Harry began laughing at the amount of money he was about to gain and ironically it was thanks to Dumbledore that he was going to get it in the first place. The Headmaster had stolen all his money and had inadvertently helped Harry to find the stone, had the Headmaster not stolen all his money, he might never have known about the stone, as it was Harry James Potter was about to become a billionaire and immortal in one day. The money and Immortality would now help him wage war against Voldemort, the Ministry and Dumbledore. Once he was trained he would bring down the corrupt ministry and in its place he would build a ministry without corruption and purebloodied bigots running Magical Britain, he did not care if he had to kill every worker at the Ministry to achieve his goal of a corrupt free government. Dumbledore and his band of thieves would pay dearly before he snuffed out their pathetic lives. And Voldemort was just a rabid dog that needed putting down for his own good.

Harry knew that he would need help in his war; there was no way he could take on the ministry, Dumbledore and Voldemort without any help and hope to win. Fudge had the Auror's, Dumbledore had the Order of the Phoenix and Voldemort had the Death Eaters, so Harry would need his own army if he hoped to take out the three sides. But Harry already had an idea forming in his mind. He would arm the Muggleborn's who had been disarmed by the Purebloods and were constantly targeted by Voldemort and his Death Eaters, while Dumbledore and the Order did very little to help them. He would also recruit heavily from Hufflepuff house at Hogwarts as those students where bullied the most by the other three houses and would hopefully join him in making the world a better place; he would of course recruit students from the other houses who were bullied on a daily basis, namely people like Neville Longbottom.

As he and Ragnook left his vault to go transform the metal into gold he hoped that Sirius would be his first recruit and would also help him as he began to train for his war on the three factions. However until he was ready to launch his war he would let the three sides slug it out and hopefully severely cripple each other, making it that much easier for Harry to take over.

First kill

It had been a week since Harry visited Gringott's. Ragnook had had a team of Goblin's turning all the gold Harry had created into galleons, it had taken a team of twenty Goblin's working 12 hour day shifts but finally one week after his visit the goblin's had finished. They had moved the gold and his family heirlooms to his new vault. Harry had decided to open a new vault under the name Jamie Evanson, as a nod to his parents without being too obvious, he figured that people might guess a name like James Evans but Jamie Evanson was enough removed that he hoped nobody would guess he was still living in the wizarding world.

He had written a letter to the betrayers Weasley and Granger informing them that he had been expelled and his wand snapped; he told them that somebody had emptied his vault of all his gold but the goblins would not tell him who had stolen his money, he had told them that he had sold his family heirlooms and had returned to the Muggle world to restart his Muggle schooling. He knew that the two would inform Dumbledore and the old fool would now waste his time searching for him in the Muggle World. He would in fact be in his new manor that he had contracted the Goblins to build for him, true he only had 500 galleons that Ragnook had loaned him but the Goblin had trusted him enough to have his construction team begin building his new home, knowing that as soon as the gold was made into galleons they would be paid handsomely for the house.

Harry meanwhile had spent a week in a Muggle hotel so he could prepare to move into his new house. He had written to Sirius explaining everything and what he planned to do. Unsurprisingly Sirius had pledged his loyalty to Harry and had promised to be at his side as he took down the three sides. Sirius had explained that the only reason he stayed in wizarding Britain after escaping Azkaban was to be close to him; he felt no love or loyalty towards Dumbledore after the headmaster had let him be imprisoned without so much as a trial. They had both agreed that it would be best for Sirius to remain at the Order headquarters so he could spy on the Order for Harry and besides Dumbledore might become suspicious if Sirius left, he might think he had gone to join Harry and he might work out that Harry was still in the Wizarding world and not living fulltime in the Muggle world. Harry knew that if Dumbledore found him, he would force him to live at Grimmauld place and he would be unable to take out his revenge on the three sides.

A week after his visit to Gringott's found Harry walking down Knockturn Alley wearing a long black cloak with a deep hood pulled up over his head completely hiding his face in shadows. Reaching his destination, he opened the door and stepped inside. The shop was narrow and shabby just like its counterpart in Diagon Alley and the whole place had a thin layer of dust about it.

"What can I get you?" asked a grey-haired man as he came out of the backroom of the shop and moved to stand behind the counter.

