In Love with You

Written by Shell

Disclaimer: I don't own WWE or any superstars. I make no profit just to entertain people.

Summary: Roman's has a big secret that he's been hiding from Dean and Seth. They follow him to a beach thinking he's meeting up with a secret lover. They had every intention on calling him out on it. Instead they get an interesting surprise. Roman's not human. Sorta based on the Little Mermaid and Splash but not really.

Genre: Supernatural.

Pairings: Dean/Roman/Seth

Rating: M

Roman woke up early and snuggled out from his lovers. He smiled as they whined at the loss of body heat before finding each other. He sighed sadly as he ran his fingers through his hair. Last night was absolutely incredible. The way they made love with each other. The way he rode Dean's cock hard as Seth fucked him at the same time. He loved it. He loved being double team. The way he could feel both lovers at once. He rubbed his ass. He was sore. But he enjoyed it. He enjoyed the touches, the kisses, the moaning, and the panting, the hair grabbing everything about last night he loved. He was selfish last night. He wanted to make love, to fuck, to just feel his lovers all night as hard as they can give it and as much as he could give them.

He sighed softly as he watched them sleep soundly. Last night had so many meanings to him. It was the last night he'll be able to touch his lovers like that. It was the last night that his lovers were going to be able to make love to him. It was the last night that they would be partners in ring and outside the ring. It was the last night he'll be human.

His heart was breaking. He didn't want to go back. He wanted to stay here. Stay with his lovers. Stay with the humans. Stay with wrestling. He loved it. He loved being in the ring. Performing for the fans, competing with others to make it in the top spot. He loved it all. But now he would not be able to enjoy it anymore.

Roman went into the balcony of their hotel room. He smelled the ocean air and smiled. It was relaxing to hear the sea gulls squawk, the waves hitting the rocks, and the smell of salt water that mingled in the wind. It relaxed him. It also called to him. It told him it was time to come home. He's been away long enough that the ocean needed her prince and he had to obey. He sat watching the sun rise, enjoying the colors that painted the sky so early in the morning.

He closed his eyes just enjoying the peace and quiet of the start of a new day that he nearly missed the door opening and then strong hands pulling him into a loving embrace.

"What are you doing up so early Rome?" A sleepy, gruffer voice stated with a yawn. "It's too fucking early."

Roman smiled as he lean into Dean's embrace. "Just enjoying the sun rise. You should see it. It's fucking beautiful."

"Yeah…no… I enjoy my sleep too much. And how the fuck can you be up this early with what happened last night. Seth is still passed out cold." Dean grunted as he kissed Roman's neck.

Roman let out a moan and smiled at his lover. "I just want to feel the sun on my skin and you know I have a stamina of a bull."

"That's for damn sure. Are you sure you weren't trying to kill us." Dean grumbled as he bit Roman's shoulder.

Roman moaned and felt his cock starting to stir. "Keep that up and you'll find out. Although I'm not sure you'll be able to get hard right now."

"Shut the fuck up." Dean grumbled.

"Are you two coming back to bed…its way too fucking early to move around? I'm fucking sleepy!"

"Demanding shit isn't he." Dean chuckled.

"Go back to sleep Seth."

"Can't…you two aren't in bed with me."

"Did I mention he's clingy?"

"Fuck off Dean."

"Mm…Fucking sounds good right now but Rome killed our cocks."

"Oh my god."

"That he did. I enjoyed every fucking minute of it" Seth giggled. "Now get your asses back in bed so I can sleep."

"Better do what Prince Charming says." Dean huffed as he pushed Roman back into the room and into the bed. "Middle. Stay there. Don't even get out for another eight hours."

"Now who are you call demanding little shit?" Roman teased.

Seth snickered as he pulled Roman back into bed. "We're exhausted Ro. We want sleep."

Roman snuggled into Seth breathing in his scent. His heart started to ache again. Knowing he won't be able to be with his lovers anymore. He sighed softly and kisses his lips. "I love you Seth. I love you and Dean so damn much that it hurts."

