Editor's Note:

It's great to be back to writing this story. Before I move on to this next chapter, I want to address a continuity flaw at the end of the last chapter. Let's all just pretend that you never read that Bo slipped on a pair of underwear since she currently still has an ankle shackle on. What you actually read is that Bo slipped on a sexy black sleep shirt after her shower. I hope you all enjoy the next chapter…..


Bo and Kenzi's Apartment

Sylvia continues to hold Lauren in an embrace as she stands behind the doctor, her body pressed tightly against her dear friend. She could only imagine what Lauren is thinking. The patient blonde had waited so long to find someone to complete her and was so excited to be by Bo's side tonight. And now the earlier feelings of ecstasy have quickly faded to worry and confusion.

Kenzi and Sylvia can feel Lauren's body grow more stiff and tense. They are as dumbfounded as Lauren and just continue to hold and comfort Lauren, not really knowing what else to do or say.

Sylvia looks around at all the various junk food, platters of snacks, wine, and liquor that Kenzi has carefully placed for the occasion. Everything would be perfect if only Bo were there.

Lauren suddenly breaks out of Sylvia's embrace. Kenzi drops her head and releases Lauren's hand. Dyson and Hale continue to stare at the scene unfolding in front of them, wondering what is happening. They are even more dumbfounded as they have yet to even be introduced to the gorgeous doctor.

For once Kenzi is truly speechless. However, she knows that she can no longer stall and has to tell them that the guest of honor may have gone rogue.

Kenzi ushers everyone to a seat in the living room and positions herself in the center of the room, thoughts racing wildly.

"Okay, so, well, ummm…" Kenzi bumbles through the few words she is able to muster.

Lauren's impatience grows.

"Kenzi, what is it? What happened? Where's Bo." Lauren belts out her questions inquisitively and more sternly than she had intentioned.

In a last ditched effort to stall, Kenzi begins to speak again.

"Before we get to that, I believe proper introductions are in order. Lauren, let me introduce you to Dyson and Hale. Them, me, and Bo go way back. These handsome men used to be cops, so as you can imagine our original acquaintance wasn't under the best circumstances. " Kenzi's attempt to lighten the mood is very ineffective. The mood of her captive audience is most certainly the opposite of light.

Lauren looks over at Dyson and Hale, giving them a small nod and then immediately locks eyes with Kenzi. The intensity of Lauren's gaze silently urges Kenzi to give her some sort of explanation as to why the love of her life is not there with them tonight.

Senses Lauren's growing impatience, Kenzi blurts out "Okay, I'm just gonna spill it. Well, there's not much to spill but I'm going to just go ahead and say it."

Kenzi pauses, feeling overwhelming sympathy for Lauren and sheer anger at Bo because she thinks her bestie has regressed and bailed again.

"Bo isn't here." Kenzi says not sure what else to say because she really doesn't have any real knowledge or information about her friend's whereabouts.

"We are all acutely aware that she's not here Kenzi. But where is she? What are you not telling us?" Lauren blurts out.

"I'm so sorry Lauren. I don't know where she is. I of course assumed you two were still wrestling around in the sheets all night. "

Lauren blushes in embarrassment from Kenzi's comment.

"Yes, we did spend the night together and she left my loft this morning. She was supposed to come back here and get ready for the party. What did she say this morning when you saw her?"

Dyson, Hale, and Sylvia glance silently between Kenzi and Lauren.

"She didn't say anything."

"What do you mean she didn't say anything?"

"Lauren, she didn't say anything to me this morning because she never came back this morning." A wave of despair overcomes Kenzi as she says this. Kenzi definitely didn't want to be the one to break this news to Lauren. She can feel Lauren's heart breaking into a million pieces.

Raku's Apartment

Bo slowly lowers herself onto her back as Raku continues to be further drawn into Bo's seduction. The dark haired beauty begins to run her fingertips along her arms while licking her lips. She remembers how much her crazed captor used to love running her fingertips along her arms and watching her squirm. She is hoping that her actions are triggering Raku's memory as well. Raku leans closer towards the monitor, growing more intrigued.

Bo continues trailing her fingertips up and down her arms, giving her own self goosebumps as thoughts of her beloved doctor quickly pop into her mind. She closes her eyes, as her movements become more intense. The images of her sexy blonde lover are quickly arousing Bo which is actually working for her benefit. As Bo continues to touch and arouse herself, Raku becomes stimulated as she mistakenly believes that Bo is thinking of her. In reality, thoughts of Raku are nowhere near Bo's mind.

The captive raven haired beauty slips her hand further downward trailing her way towards her slick center. She gasps in delight in response to her own touch. Bo rhythmically manipulates her slick nob, gyrating her hips and sinking her head deeper into the mattress. Raku's mouth drops at the sight, her breath hitches, and she leans even close to the monitor.

Bo continues pleasuring herself, as the memories of her and Lauren's last passionate encounter vividly splashes behind her tightly closed eyes. But no matter how vivid the steamy memories are, Bo remains aware of the reality of her present surroundings. However, she knows if she continues to pleasure herself for Raku's ever so watchful eyes the deranged woman will eventually slither her way into the lair she has created for Bo.