"I need a new wand, one that the Ministry cannot trace." Harry replied as he came up to stand in front of the counter. He kept his hood up, just in case the wand maker worked for Dumbledore, Fudge or Voldemort. Though Harry would put his money on Voldemort; he would be shocked however to learn that the wand maker was not loyal to any of the three current factions.

"Then you have come to the right place, friend." The wand maker nodded as he reached under his counter and pulled out a measuring tape which began measuring the hooded wizard before him. He was unconcerned about the shady way the wizard kept his face hidden, he was used to shady wizards in his shop, it was located in Knockturn alley after all.

After the tape had finished measuring Harry it returned to the counter and the shop keeper cast a spell on it before consulting a piece of parchment on his counter. After a few moments he looked up.

"I believe 13 inches precisely will be the perfect length for your wand." The wand maker said as he looked up from the parchment.

"My old wand was 11 inches long, made of holly and had a phoenix feather core." Harry replied with a frown that was hidden by his hood.

"Ollivander?" Asked the wand maker with a sniff. "He doesn't make custom wands like me, he makes them in bulk and tries to match a wand to a wizard as best as he can, I, on the other hand make each wand one at a time for each customer." His explanation finished, the wand maker reached under his counter and began placing blocks of different wood on the countertop.

"Very well, what do you need me to do?" Harry asked as he looked at all the different woods.

"I need you to pick up each sample of wood and the one that feels the best will be the wood for your wand." The wand maker explained as he placed the last piece of wood was placed on the counter.

Harry reached out and began to pick up each of the blocks of wood samples. Finally he picked up a sample of wood which felt very warm and felt perfect to touch. "I believe this one is the wood for me." He passed the sample to the wand maker.

"Ebony." The wand maker sounded surprised as he took the wood sample from Harry. "Visually very dynamic and most famous of Dark woods, extremely powerful, hardly ever used, Interestingly, it is one of only two wand woods that excels at every type of magic, the only other wand wood able to claim this type of affinity with magic is Elder wood, the most powerful wand in existence is believed to be crafted with Elder wood."

"Excellent." Harry replied as he watched the wand maker clear away the rest of the wood samples with a flick of his wand. Once the wood samples were gone the wand maker began putting jars on the counter, opening the lids as he did so.

"Now for your core, all you have to do is hold your hand over an open jar, you will know which is the core for your wand." The wand maker explained a few minutes later when he had placed the last jar on the countertop.

Harry once again reached out and held his hand over each jar, when he was finished he had two jars in hands and he handed them both to the wand maker who gasped in shock as he looked inside them.

"Basilisk Skin, Extremely Rare, Extremely powerful and dangerous. Almost always bonded to a Parselmouth and/or a Dark wizard. Excels in offensive and defensive magic's." the wand maker explained as he placed it next to the ebony wood sample.

"Boggart Skin, a Shapeshifter that takes the shape of whatever the person beholding it fears most. Getting hold of a boggart is extremely hard and often traumatic. Extremely strong for Transfiguration, powerful ties to the Dark Arts. Well suited to Legilimency. "He then placed the jar next to the other jar and the wood before he cleared away the rest of the jars on the counter.

"It sounds like my wand will be very unique and very powerful." Harry grinned darkly, not that the wand maker saw his grin.

"Extremely so." Agreed the wand maker. "Now this will take me about an hour to make, so if you could come back then as I need absolute silence and concentration while I work, especially with your wand." He told Harry as he flicked his wand changing the open sign on the door to read closed.

Harry nodded before leaving the shop, the door closed behind him with a soft click as he looked up and down the alley, making up his mind he walked down the alley passing four shops before he turned into and entered a large, dimly lit wizard's shop. As he looked around Harry spotted a glass case that held a withered hand on a cushion, a blood-stained pack of cards, and a staring glass eye. Evil-looking masks stared down from the walls, an assortment of human bones lay upon the counter, and rusty, spiked instruments hung from the ceiling.

A stooping man had appeared behind the counter, smoothing his greasy hair back from his face.

"How can I help you?" asked the man as he spotted the hooded wizard looking around his shop. His voice as oily as his hair, a greedy gleam in his dark beady eyes.

"Do you sell books? Harry asked the man, who he recognised as the same man he had seen serving the Malfoy's in the summer before his second year. Borgin, if he remembered correctly.