Dean wrapped his arms around Roman and looked at Seth with wide eyes. Something was wrong. He knew it. The way Roman just spoke he knew something was wrong.

"Baby?" Seth asked. He felt fear rising in his stomach. For Roman to say he loved them like this was normal but the tone came out something totally different and it scared him.

"Never ever forget that I love you. I love you both for all time." Roman stated as he pulled both of them closer. He felt the tears fall. He truly didn't want to leave them but he has to.

"We love you to Ro. We're not going anywhere. We'll always be by your side. "Dean stated as he kissed Roman's cheek.

"Forever baby always forever" Seth stated as he kissed Ro's lips. He saw the tears and eyes widen. "Roman what's wrong? Why are you acting like this?"

Roman sat up between his lovers. He wiped the tears from his face and sighed. He couldn't tell them. He couldn't tell them the truth. "I have a lot on my mind. And the thought of losing you two is so scary. I never thought I could love so much until I met the both of you. You both are my entire world, my universe. I know one day we'll have to leave each other because we're not immortal. But it's scary what if it's today. What if one of us passes away? How could I live without you?"

"Death is only the beginning love." Dean stated as he sat up. He took Roman's head in his hands and kissed him. "There is so much more after we leave this world. I've always believed that. I had a shitty life but I always believed there is so much more after we live this life. We'll be together. We always manage to find our way to each other. Death can't separate us for long."

"I agree with Dean. I'm sure we were always together in past lives. Death doesn't stop after we're gone. We move on to the next life. Just believe we'll find our way back to one another. And if will be devastating if one of us left now but we'll never forget. It'll take a long time to heal but we will always love you. We might even join you because I know I couldn't live without you."

Roman's eyes widen. "NO if there's one thing you do for me. Promise me this. NEVER EVER KILL YOURSELF. NO SUCIDIDE. Please Just Promise me this!" He knew that nothing would exist if they killed themselves. He asked his uncle about and was told that they went to the void of no return. He couldn't risk Dean and Seth going there. "PROMISE!"

Dean and Seth eyes nearly popped out of their heads when Roman freaked out. They haven't seen the big guy come unglue like this it truly frightened them.

"Ro, what is wrong?" Dean asked as he wrapped his arms around his lover.

"Please Just Promise me you won't kill yourselves!"

"We promise Ro. We won't kill ourselves." Seth stated as he kissed his lover.

Roman let out a small moan as his heart was starting to calm down. He wrapped himself up in his lovers.

"Come on Ro, Let's go back to bed for a couple more hours. We all need the sleep" Dean gently urged as he pushed Roman back down and wrapped his arms tightly around the larger man.

"Mm…Kay" Roman yawned. He was tired now and knew it. It was one last time to sleep with Dean and Seth.

Roman woke up later in the day and stretched. He really needed that extra sleep. He turned and saw that Dean and Seth were out of bed already. He sat up and looked around the room to find his lovers. He saw the room was empty. Probably went to eat or work out in the hotel gym. He climbed out of bed and went to take a shower. He had to get ready and it seem luck was on his side today. He could sneak out and head to the beach.

He finished his shower and dressed in shorts and a shirt. He grabbed his wallet and hotel room key and left the room. Once out of the elevator he walked out towards the lobby never noticing his lovers were coming back to the room with lunch for him. They notice Roman walking out of the elevator and towards the exit of the hotel.

"Where's Ro going?" Seth asked.

"Don't know. It's like he's in a hurry. He wouldn't leave without telling us." Dean stated with a frown.

"You don't think?" Seth asked quietly.

"Roman wouldn't do that? Not after what happened earlier. Something else is bothering him. Let's go after him."

Seth nodded as both headed out after their lover. They wondered where he was going in such a hurry. The watched him cross the street and headed to the beach. They relaxed a bit as they followed their lover to the beach. It was a nice day to spend at the beach. To play in the water, lay out in the sand, make out in the water and sand. It was good day for fun. But what bothered them was that Roman had no beach towel, no sun screen, nothing.

