So here's the next chapter FINALLY. Sorry, I've been really side tracked with homework and stuff but I'll try and update more. Thanks to everyone who is reading this story and I hope you'll enjoy the many stories to come.

Chapter 4.

Atlanta could feel the purple monster's breath against her face, Eris laughed somewhere in the distance and she could hear Jay, Theresa and Neil beginning to call her name.

In that split second she thought it was all over. She expected her life to flash before her eyes, but she didn't see the first time she picked up a bow or the first time she met the rest of the team. Instead she saw only regrets.

There were many and maybe there was too many. But out of all of them one stood out among the rest. She realised in that millisecond she was possibly making one of the worst mistakes in her life and she would probably never be able to make it right.

But when all seemed lost, one relieving noise overcame everything else. It was the familiar sound of adamantine cutting through the air and when she opened her eyes she watched as the whip wrapped around the creature's head and cut through it. The decapitated head fell to the ground with a satisfying sizzling thud.

Atlanta took the opportunity to roll out from underneath the monster before it collapsed on the ground where she once lay. She expectantly looked up and smiled. Archie stood there looking pretty happy with himself with his arms crossed against his chest.

'Admit it, you guys are hopeless without me,' he proclaimed.

'Archie!' Atlanta proclaimed and ran up and hugged him.

Archie instinctively stepped backwards in surprise but eventually awkwardly hugged her back.

'Ewww! I'm out of here!' interrupted Eris and she disappeared leaving only her signature A which soon evaporated too.

Theresa, Jay and Neil had finally managed to untangle themselves from their pile up and ran up to Archie and Atlanta.

'Archie! Glad to have you back,' beamed Jay.

Archie opened his mouth to reply but he was cut short.

'Herry!' Theresa shouted, being the first to remember their injured friend.

'I'm alright!' shouted Herry from the other roof as he stood up.

The others felt instantly guilty realising they had 'temporarily' forgot about Herry.

'I'll be with you in a second! I've just got to find a way of this roof…,' he said as he scratched his head.

All of a sudden a voice filled the air making the fighting seize. The anger which once projected over the city no longer existed but was replaced with perfect Harmony.

'Great work Odie!' Jay praised when they entered Hera's lounge.

'Thanks, but it was nothing. I just had to hack every wireless transmitting sound projecting device in the city and Harmony did her thing. Hey Archie you're back!'

'Uhhhh yeah…' Archie replied, still processing what Odie had said.

'But how did you know we were in trouble? I though Hermes couldn't reach you.' Theresa questioned, turning towards Archie.

Archie didn't say anything but instead held up his PMR and pressed a button.

His voicemails played, which were a variety of pleas from Hermes to pick up his phone and help the others against Eris.

'There's 206,'

'But why didn't you get them straight away,' Atlanta further questioned.

'My PMR was off.'

The others stared at him waiting for him to elaborate but he said nothing.

'Good work team, you managed to stop Eris and the fighting in the city has stopped.' Hera said as she entered the room.

'Well I guess we're back to… whatever we do' sighed Theresa, sounding disappointed.

'But don't you guys see?' Odie chuckled. 'It took us eight weeks to become 'normal' but 8 seconds for us to go back to fighting monsters.'

The others looked at each other realising the truth of his words.

'This is what we're made to do'

'Yeah...' Atlanta answered not taking her eyes off Archie.

Was that what Archie was like normally? If all of this stopped would he just disappear again? Atlanta mulled it over in her head. He still hadn't even told them why he had turned off his PMR. Wild theories flew through her mind but she pushed them away. It was probably something boring, like he was in a movie.

Across the room Jay looked worried.

'You ok?' Theresa asked walking over to him

He replied with a nod still looking worried.

'Look, we stopped Eris, so what's to worry about?' she pushed seeing the worry in his eyes.

'Well, we didn't really stop Eris' he admitted.

'So what? She wasn't really trying?'

'No. It was more like she was trying to… distract us.'