Hi everyone! Supermikeyninjalady here! Ok first of all I want to say sorry about my two incomplete stories. I WILL BE BACK TO THEM LATER! But I just had to put this idea into action. My other complete story is Just Be Mikey if you like to read about hurt Mikey and protective older brothers, then you will love that story. Please feel free to read and review that one. But you don't need to because it has nothing to do with this story.

Anyways… please enjoy this and please REVIEW!


Mikey's P.O.V

The old church bell rang 12 times, indicating that it was midnight in the city. It was the only old church in all of NYC and its chimes were loud and plentiful.

I counted the number of chimes in my head as I listened to the padding of the rain dropping almost silently onto the streets above.

I am the only one awake.

Boy are Raphie's snores loud… I thought to myself, looking up to see Raph asleep on the top bunk of the room we shared.

It had been a long uneventful day in the sewers. Raph had chased me around the lair a few times, I bothered Leo while he was meditating, I pulled a prank on Donnie where I put salt into his coffee instead of sugar… the usual.

I sighed.

There was something going on with the Foot Clan. Every time we fight them they seem to just get stronger.

Every strength of ours, they know.

Every move of ours… they know.

And every weakness of ours, they have wrapped in their brains. Held tight with lock and key.

And it just got worse.

Patrolling the city every night got harder and harder since we always seem to run into the foot clan everywhere we go. Even my hot head older brother Raph, and he-thinks-he's-tough Casey were wary of going to the city alone.

I closed my eyes, trying desperately to just go to sleep, but sleep came hard these days.

Things will get better… right?

Leo's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of pancakes wafting from in the kitchen.

"Good morning guys." I yawned as I entered, seeing my brothers and Sensei sitting around the table with looks of distress.

"Or not so good mornin…" Raph grunted, throwing the newspaper over to me (who even knows how he gets the newspaper anyways…)

I gasped as I read the heading.

A group of what seem to be ninjas in black attire, terrorize the city streets

"The foot clan…" I whisper then looking up, I say "This has got to stop. Tonight we should go out and face them."

"I agree Leonardo, but you must be careful." Master Splinter said with ease and authority.

"Yeah Fearless, we can't just jump into things without a plan. And I thought yer the rational one." Raph grumbled again.

I looked at him with annoyance in my eyes. " I wasn't saying I don't have a plan Raph. I say we all hide at different intervals in the city and attack when we see the foot clan."

"Yeah, and we can bring my newly modified night vision goggles as well." Donnie spoke up, after being quiet for most of the conversation.

Mikey, who also hadn't said a word, sat weirdly quiet in the corner.

"Are you ok Mike?" I asked in concern.

"What if one of us gets hurt? I mean the Foot are getting stronger and stronger…" Mikey said innocently.

"Don't ya worry about that Mikey." Raph said, putting his hand on Mikey's shell in comfort.

"Yeah, I promise none of us will." I said finishing Raph's sentence.

"Well…" Mikey contemplated, "Ok!"

Then he smiled and jumped up, running and flipping over the metros rails at the end of their lair, and out to the sewers.

We followed, laughing at our little brother's sudden change of attitude.

As we reached the entrance to the city, my insides churned with worry. I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen…

Nah. I'm just being a worried leader and big brother again, it was probably… nothing.

Donnie's P.O.V

After handing each of my brothers a pair of night vision goggles, we all went to our spots around the city.

I found a perfect hiding spot in a desolate alleyway behind an old dollar store.

I made sure to let the others know where I am hiding, so that if the foot clan comes to my spot I could let them know and they could come back me up, and they could do the same if the clan came to them.

After a few hours of just waiting and nothing happening, my mind was starting to wander…

I wonder what April is doing… she better not be with Casey…

Just then I was interrupted out of my thoughts as no other than the Foot clan came to the front of the dollar store.

I quietly peeked my head around the side of the alleyway. The Foot clan seemed to be having a meeting.

And there in the center, was a tall black dressed girl who looked to be in her 20's. She had on tight black spandex and high black boots, with long flowing red hair and shining green eyes.

I've never seen her in the foot clan before. Weird.

I got too lost in my thoughts to see how far I was leaning out, and came crashing to the ground beneath me.

Just because I'm a genius, doesn't mean I'm not clumsy…

The whole lot of them whipped around and stared at me with anger in their eyes, and slowly made their way over to me.

Pulling out my shell cell I made a four way call to all of my brothers.

"Guys… get down here. I've found the foot clan… and I'm surrounded."

Mikey's P.O.V

After I got off the phone with Donnie I immediately broke into a run in his direction. I was going so fast that I didn't see Leo and Raph, and went crashing right into them.

"Jeez Mikey… watch where you're going…" Raph sighed as he rubbed his head and sat up.

"Oh sorry Raph, didn't see you there," I apologized lamely, "Well come on let's go!"

Wer made our way to where Donnie was, and it seemed to take forever, our worries amped up.

Finally reaching our destination we saw Donnie, trying to fight all the foot clan on his own, bashing them with his bo staff and watching as their robot bodies went crashing to the floor.

I pulled out my nun-chucks and was prepared to fight when I saw a girl… one I have never seen before, sneaking up behind Donnie with a weird stick looking thing in her hands.

"Donnie LOOK OUT!" I yelled.

But he didn't hear me over the buzz and whirs of broken robot foot soldiers.

So, without thinking I ran over there, pushing Donnie out of the way just as she raised her arm and shouted:

"Cazon Hobetcho Shazario!"

Pain filled every inch of my body, and then…

Everything went black.

Raph's P.O.V

As we reached the site where Donnie was I was so angry to see all of them attacking my younger brother all at once.

Pulling out my sai, I ran forward into the action without thinking, and started beating the shell out of those damn robots.

Just then I watched in confusion as Mikey pushed Donnie out of the way, and got hit with a blast of white as some girl I didn't know, yelled out unintelligible words.

My anger and concern flared as Mikey screamed in agony and then slumped to the ground, unconscious.

No one hurts my baby brother and gets away with it… no one!

Just as I ran forward and was about to beat up that bitch, she raised a hand, moved her sticky thing around in the air and…

Poof… she and the foot clan were gone.


HEY! I hope ya'll liked it! And I would really REALLY appreciate it if you reviewed and let me know what you think. The more reviews I get, the quicker I'll be motivated to update it. I update about every three to four days. Please REVIEW or, do you think I should just scrap it? Please let me know! Until next time! Seeya!