I hide behind a lamppost as he turns around. He has a secret and I'm going to figure out what it is. That geek is going down.
"I know that you're following me, Dash," Danny says. How'd he know? I didn't make any noise!
"What's your secret, Fen-turd?" I demand, making a fist as I step out of my hiding spot.
"You will never know my secret." He turns around and starts to walk away. "And don't follow me anymore." He walks around the corner, leaving me to wonder why he wasn't scared enough to tell me his secret. How dare that geek to walk away from me! I ought to pound him for that! I will figure out what his secret is if it's the last thing that I do! I need help with this. I get my phone out of my pocket and dial a number. I know that he will help me with this.
"Kwan, get Star and Paulina and meet me at my place. I have a very important task for you guys," I say.
"Ok. We will be there in five." I hang up after my best friend's answer. I race over to my house and get there just in time to let them in.
"Does this plan involve Phantom?" Paulina asks in a dreamy voice.
"No. It involves embarrassing Fenton," I say.
"What did he do this time?" Kwan asks.
"He's not scared of me anymore! I rule over everyone in school! Except for you guys, of course," I add that last part in after they glare at me.
"Why can't we just leave him alone?" Star asks.
"Because he's standing up to me! Do you know how embarrassing it is to have that little twerp stand up to me? He's going to give the other geeks ideas! I can't have that!"
"What's the plan?" Kwan sighs.
"We're going to find out what his secret is and tell the entire school."
"Let's humiliate the loser! Maybe his gothic friend will suffer from it too!" Paulina exclaims.
"Fine," Kwan says, giving in.
"I guess if Kwan is going to do it, I will, too," Star says.
"Perfect!" I exclaim. The geek is going down!
I keep glancing back at Fenton during class. He looks so smug. I'll wipe that smug look off of his face. He suddenly gasps and raises his hand.
"Yes, Mr. Fenton?" Mr. Lancer asks.
"Can I go to the restroom?" Didn't he just go like ten minutes ago?
"I guess so, but hurry back." Fenton runs out of the room and his gothic friend takes notes down for him. What a geek. He's so going down. The techno-geek takes his PDA out for a second and types something into it while Mr. Lancer' s back is towards him. Fenton comes back not too long after Foley puts his tech back in his pocket. The geek takes his notes back from Manson and whispers something to her before passing a note to Foley. I suddenly feel someone hit my shoulder and I turn to pummel the culprit.
"Dude, Mr. Lancer asked you a question," Kwan says.
"Oh, uh, Juliet?" I say and everyone snickers, including Fenton.
"Pay attention, Mr. Baxter, or you will never learn anything." He acts as though I care. I plan on getting a football scholarship and going pro. I don't need to learn about whatever story we're reading. He calls on Danny who apparently gets the answer right. The bell rings a few minutes after that and Fenton and his friend's race to get out first. They somehow get out of the door before anyone else can even stand up. I race out of the room and see Fenton' s messy black hair and race after the geek.
"...he didn't stand a chance!" Is Fenton talking about me?
"I bet. You'll have to give me the details so that I can put them in my PDA," the techno-geek says. What are they up to? I bet it has something to do Fenton' s secret. No, Fenton' s secret is going to be embarrassing. This is something else that won't matter after I embarrass Fent-geek. Fenton walks into a class that I don't have. None of my friends do, but Mickey does. Ten minutes later I have him on Fent-turd watch. I can't focus during class and race over to Mickey to get the information.
"Did he act weird?" I demand.
"He gasped and left class five minutes in and he hasn't come back yet. Why are you so curious about Danny?" he asks and I shove him into a locker to assert my dominance. Star has her next class with the geek, so she keeps an eye on him. We meet up after class and apparently, Fenton was a no-show, but he did show back up again at lunch. Where was he? What could he have possibly been doing that took so long? Did he skip class? No, he's a geek. He wouldn't have just skipped class. There is a rumor going around that he's in a gang, but I don't believe that. He was seen hanging around a biker and does sometimes show up to school covered in cuts and bruises, but he was probably just doing some stupid chores for the biker and he probably hurts himself so that he can say that he got into a fight to look cool. What a loser.
"What do you think his secret is?" I ask.
"He's probably in a gang. He has..."
"He's not cool enough or strong enough to be in a gang," I say, interrupting Kwan.
"Or handsome enough," Paulina says.
"I don't know. He is scrawny and doesn't gang usually need scrawny people to do stuff?" Star says, siding with her boyfriend.
"He's not in a gang!" I yell, getting everyone's attention. "What are you geeks looking at?" I demand.
"What's the plan for after school?" Kwan asks.
"One of us will follow him."
"So, no Nasty Burger fries?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
"Can't you focus on the priority?" I ask.
"And what's that? Invading Danny's privacy and sticking our noses in his personal business?" He questions.
"Just for that, you'll be following him today after school while the rest of us go to the Nasty Burger."
A/n I do not own Danny Phantom.