(It's done, my friends! While I have a few editorial issues to take care of, I did finish. Thank you for your support. It's been quite a wild ride.)

Shane had been meandering aimlessly all over Boulder, Colorado for quite some time, and she honestly had no idea where she was. After all, she had only lived here for six months, and all she veritably knew was the post office, her apartment, and Oliver's home. At the thought of him, she ceased walking. How on earth was it that God would grant her such an extraordinary man and then snatch him away from her? She could not comprehend what had happened to her.

At that moment, she looked up and discovered that she was near a body of water with several massive stones. The water was swiftly moving, and she found the spot quite breathtaking. For a moment, she forgot Oliver, Holly, and all the anguish she was feeling. She dropped to her knees and earnestly began to pray. She had no idea where she was, and she was not even aware of the fact that she was praying out loud.

"Dear Father in Heaven," Shane whispered, " I don't understand what is going on in my life. I know I'm still new to Your family, but I know You honestly care about everything in life and in Oliver's life. I wish I understood why You worked everything out for Oliver and me to be together and then, and then.."

Shane could not continue as she burst into tears. Little did she know that her prayers did not go unnoticed.

"I hoped I would find you here," Shane heard a familiar voice speak.

Immediately, Shane began to turn towards the voice in expectation, but she caught herself. After all, there was no way-

"Oliver," she mumbled, as she wiped her eyes and smoothed her clothes," what a surprise. You were the last person I expected to see."

She sensed that Oliver had moved closer to her, but she refused to face him. She just couldn't trust her reaction.

"Is that so?" he responded with a smile. "I do believe that generally one looks at someone in order to see them. I do not believe our eyes have even met since I have been standing here, Shane."

"Oh, uh, well, that is, uh, Oliver, I well, I'm afraid I'm such a mess and I really need to be headed home anyway."

"And why is that, Shane?"

"Well, I have been thinking and I do believe the time has come for a transfer. I mean why would I need to stay here? There must be something er someone I-"

Oliver tenderly placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her towards him. She still refused to look at him, but he was not done with this conversation. "Why, Shane, you cannot be serious. I thought you enjoyed working at the DLO. You had the opportunity to move on but you chose to remain behind. I thought it was that you found the company here quite agreeable."

Shane took a deep breath and shrugged off his grasp. "Oh, Oliver, you three are a fine team without me. I came and just gave you guys nothing but trouble. I broke the rules, pried into personal affairs, and generally upset the entire framework of the department."

Oliver lovingly raised her chin but she kept her eyes closed. "I find that quite alluring, Shane, as that is what we all treasure about you. You came and made changes that should have happened years ago. We were cemented in the dark ages. Because of you, we have influenced and transformed people's lives forever."

Shane finally opened her eyes in spite of her tears and red-eyed puffiness. "But what about the prying? I know that I was the one who took it upon myself to find Holly, and now look at the pickle we're in. I just don't know what-"

Oliver placed a finger on her mouth to silence her. "Shane McInerney, you did what needed to be done when no one else would. I was existing in the past. I was fostering hopes that had been shattered long ago, but I pretended that nothing was wrong. I was living a life filled with fantasy. Oh I admit it was not effortless to let it go. Oh, I yearned to wring your neck when I realized what you had done."

Shane smiled slightly. "Well,I'm grateful you did not do that, Oliver, but the tongue lashing you gave me was rather brutal."

"Ah, but my dear, you did not back down. You know, Shane, that is what truly baffled me. You just sat in that chair and maintained that you did the right thing. I had never had anyone stand up to me quite the way you did. And I was able to detect the fact that you genuinely cared."

"As I recall, it wasn't long before you made some truly positive changes, Oliver. And you were the one to make the next move-even later that day. I remember how you helped me as we followed those sisters out to where they would scatter their mom's ashes. I never expected that gesture."

"Well, I am a gentleman after all, Shane."

"That you are, Oliver, but somehow it appeared to be more than that."

For a moment, Shane's and Oliver's eyes met, and they began to incline their faces towards each other. A kiss just had to be imminent. There was nothing in the way of their bliss so ...

Just prior to this epic moment, Shane backed away suddenly. Oliver looked at her in perplexity. He attempted to reach for her again, but she had already twisted away from him.

"Shane, what on earth is it?" Oliver asked.

