Moonlight scattered a crossed the plains as a gentle breeze carried its way through the wind. As a person's hair blew around throughout the wind. It was a typical autumn night. It was possible to taste the winter coming threw the air. It was going to be a brutal one. One that would probably kill some people. A winter that would make the sound of crunch and children would laugh. As thousands of others struggled for their breath trying to make their way in the world with the limits of all they had. Even if it simply was the last of their strength, and in some cases? It was. Even if it wasn't enough. Humans still trying to live their lives to even though they were already half gone, desperate. Hopeless. What futile attempts of such a poorly thought out species. The man puffed rubbing his hands together as he walked back to his hall. Surely something fairly interesting was bound to happen soon. Or he was going to die of boredom with his trek through the leaves in the midnight forest. A place where humans would desperately try to escape. Futilely. After watching humans attempt over and over again wars, onslaughts against each other, murder, and simple striving to survive as they melted away against a couldn't be classified as his fault that he saw these humans as weaker beings. They were so...fragile.
"Even though that's true I'm going to live my life to the fullest! Even if my life will only last for a moment I still want to find what I've been looking for! I will keep looking with all of my will!" A feminine voice shouted the sounds of her footsteps echoing through the forest, a lost pattern, people were already in pursuit of whoever this woman was. The man stomping through the forest paused listening to the woman's useless talking something that would inevitably slow her down, sighed, and then continued his walking. Even if she managed to escape whoever was chasing her there was no way she was going to get out of this forest. The man continued walking stuffing his hands in his pockets waiting for the screaming to come any second now which would be slowly taken down notches as she lost her breath...the fall of someone in the forest she fell down one of the small knolls just enough to make space between the chaser as her footsteps echoed louder towards where this man was standing. "Aren't you going to call for help pretty? You're so fragile looking!" A masculine voice called towards the female being chased. "No! I won't I can defeat you!" The female voice shouted back. There was something intriguing even alluring about this voice as the moon lit the fields just enough so that only things that were ankle high could be seen.
"Ain't that cute? That's so adorable! Besides you don't even have a family to come for you! My buddies you know what we did?"
There was a silence as this man waited to listen to see how the story came out. This late night stroller in a place that was practically named after The Forest of No-Return. Stories had always intrigued this man as he waited for even something as simple as a mere maggot human's story. "I took my buddies round them all up you know and had them go after each of them. One by one. You should've seen it, it was hysterical watching each of them call for each other only to realize what was happening after the situation was over." The man's voice laughed as suddenly a large object was beginning to be moved. "Wo...wench has an axe." The masculine voice laughed as a crashing gory sound echoed through the forest. "Yeah and I know how to use one." the female voice shouted, she sounded full of rage, fury even, but almost complete in control. A sight that would've been a beautiful spectacle to behold. A body dropped to the ground, liquid pouring everywhere ruining the beautiful soft blue of the ground from the moon turning it deep black. As the man who was taking a stroll through the woods walked back towards the scene observing it carefully. She had hit him with the side of the axe causing only blunt trauma. Not meant for a kill. Curious. The strolling man glanced this felon over once again kicking him with his foot as if he were some piece of disgusting garbage. Before finishing the job. Than turning towards the woman whose hair almost glew with the reflection of the moon. "Wait your turn" The woman grumbled fiercely as he stared down at her. She meant to wait his turn for her to attack him. She was obviously struggling, she wasn't even standing anymore, but she kept a tight grip around her axe refusing to let the instrument go. He reached down picking her up, bridal style, easily even though she still struggled to offer resistance. Curious. Curious why humans were made into such weak creatures but even so-
-how had he wound up with a human-woman even humans thought was fragile?