Disclaimer: I do not own ANY of the Harry Potter characters, if I did I wouldn't have
to write fanfiction (bad fanfiction at that)

Please read and hopefully review, any constructive criticism is welcome. Please don't
hat me if this sucks, it's only my 2nd fic.

A Death in the Family-

The owls swooped down to deliver the mail. Hermoine eagerly untied her
morning copy of the Daily Prophet. Splashed across the front page was a shocking
picture of a dead woman, her face was bloodied and her dress robes were torn. The
title was read 'Death of an Innocent?' and took up nearly half a page. The death had
been described in detail, no gruesome fact had been left out.

Hermoine read the article, it was horrible, the writer had shown no sympathy,
even suggesting that the death had been a good thing for the wizarding world. She
could hear the reactions of the other houses, Hufflepuffs' were making sickly noises
as they saw the picture, Ravenclaws' were remaining quiet and the Gryffindors were
looking at the Slytherin table with mixed looks of pity and curiosity. The Slytherin
table was quiet, they were all focused on the pale blonde. But they weren't reacting
like Hermoine thought they would, instead of glaring at the other houses, or getting
worked up, they smiled. Not their usual smirks or sneers, but small smiles, that
seemed almost wistful.

Draco looked up from the paper, his face even paler than usual. He set the
paper down on the table, his hands trembling slightly. Hermoine stared, he wasn't
crying or even reacting to what he just read. The only look on his face was one of
surprise. She didn't understand, he had just read about the death of his mother, he
hadn't reacted to the fact that she had been tortured to death, or even that some people
thought she had deserved to die.

Snape looked like a walking death threat as he left his seat at the Staff table
and quickly headed towards the Slytherins. Without stopping to glare at the watching
students, he crouched down behind Draco and wrapped his arms around him.
Everyone was stunned, the bitter and sullen potions master was hugging Malfoy?
Whispers started at once, everyone wanted to know what was happening as Draco let
Professor Snape lead him out of the Great Hall.

Hermoine turned to Harry and Ron, who without speaking stood and left the
hall with her. They ran up the stairs, and after calling out that week's password, they
grabbed the Marauders map and the invisibility cloak before locating Draco and
Snape. To their surprise Draco hadn't been taken to the infirmary, but was in a spare
classroom with Snape and the last person they had expected, Lucius Malfoy.

They raced to the classroom, and entered through the open door as quietly as
possible. Snape stood to one side, he looked tired and worn. Draco was sitting on a
dusty desk, his face buried in his father's neck. Lucius Malfoy didn't look like a
grieving widower, he was holding Draco in his arms, whispering softly in his ear. The
trio stared at each other, no one was crying, if they hadn't of read about it they
wouldn't of thought that Narcissa Malfoy had died. Not wanting to interrupt what was
obviously a family moment the left the room, not noticing Snapes' eyes following
them out.

Classes continued as normal, even though Draco did not attend any, and Snape
was noticeably missing from potions. It wasn't until dinnertime that they found out
that Draco and Snape had been at Lady Malfoys' funeral. They were in the middle of
their meals when the hall doors opened and Lucius, Draco and Snape walked in. They
were dressed from head to toe in black, and Hermoine couldn't help but think how
much they looked like death eaters.

The Headmaster stood up and welcomed Lucius, magically summoning up an
extra chair in between his and Snapes'. They sat and Draco turned away and was
about to make his way back to his usual seat when his father spoke to him. The
students had been watching this from the corner of their eyes, fearing Lucius too
much to stare openly, but when he spoke every head turned.

Draco made his way to his fathers' seat and waited until his father lifted his
arms before sitting down on his lap. Teachers and students alike stared with wide
eyes. Only Snape seemed to think this normal behaviour. Draco stayed on his fathers'
lap for the rest of the night, he hardly moved, apart from opening his mouth to accept
a drink from the wineglass, or to talk quietly with Snape.

Draco spent the next week absent, Hermoine figured that he must be grieving,
if he couldn't grieve in public then he must do so at home. When he returned to
Hogwarts he was different, he was quieter, calmer. This should have made him nicer,
but instead it gave the impression that Draco was more dangerous now than he had
ever been before. Before he had been an immature brat, teasing their names and using
stupid insults, but now it was like he was plotting and would strike in the darkness
before you even knew it was he.

Draco grasped the broom tightly as he soared up above the trees, it was all
over now. Things would never be the same again. His father would extend the Malfoy
Empire and they would again be the richest bloodline in the world. Their influence
and power, which had been tarnished when Voldemort had risen, would re-emerge.
The Malay family came from three of the most powerful bloodlines in the wizarding
world. They had blood ties to Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Grindelwald.
The magic running through their veins was strong, strong enough not to need a wand
in order to cast spells. The Malfoy family had everything anyone could dream of, and
it had all gone wrong with one person.

Narcissa Vearsn had met, and married Lucius Malfoy the year after he
graduated from school. It was an arranged marriage, born from the fact that she came
from one of Europe's most powerful families. But she was cursed, a supporter of
Voldemort who threatened to drag the Malfoy name down with her if she was ever
found out. Draco and Lucius were not wizards of the light, no Malfoy had ever been.
They were part of the infamous High Clan, a group of elite families who lived by their
own ideals and rules. But no Malfoy would ever bow, not to a pure blood and
especially not to a half-blood who lived without any understanding of the Clan.

Draco allowed himself a small smile, Narcissa had been eliminated and the
name Malfoy was going to rise back to full power. Everything was going to plan and
it had started with a death in the family.