"Oliver, I'm so sorry that I've led you on," Shane whispered as she began ambling away from him.

Completely mystified, Oliver swiftly walked behind her and yanked her arm in an attempt to stop her. In an effort to break away, she struggled and knocked him to the ground. In horror, Shane turned to Oliver with concern in her eyes.

"Oh no, Oliver!" Shane called, as she ran to his aid. "Oh Oliver, I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to. Honestly. I-"

He interrupted her with a laugh as he sat up and gingerly clasped her hand. "Oh, princess, you didn't hurt me. I promise." He fervently kissed her hand. She quickly withdrew it and stood up.

"Shane McInerney, you have completely dumbfounded me," Oliver said as he stood to his feet. "Do you mind explicating the situation to me?"

Shane sighed and turned to Oliver. "Oh, Oliver, I am so sorry that I deceived you."

"Deceived me? " Oliver drawled. "Shane, I am not following your reasoning."

"Holly spoke to me-"

Oliver held up his hand in an endeavor to stop her. "Wait one millisecond, Shane."

"Oh but she did, Oliver. She told me that I trapped you, flirted with you, and gave you no choice but me. She said that-"

Oliver drew Shane into an embrace. "My darling girl, why on earth would you believe anything that viper told you? I divorced her because of her duplicity. Do you sincerely believe she would tell you the truth about anything?"

Shane began to wrestle against his grasp. "But, Oliver, Holly was right. I gave you no choice. For all I know, you may wish to enter the dating scene. You never really had the chance after all, and I continued to-"

"Shane McInerney," Oliver chuckled, "can you honestly see me entering the dangerous world of dating? Where on earth would I find anyone who could tolerate an egghead like me?"

"Oliver O'Toole, don't you dare put yourself down! You are a gentleman through and through. And I think your backwardness is absolutely charming."

Oliver raised a mischievous eyebrow at her. "Backwardness? Is that what you think I am, Shane?"

"Well, it's not like you can ever be accused of being modern and up-to-date, Oliver. I mean really-Oh no, Oliver!" She suddenly dissolved into laughter.

Oliver lightly chuckled and drew Shane closer as his fingers lightly danced up and down her ribs. He knew he had to do something to focus her mind on something besides this vile woman from whom they were both free, and it seemed like tickling her had done the trick. As unexpectedly as he had begun, he ceased and dramatically dipped her in his arms. Shane was still breathless from her giggling fit, and now she felt as though her heart was beating so fast that she was concerned that she may not survive her intense love for this unbelievably outstanding man. She knew she should say something, but her mind could not conceive of anything.

"Shane McInerney," Oliver murmured, his voice husky with emotion, " I feel like I have endured a lifetime these past few weeks, but you have made it so worthwhile. I am declaring to you here and now I love you with every ounce of my being and soul. I cannot begin to imagine my life without you. Please do not ever leave me, Shane. I could not bear it. 'I love you more than words can wield the matter, Dearer than eyesight, space and liberty.'"

"Oh, Oliver," Shane swooned in his arms, "you literally slay me with the beauty and force of your words."

"Shane, my princess, my queen, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

For a brief moment, Shane merely stared into the adoring eyes of Oliver O'Toole. How on earth could she even begin to demonstrate to this man the deep affection and caring she had for him.

"Oh, Oliver," Shane responded contentedly, "I do believe Shakespeare did say it best as you just demonstrated."

"Indeed, Shane, and what did he say?"

"His words are now mine, my prince, my king. 'Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, Did my heart fly at your service.'"

"Indeed? Do you mean to imply it was love at first sight, my sweet one?"

"Oh for crying out loud, Oliver, will you just kiss me?"

Instantly, Oliver's and Shane's lips were entwined in a kiss that caused an earthquake within their hearts and souls. Though each had been kissed before, it was certain that this monumental kiss was filled with a passion neither had ever known. Additionally, neither of them wished this kiss would end, but reality had a way of changing that desire.

After what seemed liked far too short a time, both Shane and Oliver broke away from the kiss. Reluctantly, Oliver returned Shane to a standing position though he refused to release her. They continued to gaze at each other wordlessly, but their hearts communicated deeply in a way none had ever known.

"Oliver," Shane finally broke the silence, thus causing Oliver to jump slightly, "oh, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"My dear one, feel free to startle me any time you wish," Oliver whispered into her ear.

