A/N: literally why am I writing this drabble about them being gay in winter it's like 25 degrees out. written for AoKaga month! likely a little ooc and also a little short so i'm SORRY i'll write something longer soon i promisee

A pair of navy orbs watched as the white snow surrounded him and everything, landing on the ground as gently as it had fallen. His feet moved onwards, hands settled deep in his jacket pockets, disturbing the fresh snow with his footsteps.

Not that he cared. Aomine never was one for this type of weather. It was cold, and he always had to dress up in so many layers, exhausting the lazy ace to the point where he couldn't really give a shit anymore (but Satsuki and his mother would nag him, telling him that it wouldn't do any good if he were to catch a cold and then he would have to dress up). Not to mention that the snow was all slushy and muddy when it melted, and that just ruined his shoes.

And of course, he couldn't play basketball outside with a certain red-head during this time…

Winter honestly was such a pain in the ass.

The ace continued to walk, heaving a loud and drawled out sigh, before he paused, a smirk slowly over-coming his facial features as he caught sight of the familiar red hair, donned up in a big jacket, scarf hanging around his neck. Honestly, it was as if Kagami could read his thoughts.

Catching up to the other, Aomine shoved him, watching his boyfriend's face go from confusion, to anger, and then a sense of familiarity washing over it, before it settled back to anger. "The hell was that shove for, bastard?!"

"You were just standing there like an idiot. You planning on catching a cold out here, Kagami?" He responded, mentally cringing because now he sounded just like his mother and Satsuki and god, Kagami, why do you bring out this side of him?

"Shut up. I'm just looking for my gloves." Kagami's hand moved up to rub the back of his neck, and true enough, his hands were bare, gloveless, and also very red. "Must have left them at school or something."

Aomine groaned. Of course, he did. "Seriously, Kagami, how much more of an idiot can you get?"

"Oi, shut it! It's not like you're any smarter!"

"Yeah, but I brought my gloves, didn't I?"

Kagami didn't say anything.

"Thought so." He didn't waste any time. The ace began walking again, grabbing Kagami's hand and pulling him with him. "The hell? Your hands are freezing, Kagami. How long have you been out here?"

"Probably for at least fifteen minutes." Needless to say, Aomine wasn't impressed. Shaking his head, the bluenet pulled the red-head even closer, feeling Kagami's warmth flushed against his side and at least it was just his hands that were cold. And now Aomine could understand how Kagami's hand had gotten so cold. His own hands were out of the warmth that his jacket pockets provided for at least five minutes and they were almost as cold as Kagami's at this point.

No point in both of us losing our hands to frostbite.

Without a moment of hesitation, Aomine stuck his left hand and Kagami's right into his pocket, instantly reveling in the warmth of it. "Stick your other hand in your other pocket."



"You know I could just stick both of them in my own pockets?"

"Shut up, moron. You forgot your gloves. Seriously, how careless are you? You could lose your hand and never be able to play basketball again because of this."

"Hey! My house isn't that very far off from here, and I'm not going to lose my hand because I forgot my gloves, asshole!"

And as they continued to bicker on their way to Kagami's, their entwined fingers never parted, nestled deep in Aomine's pockets.

Maybe winter wasn't so bad after all.