Who's ready for some Sonic the Hedgehog?
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Let's get this chapter started!
The Hedgehogs Secret
Chapter 4 - Becoming Obsessed.
"Eimi!?" I hear someone shout from downstairs, that's then followed by loud banging.
I flutter open my eyes and let out a big yawn. I wonder what time it is?
I look over at the clock that hangs on my wall to see the time reads 7:40am.
I quickly throw myself out of my bed and swing open my closet door. I flick through all my clothes until I find my school uniform. This is what I get for staying up until 4:00am reading.
I mean...I just...Couldn't stop reading. I would keep saying to myself "Just one more chapter" but I would continue reading more. It's just so interesting. I mean I just couldn't believe that something like this existed. I was starting to become obsessed.
I wanted to stop reading, but I just couldn't. I ended up finishing the whole book.
This "Sonic" seems amazing. All of his abilities are so unnatural and unreal...I just...Can't believe it. I was pretty upset when I heard he had never visited Little Planet before. I mean he has visited pretty much all of Mobius. I guess Little Planet isn't really a part of Mobius...BUT STILL!
What all the witnesses have said about him...He just sounds so...Caring, trustful, smart, and just so awesome! Even the things that the Crooks had to say about him. It just made him sound so brave and daring, like he doesn't have a care in the world, part from making sure everyone is safe.
"Eimi?! Are you there?!" I hear that person at the door shout. I'm pretty sure it's Nikki.
"Yeah! Just give me a sec!" I shout out desperately.
"We're going to be late though!" He shouts back, as he starts banging on the door again.
So inpatient.
About 10 minutes later I finish getting ready. I quickly run down stairs a swing open the door. Nikki then grabs onto my hand and starts running like crazy.
"Chaos, Eimi! We are going to be late!" He insists, as he swings my body out of the gate.
"Sorry! I didn't mean-"
"It doesn't matter! Just run!" He demands, as he starts to run faster.
I'm running as fast as I can, but I already feel myself starting to get puffed out. Let's just say I'm not exactly the biggest fan of physical activity. I start sweating like a pig and I can feel my heartbeat in my ears. I have to stop running. This is just too crazy.
"Nikki! I...I...Can't run-" I puff out. Nikki then starts to slow down, before he comes to a complete stop. I let go of his hand so that I can put my hands on my knees. I start huffing and puffing like mad.
"Sorry." I say through puffing. "But I just can't run as fast as you." My legs give way underneath me and I fall to the ground. Great. Now we're going to be late for sure.
"Ughh..." Nikki grumbles. I feel a sharp pang to my heart when he does that. "I didn't want to do this...but..." Nikki then picks me up from the ground and literally throws me onto his back. I gasp in the sudden action. He isn't going to-
Nikki then starts bolting towards the train station. I wrap my arms around his neck, so that I don't fall off. We aren't going as fast as we were before but it's still incredibly fast for someone his age. I wonder if he does track outside school or something.
We arrive at the train station just as the train is pulling up. Nikki stops so I can jump down from his back. We then run onto the train. We made it. We actually made it.
I turn around to face Nikki to find that he's gone...Where did he go? I look around frantically for him, but he is nowhere to be seen. I do find Cream on the other side of the carriage though. She's bobbing her head up and down to the music on her phone. I decide to just stay where I am though. Cream won't be able to hear me anyways.
At lunch time today I decide to go to the library and see if there is any more books on Sonic. I make a promise to myself that I would stop reading whatever so book when it hits midnight.
Surprisingly there is quite a lot of books on Sonic. Never did I think there would be a whole shelf dedicated to him. Looks like I have a lot of reading to do.
I decide to go scan through all the books until I find one that's the best. Most of the books seem to be about how he MIGHT of got his power, or how it MIGHT be scientifically possible for him to have the powers. I'm about to give up on looking for a really interesting book until the Liberian comes over and starts stacking the shelf with some books. The last book that she puts on really catches my attention.
"Sonic's Journal?" I read out load. Did Sonic himself really write this book?
I open up the book and decide to read a bit of the first page.
'Day 1'
'It burnt. It burnt so much. But then it all went away.'
'Day 2'
How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? HOW?HOWHOWHOW!?
'Day 45'
Power...So much...Power.
"This book." I think to myself. "I'm really going to enjoy this."
For the rest of the school week, I spend all my spare time reading about Sonic. I have become obsessed, but I don't care. Not. One. Bit.