Guilt over her actions creep into Bo's mind. She despises that she has to resort to this but in her heart she knows Lauren would forgive her for the desperate measures she may have to resort to so she can escape Raku's clutches. Despite the twinge of guilt tugging at Bo's core she continues her seductive and cunning ministrations, hell bent on getting Raku into that room so she can somehow escape.

Sexy, low moans escape the dark haired beauty's lips as her slender fingers remain engulfed in her warm and inviting cove.

Raku is at the height of arousal, wanting nothing more than to burst through the door and take the object of her desire into her arms and ravish her. The sadistic captor pulls up her sheer, loose fitting shirt and exposes two erect nipples. She makes circles around the nipple of her left breast with her finger wishing it was Bo's touch she felt. Her head falls back as if on cue as she reacts from her own touch. Getting lost in her own soft touches, she closes her eyes briefly. She quickly opens them curious as to what scene awaits her on the large viewing monitor.

Attuned and sensing Bo approaching climax, Raku leers intensely at the image of Bo on the screen and turns on the intercom to enhance her experience. Raku wills her eyes to remain open as she slides her own hand between her thin thighs and begins to mimic Bo's every move. The crazed captor's rhythmic explorations match Bo's own, touch for touch. Although separated by the custom built room, Raku's deranged imagination has stretched to the point of almost believing that Bo is actually touching her. She falls deeper into her delusion as the intercom filters in the titillating sounds of Bo's every breath and pleasure induced gasp.

Bo continues her performance, hoping her plan is working. She keeps her eyes closed and head thrown back.

"Well may as well finish my performance of a lifetime." Bo says to herself, staying in character and hoping to seduce Raku into trusting her enough to enter the room.

Raku remains attuned to the brunette's every move as she continues to mimic her skilled exploration of her slick center. Bo bites her lip hoping to drive Raku to the edge. Her plan was working. That simple biting of her lower lip drove Raku wild just as much then as it obviously is now.

A small smirk forms at the corner of Bo's lip as she silently pats herself on the back at that signature move. She knew what feelings it would likely stir within her nutty ex-lover.

"Score one for me!" Bo shouts out in her head.

Raku grunts and writhes against her hand, getting closer and closer to an exploding release. Declarations of how good Bo's hand feel on her erupt from Raku's lungs.

"Oh yes Bo, yes!" Raku shouts.

"She really is certifiable." The brunette continues her inner monologue.

Bo is certain her next move will bring Raku to climax and hopefully one step closer to gaining just enough of Raku's trust and desire to get her into that room. The sexy brunette slowly rolls over onto her stomach and arches her back. Raku's excitement and lust reaches a new level. As Bo rhythmically writhes and grinds herself against her hand, Raku knows she can't delay her release for much longer. Bo arches her back one more time and slides across her hand before erupting into her own release. Raku quickly follows suit and rides the wave of her own climax, breathless and wanting more.

The dark haired woman rolls back over and stares directly into the built in camera.

"Hope it was as good for you as it was for me. It's not too late to really join me. I know you remember how good we were together. How much you craved my touch. How you loved bringing me to my knees in ecstasy." Bo's words are uttered so convincingly as she continues to play out the performance of her life. She would do or say anything to escape this hell on earth. She would do or say anything to find her way back to the woman that totally and completely owns her heart, body, mind, and soul.

Raku hangs on Bo's every word, still aroused by what has just occurred. She slides her tongue across her lip, contemplating her next move.

Bo and Kenzi's Apartment

Kenzi spends the next few minutes giving the most uninformative explanation of her life. She then begins to share her theory that Bo has probably relapsed again.

Dyson and Hale refuse to believe that Bo would screw up again. They have both seen and heard about all she's done to get herself as far away from her old life as she could.

Sylvia also has her doubts about Bo slipping back into her old ways, especially since she has gained the affections of the good doctor.

"No! No! She wouldn't do that. She wouldn't do that to us. She has come so far and she has fallen so deeply in love with me. More deeply in love with me than I ever thought possible." Lauren can feel the tears well up in her eyes in response to hearing her own words spoken aloud.

Kenzi tightens her lips, trying to stop herself from what she is about to say.

"You guys don't know her like I do. I'm not saying this to hurt any of you but what other explanation is there. She spent all night banging bits with her hot blonde doctor and then probably felt like her emotions were so out of control because she loves you so much Lauren. You're right she is more deeply in love with you than she ever thought possible and it scares the hell out of her. I thought she had worked through all that but what if she's fallen off the wagon again."

Sylvia and Lauren are shocked at the words that have just emerged from Kenzi's mouth.

"She once skipped out on me while I was in the shower. And to think, I even used her money to spring for the good plastic ware."

"Kenzi, you're her best friend. How can you jump to that conclusion?" Dyson interrupts.

"Yeah, that's your girl. Your bestie, where's your faith in her?" Hale says, walking towards Kenzi searching her eyes for a reason behind her expressed doubt in Bo.

"Alright everyone, lets calm down and put our heads together and try to figure this out. Bo had just accepted a job with our company. There's no way she would blow things now. So Kenzi, what are you not telling us?" Dyson questions in a concerned tone.