"He may just go for a walk to clear his head." Seth stated.

"Let's follow him. I'm still worried." Dean said softly.

Seth nodded as they followed Roman to a secluded section of the beach. They watched from behind the rocks as Roman stopped. He turned to make sure he was all alone. Roman then begin to strip his clothing until he was butt naked.

"Oh….so this is what our Roman is up to" Dean grinned.

"He could have told us, he was going to go skinny dipping" Seth stated as his cock stirred. "We would have joined him."

"You said it" Dean licked his lips as he watched Roman head to the water. "Although, I don't know if I want the whole world to see Rome so naked."

"I don't want to share either. But right now I want to bury something in that nice ass of his" Seth stated as he continue to stare at that firm butt.

"Mm, me to." Dean drooled.

Roman started to run in the water causing both Dean and Seth to whine in frustration at the sight of a naked Roman running deeper in the water. His butt was giggling and his dick was bouncing which caused the two lovers to get so hard so fast. Roman grinned as he dove into the water and eyes closed as he felt his legs disappear and a tail appear in place of the legs. He dove deeper into the water loving the way it felt against his skin, the way it relaxed him. He missed being in the ocean more than he cared to admit. He just swam enjoying the water and feeling carefree at the same time.

"Come on Dean. I want to be there when he emerges. Then we can have sex on the beach." Seth grinned.

Dean laughed. "Isn't that a drink?"

"Smart ass you know what I'm talking about." Seth rolled his eyes and dragged his partner and lover over to where Roman discarded his clothing.

Dean smiled as he sat on the warm sand next to Seth and waited for Roman to come up for air. Seth sat next to Dean and wrapped his fingers around his lovers.

"Um Dean…" Seth stated as he watched for Roman.

"I know Seth. I'm thinking the same thing." Dean frowned. Roman hasn't come up for air and it was starting to scare the shit out of him.

"How long has it been? He should have come up for air." Seth stated.

"Way past two minutes." Dean stated as he got up pulling Seth with him.

"Is he drowning!? Oh god Dean he's drowning!" Seth stated as he ran towards the water.

Before Dean or Seth can do anything however, Roman jumped out of the water and then dive right back in, his tail hitting the water as he did so. He didn't notice his lovers just stood there with their mouths wide open just staring at the sight they just witness.

"Um Seth…are we drunk?"


"Did you see what I thought I saw?"


"Is it even possible?"

"I would say no but I saw it with my own eyes."

"And that was Our Roman right."


"Our Roman? Our power house of the group. The big guy with two legs, tan skin, Samoan, tribal tattoo, long dark hair, fucking sexy as hell, loves cock in his ass and doesn't have a tail."

"That is our Roman."

"But he has a tail. Is he a fish?"

"I'm a merman actually" A deep voice replied. When he reemerged from the water after his jump his heart nearly fell out of his chest. There on the beach were his lovers just gawking at him. He knew they saw him. He was scared that this would drive them away. Maybe it was for the best if they knew. "More importantly not just any merman but a high prince."

Dean and Seth nearly jumped out of their sandals at the deep voice and saw Roman laying on the wet sand looking at them. His tail was splashing the water.

"Okay so we're not dreaming this?"


"Roman has a tail."


"We're not high as a kite."

"Nope and we're not drunk either."

"So mermaids or mere folk are real and not mythical."

"Correct" This time Roman stated.

"So are you like related to Ariel?"


"The little mermaid." Dean replied.

"That was Disney. She doesn't exist." Roman stated as he pushed himself to sit up.

"So want to explain this?" Seth asked.

"I'm going to have to" Roman said softly. "What I said earlier this morning. It's the truth. I do love you. But I'm glad you found out because it'll make what I have to say next a lot easier."

Dean and Seth looked at each other. They suddenly felt nervous and anxious. Something bad was going to happen and they knew it.

"I'll tell you my tale because after today my loves….I'll have to leave you and I won't be coming back."