I have a feeling if they met Ralph and Elsa would be either good friends or in a relationship, so this is my idea of how it would go if Ralph and Vanellope visited Arendelle …

Ralph looked down to Vanellope. She was skipping circles around him, teleporting when she got too close or too far away. Noticing the upcoming town he grabbed her cloak's hood.

"Stop it."

Vanellope looked up at him through her bangs. "My feet are very far from the ground and you're not acting strained."

He quickly returned her to the ground and kneeled.

She looked down at her feet. "Sorry."

Ralph sighed, he hated having this conversation, "Why do we not teleport or use our full strength?"

Vanellope fiddled with the hem of her dress. "Because you only get jobs when people think we're normal and jobs mean more spending money."

He nodded and stood. "That's right and you wanna know what I'll use that spending money on?"

Vanellope played with her hair ribbon, "What?"

Ralph tugged on her messy hair, "Well for one we could buy you a brush."

"We could buy you a new pair of overalls." She retaliated.

He looked down at his broken overall strap and covered it with his cloak. He studied his little sister and countered. "What about your mismatched stockings?"

Vanellope looked down at the aforementioned stockings. One was striped green and white, while the other was green, white, and purple. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "You obviously don't understand fashion."

Ralph shrugged, "That I can't argue with." He looked ahead to their destination, Arendelle. He picked up Vanellope and set her on his shoulder, returning to their venture.

His sister played with his hair, probably tying the longer bits in ribbon. "Ralph?" She asked breaking the silence.

"What?" He questioned.

She pointed ahead to their destination. "What type of job are you going to get when we reach Arendelle?"

Ralph chuckled. "Ice harvester, same as always."

"Elsa look at the flowers!" Olaf exclaimed, entranced by the pot of purple flowers.

The queen studied the flowers and turned to the florist. "What type of flowers are these?" She asked, pointing.

The florist turned her head the flowers and chuckled. "Those are Arendahlias, your majesty. They're a sub-set of dahlias named for our Kingdom, the only place they are found."

"Amazing", Elsa looked down at the flowers with new appreciation. She looked back to the florist, "How much for a bouquet?"

"Five silver pieces."

Elsa fished around in her coin purse and pulled out the needed currency. The florist exchanged it for the flowers.

Olaf tugged on her skirt, "Can I see?"

She nodded, plucking a flower from the bouquet and handing it to him.

Olaf's face lighted up as sniffed the Arendahlia. He looked up at her, "Thanks."

Elsa smiled, "No problem." She turned to look at the clock tower, it was only a few minutes till noon. She looked back down Olaf, still entirely focused on the flower. "Ready to go?"

He looked over at the flower stand longingly. "Can I stay here a little while longer and meet you at the castle later?"

"Sure." Elsa turned to face the castle, flowers in hand, and began her trek home.

Vanellope crossed her arms and looked up at Ralph. "Why don't you just ask for directions to the Ice Harvester leader guy?"

Ralph pouted down at her, "Cause I don't need directions."

She rolled her eyes at his stubbornness and turned away to locate a guide. Vanellope's eyes glided over a few people before settling on one. A young woman with hair the color of freshly fallen snow, carried a bouquet of flowers walking across the square from them. Vanellope studied her. There wasn't anything to indicate it, but she had a feeling the woman would help them.

Vanellope ducked and weaved between the crowd until she was behind the woman, unhesitating she pulled on the woman's skirt.

"Excuse me?"

The woman turned, her eyes dropping down to Vanellope.

"Hi, I'm Vanellope. I'm looking for whoever is in charge of Ice Harvesting around here. Can you help me?"

The woman kneeled so they were eye to eye. "Why do you wanna meet the head Ice Harvester?"

Vanellope shrugged, "My brother needs a job."

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Where is your brother?"

"I'll get him, you stay right here." Vanellope spun around and jumped back in the sea of people. It was easy to spot him since he stood a foot taller than most people. Seeing her approach he stiffened.

"Vanellope don't run off like that!" He chided, but then softened, "You scared me."

"Sorry." She apologized sheepishly. "But I found a guide."

Ralph tilted his head, "You did?"

Vanellope nodded, "Yep." She grabbed his hand and pulled. "Let's not keep her waiting!"

Elsa scanned the lower half of the crowd for Vanellope. Glancing up she saw the crowd parting for a large man, as he got closer she realized Vanellope was with him. The little girl broke away from the man and rushed up to her.

"I got my brother!" She proclaimed proudly.

The man was at least a foot taller than Kristoff and twice as muscular, Elsa stared in disbelief at the approaching giant. "That's your brother?"

Vanellope nodded, "Yep!"

Her 'brother' came up behind her and smiled sheepishly, revealing a small gap in his teeth. "Hi, I'm Ralph."

Elsa giggled, she couldn't help it, the contrasting body and personality of the 'giant' reminded her of Marshmallow. She met Ralph's eyes, "My name's Elsa."

Ralph glanced down at Vanellope and then back at her. "So you're gonna help us find the Head Ice Harvester?"

Elsa glanced back at the clock tower, it was now noon and she was officially late. She turned back to the siblings. "Well I'm supposed to be meeting my little sister and that 'head ice guy' for lunch right now. Would you care to join us?"

Ralph looked down Vanellope. "How about it kid?"

Vanellope bounced excitedly, "Yes!"

Ralph looked back to her, "We'd be honored."

Elsa adjusted her grip on the bouquet. "Then lets make our way, follow me." She had led them to the castle's bridge when Vanellope broke the silence.

"Why are we going to the castle?"

Elsa turned to see the siblings wearing identical faces of confusion. She raised an eyebrow, "Where else would the Queen eat?"
