Black Hair and Blue Eyes

Hey guys! Welcome to Black Hair and Blue Eyes!

This is a Nick(Season2)/Stephanie(400days) romance, so if you don't like it, don't read it! Simples! (And honestly, the pairing just sparked in my mind one day so I don't really know where this ship/pairing/romance came from!)

Please feel free to leave a review because I love to read them!

Enjoy! ;)

Chapter 1- The Missing Cabin Members

Laying in the darkness, the sound of thunder and heavy rain was the only thing keeping Nick from sleeping. The amount of the times he tossed and turned during the night was getting ridiculous. He wondered how Luke could sleep. He hadn't made a sound all night and Nick wondered if Luke enjoyed the sound of this bloody weather…

"Fuck it." Nick mumbled. He sighed as he peeled the duvet off of himself noticing he had most of the duvet on top of him. Which was odd. Nick turned to the side flicking his bedside lamp on to realise Luke wasn't next to him…

Both Nick and Luke shared a room and a bed. It was a double bed with a huge duvet for both of them to share. And no, they didn't cuddle up at night… Nick slept on the left and Luke on the right. End of. That's what Nick used to say to his Uncle Pete every time he made jokes about him and Luke sleeping 'together'.

The dark haired man looked around his room to see the wardrobe's doors and the drawers swung open. The room was a disaster, with most of Nicks clothes scattered around, on the floor, on the bed, everywhere…

He then got up to see that it was 1:24am and wondered why Luke wasn't here, and why most of his clothes and personal belonging's were gone, leaving Nicks just scattered all over the place, similar to a typical teenaged boys bedroom.

Nick gently opened his bedroom door as quietly as possible, being careful not to create too much noise. He closed it behind him and made his way downstairs in the dark.

Quite a few things were odd here. Many of the windows had swung open, with the curtains flying about, desperately trying to hold onto it's pole, Alvin's and Pete's usual snoring could not be heard, and Sarah's strange but quiet sleep talking could also not be heard near by.

Instead of checking everyone's rooms, Nick continued on downstairs, shutting window's as he went past. Once he got down to the kitchen he lit up a few candles to illuminate the room slightly better.

Once all the candles were lit, the unexpected sight caused Nick to gasp with his mouth wide open in complete shock…

Paper, letters and books was scattered everywhere. The kitchen cupboards seemed to have been raided through, leaving enough food for at least one person. The furniture was everywhere! Literally everywhere! The dining room table was on its side, and the matching chairs were in complete disarray! One was on top of the sofa, while another in the middle of the kitchen floor… The once small comfortable cabin was now a disaster zone! And Nick could only stare, not believing that anything he was seeing was real…

Feeling extremely anxious, Nick called every cabin members name out loud, however, only the wind and rain replied. It made no sense for them to be gone…

Where the fuck are they?

How could they leave me?

What do I do?

So many questions but none could be answered; Nick had no idea what to do. He quickly dashed upstairs and checked every cabin member's room, but all to be seen was more mess. Nothing made sense. Everyone just left him for an unknown reason, and if they had to go somewhere, why couldn't he come? Why wasn't he asked? Forced even?

Nick scratched his head and ran back downstairs into the kitchen. Thank god, in front of him was a piece of lined paper with a paperweight on top, on the kitchen counter, calling out for him to read…

Nick scampered over to what seemed to be a letter and picked it up, reading it making sure he gathered every word that was written. The handwriting was scruffy and had looked like it was written in a rush. It wasn't too bad though, because Nick still recognized it to be Luke's…

The letter said,

Dear Nick,

I hope you're not too worried but Carlos, Pete, Rebecca, Alvin, Sarah and I are fine. The house may seem a wreck when you get up, but we were in a rush to gather our things. We need to be somewhere up north so don't you worry about us. Sorry I didn't wake you up but you were having your afternoon nap and never seemed to have woken up from it. We are about to leave and it's 7.45pm… Stay safe in the cabin Nick. It's all yours. Walkers are out for miles so you shouldn't need to have weapons on you all the time. And… please don't come looking for us… we will be back soon. I promise.


Something about the letter wasn't right. Nick re-read it over and over and came to a conclusion that most of the letter was all a lie. They would never abandon him all of a sudden… Especially Luke and Uncle Pete. Something about the letter made it seem like Luke didn't want to write it that way. He would always tell Nick if something was wrong because he would always get curious if Luke didn't.

Whether Luke and the rest were up north somewhere, it was worth a try. When it's daylight, Nick was going to pack up and find his friends. Also, if walkers were out for miles, this was a perfect opportunity for Nick to get going. He was going alone but for a reason. Luke and the others must have been captured… but the question was…

Why would Nick be left behind?

He remembered having a nap in the afternoon, however he never woke up until just now. Everyone was downstairs at the time…

If people came in and took the group away, not realising Nick was upstairs…

Luke must have been protecting him.

And if the group was in danger, Luke left Nick behind so he could be their hope for saving them.

However, another burning question was, if the 'kidnappers' didn't know Nick was here, why would Luke write to him as if he were being forced to lie?

Nothing made sense but Nick wasn't going to stay in the cabin and wait. For once, he was going to be the hero and not a danger.

Nick was going to find his group and bring them back…

Even, if it kills him.