Dinner was both great and very surreal. Michael had made chicken stir fry and Stiles wasn't sure if it was just because he was really hungry or if the dish was just that good but it tasted like the most divine thing he had ever eaten. The food was the good part, the Hale family dinner was the surreal part.

For starters there was Talia sitting across from him watching him with wary brown eyes. Before he pulled a Back to the Future he heard so much about her from Derek, Peter, and a several others that he wondered what she was like when she was alive and now he was getting that chance. So far they have only exchanged a few sentences but he knew that what everyone said was true: Talia Hale was in every way an amazing Alpha. She was charming, confidant, and kind but with an undertone that she could and would rip you to shreds if need be, basically she was an all-around cool person.

Besides Talia there was the rest of the Hales which were Laura, Derek, and Cora. He only had the chance to introduce himself to Laura for a second before she left to go on a date. Young Derek was something that threw him off the least as the kid had the same mannerisms more or less as his future self. Still seeing the grumpy wolf in his pre-teen days was pretty amusing. Lastly, there was young Cora who he just found annoying adorable in the way that only little kids could be. He was still having some trouble connecting the angsty somewhat overly-aggressive teenage girl to this little girl who looked at her older siblings and even Peter like they could walk on water and do no wrong in her eyes.

Any awakwardness that could have arose during dinner was quickly squashed as everyone was informed about the Stiles' predicament beforehand and decided it was suited for after dinner talk between the adults and Stiles. Therefore the conversation had been going well. Everyone asking about each other's day and sharing quirky anecdotes. Cora talked about she was picked first for kickball which was a huge deal (Stiles impressed because he was always that kid who was picked last. Even Greenberg was picked before him) and Derek was talking about his excitement for starting high school. He just got his schedule today was going to start next week.

"You'll love Carmody for English. She's great. I have her this semester and I'm looking forward to it. Philips is another story. Good luck with him for Biology." Peter said in between mouthfuls of stir fry as Derek asking for advice with some of his teachers.

"Is Philips that difficult?" Derek asked.

Peter shrugged. "Depends on a lot of things like if you actually pay attention in class or if you do the readings."

"Or if you bother to show up to class or if you don't put thumb tack on his chair." Talia said with a hint of a smile. Peter looked very pleased with himself. A smirk was graced his lips and more than a hint of mischief could be seen in his eyes.

"You did what?" Derek asked. Both he and Cora looked at their uncle with mild surprised. They probably shouldn't be as shocked as they were by Peter's antics. Stiles was trying not to laugh too hard. He couldn't help but remember all the times he pulled pranks on Finstock.

Meanwhile at the head of the table Michael just shook his head. "It'll be a miracle if he makes it to graduation."

"It was just a bit of harmless fun. Besides, the school has to keep me. I'm the star basketball player." Peter said with a grin looking even more smug than usual if that was possible. Of course he was a star sports player, he had the stereotypical cockiness down to a tee.

Talia rolled her eyes and gave her brother an exasperated look. Seeming as though she decided to not inflate Peter's ego anymore she turned her attention to Stiles. "So Stiles, do you play any sports?"

It was as if everyone at the table remembered that he was there for the first time as everyone turned to look at him. Stiles shifted in his seat a bit uncomfortably. "Uh yeah I play lacrosse."

Peter looked like he was going to make a more than likely snarky remark but refrained from doing so as his father spoke. "Lacrosse? Which one is that?"

"Well I think it was just becoming more popular in this time period. Still had some ways to go to become a real household name yet. It's kind of hard to explain, you really just need to watch it be played. I guess it would be closest to hockey but with hand held nets that players pass the ball to each other with, again it's kind of hard to explain." Stiles said struggling to give a better explanation of the game. It was almost like one of those questions of how to describe the color red. It was just lacrosse, there were intricacies and terminology that made it hard to give a dummy's guide to the game in simple terms.

"Will still play for Beacon Hills even now?" Derek asked and Stiles was at a loss of how to reply. He hoped he was not here long enough to even have the thought of seeing how the Beacon Hill lacrosse team performed. He wanted to get back home to his time period. He wanted to see his dad, Scott, Lydia, Kira, everyone. Things could be a lot worse than staying with the Hales but that did not mean Stiles wanted to live the rest of his life here, especially with the knowledge he had about their fate. It was hard enough to keep Kate's plan away from them, it would be more difficult the longer he stayed.

Luckily for him Talia had quickly intervened. "I think it is time for you two to go wash up. Let the grown-ups talk for a bit." She looked at her two children and although they looked like they might protest neither of them complained. They both got up and took their dishes with them before disappearing into the kitchen.

There was a minute of silence between Michael, Talia, Peter, and Stiles to make sure that the kids were out of earshot. Once sure that they were okay to talk Talia spoke. "I spoke to Alan and he said to have you come by the office tomorrow. He thinks he knows what type of spell the witches used but he wants to be sure." This was good. If Deaton knew what this was then the probability of him returning to his normal life was higher. Stiles felt himself relax a little. That was until Peter spoke.

"If it is what he thinks it is, does Deaton have an estimate of how long it will be until Stiles can go back to his time?"

Stiles noticed the worried expressions that both Talia and her father wore. Well that sucked. This time Michael spoke, "Two months at least. Assuming it is the correct spell."

Before Stiles had the chance to voice his opinion Talia continued on, "So, we thought that it might be best if you enrolled at Beacon Hill High. That way you don't miss any schooling and have something to do while we try to get you back as soon as possible. Is that okay?"

Stiles groaned. Two months. Two more months of annoying, arrogant, hot, Peter Hale. Not only that but he would have to endure high school too. This was not how he wanted to spend his senior year. Stiles was really reevaluating his life at this point. Why did he ever get caught up in all this supernatural junk?

"Sure." He finally said. When he looked up he saw Peter leaning back in his chair with a sinful smirk. Stiles was really regretting all his decisions now.

A/N: Thanks for all the support guys! I love every review/follow/favorite/view everything. It means a lot. And sorry for the late updates. College has been kicking my ass lol.