"Um, Oliver, don't you think, well, that is, I mean-Oliver! Please, I can't concentrate when you do that."

He looked at her with an innocent grin. "When I do what, Shane?"

"You know very well what you're doing to me, Mr. O'Toole."

Ah, you mean this."

Oliver began nuzzling her neck and nibbling on her earlobe. Shane giggled and attempted to break away from him without success.

"Oliver, please," Shane giggled, "you're getting me all worked up. I can't think."

"That was the general idea," Oliver whispered hotly into her ear.

"But, Oliver, we need to get back to town. And-Oliver!"

Suddenly he stopped and looked at her."Shane, what's wrong?"

"It just dawned on me. Your promise was supposed to be bringing me to Boulder Creek and-"

"Just where do you think we are, Shane?"

She looked around in awe. "You mean this is Boulder Creek?"

"Yes, indeed, my dear. If it had not been, I promise I would have taken you there. I know there were times I battled against that promise you asked me to make, but I am so glad you held me to it."

"Oh, Oliver, you are so romantic."

He beamed at her. "Really? Even if I am backwards?"

"Oh, Oliver, I didn't mean that as an insult. I really didn't. I just-"

"I know, my love. No need to explain. I'm just teasing you."

Shane raised her eyebrows suspiciously. "Really, Oliver? I didn't know you knew how to do that."

"Why, my darling, there is much you do not know about me yet. In fact.."

With a flourish, he pulled a small box from his jacket pocket. He handed it to Shane who stared at him with a look of confusion.

"Well, do not stand there gawking at me, Shane," he grinned. "The box is for you. Go ahead and open it."

With trembling hands, Shane carefully opened the box. Encased within the velvet lining of the box was an antique ring inlaid with gold, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. Shane fingered the ring delicately, and she honestly had no words. She looked to Oliver for an explanation.

"Before Holly and I became engaged," Oliver began, "I had shown her my mother's engagement ring. I always had been mesmerized by it, and I was ecstatic that my mother had put it in a safe deposit box at our bank in anticipation of their missionary work. After the fire, I had retrieved it, and I knew that when I found the woman I wanted to marry, this would be the only ring I would gift to that special lady. I presented this ring to Holly probably a month or so before we journeyed to Las Vegas. She completely scorned it with words like gaudy, ancient, and unacceptable. And since it was preowned and the owner had met an untimely death, she refused to even consider this ring. So I put it in a safe deposit box until this weekend. I reclaimed it from the bank vault and had it resized. I-"

"Woh, how did you know my ring size, Oliver?" Shane interrupted.

He grinned broadly and put his arm around her waist. "Well, Rita is an invaluable resource, Shane."

Shane's cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

"I honestly and sincerely hope that you will wear this ring now as a symbol of our love and out of respect for my mother."

Shane nimbly took it from the box and carefully slipped it on her finger. The fit was exquisite, and she loved the look of it on her hand. Oliver hastily seized Shane's hand and kissed it. She then drew him into her arms and kissed him full and hard. They finally broke apart due to a lack of oxygen.

Shane breathed, "Oliver, my love, I feel quite honored to wear your mother's ring. I have no idea why Holly would-"

"Let's make a rule here and now," Oliver interrupted as he kissed the top of her head. "No more talking about Holly."

"But what if-"

"No, there don't need to be any what ifs. As far as we're concerned, Holly is a thing of the past. We have a scintillating future before us, my love."

"Oh, Oliver, I so agree. And with you by my side, I believe anything is possible."

Oliver kissed her briefly and then enfolded her in an embrace from behind. "So then, my princess, when can we get married? My vote is the sooner the better."

"Indeed, Oliver? And why is that?"

"To be quite forthright, Shane, I do not know how long I can contain myself where you are concerned. One can only remain a gentleman for so long."

Shane giggled, "Oh really, Oliver?"

"Why, Shane, are you laughing at me?"

"Oh, of course not, Oliver, I'd never do that."

"You know, my dear, you have better count your blessings. If we were married, I would-"

"Oh honestly, Oliver, would you quit talking? Just kiss me."

They both embraced and kissed yet again. It was evident that as God had revealed the truth to them, they had been set free to truly love each other. Only God knew what was in their future, but at least they had the comfort to know they were in this together.