Chapter 1

"Where is that coming from?!" Steve yelled, grabbing the wall and pounding against the floor of Avenger's tower as Jarvis tried to welcome him.

"That is not a that! That is Jarvis, my robot butler," Tony said proudly, removing Steve's hands from the wall.

"Right, my bad. Silly me thinking you could live without a robot butler," Steve said, annoyed.

"If you don't want to move in with the rest of us, just say so!" Tony said dramatically, flinging his arms above his head as they entered the avengers tower main sitting room with the big window and the entrance to Tony's landing platform.

"He leaves, and I'll kill you," Natasha yelled from the sofa, where she was using Clint's lap as a foot rest.

"Right, Capsicle, meet home, home, meet Capsicle," Tony said quickly.

Natasha devilishly smiled from the sofa.

All the sudden the lower, left side of the window broke into shards of glass and in flew a happy-looking Thor with something wrapped protectively under his arm.

"Thor! I showed you the door! This is the twentieth time I will have to replace the window!" Tony yelled at the demigod.

"My apologies, but I was in a hurry to bring back my latest load of pop tarts," Thor said, tossing an entire box full of them into the 15 slot toaster Tony had purchased when it was obvious Thor needed it.

"Great," Tony said under his breath, summoning dummy to clean up the mess.

There were satisfied sounds of eating pop tarts from the kitchen, then there was the sound of annoyance as Thor shouted, "ANOTHER!"

Just as dummy had cleaned most of the glass up, Thor flew through the window again and created an even larger hole.

"Jarvis! Order every pop tart on the planet! Have them shipped directly to the tower!" Tony yelled with his head thrown back.

"Certainly sir," Jarvis piped from the speakers.

"So is this how every morning goes?" Steve whisper to Bruce as he casually sat on the couch.

"Basically," Bruce said tiredly.

"Sounds... fun," Steve replied sarcastically.

"So, who wants to try to lift Thor's hammer while he's gone?!" Tony yelled happily, calling his suit to him.

"Is this another of the many morning routines?" Steve whispered again to Bruce.

"Not yet..." Bruce said, standing up as Tony locked his metal fingers around the hammer's handle.

So, what'd you think? I'm probably going to continue this story with fluff chapters such as this one. Ideas? Suggestions? Review, Follow, Favorite, and Comment \/\/\/\/!