"Yes, we do, what subjects do you need books in?" Borgin asked as he straightened up some and his greedy eyes sparkled at the thought coin.

"I want every book you have in every subject including the Dark Arts, money is no object." Replied Harry as he flashed a gold Gringott's card. Only the richest wizards in the world had one of these cards, not even the Malfoy's had one of these cards.

"You do realise that will be over 600 books and some on the darkest of the Dark Arts, the price will be in the thousands, some are extremely rare." Borgin spoke quietly as though trying not to be overheard by any of the witches, wizards or hags walking past his closed shop door.

"Very well, I will return in one hour to pick up the books, beware, if you screw me over, you will not live to regret it." Harry warned darkly before exiting the shop.

Harry spent the best part of an hour touring the shops of the dingy alley but did not purchase anything of note; he did get a hair-cut, going from long messy hair to short messy buzz-cut.

After almost an hour, Harry returned to the wand shop, as he closed the door, the wand maker came from the back room with a large smile on his face, in his hands he carried a long, black leather box.

"Ah good, your back, right on time." The wand maker seemed extremely excited, yet nervous at the same time as he placed the box on the countertop.

"I take it, the wand is ready." Harry nodded to the box as he reached the counter.

"It is." Nodded the wand maker as he slid the box toward Harry.

Harry reached out and opened the box; lying on purple velvet was a long, slim black wand with a high polish finish. Just opening the box and looking at the wand, Harry could feel the power of the wand.

"This is the most powerful wand I have ever created." Commented the wand maker as he watched Harry reach out and pick up the wand.

Harry took the wand. He felt sudden warmth in his fingers. He raised the wand above his head, brought it swishing down through the dusty air and a stream of sparks shot from the end like a firework, throwing dancing spots of light on to the walls.

"How much?" He asked the wand maker as he placed his new wand in his wrist holder.

"70 galleons." The wand maker replied as he looked to Harry.

Minutes later Harry had paid for his wand and was entering Borgin and Burkes to collect his books.

"Your books are ready." Borgin said as soon as Harry had closed the door. In front of him was a large bag.

"That's a small bag for over 600 books." Harry commented in a low growl, showing that he did not trust the oily wizard.

"The books have been shrunken down to fit into one bag; otherwise you would be walking out of here with more bags than I have." Replied Borgin quickly, this wizard was about to pay him a lot of money and he wanted to keep him happy.

"Prove that every book in this bag is worth the money you are about to charge me." Harry said as he discreetly slipped his wand into his hand.

"How do you suppose I do that?" Borgin asked quickly.

"Swear an oath on your magic." Harry replied in a voice that left no room for argument.

"I, Caractacus Borgin, Swear on my magic that this bag contains all the books in my shop and is worth the 4'400 galleon price tag." Borgin swore the oath before performing a simple Lumos charm to prove he still had his magic.

"Good." Harry spoke after a moment. He made a show of reaching into his pocket where his Gringott's card was, he knew that Borgin knew which pocket he had taken his card from earlier. He watched at Borgin's greedy eyes zeroed in on his pocket before.

"Avada Kedavra." His wand snapped up and the deadly green light collided with Borgin's chest. The oily haired wizard was dead before his body even hit the floor, his face forever locked in a look of shock and surprise.

Harry looked at the body of his first, intentional kill and if he was honest with himself, it felt good to wipe Borgin's oily stain from the wizarding world.

Harry grabbed the bag of books on the counter before he fired five Incendio spells around the shop, once the shop was well and truly lit on fire, he reached under his robe and activated his Portkey which he had purchased from the Goblin's, which would take him to his new manor house.

Once home, Harry headed to his library to begin sorting his new books before he would start his training, once he had finished training, he would unleash his revenge upon the three factions. Nothing and nobody was going to stop him from taking over the wizarding world and making it a place where everyone could live in peace and harmony no matter if they were pureblood, Muggleborn, squib or magical creature.

AN: So what do you think? Like it, don't like it, please review.

AN 2: I've just got myself a new tattoo, it's a Death Eater Dark Mark on my left forearm, its ace, always wanted to get one.

AN 3, I don't know when I will next be able to update as I'm moving this weekend and getting married next weekend but the next chapter will be here as soon as possible.