It's Friday night, or should I say Saturday morning. I'm only a couple pages from finishing "Power and Strength." Which goes into detail about Sonic's Powers. They say that he has gotten a lot stronger over the years. That he is becoming more and more powerful.
Of course Sonic's main power is his amazing ability to travel at the speed of sound, but he is so much more than that. He uses his speed as a weapon. Literally spinning himself into a ball and knocking into bad guys at the speed of sound. It's amazing. He also seems to have some sort of healing ability. Whenever he has badly hurt himself in a battle he will come along the next day fully healed. How he does this though is a complete mystery.
I just don't know what to do...I really want to learn more about him, but the only way is if I have bigger sources of information. I asked Cream where I could get this from and of course she said the internet. I don't really know if I want to join the whole phase of the internet...but if that means I get to learn more about Sonic then I might just have to.
The next day I wake up at about 9:00am. It's finally the weekend. Thank Chaos.
I get up out of bed to notice its a bit hot today. Today is the perfect day to wear one of my many dresses. I open up my closet and look around until I find my dark blue long sleeved dress. Perfect.
I quickly put the dress on and then go down stairs. I enter the living room to find Father getting ready for work...Doesn't he have the day off on Saturdays?
"Father?" I ask, trying to get his attention. He turns around a faces me, a small smile appears on his face.
"Good morning, My Rose." He says, as he stops getting ready to give his attention to me.
"Why are you getting ready for work? I thought you had the day off on Saturdays?" His small smile then disappears from his face, which is then replaced with a worried look.
"Listen, Eimi. Unfortunately for the next couple of weeks I'm going to have to work on my day off so I can catch up with everyone in the office. I'm sorry, dear." A small frown appears across my face from his words. Am I seriously not going to be able to spend proper time with my Father, until he has finally caught up with everyone else?
"It's okay, Father...I know that it's not your fault...But what are we going to do about groceries?" I wonder, I can somewhat assume what the answer will be.
"Well..." He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He then hands me two hundred dollar bills. "You're going to have to buy them every Saturday." He request. I look down at the notes in my hand and nod my head. It then strikes me about what I wanted to buy this weekend.
"Um, Father. We already have WiFi, don't we?" I ask, he raises his eyebrow at me, but he does nod his head in reply. "Um...Then I was wondering...Could I get a phone or laptop this weekend?" Father just smiles at my request. He then hands me a couple more hundred dollar bills...Wow...That was easy.
"I'm glad you have finally joined us over on the technology side." He smirks, I just roll my eyes at his remark, but I find myself smirking too.
"Yeah...Yeah..." I say, shaking my head at him. I then give him a hug though. "Thank you, Father..."
"You're welcome, Eimi."
At about 10:00am I decided to head out of the house. Father told me that the best place to shop would be Station Square mall, which is in the heart of the city.
As I walk past Nikki's house I wonder if I should ask Nikki if he would like to come along with me, but I decide that's it's probably best not to annoy him.
I get to the train station and hop on the train. It only takes about 20 minutes to get to Station Square Central, but it does take me 10 minutes to walk to the mall. The city seems to be filled with Mobians, it's just so crazy. I think next week I'll just go to my towns local supermarket.
Chaos...It's so crazy in here. Mobians are at every corner of the center. I casually try to find my way to a map, so that I can find my way around this place. I decide to go buy the groceries first, before I go and buy my phone or laptop.
About an hour later I have finished grocery shopping. I'm about to head to the closes tech store when a certain book store catches my attention. It wouldn't hurt to have a quick look.
I enter the store and go straight to looking for books to do with Sonic. There is nearly a whole section dedicated to him...Good.
I start flicking through the books, trying to find a certain one. Found it. Sonic's Journal. I immediately take it to the counter and buy it.
I just...Can't get over this book. I finished it on the day that I borrowed it, but it's just such a great book. I found myself going back to it, just to read one of his days. At the start of the book some of the days are very short, but as Sonic seems to get older his journal entries start to get a lot more interesting.
He's smart. Very smart. The way he writes, and the way he explains things...It's just...So soothing. He barely ever talks about his family though, or his school life. He never mentioned when his birthday was, and he never said much personal details about himself. It was mostly just about how he saved someone, or defeated someone. But there was one time that he mentioned his personal life and I remember exactly what it said.
'If they ever hurt her again, I will kill them.'
I wonder who he meant by 'her'? Maybe he has a girlfriend...I just want to know what happened. Ugh...Whatever. I'm becoming too obsessed.