"Nothing dude, I swear. I ain't leaving nothing out. When I tried calling her, her phone rolled right over to voicemail every time. She always calls back unless she's on a bender. Her lack of response is twisting my little Russian arm into believing she's slipped….again…."

The deadpan expressions are instant indicators of how disappointed the gang is with Kenzi for jumping to the conclusion that Bo has relapsed. They all know that Kenzi knows Bo best but none of them are willing to believe that Bo would regress again especially with so many good things going for herself.

"Believe me I will always be there for my Bo Bo no matter what. But this has been her pattern for so long dudes. I hope I'm wrong though. I really am. I am so hoping that recurring thirst of hers or that hungry honey pot hasn't derailed her again."

"I don't even want to think about the actual meaning of those references so I'm going to just glide right over that comment." Lauren says in a serious tone.

"There is absolutely no way Bo would purposely miss this party tonight. Something must have happened. What if she's hurt or worse…" Lauren stops herself, refusing to let her mind take such a dark turn.

"None of us want to think the worse but obviously Bo isn't here. So the question is where the hell is she?" Kenzi blurts out.

"And she hasn't returned any of our calls. Kenzi I know that you have seen Bo at her highest high and her lowest low but I'm not buying into your theory that she has just up and deserted us. Definitely not buying the fact that she's turned her back on Lauren. She wouldn't walk out on her after all they've been through. Only an idiot would throw away an opportunity to be with someone like Lauren. No cravings would be strong enough to seduce her away from this woman." Sylvia says, eyes locked on Lauren.

Lauren blushes, keeping faith in Bo's love for her.

"Alright then peeps! Operation where the hell is Bo Bo is now in full affect."

Dyson and Hale grin and shake their heads at Kenzi's comment.

"Yep, never in my life have I met a person with such a way with words." Hale utters with a wide smile.

"Hey it's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it."

Kenzi takes a look around the room, nodding her head in appreciation of the spread of snacks and beverages she's arranged.

"And hey guys, help yourself to something to eat." Kenzi says as she stuffs a handful of cheese puffs into her mouth.

Dyson and Hale ask Sylvia, Kenzi, and Lauren to give as much detail as they can about their last interactions with Bo.

"Except Hotpants, we don't need those kinds of details." Kenzi mutters between chews.

Sylvia playfully pokes her friend in the ribs. Lauren stares in Kenzi's direction, forever surprised by the words that escape her lips.

After listening to Sylvia, Kenzi, and Lauren, Dyson and Hale deduce that the only plausible explanation for Bo's absence has come from Lauren's description about her chance encounter with Bo and a woman at Cho Shoshito. Lauren's thoughts flash back to the memory of the striking woman clinging to Bo and playfully toying with Bo's hair in the restaurant lobby.

"Shit, that's right. Bo did meet up with that crazy bitch. Who does that? Who meets an ex at a fancy restaurant to say thanks but no thanks? And the answer is….only our Bo Bo!"

Dyson, and Hale find themselves slipping back into the land of the lost as they once again have no idea what Kenzi is babbling on about.

"That crazy ass chick had better not have anything to do with Bo's absence!"

Kenzi is graced with the task of explaining Bo and Raku's history to the gang. Bo had given Lauren a general overview of her acquaintance with Raku but wanting to spare her feelings she hadn't gone into great detail about their involvement. Kenzi begins her explicit account of Bo and Raku's tumultuous entanglements including Bo's journey into complete darkness and drug fueled exploits with the gorgeous yet very disturbed woman.

Everyone's facial expressions exude utter shock and disbelief in response to Kenzi's unfortunately true recap of Bo and Raku's exploits.

"Just wanted to give as much background as possible in case it turns out Crazy Pants has something to do with why Bo isn't here tonight."

Lauren continues to be visibly shaken by the graphic details Kenzi has just provided. However, she remains completely assured that Bo would not walk out on her to return to some dysfunctional relationship with the woman in question.

"If Bo is with this Raku person, it is most certainly not on her own accord. I think we should track her down, find out what she knows."

"Doctor turned investigator. I'm beginning to like you a lot already." Dyson says, smiling and tossing the doctor a wink.

"Alrighty then people, let's find Crazy Pants and hold her sexy little feet to the fire and find out what she knows."

The gang gathers together, contemplating their next move.

Back at Raku's Apartment

Raku has just exited the shower. She slides into a pair of hot pink low rise boy shorts underwear and slips on a lacy cami. She slinks over to the monitor as Bo's lays in bed in her ankle shackle and staring helplessly at the ceiling.

The deranged woman is torn between her desire and her doubts. She so badly wants to enter the room she custom crafted for Bo and lay beside her, touch her, ravish her.

All rationality and reality has left Raku's mind. She is still reveling in the emotions conjured up by the sensual interlude she "shared" with Bo and she makes a rash decision.

Bo bolts up in bed, shocked to hear Raku's voice whispering her name from the now open steel door.

End Note: Thanks again for reading, for the follows, for the favorites, and for the overall general support. I really appreciate you all coming along on this journey….Cheers!

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