. Gerda smiled as she avoided yet another meltdown from the little girl, but also partly at the mentioning of her wanting to play with her new sibling. As the girl dawdled on and on about being a big sister, she had noticed that the screams had ceased at least twenty minutes ago, but no one had come to bring Anna to her parents and she was beginning to worry that something had gone wrong. It was a small fear, but one none the less, and the options of all that could have gone wrong were beginning to play out in her mind. A quiet knock on the door alerted her to the presence of another worker within the palace, and given Gerda a small shred of relief. Anna had heard the sound as well and looked up at Gerda in curiosity, who motioned for her to continue playing as she had to do some 'adult things'. Anna scrunched her face up in dislike at that idea and refocused her attention to her dolls, continuing to set up a little tea party for her dolls and stuffed animals. Once Anna's attention was focused back on her toys, Gerda opened the door to see the royal adviser, Kai, standing at the door with an unreadable expression.

"Kai, is everything alright?" She asked worriedly, though was able to keep Anna from hearing the tone of her voice.

"Gerda, relax the Queen is fine. The child on the other hand is a different matter." Kai responded, still keeping his unreadable mask in place. Gerda's worry began to bubble back up to the surface and the second sentence.

"What do you mean? You don't mean the child is-" Gerda couldn't finish her sentence out of fear and possible grief for the King and Queen.

"The child is alive, but she is unnaturally cold, cold as ice according to the doctors, and it is concerning for the King and Queen. They told me to let you know of this update and to keep Princess Anna here until His Majesty comes to retrieve her himself." Gerda breathed a sigh of relief, though the newborn baby was alive, with it being as cold as Kai was stating, she didn't want to think that he or she could die so soon after birth. It was common for newborns to die shortly after birth, but she hoped that this wasn't the case. The King and Queen were too generous and kind to deserve such a fate, but stranger things have happened.

"Thank you Kai, I'll keep the princess here until the King comes for her." Gerda replied evenly. Kai nodded, and proceeded back down the hallway to the Queens chambers. The princess seemed to notice the change in the emotions in the room and was staring at Gerda expectantly.

"It's nothing to worry about dear. You mother should be just fine." She reassured the little girl, who smiled and went back to playing with her dolls. Shortly after Kia had left, the aurora lights began to dance in the night sky, sending flashes of greens, yellows, blues, purples, and pinks throughout the room, causing Anna to stop what she was doing and run towards the window. She grasped the window sill and used it to hold herself up on her tip toes as much as she could to try and see all of the lights and their movements across the sky.

"Gerda, Gerda look! The pretty lights are back!" Anna giggled as she pointed to the window with on hand, staring in awe at the pretty colors that decorated the night sky. Gerda smiled, knowing how the young princess loved the lights that would sometimes appear at night.

"I do see, princess, they are very pretty indeed." She smiled at the young girl while she continued to look at the lights. Fifteen minutes had passed before the King had opened the doors, coming to collect Anna and take her to her mother, and hopefully the newborn baby sibling.

"Anna, dear." He called out soothingly, before smiling to Gerda and silently thanking her for watching over his daughter.

"Papa!" Anna cried out in delight, rushing towards the man and tackling his legs in a hug.

"Hey there little one. Are you ready to meet your new sister?" He smiled as she looked up at her father's face, catching her large smile as well.

"Yes!" Anna squealed, smiling wide with the news and bouncing up and down while still gripping his pant leg.

"Another girl, you majesty?" Gerda asked happily, though her tone went unnoticed by the little princess in the room.

"Yes, she is going to be just fine." He answered, causing Gerda to sigh in relief again, "Come now Anna, let's go meet you little sister." As he led her out of the room.

The two exited the room, Gerda following them though keeping her distance, as they made their way down the hallway. Anna was bouncing around with joy while the King tried to keep her quiet as to not wake the young baby up again. As they entered the room, Anna spotted her mother instantly, propped up by lots of pillows on the bed with a blanketed bundle in her arms. Anna carefully climbed onto the bed, after her mother gave her permission to do so, and made her way to her mother's side to look at her new sister.

Even at the age of five, she knew there was something special about her little sister. As if her white hair and cerulean eyes were not a big enough clue, the cold touch of the baby's skin was a big indicator.

"Anna, this is Elsa. Your baby sister." The Queen whispered to the five year old.

"Hi Elsa. I'm Anna, your big sister." Anna whispered to the newborn in her mother's arms, as if the baby could understand her, "We are going to be best friends and play together every day."

The Queen chuckled at that, "You'll have to wait until she's older before you two can play together."

"Aww,"Anna whined, "How long will that be?"

"Not very long, Anna, not very long at all." The King smiled a knowing smile to his wife, who in turn gave him the same smile back.