I exit the store and head for the tech store.
Oh chaos...I didn't think it would be this difficult. I look around the store at all the computers and phones. Which one should I get? I walk over to the laptops that seem to have the most information displayed about them. They just look too big and clunky for me. And I'm almost 100% sure that I won't even use all the features on this thing. I think I might just get a phone.
It takes a while, but I finally find the perfect phone. It's called the "M.E 6" and it seems to have a lot of cool features. I call someone over and we go on a 1 hour chat about how the phone works and how to get a sim card and plan for it.
I leave the store with bags hanging from my arms. It's making my arms so numb, but it's alright, cause soon I'll be able to sit on the train and relax...That's if there is any seats left.
I leave the mall and start to make my way to the station, but I feel as if I'm going the wrong way. Before hand I used the map Father gave me, to find where this mall is.
"Crap..." I whisper to myself. I walk over to the side of the pathway and put my bags down. I search frantically for the map, but I can't find it.
"Chaos. Where in the heck did I put that-" My sentence is then cut short by someone covering my mouth and dragging me away. A muffle scream escapes my throat at the sudden attack. What the hell is going on?
Unfortunately no one notices me getting dragged away because I was right next to an alleyway. Smart move, Eimi.
I continue screaming down the alleyway, but no one can hear me. My heart is thumping like crazy. What do they plan on doing to me?
Suddenly I'm violently thrown to the ground. I start screaming like mad, hoping that someone might be able to hear me. But my screaming is cut short when another person from behind picks me up and covers my mouth again.
The man that stands in front of me sends chills up my spine. He has a massive build, and even though he is wearing a black ski mask you can see his black greasy beard, sticking out from it. He seems to be some type of bear? I'm not too sure. I'm mostly just concentrating on escaping.
I squirm like crazy and continue to scream, but the guy holding me is very strong and I'm starting to get tired. In the distance I notice a tall skinny horse, running over with all my shopping bags. Oh chaos, let the only thing they want to do to me is steal.
The horse then starts to go through all my bags. He suddenly stops looking and a big smirk appears on his face. He then proceeds to pull out my phone, which is still in the box.
"Hehe...Brand new." The guy from behind me laughs.
"Good. I wanted a new phone." The horse says, but the guy who dragged me down this alley doesn't seem to agree with him.
"Hey! This was my idea, so that phone is mine!" He demands, which makes the horse roll his eyes. He then goes back to looking through my bags.
While he continues to search through my bags I try wiggling my way out of this guy's arms, but it just doesn't work. What is there to do? How am I go to escape?
"Hahaha! Oh god. Look at what this stupid girl bought." The horse then lifts out the copy of "Sonic's Journal" that I purchased.
"Ahhh. So she is one of those fan girls, huh? I wonder when they will ever learn that Sonic doesn't actually give a shit about-" The bear then stops mid-sentence, his mouth swings open in surprise. The horse seems to have the exact same look of horror in his eyes too. Why are they suddenly so scared?
"Akihito. Let go of the girl and run. Now!" The bear demands. I can just tell that the guy holding me gets confused by their words.
"And why is-" He suddenly stops talking, and his friends faces seem to go into shock. I feel the guy's body immediately go limp. The bear then turns around and starts to run away, but the Horse seems to just stand there in complete shock...I think I can even see a wet patch above his crotch area.
Someone new with lighter and gentler hands grabs onto my shoulders. I try turning around to see who it is, but they use their other hand to force my face forward. They then turn me around to face the other way, which gives me a peak at the guy that was holding me before. There seems to be a massive gash on the back of his scalp. Blood is still pouring out of it, yet he is still breathing. Oh Chaos...Please let me survive this.
They suddenly let go of me, which is then followed by a massive force of wind that nearly sends my dress flying off my body. No way...The only person who could do something like that is...
I turn around to see him standing at the end of the alleyway, with his back facing me. Next to him lies the body of the bear, who has a massive gash in his left leg. The horse on the other hand is on the ground, crying. He has a massive gash that goes all the way down his right arm. This is so gruesome.
Suddenly the bear is pitched down the alleyway. I step back from fear that he will hit me, but instead the bear lands on the horse...Right on his bloody arm. The horse lets out a torched scream, his eyes then roll to the back of his head, knocking him unconscious.
I just stand here trembling. It's him. It's defiantly him. I can't even believe this, I must be dreaming, I have to be. We just stand there looking at each other. Not even making a single move.
When he starts walking towards me I feel my heart starting to beat like crazy. What is he doing? What does he PLAN on doing?
I've seen many photos of him, but seeing him in full flesh is so different. His fur is a dark blue colour and his quills are clunked together. Most hedgehogs have messy quills, but I guess all the running he does must have permanently made his quills like that. His sneakers are red, and are in the shape of bullets. A white strap with a golden buckle seems to keep his shoes in place. He's not wearing any clothes, which isn't too rare when it comes to male animals, but most teenagers are seen wearing clothes.
The last thing I lay my eyes upon is his eyes. They shine a beautiful dark green colour. I had never gotten the chance to fully appreciate his eyes in any of the pictures, but now that I look at them...They just look so similar...Wait-
"Nikki?" I blurt out. It's Nikki. Those are Nikki's eyes.
"Nikki" immediately stops walking towards me. He doesn't do anything that might give me the impression that he is, in fact, Nikki. All he does is stare at me. The more I continue to stare into his eyes the more I believe he is Nikki. But still I'm not a hundred percent sure yet.
Now that I think about it though Nikki is pretty fast...And his fur colour is the exact same as Sonic's. They also have the same body build too. I just...Don't know what to think of this.
Sonic then finally breaks eye contact by looking away to the side. He puts his hand on his muzzle and starts to rub it. I wonder what he is thinking about?
"Nikki huh? What a lame name."
And with that he disappears, which is followed by that strong force of wind and a dark blue streak. I reach my hand in an attempt to catch him, but who am I kidding? I let my arm flop to my side.
Why would Sonic say that? I know when I read a couple of interviews from him that he seemed cocky and arrogant...but still. Those eyes were totally Nikki's.
I slowly walk up to my bags and pick up all my stuff. I look around at the three criminals and sigh. I better go make a report to the police, or this is going to look pretty bad. I jog out of the alleyway very confused.
Is Nikki Sonic?
"Eimi, are you okay?!" My Father says, as he runs up and hugs me.
"Yeah...I'm alright." I reassure him.
I've been sitting in the police station for over 2 hours now and I'm so tired. I just want to go home. I had to sit here with the chief and tell him everything that happened. He sent some of his men to go collect the criminals. Once they saw their bodies they believed me that it was Sonic that attacked them, and not me.
Father and the chief then have a talk about everything that happened, which just bores the death out of me. Father says that he wants to press charges against these criminals, which is no surprise, he is a lawyer. So that means that I have to go to court and ugh...I just want to drop this all.
Finally. After about 2 hours of watching my Father talk to the Chief, we finally get to go home. Luckily Father has his car, so we don't have to catch public transport.
As we drive home, it starts to rain, which is so fitting with my emotions right now. I wanted to sleep so badly, but Father wouldn't stop asking me questions about Sonic.
"What did he look like?"
"Was he really fast?"
"Did he talk to you?"
I make my answers to his questions very short. I just can't be bothered talking about this.
When we arrive home I go straight up to my bedroom and close the door. I take a very long shower that evening, before I get out and go to bed. And even though I'm very tired and all I want to do is go to sleep I just can't.
I decide to get out my phone and message Cream, since she gave me her phone number the other day. I text her about everything that happened. I do let out a few details though. Like the fact that I think Nikki is Sonic.
Cream then demands for me to go and hang out with her tomorrow at her house. She says that the rest of her friends will be there, and most of them have really been wanting to become friends with me. It takes a bit of begging from Cream but I finally decide that I will join them. At about 11:00pm I say night to Cream and put away my phone.
I lie in bed trying my hardest to fall to sleep, but every time I close my eyes all I see is Sonic's eyes. I just can't get them out of my head. I want to ask Nikki. I want to go over there right now and ask if he is Sonic. But will he tell me? No. If I ask him will it ruin our friendship? Yep, most likely.
I let out a frustrated groan. None of this type of stuff happened on Little Planet. I just want to go back there. It's where I belong. It's where I fit in best. I miss Honey, Tiara, and all my other friends. I miss my relatives. I miss my life. I miss my Mother.
I close my eyes and start to pray for better days.
I'm going to have to ask Nikki if he is Sonic the Hedgehog
I'm going to have to ask Sonic if he is Nikki.
I know, I know, this chapter is pretty short.
BUT! I promise the next chapter will be a lot longer and a lot more interesting.
So the question that stands.
Is Nikki Sonic?
I guess we will find out very soon.